Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Hi ladies, how is everyone?
I've had a busy few days which is why I haven't been on - had our first NCT class on Monday evening, as well as my last two days at school. Our NCT class was really positive and interesting, and the other couples seem lovely. Everyone was a bit shy at first but think we'll all warm up in time! The course leader is very open-minded and positive, doesn't tell us birth should be this way or that way, which is really nice. We had to introduce ourselves and say where we were going to give birth, which made me a little nervous because I didn't want any judgment on our decision to have a homebirth, but Kirsten (the course leader) was pleasantly surprised and it was lovely :flower:
My two days at school were nice, it was the training days where the kids aren't in. I just wanted to be back to see how well the school had done in the results and see everybody before I went off on leave. I didn't feel sad like I did at the end of term in the summer - I think what I'm going to miss is the way my department used to be. Most of my very close friends have left now and it isn't the same anymore, so I'm glad to be leaving when I am. But I have to say it feels very odd to be sat here typing this right now, when I know that everyone is in and the kids are there, and I'm not!

Leeze how are things at work? At least you haven't got long left!
I was going to suggest Angie, have you tried camomile lotion for the itching? That might be an idea, I think that's the best thing they use for kids when they get chicken pox. In terms of movement, my little guy has his own patterns too. I rarely get anything from him during the night, right through till the morning when he seems to get a bit active around 6/7am. Then it's sporadic throughout the day, although now it seems to be more squirming movements and rolls rather than kicks and punches.
Oh and raspberry leaf tea is meant to strength the uterus, so that contractions are more efficient and your labour is quicker. I thought it sounded fab so started last week! Apparently the belief that it kicks off labour is a myth.

Oh that's just reminded me - something new I learned on Monday night! Apparently, the cervix acts like a helter-skelter, and the contractions send the baby down the birth canal in a 'spiral' action, in only one direction. It can't go the other way. Now when people tell you to sleep on the left-hand side it is apparently to help the cervix do this quicker in labour - when you sleep on the left-hand side, the baby tends to use the shape of your body as a 'hammock' to lie in, and during labour the baby will have less distance to travel to get in the right position to be born. If they settle on the right-hand side they have further to travel, because it has to be in the same direction. Isn't that fascinating? Hope I've explained that ok! It's made me very conscious of sleeping on the left, although Kirsten did say nothing is foolproof, she said that obviously you're going to toss and turn in your sleep, if you can manage 80% on your left and 20% on your right you're doing a lot to encourage baby into the right position.
Well ladies.... looks like I'm gonna be next.... doc doesn't think I'm gonna make it into October. Blood pressure is just too eradic and unstable. We did blood tests again to check liver function again.

Don't know yet when he will be here, but I have to say I'm really kinda glad, I hope he doesn't have problems but the stress is really getting to me.
When are they reviewing you Angie?

Preethi hows Gemma doing?

I have to say I feel awful at the moment I feel like I am going through a real slump bit like 1st tri again. I am so tired all the time and the heartburn catches me in the night and I was actually woken up to myself being sick last night was horrible felt it all coming up my throat and had to make a run for it which as we all know is easier said than done at this stage I am much more hipo than graceful gazelle!!

I have physio for my stomach today and I have to say its the last place I feel like going as my stomach is so tight and sore.

My cervix is definately getting lower as Paul pointed out last night so perhaps she may come a little early.... 37 weeks would be nice!! My mum had both my brother and I at 37 weeks so I live in hope!

Is anyone trying any home remedies to bring on labour?
Hi all, hope everyone is doing well. School run is killing me hence silence! Dublin was great except paid greedy doc £15 for a fit to fly note that they never asked to see!
I go to the doc every Wednesday, and he will keep a close eye on me.... or I could get a call telling me to go in if my blood tests come back positive for liver problems. I'd like to get to 35 weeks but honestly I just want him here so I can see and hold him and not stress any more
That sounds horrible Krissi, totally understand how you're feeling. I keep feeling sick which is getting to me. My stomach's always been a bit weird, when I was a kid I'd get a sick feeling at night and the only thing that would make it go away was going to sleep. I'm getting the same feeling every now and then, I know I'm not going to be sick but it's rather unpleasant :nope: Plus I keep getting a burning feeling in my throat.
I'm not going to be trying any 'bringing on labour' ideas really, although I do keep hoping that what the psychic said to me about him arriving a week early is true!

Wow Angie, this all sounds rather serious. I have to say I think I'm quite relieved to hear that they've said they'll look at getting him out sooner, what with your high blood pressure and your liver. So what is the doctor thinking, at about 34 weeks?
Thanks Krissi, for asking, she is doing ok at the moment, shes stable, and gained her birth weight, she had lost a bit after birth which is very normal and all babies lose weight after birth, but within the first week got back up to her birth weight, so im glad.

we are teaching her breastfeeding now.. need to get her out of nicu, their criteria is 35 weeks, 1.8 kgs atleast and she needs to breastfeed properly or atleast bottlefeed. at the moment, she cant suck and swallow as she dosent know how to .. which is normal, they usually start by 35 weeks or so.. so we have to teach her to before she gets discharged.. im not saying that she will be out by 35 weeks, but that this their criteria for earliest discharge..

hope you are all doing well,:hugs: im sorry im not around much, been busy here at hospital, have not had time to really read and post xxxx
Lovely to hear from you Preethi, and great that Gemma is doing well. What weight is she now then? Of course, I hadn't thought of that but naturally babies aren't going to know how to feed when they're very early.
hi everyone

feels like we're all suffering a bit at the moment!! My bump is suddenly feeling really heavy and I'm getting a lot of pelvic pressure and backache!! Work is really full-on at the moment too which means I'm exhausted in the evenings

Preethi - great to hear from you and good to know Gemma's gaining weight. totally understandable that you're not on here much - just know you're in our thoughts xx

Pielette - that's really interesting re the sleeping on the left and how it helps prepare for birth. thanks for sharing that, i'm going to try even harder to sleep on my left!!

Angie - sorry to hear your BP is still high but good they're keeping such a close eye on you

Krissi - that being sick in the night sounds awful. I hope it's just a temporary thing.

Darling - big respect to you for dealing with school run and small children plus being pregnant!!!

Phew, I need to go and chill out now - have been typing all day today and don't want to look at the screen anymore!!!

Hugs to all and catch you over the weekend xx :hugs:
Morning girls went to sleep at 9pm last night so feeling a bit better this morning!!

Midwife this morning and then going to view this house, fingers crossed it is ok and then will move in 02/10 whoop whoop!!

Pauls work is killing me I have to get up at 5am every day to take him to the station and I hate it but I guess I should be grateful he is working, wont be able to do it once Charleigh is here though!!

Got through the night without being sick though but I am constantly having the bile rising in my throat, may have to re-examine my diet and go for bland food for a bit.

Hoping to go to the breast feeding clinic on Monday or Wednesday and find out a bit more what its all about lol!! I have spent the last 10 years worrying about getting pregnant and now baby is nearly here I have no idea what to do with her once she is here!!
Yikes krissi, that sounds awful, have you tried anything like zantac, my doc says they are perfectly safe. I had a nasty bout of heartburn and it helped a ton. Fx for you guys!

As for me, I woke up at 4am and noticed something different, Bubs had managed to turn himself, and was in a different position, and it must have tired him out cuz I couldn't get him to move at all, spent a full hour with hubby talking to him, poking and prodding. And FINALLY he woke up and moved quite a lot. Scared me though since my tummy both looked and felt so strange. I guess I'm paranoid but with the BP problems and the.potential for the liver complications I'm a lot nervous about this Guy. Since HELLP can have up to a 60% stillbirth rate.

Praying my bloods come back negative for it.
When do you get the results Angie?

I had midwife today and babys growth has caught up but she is breech... turn baby turn!! She did say breeched babies can make heartburn even worse so maybe this is why I feel so poorly!
Wow, Krissi - 5am starts - that's impressive! I hope you get a chance to rest later in the day. I'm really struggling with 7am starts at the moment!! Sorry to hear your LO has moved to breech, but hopefully there's still time for her to move back down again

Angie - fingers crossed your test comes back negative honey. When do you find out? My LO was in a really strange position earlier too - one side of my bump was really sticking out!!! I think maybe she'd moved her bum round or something.

I'm so exhausted today after a full week of work. Only 15 more working days to go and I'm seriously counting them down now!!! Having a quiet and restful weekend though. xx
I should have results today I hope. My BP is really off the charts. I'm feeling it too. Not good.

Krissi my oldest daughter was breach till 39 weeks and doc said if she didn't turn it was a section..... later that day, we litterally watched her turn LOL it was cool. So you have tons of time. I hope the heartburn eases. Its awful. Does milk help?

Leeze, lord girl idk how you are doing it.... I couldn't even think about working. Heck I can barely go to Walmart for 20 minutes.
Hi everyone sorry ive been absent from this thread for what seems like ages.

Preethi - glad to hear that you and Gemma are doing well. Is there any more news? How are you feeling? xxx

Angie - sorry your having such a rubbish time i hope you have finally got your results i saw on fb that they seem to be messing you around and not calling you back. Everything is crossed that you dont have HELLPS xxx

Krissi - the horrid heartburn is just vile! Ive been sufferring too and the old wives tales about lots of hair are rubbish both my previous babies have literally been baldies despite bad heartburn with both! I dont help with the diet i eat though. How was the house? I really hope it was nice and those 5am station runs must be a killer...i would literally put on my dressing gown drop off and go back home to bed!

Darling - the school run is taking it out of me to. It takes longer to drive than to walk but i cant make it there without needing the toilet despite going before i leave the house and the pressure now when i walk is horrible and the more i walk the more tightenings i get i have to take it really slow now. I hate shopping for the same reasons.

Leeze yay for only having 15 more days of work then you can get some much needed rest before your lil one arrives.

Pielette - glad your classes are going well and that you had a couple of days back at school. Im now in the process of finding a secondary school for dd. Its so hard and the local schools to us are all pretty average with not so fantastic ofsted reports which are mainly 'satisfactory'. There is one school a bus ride away that has a fantastic report and the head master was my old maths teacher and a very nice fair man who always had time for the students im hoping that she will like it there when we go to an open evening but im doubtful we will get offered a place as its just over 3 miles away....i can but hope!

Waitress how are the home improvements going? oh and pielette have you had any more info on the heating?

Ive had a crazy week, had the decorator in for two days painting and i had to be out of the way then the house was upside down and ive slowly been working through the mess and trying to get some normality back.

I cant remember the last time i posted....last sunday was ds's 2nd birthday and we spent the day at drayton manor/thomas land which he loved it was such a nice day but the walking around really took it out of me.

I had the mw on thursday, bp was a lil high at first but they done it again and it had come down. I had protein and leucocytes (sorry havent a clue how to spell it) in my urine so they had to send it off and also done a hvs to check for any infections. Baby had been a bit quiet this week but has become more active again which is a relief. Cant believe that im 33 weeks tomorrow and only have 7 to go...just want it to hurry up now just so bored of being pregnant! x
Seems like our little group is getting quieter by the week. I hope everyone is doing well. I'm feeling really good today, probably cuz my house is getting in order and clean. Makes me happy. BP has been in the lower high range and that's good too. I hope to get blood results tomorrow since I got none Friday. How was everyone's weekends?
Morning girls i had a lovely weekend spent Saturday watching dvds and chilling then yesterday went to the marina and shopped and had lunch.

I am so tired at the moment its like being back in first tri just a million times more uncomfortable!! I am getting excited now about her being here especially as we are mid September, I do feel a little bit.like i want to keep her in me though i like not having to share her with anyone!!
Good to hear that you have both had greats weekends...krissi - how was the house? will you be moving soon.

Angie - glad to see your feeling a bit better now saw on fb that youve got some kind of meds that are working great so pleased for you.

Im hoping to get my results back today but can bet your life theyre not back yet. Also going to book my flu jab everyone seems to be coming down with nasty coughs and colds so its only a matter of time before flu surfaces.

So bored after being in the weekend (only popped out to shop saturday) but dont think anyone wants to do anything so looks like another day of stuck in the house! May pop to the shops for a little nosey and see if i can find some bargains just wanted to do something fun with ds....i doubt he will appreciate shopping lol! x

Hopefully my mamas and papas bedding will arrive this week get rather fed up of waiting now! x
Thanks pink, nothing much to report, very busy here trying to teach gemma to bottle feed, she has gained weight upto 1.63 kgs and is 34 weeks, but not bottle feeding as well.. hoping she learns to feed soon as their criteria for discharge is 35 weeks,1.8kgs and bottle feeding exclusively.. xx she is 34 weeks today so can potentially come home late next week if she learns to feed properly before then, but i dont see that happening as she is tiny and sucking tires her out. x she is out of her incubator and in a cot bed though which is promising..

I hope all of you are doing well. xx ive been very busy and not able to come online much. xx but BIG :hugs: to all of you xxx speak soon

sorry ive not been able to read all the posts, im late for her feeding so got to rush now xx

all of you are in my thoughts. xxxxx
Hi ladies, how are you all?
I had a good weekend, we went out for lunch on Saturday and to the carpet shop to get our new carpets sorted. Very glad everything is coming together - the decorator is coming round on Wednesday evening to give us a quote for doing our lounge, hallway, up the stairs and our bedroom. Heating is on the way to being sorted as well. So we've been quite productive! Then on Sunday we went for dinner with some friends.
We've got our second NCT class tonight which I'm looking forward to - wondering what I'm going to learn in this one!

Oh that's wonderful that Gemma's out of the incubator Preethi! Hope she continues to make progress, fingers crossed she learns to feed completely soon so you can take her home.
I'm not surprised you're feeling knackered Krissi, I'm struggling a bit as well. Just not sleeping properly. But I've still got the mad nesting urge, I completely cleaned out the fridge this morning, took all the shelves out and scrubbed it from top to bottom. Plus cleaned the kitchen and the bathrooms. I just can't seem to stop cleaning! :haha:
Is the house looking any better pink? It's worth it in the end but it does drive you mad in the meantime. We have so much stuff in our spare room, all of Noah's nursery furniture and all sorts, it can't be built until the carpet's down but looking at it makes me want to scream!
Very glad to hear you're feeling better Angie. Any news on the blood results?
Hope you had a nice quiet weekend Leeze!

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