Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

I'm gonna melt into a puddle!!!! I just spent an hour and a half at the school and there was no air on, its 92° outside and I got so hot and dizzy, I came home and am laying on my bed with 2 fans blowing!! I sooooo want fall to be here.... I'm ready for the cool air!

Scan is tomorrow I'm very excited and nervous....idk why I'm so nervous I already saw he has all his arms and legs and is physically OK.... I guess its my pregnancy anxiety making me nervous. I'm so worried they will tell me something awful, and I can't even figure out why. But I get a lot of anxiety when pregnant. I'm always afraid bad things are going to happen. Like when carrying my first I was scared to death my hubby would be in an accident on his commute to work... idk pretty irrational, I freak my self out easily these days. So I'm sure that's what it is. On top of the high blood pressure throwing me off.... it was unexpected. Plus I need to stay off of Google, do you know high BP can cause the placenta to detach, or the baby to not get oxygen. So that all adds to my stress and worry. Ugh, I'm gonna nap now LOL
Congrats on the new flat Leeze, that's fantastic! We'll hopefully be looking at moving in a couple of months as well, fingers crossed. As soon as it's possible we'll be out doing it, I'm determined, I can happily house-hunt with a newborn!
Good luck for the scan today Angie, I'm sure it'll be fine! I know what you mean about irrational fears, I always seem to worry that something will happen to Dave on his way to or from work. Absolutely no good reason for it other than freaking myself out. Or I worry that my parents will be in a car crash. I think bubs is in for a tough time with my worrying!
Preethi that's fabulous about getting to 36 weeks! Only one week shy of full term!

We had a nice weekend, just went over to a friend's for dinner on Saturday night and my father-in-law came up on Sunday to view some houses in our neck of the woods. Don't think he'll be buying any but it was a nice day nonetheless. Yesterday we were going to go out shopping and to the cinema, but I randomly felt sick all day so couldn't really go anywhere.
Today I've got a midwife appointment and going to say that I want a home birth. Fingers crossed I won't meet with any resistance, I don't see why there would be any but you never know.
Girls I have an update from Preethi, she has text me to say she had some mucous discharge with light blood so went home to get changed to go to hospital to be checked and when she undressed her waters broke, she is now being admitted to hospital for CTG monitoring and will be having a steroid shot. If baby appears distressed she will deliver today (3pm - 4pm UK time) if not first thing tomorrow. She has asked us to keep her and bubs in our prayers and will update if possible if not she will text me.

Preethi darling all the best I am thinking of you and sending positive vibes xxxx
Oh my God, thank you for updating us krissi.
Preethi thinking of you and praying for you and your little princess.
Good luck Preethi we're all rooting for you!

Oh blimey I've commented on epidurals on two other threads one about posterior births and one on a lady's thread called something like things I've learned aling the way and this one particular girl is really picking a fight with me on both threads! What's her problem? Its supposed to be a support forum where opinions and experiences are all valid. I just fet the feeling this girl wants to have a pop at someone and today I'm the lucky winner!!!
Oh its called 'Some things I learned during labour delivery and the days after'.
Ah yes I spotted that Kara, some people always have to turn everything into a row!
I know but why?? Whats with all the venom? Jeez I thought I was grumpy lol.
Preethi - I hope everything is ok. Thinking of you.

Kara - just had a read - nearly made me choke on my soup! What is with some people?!

I had a similar experience at NCT last night. The group is great but the woman gets right on my t*ts! Highlights were being told to pack paracetemol in case our OH's get a headache (even my husband looked at her as if she was mad) and then I asked a question about whether we had to take some emergency formula for the baby as I'd heard our hospital doesn't give you any and if you have problems BF then you might need to get hold of some quick. She looked at me like I was dirt and said "Ask your midwife - I'm not sure you should be giving up on BF that easily". WTF?! I wasn't talking about giving up - I was talking about trying and using formula in an emergency. I had a bit of a row with her about it - so patronising and rude. I'm a bit older than the rest and not taking any of her crap but some of the other girls were a bit intimidated. 6 more classes left - my DH reckons I'll have bopped her by week 4. I reckon week 3. At least we are meeting people - I wouldn't go back if it wasn't for the group to be honest - I've learnt more on this thread!
Emma - clearly she hasn't grasped the basic principles of diplomacy and not treating everyone like an idiot. She's already annoyed you.. you're tolerance is probably about the same as mine.. da da da.. I give it two weeks! I say you'll have done well to restraining popping her one until week 3! Lol. Oh check out the thread now.. the originator has come back and kicked arse and suddenly they're not so brave anymore. Its the bullying mentality.

Oh wow girls the first baby on our thread! Hope she's ok.
What baby? Has Preethi had her little girl? I saw that she might be giving birth this afternoon - has it happened?
Oh no Emma sorry I didn't mean that. Just meant her baby will be the first baby on our thread.
Wow has Preethi had her little princess?

Emma my God that woman sounds annoying! Why do people feel they have to force their opinions on you? Give me advice, sure, tell me the pros and cons of all sides of things, but don't force your opinion down my neck.
Well I just had my midwife appointment, she was positive about us having a home birth and said since I was having a healthy, low-risk pregnancy there should be no problem. She's coming to my home to discuss everything with me at around 35 weeks and explain it all. Very pleased! :flower:
Plus my little man is head down. Woohoo! So he's punching my hips instead of kicking me :haha:
Feel so sorry for the woman who started that other thread. She got p'ed off and gave those two women some sh*t which they so deserved in my opinion and now she's just been told off by the moderator because she used the term 'natural nazis'. I'll be in for it next because I just told those two women that they started it (which they did! - how old am I?) but I'm so fed up with hormonal women all judging and bullying people on here for no good reason! She's only just had a baby ffs and was just sharing her ecperiences to benefit others. Grrr! Sorry rant over.. :haha:
Ladies hi quick update I'm hooked on iv and gtg

My waters broke at the clinic before my speculum check

Planned c sec for 7am tmrw unless baby is in distress or I have contractions

I've had mild contractions every 10 mins but hoping it's tmrw as I'd like the steroids to work for 24hrs as it should

Update soon if I canxxxx
Really good to hear from you Preethi, and glad to hear they're taking very good care of you and bubs. Thinking of you.
Preethi good luck love! We're all thinking of you. Try and relax. You'll be meeting the most precious person in your world soon. Bless you. Hope all goes with ease. Xxx
My goodness see what I miss by going to bed!!! Preethi good luck! You are in good hands and we are all thinking of you! Can't wait to see your little princess!!

As for me I'm struggling with the high BP and the staying down. Its just not in my nature to be idle, and I'm trying but people are giving me crap for going to my girls Softball game last night though all I did was sit in a chair, I shouldn't be there. I can't miss my girls games. They are already struggling enough with the idea of a baby. I can't miss what's so important to them. Plus, I gave up coaching, I'm just watching. Other than that I'm down... a LOT.

Hope everyone is doing good. I'm gonna eat proper food today since I realized I ate only chocolate chip cookies yesterday lol
Can't believe I've fallen victim to women who want to take a pop at someone again! :-(
Hi everyone

Preethi - hope you're doing ok, honey. Looks like your LO has made a decision for herself that it's time to come into the big wide world. Glad it sounds like you're being taken good care of. How amazing that you will get to meet your little warrior very soon. Sending you lots of warm thoughts and big hugs :hugs:

Darling - I'm feeling all protective of you and want to go and check out these mean people and give them some choice words. Mind you, I've been feeling pretty emotional the last few days myself (somewhere in-between wanting to shout and wanting to cry) and normally stay away from the main boards when I'm feeling like that!!

Pielette - that's fabulous you're going to have a home birth. Big respect to you. At the antenatal class I went to last week the midwife leading it said that in 18 years of doing home births she's only once had to administer pethidine and normally the home births are much smoother than hospital births. I'm still too much of a wimp to do it though!! Maybe if we have another one I'll give it a go next time!!

Angelique - I say do whatever feels right with you, honey. If it feels important to be their for the girls then do that, because otherwise you might get more stressed out by not being there. But resting lots sounds good too - are there any good books you can read or some DVDs or something? I find it easier to rest if I can absorb myself in something.

So, we've got builders in today redecorating our bedroom and putting in a new carpet in the bedroom, then later in the week a new laminate floor in the living room. We'll likely be here for another 4 months or so and I want it to feel fresh and clean for the LO coming. So the flat is totally upside down today and I've locked myself in the living room with the cat while my OH has gone out to do some chores!!!

Hey, has anyone tried a bedside cot? My friends from Bournemouth said they had one with their youngest and it was much better than a regular cot because you can actually fit it to the side of your bed and it's much easier in the night for feeding etc. Also apparently some of them can be used as a regular cot too because you can move the side back up and make it a free-standing cot.


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