Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Hi everyone

Great to hear the nesting instincts are kicking in Pielette and Pink!!! I love my re-decorated flat, it almost makes me sad to think about moving to our new place in a few months!! (although having a nursery and a little garden are big incentives). We ended up having quite a lazy weekend although I did about 5 loads of washing (where does it all come from, not even got a baby yet to blame!). But otherwise we chilled out and watched trashy TV (X-factor) and a great film - The King's Speech - anyone seen it? My OH spent about 3 hours yesterday online researching bedside cots because we haven't got a massive amount of space in the bedroom and also a friend recommended these are good for settling bubs because they can be really near to you. I had a break from the internet over the weekend, I think because work was so full-on last week with so much time typing and staring at the screen - I needed to rest and not have to think much over the weekend!!

Pink - I hope your tests come back ok today, hon. Sounds like a lovely day out for your ds's birthday. Well done for having all of that energy!!

Angie - great that your BP has come down. Hopefully you'll have no more worries now, you've had enough this pregnancy already!

Krissi - I know what you mean about the tiredness! It's really tough, isn't it? I feel like I could nap all day at the moment if only I wasn't at work!!! It's funny, much as I'm feeling quite heavy and uncomfortable - I'm also not in a hurry to get the LO out just yet!! I might feel differently in a month's time - but at the moment I'm really looking forward to finishing work in 3 weeks then hopefully having 4 more weeks after that before the LO comes so I can get other things finished (and have lots of naps!!)

Preethi - great news Gemma is out of the incubator and putting on weight. Poor little thing that sucking is tiring her out, let's hope she gets nice and strong soon. I bet every day seems like a week at the moment, but hopefully it won't be too long before you can bring her home

xx :hugs:
Hi Girls,

Have got updated with the thread since I've been away - glad everyone seems to be doing ok although I sympathise with all the aches and pains etc. Am so happy Gemma is doing better Preethi and that things are looking calmer for you Angie. Good news!

We had a fantastic week in Cornwall - I was in good spirits and walked miles every day and slept really well at night. Sadly things have been different since I got back. I am now convinced the baby isn't far away at all and I am overthinking everything! I feel like I've gotten massive, I think the baby is now breech :wacko: and to top it off my nightmare inlaws came for the day yesterday and you will all remember how much they wind me up. Totally horrendous day, big conversation about naming the baby which I said I didn't want to get into because they always turn out bad and guess what - it turned out BAD! I didn't give them any clue about the names on our list but it didn't stop us getting their point of view on all the names they'd heard recently so I did my usual "Well, I think parents should be allowed to call their own child whatever they see fit" and apparently that was "selfish" because what if "We (my inlaws) don't like the name?" growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: I'm just in the wrong sort of mood for my loopy NCT teacher this evening!!

Anyway, I see the midwife on Wednesday and then I should have my fears about being breech quashed or affirmed and apart from being a bit achy when I get in and out of bed I feel absolutely fine. For some reason I think this baby is bound to come early but I don't feel quite ready for it yet. I've just been looking at curtain material for the nursery and the woman in the shop was REALLY irritating and kept asking about the sex and I kept saying the sex didn't matter, I knew I wanted a green highlight and neither pink or blue anywhere in the fabric and she was like "oh you mothers these days just all want to be different". I said "Theres no other way to say this but you can shove your fabric back on the shelf or somewhere more uncomfortable for all I care" and I just flounced out (As much as you can do with a huge bump!). I am so due to lose it sometime soon!

I hope everyone else is ok!
Lol waitress....im glad you had a nice week away, sorry about the rubbish day with the in-laws it defo does not matter what they think of your name choice. I find it quite funny that they think they should have an input...weirdos!!! It is quite scary now were nearly the end...but hun dont panic im sure you have everything in hand and will be well prepared xxx

Hope everyones classes go well tonight x

Preethi - thank you for finding the time to update us, brill news that Gemma is out of the incubator and i hope she makes good progress with the feeding...my dd was 5lb and i remember how tough feeding her was...although she could do it...she could never manage much as it wore her out she was so diddy and then just fed little and more often which was very tiring more so at night!

Waitress its funny you mention thinking your lo will arrive early..i have a feeling that mine will be either a few weeks early or way over due ...im not sure why?

I got the results back from the urine which was all clear but waiting for the swab to come back now...will give them a call again tomorrow but hopefully all is fine.

I have now washed and packed all baby things for hosp and also all other baby clothes...im just drying all the towels and moses basket sheets and muslins and then tomorrow will wash all the blankets and get them dry. Im not sure whether i should take off the covers to the moses basket and wash them too? It is new but just not sure whether to or not. Would you? x

Angie any news on the blood tests? x

Pielette - how are the plans for the homebirth going? Have you got your pool now? The home improvements sound good.

Yeah the living room and hallway look nice just need the new soft furnishings for the living room. Maybe this weekend or next but we dont have a massive budget to do it with so will need to shop around x
Welcome back Waitress!! Glad you had a great time, try to remember that lovely feeling as much as you can. As for the in-laws and the woman in the shop - IT'S NOT THEIR BABY AND THEREFORE NOT THEIR DECISION!!! I'd be mad too - it really bugs me that people think it's ok to pass comment and interfere in what is a really precious and special time. One of my work colleagues keep going on about how big I am and asking me at least once a week if I'm sure I'm not having twins. This is making me crazy enough - never mind people telling me what names I should or shouldn't have or what furnishings to get. GRRR

Pink - great that your tests came back clear and well done for getting so many things ready. I've made a start on the hospital bag but have kinda lost momentum on it. I wouldn't personally wash stuff if it's brand new unless it smells funny because it's new - but I know some people would.

A funny thing just happened this evening. My OH was in the bedroom and I suddenly heard a crash and a bit of swearing and it turned out this old canvas wardrobe we've got had collapsed and all the clothes had fallen on the floor. One of the things that's really funny about is it that we were just saying the other day that we should get rid of it because it doesn't look very nice but we were going to try to make do for a little while longer. But fate has intervened!! Mind you, we're just spent a lot getting the flat sorted so I think we'll end up getting a cheap rail from argos or something just to get us through the next few months until we can move into the new place where there's built in wardrobes!!! We get the keys a week on Friday, I can't wait!! Even though it won't be ready to move in for about 3 months or so.

So, how's everyone's appetite/eating at the moment? I'm feeling less hungry than usual but find as soon as I start eating that everything tastes really yummy and then I end up eating way too much and then feeling totally stuffed and getting indigestion!! Feeling really tired again now and not sleeping great. Going to have an early night tonight. Night night everyone xx
Hi ladies.... good to know everyone is doing well.... I had a day yesterday thatvwas awesome, I almost forgot I was pregnant LOL Bubs wasn't putting pressure on my pelvis, and my BP stayed lower and a had energy.... like lots of it. I hope its because of a new vitamin I started taking like pink said, but today I'm exhausted and might have overdone it yesterday.

My BP has stayed lower for the last few days, and that's encouraging... I see doc on weds so hopefully it will still be cooperative.

Preethi I'm glad Gemma is doing well and gaining weight. Fx she gets to go home sooner than later.
Great news preethi that gemma is in a cot fingers crossed she starts feeding soon and can come home.
OMG - 33 weeks pregnant today!!!! It's just really hit me that there's really not that long to go now!!!!!!!!! Feeling very excited and a bit scared too!!

Angie, great you had an awesome day yesterday! Here's hoping there's lots more of those on the cards!!!
Here's a happy thought for you all to enjoy:

"If you've been nervous about going into premature labour, you'll be happy to know that 99 per cent of babies born at 34 weeks can survive outside the uterus, most with no major problems. Although your baby's central nervous system is still maturing, her lungs are nearly fully developed by now."
That's a very positive thought darling!!

I'm having a very strange experience tonight.... I'm convinced my baby is an acrobat! He was firmly head down and I thought, and so did doc, that he was starting to engage..... wrong.... he spent last night and today turning in a circle, his head is now resting near my left hip, so I feel like I'm squishing him when I lay on that side, and his feet are over by my right hip, and his bum is now where his head was.... the weird thigh is I could almost watch him do this and watch my bump change shapes. My oldest daughter rotated at the end.... very end, but she went the right way, I guess he just wanted to be more comfy!

I'm glad I don't need to worry about position since I'm having a c section anyway... I just thought it was funny. What's not funny is now my bump seems much bigger at the bottom, and none of my pants fit like they did and my shirts don't cover as nicely.... sigh LOL oh well.
Hi Girls,

Hope everyone is doing well. Quick round up from me:

Millie (labrador) has been a bit poorly again so we've been back at the vets. I reckon she might be getting all the pregnancy aches and pains I should be getting. She's strained her back - took her to the vet last night and spent £100 and now she's much better today. She's a crafty dog alright.....:wacko:

My eating habits have gone completely erratic. Yesterday all I had to eat was bowl of Special K, 2 French Fancies, 2 bits of toast and 2 cups of tea. Thats no way to fuel late pregnancy. I am off to the midwife in a bit so am going to ask her whats up with me - I want my appetite back. I've only got about 5 and a half more weeks of eating whatever I want before i have no excuse!!:growlmad:

At NCT on Monday night we did all about stage 1 labour and pain management/relief. Does anyone have any experience with pethadine? I am pretty much dead against having it but the teacher was all like "Never say never" but if I understand it right it only helps give you a break and helps you sleep and when you wake up you have to practically get back to where you were again anyway? I don't like the idea of the baby being drowsy and unresponsive. We also saw a birthing pool - man they are TINY! I'm not sure my arse would get in it! She had photos of herself giving birth all the way around it, my husband nearly passed out! The teacher told me I possibly wouldn't feel much relief from the water since I swim every day but I think I am open to giving it a go.

Will update more later!
Waitress your class sounds good, in all honesty pethedine was a complete was of time for me...did nothing for the pain although it did help me relax...i didnt feel drowsy at all (gas and air made me feel far more spaced out than the pethedine). DS was born about an hour after i had the shot and he was absolutely fine sceaming like a good'un good apgar score and latched on fine. Ive heard some real horror stories but i guess everyone is different. Id agree with the 'never say never' best to have an open mind imo! x

I didnt like being in water when i was in labour with dd but again we are all very different and if you dont like it you can get out hehe! x
Thanks Pink - I know its different for everyone - she was pretty adamant that pethadine makes the babies drowsy though - have googled it and seems there are lots of different experiences with it. As for the water birth, I'd feel really bad if I took the pool and then ended up getting out and I had stopped someone who really wanted to use it from doing it! Also I don't want to plan for something I am not guaranteed to get - if its busy when I need it I'm stuffed! I want to try and manage with G&A and a tens machine as much as possible. I'm not against drugs for any other reason than I just don't like taking them. I trained as an athlete for a long time and its sort of drilled into you not to take ANY supplementary things. I don't even take nurofen if I've got a headache! I know childbirth will be different. I might be asking for an epidural on my way into hospital! I think I will have everything as an option though - never say never indeed!

So at the midwifes she reckons the baby has turned back to back but is not engaged so still room to keep moving about. All measurements and heartbeat on track - it was the quickest appointment I've had. She STILL hasn't weighed me but I checked myself today and I have put on 26 pounds. My slight iron deficiency has gone and all seems fine. Apparently my loss of appetite is because my stomach is getting squished and feeling fuller than it is. Get off my stomach baby, I want to EAT!!
hee hee - I've got much less appetite at the moment but I'm still eating lots because I love food. Gaviscon and Rennies are my best friends right now because there's a lot of indigestion going on!!

Waitress - good to see you back, did you have a good break?

Re pain relief - I'm trying to stay open-minded about it all. Ideally I'd like to have a more natural birth but I'm not discounting anything because I don't know how I'll feel on the day.

I'm soooo tired today, definitely having an early night!! xx
Waitress im the same i hate taking medication it takes a lot for me to take paracetamol...i just dont like putting drugs in my body for some reason. I only had the pethedine because ds was back to back and i needed to try something. Have they given you excercises and told you how to sit etc to try and move bubs? Do try as back to back labour is defo a bit harder (sorry dont want to worry you). Thats so nice and considerate of you re-water birth and not wanting to not use it...id just be selfish (naughty me lol!)

I class both my births as natural despite having a shot of pethidine with ds and gas and air with both, open mind all the way for sure! x
Hey ladies! Has my Dr appointment today... BP is down slightly but my liver has gotten worse. Doc told me 3 more weeks... maybe less depending on results of weekly blood tests. Anyway, just thought I'd update you.
Aww Angie good news about the bp being a bit lower...sorry about the liver problems...I hope they keep a good eye on you. I bet you just want him here now without the waiting and worry of when it will happen xxx

Ive got my growth scan today looking forward to seeing how shes laying as i think shes moved and also see what they think she weighs fingers crossed not too little or too big! x

Hope everyone is well specially baby Gemma xxx
Angie, great your BP is down - sorry to hear your liver has got worse. be great if you can hang on for another 3 weeks as your LO will be practically full-term by then. Like Pink says, I bet you can't wait to have him here now and to be able to stop worrying. it's been a tough time for you recently, hasn't it?

Pink - how did you appointment go today? My next appointment is on Monday but I don't think I'm getting a scan

I'm feeling really big and heavy this week, how's everyone else doing? I've only got 11 more working days to go - not long too. Work is still pretty stressful but it will be over soon!!

We're going to a wedding this weekend - one of my OH's friends. Kinda wishing we weren't going really, could do with having a relaxing weekend!! xx
Oh yes... the last 6 weeks or so have been almost torture, and idk why, I had easy, uncomplicated pregnancies in the past... this liver thing is something I never even dreamed could happen, and the risk of stillbirth scares me to death!!! Its 60% chance if you go past 36 weeks. I want him out so I can see for myself he is OK.... though I'm worried about myself, and lasting effects of these complications, it him I'm really scared for, I'm a wreck, and physically I'm almost useless.

I keep telling myself.... 3 weeks and this zombie feeling will go away.... and I will have the prize I've worked so hard for.

Anyway... hope you are all doing well....
Sorry for not updating yesterday, ds not very well has a tummy bug. App went well, lo's estimated weight is 4lb10oz which is completely normal, however they are having me back as they like you to be on a smooth curve on your chart and mine is now dipping a little. They said its nothing to worry about but going to check growth again in two weeks. Im not worried at all wont turn down another scan though x

Leeze i kinda wouldnt want to go but do try and have a nice time, yay for 11 days at work! xxx

Angie huni sending you massive hugs I didnt realise the full extent of your condition and you must be worried sick. Have they said when the earliest they will deliver will be...try and keep positive huni, he will be here soon and all this will be forgotten. How are you getting on with names? Whats your fave atm? xxx

Hey everyone else...krissi - hope your ok hun you have been a bit quiet xxx
Angie - hang in there honey - you're doing the right thing for him and they will get him out when required. Am thinking of you :hugs:

Leeze, we're packing up to drive 300miles to go to a wedding tomorrow and I am a bit unsure if I want to go either - just feels like I should be sticking round home or at least a lot closer to it. I'll go if you go? :winkwink:

Hope everyone else is doing good:thumbup:

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