Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

morning everyone

Angie - I feel you on the hormones, I had a bit of a shouting fit last night at my OH for very little reason. Luckily he's pretty easy going and stayed really calm!!!

Krissi - that sounds like lots of fun with Paul's daughter - good for keeping you fit too!!!

Darling - sorry to hear about the SPD, it sounds really awful. I hope you're not having to do anything too strenuous. I'm seeing the midwife this afternoon too, for the first time in 4 weeks.

Preethi - good luck today, let's hope your LO has grown enough to keep them happy and she's nice and safe in there. It's great you're getting checked out so often though. And how lovely that your sister is coming to visit.

I'm working from home this morning - always a luxury and I'm going to try to do it a bit more often over the next few weeks because work is really taking it out of me at the moment. My friend started her contractions last night - very exciting!!!! She said for the last 2-3 weeks she's been really struggling because of the size of her bump and feeling like her legs aren't strong enough to carry the weight. This is a bit scary to me because she keeps pretty fit - mainly through running and yoga pre-pregnancy and then through swimming and yoga during pregnancy. I'm going to try to be more active myself, I've been swimming about once in the last 3 weeks and otherwise have done very little. It's so hard!!! xxx
Hi Girls,

Just getting caught up - hope you're ok Angie and feeling better and I hope your SPD abates Kara - I don't know too much about it but I've heard its pretty horrid to handle.

Preethi -hope all goes well today. Fingers crossed she has grown enough for them to leave her there a bit longer.

We've had lots of visitors this past 10 days which was lovely but also exhausting given I am now feeling very different. My bump seems bigger and tighter and I'm not sleeping well at all - keep waking up with a pain in my left hip and getting a bit short of breath which is apparently the baby getting bigger and pushing against everything. I was so knackered cooking, changing beds, ironing, cooking even more etc and still trying to keep myself moving about and doing my exercise. We have 2 lots of visitors this week for overnight stays and then my DH and I have agreed we are not having anyone come to stay until Christmas - including his parents so yee ha! No more MIL coming to stay till then. I find it really stressful having people in our lovely new home, I just want them all to bugger off! One lot that came this weekend stayed over in a room where I've been hiding the gender specific clothes that I have bought for the baby and despite them being a very good friend, they ignored my request not to look in the wardrobe and discovered what we are having. I was so upset and still am. It was our secret and I don't want anyone else knowing - certainly not finding out on their own without us telling them. Boy I was mad!:growlmad:

We start our NCT classes tonight so I am looking forward to that. Then I have the midwife on Wednesday. My baby has been doing some really frenetic movements over the last week or so - at times it feels like it is just rolling round and round and punching and kicking non-stop for about 30 seconds at a time. Its really weird to feel - is anyone else getting that?

I hope everyone else is ok
Krissi, it is at 2pm, uk time xx

Darling, ive got splitting headaches everyday , constant ones that wont go away.. its really getting to me.. i feel for you xxx sorry about the spd.. good luck at your appointment x

How exciting for your friend leeze, hoping things go well for her xxx

Waiting, sorry youre not feeling to well.. and how annoying of your visitors to do that with the wardrobe !! x enjoy your classes and goo luck at your appointment xx
Waitress - that is a bit off that your friends did that! I'd be annoyed too!! re baby kicking/moving - mine's a bit like that too. I can easily go 2-3 hours without noticing anything - then there's about these 10 min bursts where it feels like she's practising some complicated football kicks and it feels like my belly is shaking and some of the feelings within this can easily last 10 seconds or so - like she's trying to kick her way out or something!!! And then there's other times where I just feel the occasional feathery little flutters. I think I've been feeling hiccups too in the last few days, where there's quite constant and steady little bubbly feelings that feel a bit different from kicks. that's very cute too!! so exciting!!!

Leeze - thanks hun. I've had SPD before and its not nice but its bearable atm. That said I have to waddle down to see a mw this afternoon so I may be suffering a bit later lol. Don't worry Leeze every pregnancy is different. Her experiences won't necessarily be your experiences and if so, it all comes to an end. :)

Preethi - I've had the same in previous pregnancies too and it turned out I was anaemic. I wonder if more iron would help us?

Emma - its one thing to be a nosey parker but quite another to admit it! Lol. What a cheek!
Hi everyone,

Preethi - hope your scan went well, thinking of you and praying that your lo has grown well since the last scan...look forward to your update, the meal sounds nice hope you hit it off with the other mummy xxx

Darling - ive never suffered with spd heard how awful it can be ..really hope it eases for you and doesnt get any worse xxx

Waitress omg i would be furious if my friends had done that, like mega furious! Do your parents know? I cant believe a so called friend would do that and admit it, at least they didnt lie about looking though x

Krissi - sounds like you had fun with pauls daughter x

Im doing ok feeling a bit better compared to last week, have more of a cold now but my chest feels lots better. Ordered by bumper/quilt set today from mamas and papas...way more than i wanted to spend but fell in love with it at the shop on saturday..didnt want to impulse buy and tried to look on ebay for a cheaper one but not much luck there so thought so it! Just need to get ds a new bed now so i can have the cotbed back and get it all ready. Still got bits and bobs to buy ...mainly for me now and want to get the baby clothes washed and packed...aim is to have bag packed by 35 weeks. Angie ive been shopping for school uniform too, still need to get shoes, tights and school bag and pencil case etc. Waiting until the last minute for the shoes though which will prob be a nightmare!

Still havent picked a name...i still love the name Lydia although no one else has given me great comments about the name x
Had midwife earlier i have anemia but no gestational diabetes so good and bad. baby is only measuring 28 weeks so very upset about that, i know its not really bad but horrible to hear she isn't growing properly i feel like my body is letting her down x
Krissi - me too. Measuring 28 weeks and I'm 31 tomorrow. The midwife did not seem in the slightest bit concerned although I was a little surprised (especially since I've been eating like a horse!) and said it was absolutely fine and has scheduled my next appointment for three weeks time. Anaemia is extremely common in pregnancy. I've had it in both previous pregnancies and all it means is that you need to increase your iron intake because your baby is getting the nutrients and you're not. :hugs:
Saw midwife girls and baby is head down! Yay! No more transverse discomfort for me! :) xx
hi everyone

Darling - my baby is head down too!! my midwife didn't measure me today actually so I don't know if I'm measuring small or big or whatever. I have put on 10 kilos though siince getting the BFP!! The thing I was happiest about was that my glucose results came back normal from the blood test, even though they were high on the urine sample the last time. Mainly I'm relieved because I have been eating quite a lot of sugar, chocolate, ice cream etc.

Krissi - I agree with what Darling said - be good to eat more iron-rich food or maybe take a supplement? Also, I've heard quite a few women on here have been told they are measuring a week or two weeks small - I don't see how they can really tell that when everyone is so different. Sounds like a good reason to eat more cakes, I say!! I think if they had real concerns they would ask you to go get more checks done.

Pink - sorry to hear you're still not feeling well. hope it clears up soon. sounds like you're not letting it stop you from pressing on and getting prepared for the LO - good for you!!

Well, we're pretty much 75% of the way there now - girls!! how amazing is that?

My OH is hoovering right now, what a lovely sight!! I'm clearly "too pregnant" to be doing anything as manual as that!!! :haha:

Preethi - I hope all went well today, update us when you can

Krissi what I should have said is that they won't be concerned because we still have a good two months to go. With my little guy, he was measuring a week small about a fortnight before my due date. The mw sent me to the hospital but it was just that he had engaged. The point is they won't worry because there's plenty of time yet. :)
Any news from preethi?

i think the measurements are a load of old poop! I had a growth scan and my lo was measuring a little under what she should be ....then a week later my mw measured me and told me i measure 3 weeks big..i was like wtf! she told me im having a huge baby..i was just like whatever!!! Got another growth scan at 34 weeks so will see what they say then, even growth scans can be very wrong.
Leeze you described how my baby moves perfectly! My baby was head down, I know he was, but he has spent the last couple days turning head up. I can feel his head by my belly button and feel his feet really low.
I'm curious for my appointment on Thursday to see how I am measuring, my belly only comes to my belly button.... and has for weeks. Like 6 weeks. So I'm curious if they will say I'm measuring small.

Darling I'm very curious as to whether the pelvic pain I have is spd. I wouldn't be at all surprised. Even if its not, I sympathize with you.

Anyway... I'm gonna go crash... I have had a crazy day, spent all day at the school preparing for back to school night. PTA served hotdogs chips and drinks for a dollar, and me, being PTA president got to organize It all. I don't mind really except that when a company screws up an order somehow its all my fault.... I was a little frustrated tonight. Then after the school activity, I had my nephews birthday party, and came home to 2 loads of laundry piled on my couch!! A gift from my hubby I guess.

Anyway.... goodnight all
Ok.... still awake.... Laying in bed... can't sleep, this may be tmi but I just got up to pee (again) and my urine is seriously dark, like yellowish iced tea.... now, I drink quite a bit, not all water, some milk and juice. I did have a Pepsi today but just a cup full. I've never seen it dark Like that before.... I've seen it a dark gold color, I'm curious if any of you have experienced it or know.... I don't seem dehydrated my skin isn't dry, and my skin bounces right back when I do the pinch test... what else could it be?

Oh and has anyone else lost their appetite? I get hungry, then go to eat and eat just a few bites and don't want it...
Angie mine's the same and was tested yesterday - all fine. I shouldn't worry about it. Just drink more water if you're concerned. Just a thought but do you think it's possible that what feels like head and feet is actually bottom and fists? Because I know mine is head down and I regularly get the feeling of head-butting up in my ribs (bottom) and trampolining on my cervix and bladder (hands/fists). I was so pleased to hear baby is head down as he was previously transverse and I said I suppose he can still move around again and the mw said yes but that at this stage once they get their heads down they usually stay.
Stinking headache goes on and on.. Grrr! Woke up to pee at 3am and couldn't get back to sleep. Laid awake until after 6am. I'm shattered and have a friend coming over today so I'll be on Operation Mad Clean-Up this morning and I volunteered to bake a cake! Why do we do this to ourselves. I just want to curl up into a little ball and sleep until my headache's gone. SPD gone and hopefully won't reared it's head again if I don't overdo it. Xx

How's everyone else feeling today?
Hi Ladies,

been having the worst worst headaches for the last three days, not been able to do anything.. went to my scan yesterday, baby has gained weight from 1045 - 1345 in the lat two weeks, so im very happy, and is definetely growing , but on the small scale (measurements) doctor is very happy with the blood flow and the heart and the fact that baby is not in distress and wants to buy one more week, so still taking it week by week, but for now, she is doing fine !! xxxx

i hope i will be able to update from the hospital.. doc says he dosent see me getting to 36 weeks b ut after yesterdays scan, he has hopes of 34, but says there will always be a time where we say, lets draw the line and get baby out, but he has hopes of 34 weeks xxx

Im so happy for all of you that your babies have moved head down.. must be amazing xx

Pink, sorry youre not feeling well, lydia is a nice name !!xxx

I hear you all on feeling upset about the two week behind measurements, but apparently babies grow at different rates and mine measures two - three weeks behind on certain measurments, but then again ive got issues and complications.. im sure bubs is growing fine, just know that scan measurements are not always accurate. xxxxxxxxx

Darling i dont know if im anaemic but my headaches have been better after taking two paracetomols every 6 hours. xx try doing that .. my doc says its fine

have a great day ladies, im off to stay at my mums today as dh is off on a business trip tomorrow and will be back but late at night.. i have a ctg non stress test on thursday. x
Ahh babyhopes so glad that lo has gained nicely and docs are hopeful that you will get to 34 weeks now, must be such a relief for you xxx

Im having a do nothing at all day...maybe slowly work through the housework etc but mainly lounge on the sofa doing sod all!

I ordered by mamas and papas bumper and quilt set, more money than i wanted to spend but my mum persuaded me to and shes so sensible with money...said just do it...its your last baby indulge a little....so i did! I need to get a junior bed now for ds so that i can have the cotbed back for lo. Last thing i want now for her nursery corner in our room) is letters spelling out her name. Thanks babyhopes for the feedback on lydia...hubby said yesterday that he really likes it too it just others who have said its awful and thats exactly how they worded it 'awful'.

My lo has been very very active the last couple of days but i cannot work out what part is what..never been able to in any pregnancy either. Last appointment baby was head down fingers crossed she stays that way x
Hi Girls,

Glad to hear your baby is growing well Preethi. Good news!

Sorry to hear you are feeling crappy Kara, I hope you get to bake your cake though and maybe some nice time with your friend will help you feel a little better. Don't worry if you can't be aR**d though - we had visitors here with their kids on Saturday and I was halfway making some cookies when I just decided I couldn't be bothered and chucked the dough in the bin. I'm going to be a terrible mother.

So the NCT class was interesting. The woman that takes the class did a great preamble on there being no right or wrong way to give birth, everyone is different etc etc and then proceeded to spend 2 hours saying things like "the way they do it in the US is wrong" and "The best place to give birth is Holland" (helpful, not!) but once I got over that some of it was really quite interesting like the combination of hormones getting you ready for birth and keeping adrenalin to a minimum until its time to push etc etc. The couples all seem a nice bunch of people and thats the main reason I'm going - to meet people. It turns out I am 4/5 weeks ahead of everyone else in the class and all the other mums were saying "I can't wait till I'm as far along as you"! All of a sudden I am the most pregnant! When did that happen??

Angie, I have definitely lost my appetite which is totally freaking me out because I love my food! Now I'm finding that I'll just eat whatever is there and even then not very much of it. I used to be hell bent on finding EXACTLY what I wanted to eat but now it just seems like such a hassle and I can't be bothered. This is not good and I want this phase to pass asap!

So will hopefully find out which way my baby is lying tomorrow. Last night I thought it was hanging out of me it felt so low and today I can feel two hard things up near my right rib. I have a fear that its getting stuck head up :shrug:

Have a nice day everyone

Pinksparkle, yay for the shopping !!! glad you had a good time x

Waitress, glad you enjoyed your NCT classes ! good luck for your appointment tomorrow. x

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