Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Preethi that's really great news about your baby! I'm so happy for you!

As for me, I'm fairly sure he was head down, Just because the kicks by my belly button were SO strong, and now its all moved honestly I think he is moving in a circle cuz I can feel him sideways again this morning, I can actually feel him turning and it feels so very strange!!

Almost sleepless night last night, now I'm getting kids ready for 1st day of school.... kinda sad as I will miss them. They are such good kids and help SO much. But they are So excited. Anyway... I'm off
just a quick hello as it's late and I've just got home. been out for some vietnamese food with friends. I'm not feeling as hungry as I normally do but I'm still eating quite a lot because I just love food and find it difficult to resist!!

Preethi, great news that your LO has grown so much and isn't in any distress. That would be amazing if you could get to 34 weeks xxx

Darling - that's rubbish about not being able to sleep, hope you get a good night sleep tonight

Waitress - that's funny about you being the most pregnant one at the class!! we've got our first antenatal class on Thursday so I'm looking forward to that!

My friend finally had her baby today - she's very cute and my friend is completely in love with her!! I can't wait for that feeling!!! xxx
Well.... nesting has officially started for me today... I went psycho with the vacuum LOL I vacuumed every corner of my living room hall and kitchen scrubbed the kitchen floor, shampooed the hall and living room, and got a ton of laundry done. By clean up time after dinner I was hurting but happy LOL.

Strange new symptom for me today.... Bubs must be on a nerve or something cuz my right leg is on fire.... from the groin area and hip almost to my knee is burning and tingling.... kind of how it feels after a hard workout, or at least that's how my legs feel after a hard workout. Usually I take ibuprofen but I hope tylenol does the trick for me tonight. I'm assuming tylenol and paracetemol (sp) is the same thing???

Anyway today was a bit emotional as girls went back to school, but they had so much fun I couldn't help but be excited for them. My air conditioner went out today. Luckily hubby's boss let him take a long lunch to come home and fix it. It Was 97 degrees here, which equals 36.1 Celsius and tomorrow is supposed to be hotter and record breaking hot. I am really looking forward to fall and mild temperatures.

Hope everyone else is doing good, I off to try to sleep
Angie - my daughter starts school in a few weeks and its an emotional enough time without pregnancy hormones lol. We'll be shopping for her uniform this weekend. :-(
I love nesting...the only time i enjoy cleaning! When i overdo it now Angie my legs ache so bad too just have to go to bed and put them up. Last night i was getting real bad cramps in the night they hurt so bad! Glad your girls had a great first day back at school. Dd goes back in just over a week, shes looking forward to it too. Oh Darling how lovely your dd starts this sept, i bet she will look so cute in her uniform i remember when dd started she looked so cute...i cant believe she is in her last year of primary school this year...time really flys! Im off to finish off the uniform shopping today shoes, tights and training bras are needed (OMG training bras!). Ive already picked up her t-shirst, cardys, skirts and socks.
congratulations to your friend leeze.. !! xx

just a quick hello as ive got a bad headache and about to veg on the couch all day xx

Hope you all are feeling better xxx
Preethi - Paracetamol doesn't shift it. It sort of fades in and out but I always seem to wake up with it and its always there in one form or another. Thankfully its not severe atm just annoying. Glad to hear you're getting some relief.
I have been getting these very odd sharp pains in my cervix area it feels like pumpkin is trying to stamp her way out has anyone else had this or can tell me what it is pretty please!! xxx

I may be a bit distant for a bit as having a few personal problems (can see in my jpourno too depressing to type twice) but anything mega important I will ask the lovely pink sparkle to update you on. I will be popping on but just not posting to much, just need a few days to chill xx
Hi ladies! How are you all?
I've had a manic few days. It was my brother-in-law's 40th birthday at the weekend so we were at his for a party on Saturday night, then family stuff all day on Sunday. Thankfully managed to get out of drinks on Friday night - I was bloody knackered and Dave was hungover (the wally had far too much to drink at a work do on Thursday night :haha:). So we begged off which was much appreciated by me. Then yesterday and the day before I was at one of my friend's houses, she has two little girls so it was lovely to spend some time with them.
Well it's GCSE results day tomorrow which means I'm feeling rather nervous, I'm praying my class did ok but you never can tell, and I really hope the results don't let the department down. It's silly cos I know there's no point in worrying about it, what will be will be (and already has done), but I always get like this just before the results come out.
I don't know about you ladies but I feel huge, the past couple of days I've looked in the mirror I've thought oh my God. Bubs is really in a pattern now, I don't feel him during the night anymore but he seems to go a bit mad between 6 and 7! Then he'll settle down again, won't feel him till mid-morning and then later on in the evening. I've no idea what body parts I'm feeling though, I have no clue. I'm pretty sure he's mainly diagonal across my bump (if that makes sense) but I don't know whether he's head down or not. I'm always feeling kicks/punches against my left hip these days and he's getting so strong it's taking my breath away and making me say ouch!

Congratulations to your friend Leeze! How exciting, I can't believe it won't be long till we're all contemplating birth!
Glad to hear your NCT class was good Emma, I'm so looking forward to ours! We start on 5th September and I'm really looking forward to meeting the other couples, I hope it gives me an opportunity to make some friends. And of course I'm looking forward to finding out more info :flower:
So glad to hear bubs has grown some Preethi, that's fantastic. Maybe you'll be able to get to 34 weeks which would be amazing. Your little girl is a real trooper!
Pink and Angie, I too have gone a bit nuts on cleaning. I can't seem to leave it alone, but it does make me feel so much better to survey my nice clean flat.

Well I've realised I've never done a bump picture, and since I got Dave to take a couple of pics at the weekend here goes!

Pielette you look adorable!!! And I LOOOOVE your dress!!

Krissi I hope everything is OK.... remember we are here if you need us!!
Pielette you look fab hunni xxx

Krissi - thinking of you hun, you know where i am if you wanna vent some, I get the pains your describing, like a stabbing pain? Got them with the other two aswell found they got worse and worse towards the end and the day i went into labour with ds i had so many i could hardly walk! Take care of yourself though hun as stress is not good for you and bubs xxx
feeling exhausted again - and it's late - so just a quick one from me

Krissi - sending you big hugs honey, just remember we're here if you need us xxx

Pielette - what an adorable bump pic and a lovely dress, you look radiant!!! Fingers crossed your pupils will get good results

So lovely to hear about those of you with children going back to school - must be an exciting time in your households!!

My OH and I are going to stay with some friends in Bournemouth this weekend, I'm really excited! They've got 3 boys aged from 2-7 and they're lovely kids, we'll be having fun on the beach!! xx
Thanks ladies, it's quite nice to have a couple of bump pics cos we've literally taken none! I don't want to look back on my pregnancy with no photographic evidence!
Hope you're ok krissi, like the others have said we're all here if you need us.

Well the results are in, and we've had our best year yet! Very very relieved, my head of department is very happy and I can relax now and stop worrying about it. Dave seems bewildered as to why I care so much but I have put a lot into that job and it does have a place in my heart, even though I don't intend to go back.

So how's everyone doing?
ugh - I've just found out the weather forecast for Bournemouth this weekend is 17 degrees and raining!! Time to pack the wellies and waterproofs I think!! August in the UK - what summer? Mind you, I have to admit this year I'm grateful we haven't had too many really hot days as it feels more bearable. Angie and Preethi - I feel for you when it's relentless heat, I don't know how you do it!

Has anyone else been experiencing a super heightened sense of smell again? I've been smelling really bad smells the last couple of days again everywhere I go, and feeling quite nauseous because of it!! I haven't really had this since 1st trimester xx
congrats Pielette, that's great news about your results! Sounds like a lovely way of ending things there to know that your pupils did well. I'm trying really hard to leave things in a good state with my job - the project I work for is struggling for funding at the moment so I'm trying to do whatever I can to bring more funding in before I leave!! Saying that, I'm counting the days till mat leave!! Only 21 more working days after today because I've got the week off next week!! Can't wait xx
Had a horrendous night, was leaking fluid and had a reddy brown discharge and pain so was sent to delivery suite for monitoring at midnight last night was there 3 hours and was having mild contractions/ tightenings, babys hearbeat kept slowing but not too badly. Was hooked up for 3 hours and then had an internal and cervix is still closed and waters appear intact. They have taken some swabs and samples to check for infection but have to go back if tightenings get worse or any more discharge.
Still getting them today but no discharge but she feels very low as I am getting spasms in my lady bits :(
Piellete, you look fab hun... xxxxx so radiant.. and congrats on your results xxx

Hope everyone else is doing ok.. xx Darling, i hope your headaches have eased off x

Krissi !!! so sorry hun, hope youre doing ok, im just off to your journal now to read the whole thing, i hope youre fine.. pleaseeeeeeee keep us updated.. my thoughts and prayers are with you hun xxxxx
sorry about your other problems krissi, xx always here to talk if you need us xxx
Krissi - that sounds really scary, honey. Hope you're ok. Glad to hear cervix is still closed and you haven't lost any of your waters. I hope you can take it easy for the next few days xxx

we just got back from our first antenatal class - was really interesting, very knowledgeable and helpful midwife. All feeling so much more real now!! xx
Awww Krissi - really hope things have calmed down now...I havent had my phone all day long as i dropped it this morning when making the bed and the battery flew off and i couldnt find it, felt like i had lost a limb! I had wanted to text you as well to find out how you were. Ive found the battery now so text me and keep me updated. Stress really is bad for you...try and take it easy hunny, the other stuff will sort itself out i promise xxx

Pielette fantastic news about the results, i think if you were not bothered you wouldnt be a great teacher its lovely that you want your class to do well and its even better that you have helped them achieve such great results ...i take my hat off to teachers xxx

Ive had a completely shitty evening dh doing my head in so annoyed cba to get into it all though just feeling a hormonal wreck...i even thrown a plate this evening because i was so mad and wanted to smash something...it made me feel better but i then had to clear it up haha (dont worry kids were out of the way lol!) x

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