Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Pielette sorry about the haemmorrhoids luckily ive never had them hope your better soon great news about getting the heating sorted too xxx
Thanks ladies. xxx

Angelique, glad that the check up went ok and that they are keeping a close eye on you..x hoping this work out well.. im sure your baby will be fine.. xx praying for you.. and hoping you dont go into preterm labour xx

Leeze and Pinksparkle, looks like you have lots going on.. well done on all the preparation !

sorry about the haemmorhoids pielette xx hope it goes soon,

Krissi, she is called Gemma Louise xx hope you are doing well hun xxx

Hope everyone is fine,. im still recovering and a bit emotional from everything x
I can imagine everything must be very overwhelming right now Preethi! How long till you and Gemma can go home?
Thanks pink, ah I'm really sorry to hear you're feeling a bit low. After what you experienced with your daughter I'm not surprised it may feel like it's all on its way back again. The only thing I can say is please keep talking! Don't bottle it all up, make sure you don't keep it to yourself if you feel a bit down. And I know we're all here to listen if you need to vent!
pink, ah I'm really sorry to hear you're feeling a bit low. After what you experienced with your daughter I'm not surprised it may feel like it's all on its way back again. The only thing I can say is please keep talking! Don't bottle it all up, make sure you don't keep it to yourself if you feel a bit down. And I know we're all here to listen if you need to vent!

I couldn't have said it better myself!!!! Pink - I think sometimes saying things out loud (or on here) somehow take the power out of them - and help you feel a bit better. Also, my understanding is that lots of mums don't bond with their children straight away and it's perfectly natural to feel like that. The fact that you're thinking about it and worrying about it already also says to me that you're a really thoughtful and caring mum. As for the extra weight, I'm really starting to feel that now too. I'm definitely starting to waddle while I walk and am suddenly walking really slowly and getting tired quite quickly. Btw - I love the sound of your ds's new choo choo room - sounds very cute indeed!

Pielette - sorry to hear about your haemmorrhoids - I've managed to avoid these so far but my friend had them and said it was awful. Great news re getting new electric heating, we're hoping to get ours replaced too - the builder is going to give us a quote for this next week because the ones we've got are about 18 years old and are really rubbish. I'm hearing you on the cleaning front, I've mostly been avoiding ours recently (apart from persuading my OH to do the hoovering) - and am actually thinking about getting a cleaner in for a couple of hours every 2 weeks for the next few months. Really we could do with saving every penny at the moment but I'm thinking if we even get someone to do the big bits every couple of weeks then we can keep on top of the little bits inbetween!!! I reckon if it ends up working out at about £10-15 per week then it's got to be well worth it!

Krissi - let's hope any contractions are braxton hicks - must be such a worry for you at the moment. Take care, honey

Preethi - how's Gemma doing? Have they given you any idea how long she'll need to be in the hospital for? How much time are you able to spend with her? She's an absolute treasure, by the way. I hope you're feeling a bit better about things to be able to see her developing and see she's being well looked after.

the builders finished the bedroom today - it looks like a completely different room, it's amazing!! Now we just need to put everything back this evening and sort out the living room ready for them to lay the laminate floor tomorrow. then we're going away for the weekend again to stay with some of my OH's friends near Whitstable. I'm kinda looking forward to it but I also secretly wish we were staying at home then we could get the flat looking really nice over the weekend after the work has been done. Back to work on Monday unfortunately, but only 4 more weeks (20 working days) to go!!! Have a lovely weekend everyone, in case I don't get a chance to come back on here till Sunday eve. :hugs::hugs:
Ugh ladies I need to vent!!! I'm so upset. My hubby and I had out 12th anniversary on the 15th of August and never got to go out. Well tonight since I've been feeling good we had planned to go to dinner and get some baby essentials before I end up confined to the house. Well I called him and he now says he is staying late tonight and we can't go. I'm so angry and upset. He doesn't even care about my feelings. Its all about the stupid TEMPORARY seasonal job! I'm just so angry about being put last. He doesn't help in the house. He doesn't do anything to help me, when he gets home all he says is he's tired. And wont do a dang thing but play with his stupid cell phone.

Then my mom is making me insane. She keeps telling me not to do anything stay in bed stay down..... but the doctor didn't say that. I wanna clean, I need my house ready. I need things ready for this baby and I get a lecture if I do the stupid dishes!!! My blood pressure is lower today and I've felt good so I was trying to clean up a little. And she stopped by and yelled at me!!! I was just lightly cleaning!!!!! Didnt even break a sweat! Urg!!!!!

Sorry for the rant. But they are causing more stress than anything!
That's rubbish Angie, I'd be gutted too. Have you told him how all of this is making you feel? I'd be really annoyed if all Dave did was play on his phone too when he was at home, you have too much on your plate for that.
We had a long talk last night... I had a little melt down and it seemed to work cuz he was much more receptive last night. But still I don't think he completely understands.

On another subject is anyone else itching like crazy? My hands get bright red and itch like crazy. And last night my body itched like crazy. I even have scratch marks from itching so bad.
Awww angie glad you and hubby have had a chat and that hes behaving better, think men struggle to understand just how hard being pregnant is and how hard it is with children and housework etc. hope your feeling a bit better now xxx

About the itching, i suffer from allergies and have particularly itchy legs luckily have calmed down last couple of months. You need to be careful with itchiness though as can be signs of other things in pregnancy, considering they are already monitoring you i would give your doc a call and mention it just to be on the safe side huni xxx
I actually tried to call today but as its the start to a long holiday weekend over here I have to wait till Tuesday to talk to them.

So preethi, how is little Gemma doing? How are you recovering?

Leeze, I'm so tempted to hire a maid to come do heavy cleaning. I love the idea.
Thanks Ladies for all your wishes,,,she is stable in NICU.. hoping she gains more weight they have said 4-5 weeks but we dont know yet.. closer to her due date oct 24th i presume, i am staying here until she gets discharged, but i do go home at times, to get stuff and will be going home maybe overnights, after staying here all morning and evening.. xx i do have a room here and i can stay here until she gets discharged..xx hope you all are doing well..xx

angie sorry about your evening, happy 12th anniversary hun xx

:hugs: to all of you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Goodness its been very quiet here for a couple days! I hope all is well with everyone and you are off enjoying a lovely weekend. I've felt good the last 2 days and got a good bit accomplished. I bought paint to paint bubs' dresser, as I am using an old, but good one. I will post when done. And baby's room is about ready to shampoo carpets and set up the crib and things. Anyway just thought I'd say hi. I'm off to bed
Preethi glad she is doing well please post some more piccies xxx

today is my baby shower and i know this sounds awful but i am dreading it!! I hate being the center of attention. this would be easier with a few bottles of wine!!
Lovely to hear from you Preethi, I second Krissi's request for more piccies!
Angie that's good, sounds like it's all coming together :flower: I'm still trying to get the heating in our flat sorted but it's getting more complicated now, which is irritating me. Just wish we had normal gas central heating like everyone else!
Hope you have a lovely baby shower Krissi! Mine is at the beginning of October, which may be a little late, but I think it should be fine. I wasn't sure if I wanted one or not but my friends have been busy planning things and I'm sure it'll be a lovely afternoon.
I'm good, we just had our last hypnobirthing session which was really good. Feeling so positive about it all now :flower: Got to start thinking about writing out my birth plan, thankfully I feel so well informed about everything and able to make the right choices.
Yesterday I had a psychic reading! I had one about a year ago which was really good, and my mum and I decided to go see a different lady who was recommended to her by someone at work. It was so lovely, it was like I was chatting to my Grandad for 40 minutes! She picked up on my writing, said I was going to be very successful (writing is something I've always wanted to do as a career) and talked about a lot of things that quite frankly there's no way she could have known. It was a lovely experience. She said she saw three children with the second coming quite soon after this one (which did make me think oh dear, since I was not planning on that at all!). She also made one prediction that I will be interested to see if it happens, that my little man would be about a week early. Which sounds fab to me! Dave thinks it's all a load of crap, we agree to disagree, since I firmly believe in the spiritual side of the world.
I've started drinking raspberry leaf tea now, and to be honest I think it's disgusting! To be fair I don't know what I expected, since I hate tea anyway. Eurgh. I'll probably go onto the capsules later but since I bought two packs of the stuff I'm going to plough through them. Does anyone like this stuff?!
One other tip ladies, if you like sleeping on your stomach - last night I curled my long pillow into a circle with a little nest in the middle, lowered the bump into it and slept on my stomach! Ah it was bliss! Dave was telling me he'd better not end up with a flat son :haha:
I'm curious, what does raspberry leaf tea do? Special benefits? I read that dandilion tea helps liver function and water retention... but talk about sounding nasty.
I like your creativity Pielette for sleeping on your stomach. I can actually still sleep on mine as Bubs is still so far back.

I really wanna try Hypnotherapy for weigh loss when baby is born. I believe in that stuff and love natural solutions to everything.
Hi everyone

Just a quick check in from me. We had a lovely weekend in the country and the weather was glorious yesterday which made such a difference. We were with 2 couples who both started off being my OH's friends, but I'm getting closer to them now too. Very lovely laid back people and they all treated me like a princess - it was fantastic - I felt very special!!!!

We got the work done on the flat last week too and even though there was a lot to sort out when we got back (workers dust everywhere and lots of stuff in boxes or piled up in the hallway) - my OH has been a star and ploughed on with it all afternoon while I had a nap. So, I'm feeling very lucky today and want to hang on to this moment for as long as possible!!!!!

I'm not so excited about going back to work tomorrow, but it's been great to have 9 days off and I've hardly thought about it at all so it's making me think that when the mat leave starts I'll be able to put work behind me and not worry too much about what happens when I'm gone. Of course, this might all change when I get nearer the time!!!!

Preethi - that's great you can stay at the hospital until Gemma comes home. Must be a relief that you don't have to be too far away from her. She sounds like a special little girl and she's lucky to have a mummy who loves her as much as you do. 4-5 weeks sounds like a long time in some ways but hopefully it will be here before you know it and you'll be getting to take your little warrior home. :hugs:

Pielette - I really miss sleeping on my stomach but I don't think the pillow I've got is sturdy enough to support my bump!! I've kinda got used to sleeping on my side now although last night I woke up twice with pins and needles in my hands!!! (and twice to go for a pee). that's interesting about the psychic reading, I wonder if she'll be right about your LO coming early and you having another one quite soon! :hugs:

Angie - I've strangely had itchy toes a few times recently, and my nipples have been quite itchy today too. Actually, come to think of it I had itchy thighs yesterday too!! Sorry to hear your OH wasn't back in time to celebrate your anniversary, but great you could have an honest chat with him about it. I think sometimes our men need us to spell things out a bit, my OH does sometimes and then he tends to get it afterwards. Keep communicating with him and hopefully he'll get it :hugs:

Krissi - I hope you enjoyed your baby shower honey, and you didn't feel too awkward being the centre of attention. :hugs:

Hi to everyone else xx

Right, I'm off to bed now - just enough time to have a gaviscon nightcap!!! Catch you all soon xxx
Hi! I'm soooooo sleepy today.... its 5pm and trying really hard not to take a nap!! If I can manage to stay awake, hopefully I can sleep good tonight.

My baby seems to have an interesting pattern.... he has kicked all day today, but while I was wide awake all night he didn't move at all... I was really stressed and worried. But he seems more active in the days than nights. Anyone else notice any defined patterns?
Yes mine is much more active in the evenings and mornings, less kicks now too but some big rolls. I am so sad I dont get another scan I would love to see where she is lying now.

I noticed on the 3rd tri boards people checking their cervix, i would love to know what mine is doing but am not keen on self checking, when does the midwife start looking
Over here its usually at 36 weeks, once a week till delivery....

I go in tomorrow for my weekly check and an gonna ask them to check my bloods for OC. As I have every symptom.... the EXTREME itching is worst. My skin is soooooooo raw from scratching and nothing makes it stop.

I see in 3rd trial a lot of moms panicked about c sections..... seems they are so common now days
mine still tends to kick more just after I've eaten. She was doing some big alien-type movements earlier, it was very cute!! Krissi - my midwife checked the baby's position at my last appointment (30 weeks) just by feeling my belly - it seemed a strange concept to be able to tell just by feeling my belly but she seemed to know what she was talking about!

Angie, good luck tomorrow - hope all is ok

Hey, has anyone been in contact with Nat? I just saw from her avatar pic popping up on my friends list that she's got a scan pic up as her avatar. I really hope this means she's pregnant again - I've sent her a message to ask!!!

Hope everyone's ok - bit quiet here the last few days

I was back at work yesterday and I'm really struggling again. Only 18 working days to go till my mat leave starts and it can't come fast enough!!!


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