Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Hi ladies, how is everyone?
I'm ok, a bit fed up now with not getting enough sleep and generally being uncomfortable. I also had a hormonal flip out this morning because the boiler kept turning itself off and it took me nearly an hour to get enough hot water to run a bath. I actually cried, how ridiculous. Think the cat thought I was nuts! To be fair I thought I was nuts, just couldn't help it. I'm averaging about 4-5 hours of sleep every night and it's just not enough for me.
Very glad to hear your BP is down Angie, I can totally understand your worry though. It can't be long till they'll be scheduling a c-section surely? You must be feeling really under the weather now. Hang in there, we're all thinking of you :hugs:
Pink hope your little one feels a bit better soon. That weight sounds fine for the baby at about this stage, is it not?
I have to admit I don't envy either of you, Leeze and Emma! I just couldn't be bothered right now, I feel so lethargic and uncomfortable.
Pielette, that's a good description.... lethargic and uncomfortable.... sounds about right LOL. And I agree I can't be bothered to do much, though I might have overdone yesterday as I got a case of panic thinking he could be here any day depending on the blood test results. The earliest they will go is 34 weeks but like he said he would like to go 36, but we will be monitoring baby very close. Next week I will have another growth scan when I go in, and possibly tests to see how developed his lungs are.
Thanks for your thoughts... its really kind of scary. If you want more info on what it is just Google HELLP syndrome.

Leeze yay for only 11 days left! I remember counting down with both of my girls!

Pink I hope your little one feels better soon, its rough having sick kids.... I always wanna just cuddle them and make them feel better. We are all suffering allergies due to changing seasons.... so my 8 year old is a grump due to sniffles.

Preethi, how is Gemma? How are you feeling after the c section? Recovering OK?

Anyone else have weekend plans? My kids are trying to drag me to a fair, to see a couple shows, ones a sea lion show, where you can pet them and have pics taken, and ones an Australian safari where you can interact with baby kangaroos and other animals. I'm gonna try to tough it out, though I may honestly just not make it. DH has suggested a wheel chair, but I think I'd feel silly, then again its a BIG event and I do t think I can walk it all.

Anyway... I'm off for now gotta get kids to school
Hi Ladies, hope you are all doing ok.. thinking about all of you... ive been so busy here at the hospital, i hardly find anytime to go online at all., plus im knackered half of the time, ive started going home to sleep and i come here in the mornings and spend all day.. its the only way i get any rest at all, but its still all very tiring

Angelique, thanks for asking, im recovering well, i have my post op appointment tomorrow and gemma is fine too thanks, she finished her first whole bottle today.37mls, but thats a start. they will increase her volume of feed according to the weight she gains, tomorrow is the weight check.

Pink, leeze, krissi, ange,darling,piellete,waitress... big :hugs: to all of you.. xxx speak soon when i can again.. rushing off to her next feed
just popping in quickly from work to see how everyone is and say hello

I'm feeling really tired today and feeling quite nauseous too!! Bleeeugh

really don't want to go to this wedding but a colleague had a great suggestion today - to take some DVDs with me (we've actually got a small portable DVD player) because the wedding starts at 1.30pm and everyone will be drinking from then onwards. I'm thinking I might retire to our room for an "early night" when people start getting rowdy after dinner and lie in bed and watch DVDs!!!! that is something worth looking forward to!!!!

Angie - no wonder you're worried, they sound like scary statistics. Good you're getting weekly blood tests, hon - so I guess this means if things look like they're getting worse that they will deliver him earlier? It's amazing how many things need to be considered, isn't it? Good you're getting such thorough checks.

Waitress - 300 miles to the wedding - that's pretty tough. We're going to one in Cambridge so I think it's only a couple of hours drive at the most. I still don't really want to go but it's one my OH's best friends and it will probably be a lovely day when we get there. Mostly I'm worried about getting really tired and also getting fed up of people who've been drinking all afternoon/evening etc! It does make me feel a bit better to know you're going to a wedding too - feel like I'm not suffering on my own!!! :haha:

Pink - sorry to hear your ds has a tummy bug. Hope he feels better soon. I'm a bit jealous of your scans - I want another scan!!!! Glad they think your LO's growth is normal, must be a relief.

Pielette - that sounds like a nightmare, no wonder you were crying. 4-5 hours sleep is really rough too. I'm normally awake 2-3 times a night at the moment but I think I'm probably still managing to get about 6 hours sleep because I'm in bed for about 8 hours or so. Hope you get a better sleep soon. Do you have any chance of getting a nap in the afternoon?

Hi to everyone else - hope you're all doing ok :hugs:

Catch up with you all at the end of the weekend xxx
ooh - I missed 2 posts from Angie and Preethi!!

Angie - that fair sounds fun, but would there be lots of opportunity for you to rest?

Preethi - this is great that Gemma had a full bottle!! :happydance: - what a little star

need to dash now xxx
Hi ladies, preethi glad you guys are doing so well! Leeze and Waitress, I think weddings are great, but idk if I could stand going that far away.

I made it through the fair, it was actually a lot of fun... there were food booths everywhere with benches and tables to sit at so I was able to rest. The sea lions were so cute and my kids loved it. They also talked me into letting them get pink and purple streaks in their hair... just extensions, I'm not sure if the trend is the same over there but its sooooooo popular here! Bright strands of color by the faces.... they are very cute. Then traditional caramel coated apples.... they had a blast LOL.
I'm wiped out but its so worth it for my girls... I've felt bad for being so down that I really wanted them to have a fun time, and hey have been worried about me and baby, so its good to get out.

I'm gonna go crash
Hi girls sorry I have been MIA things have been so hectic sorting out the house paperwork with the council and then buying bits as have had to start from scratch again and then Pauls landlord was causing us no end of trouble so Wedsnesday I thought we were homeless and packed all our stuff blah blah blah I wont bore you with the details but it is all sorted now thank god and we move into new place all being well on 03rd Oct!!

I think baby is still breech as I can feel a hard lump high up but I live in deluded hope she might just have a hard bum!!

I am just so tired and I have started getting pins and needles in my hands which I know can be quite common but its very annoying none the less.

Still none of us have long to go now a few more weeks and we are fully baked pumpkins!!
Hi everyone! How are you all?
Glad you had fun at the fair Angie and made it through ok. That's a lot more energy than I have right now!
Oh fantastic to hear Gemma's doing well Preethi and has finished her first bottle. Fingers crossed for continued weight gain :thumbup:
Ooh new place on 3rd October, that's fab Krissi!

We have a bit of a dilemma - apparently we can't give bubs Michael as his middle name because of Jewish superstitions (Dave is Jewish). His dad is called Michael so that's why we decided on it, but according to Jewish beliefs, if you name a child after a living relative it confuses Death and Death might come for the child instead. Which is all fine but now we're stumped! Noah Michael sounds lovely to me and no other combination is really doing it for us. Any ideas ladies?
I like Noah James or Noah Peter. Something traditional.

Had an awful night was up every 2 hours to pee and was being sick, feel much better today but uber tired!!
Hi lovelies

Angie - great you all had a good time at the fair and there were lots of places to rest! Cute that your daughters wanted coloured bits in their hair! When is your next visit to the Doctor? How are you feeling at the moment?

Krissi - that's great you'll have your new place by 3rd Oct. How exciting! Sorry to hear you had to go through stress with Paul's landlord. I'm sleeping for about 2-3 hours at a time just now too, luckily not being sick though. My main complaint at the moment is backache, keeps coming and going and particularly if I'm sitting in a seat that hasn't got a straight back.

Pielette - that's a shame about the name but I can understand why you would want to change it. I agree with Krissi that something traditional would be nice. Noah Benjamin? Noah Martin? Good luck finding a new middle name for him!

We've just got back from the wedding and I have to say, it was much better than I expected!! It was a lovely ceremony and everyone was on good form. They played great music - lots of 80s and 90s stuff - and I even got up for a little dance (on the edge of the dancefloor away from anyone too drunk!). Plus I managed to stay up till midnight!! Feeling tired today though and am pretty sure this will be my last night out for quite a while!!!!

xxx :hugs:
Leeze, I go to the doc on Wednesday.... though I may go in sooner as I think I may be leaking.... I got up last night to go to the restroom and my undies were soaked.... like I peed myself.... but I KNOW I didn't. My bed isn't wet, and it doesn't have a smell in my panties... like urine would. It hasn't happened again, so I'm not gonna rush, but he isn't moving much again, and my belly seems a little deflated so I'm gonna call in the morning. I'm not too worried as I can feel him.... but something is off.

Pielette, that's rough about the name.... have you thought of doing something similar like Noah Mathew or something along those lines?
Thanks Hon, dh went and got me a soda with caffeine to get him going and he has been giving me nudges every little bit, I'm wondering if he's having a growth spurt, as he seems to be taking up more space.... I'm just chilling here in my bed, its a cool 75 degrees today and my windows are all open and I'm enjoying the fresh cool (for where I live) air. Loving that fall is almost upon us!
Me too. Summer's been a real wash-out here. I've never seen so much rain. I'm looking forward to the autumn colours and roaring fires! :)

Had a really odd sensation tonight. A kick so strong it resonated. I think the umbilical cord got tugged or kicked maybe. Idk but movements all good.
Hmmm that must have been strange! I'm laying here wide awake cuz I keep running to the restroom since I drank a ton if water tonight. I'm contemplating a nap in the bathroom LOL
Aw Angie!! Lol. I hear you! I go 3-4 times a night and still wake up bursting and sore. 5 more weeks.. :-(
Glad you enjoyed the wedding Leeze! Sounds like it was a good one. Even so I think you have more energy than I do right now!
Angie did you call the doctor? Really hope you're feeling ok, at the very least :hugs: All this worry can't be doing you any good.
Thanks for the ideas on names ladies, we're struggling quite a bit. Dave kind of wants a name that isn't too 'Catholic' if you know what I mean (my religion), but I think he's being a bit cheeky since Noah is itself a name from the Old Testament in the Bible. It just made me laugh that we can't have something too Catholic, but we can have two Hebrew names! I'm not that fussed myself, I just want something that works nicely. He therefore doesn't want anything like Noah Matthew (which I like). I quite liked Noah Arthur, but he doesn't like that one at all. We've both mused over Noah Samuel, but it doesn't quite do it for me. Hmm. I do like Noah Benjamin though, that's one that didn't occur to me so I'll suggest it.
I don't know whether this is my own wishful thinking or not, but I'm starting to be convinced that my little man is going to come early. Without wishing to impart too much information, I'm going to the loo at least 2-3 times a day (BM), all completely normal, not diarrhoea or anything. Plus I feel achy, crampy and I'm getting nausea quite often. I feel like my body is gearing itself up, which is a bit strange for me. I could be totally wrong, but that's what instinct is telling me.

Hope you're feeling better Krissi!
How are you and Gemma doing Preethi?
I don't know whether this is my own wishful thinking or not, but I'm starting to be convinced that my little man is going to come early. Without wishing to impart too much information, I'm going to the loo at least 2-3 times a day (BM), all completely normal, not diarrhoea or anything. Plus I feel achy, crampy and I'm getting nausea quite often. I feel like my body is gearing itself up, which is a bit strange for me. I could be totally wrong, but that's what instinct is telling me.

Me too! Seriously, my dh takes the mickey because I only poop every few days (weird I know!) but I have been having a huge clearout and I mean huge! Sorry far tmi! But bh increasing, feeling sick and at my last ante-natal visit the mw wrote 4/5 under the heading engagement (which only means 1/5 worked its way down but as its my third I'm hoping (and it probably is wishful thinking) this one will come a bit early. I'm thinking about 7lbs sounds like a nice size?! Lol. Xxx
Very glad it's not just me Kara! I could seriously do without all the toilet trips! :blush: 7lb does sound like a nice size, I distinctly remember ordering a 6/7 lber :haha:
Yes me too. Clearly we'll both be early with nice average babies!

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