Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Sorry average-sized babies (who are placid and sleep well! Pray they can self-comfort! Lol)
ha ha - loving these thoughts of 7lb babies!! Mind you, I'm still thinking that I'd like to make it till the due date so I get 4 weeks between finishing work and when the LO comes. I saw the midwife today and told her that I hardly ever feel my LO kick during the night - she said maybe I've got a "daytime baby" - I like the sound of that!!! One that likes to sleep a lot during the night, that's what I'd like!!!

Angie/Darling - I'm also "going" about 3 times a day at the moment!! Again, glad it's not just me.

Pielette - good luck with agreeing on a new middle name. We're still struggling to agree on a first name!

Oh and I've got lots of "belly-shaking" kicks going on. I love them. Feeling very content today, although pretty tired still. My maternity cover person started at work today and it's actually feeling good so far - like I really will be able to hand things over and not worry about it for a year!! Woo hoo!!
I love the belly shaking too Leeze! Makes me giggle :haha: Although I'm not loving the hip punching that's going on, think he's digging elbows or fists into my left hip and it is not comfy!
Just had some news that has made me a bit sad and annoyed. Our NCT course leader has been suspended and won't be finishing our course. I'm gutted, she was lovely and really positive and open-minded. Obviously we don't know the ins and outs, but she sent us all a personal email to explain, she said she's had thousands of positive comments but 'one negative comment many months ago sadly tipped the unbalanced scale'.
I'm sad because she is lovely and has been a great teacher, and I'm also annoyed because we have now lost two sessions which have to be rescheduled. So firstly we have to have someone new, and secondly, when are they proposing to fit these in? I'm one of the furthest along in the course and three of us are 35 weeks. That is not a lot of time! We could easily go into labour in a couple of weeks, that's really cutting it fine.
Has anyone else got this whenever i move i can hear water swooshing around! I sound like a hot water bottle and i can feel it moving.

Had a day hospital today as was having pains and been really sick over weekend. all ok with baby but have an irritated uterus no found cause on the toco thing the reading was going up to 100 but they said not labour how high does it go in labour!!
Oh Krissi how rotten for you. Are you feeling any better now?

What about you Angie?

Preethi have you experienced your first projectile poo yet? Lol. Issy soaked my one day when I was changing her right in front of my best friend who actually laughed so hard that she cried!
I am still being sick and generally feel awful today but I am reassured all is fine with Charleigh which is ultimately the most important thing and I keep telling myself that in 6 weeks it will be over!!
Aw you poor thing! I hope you get some relief soon. I hate being sick! :-(
Argh..... I had a nice long response written and it crashed and is gone!!!!

It basically said I'm doing OK aside from itching myself raw.... I just have to hold out till Wednesday morning.... and then doc and I are gonna have a heart to heart..... cuz I need to know some more details.

Gotta run now since the company we bought my rocker recliner from is coming to pick it back up, its broken, and we haven't even had it a month! Oh well good for lifetime warranties. I have to go run the vacuum cuz I'm weird like that LOL

I'll write more later.
Does anyone else have anxiety? Just during pregnancy? I feel like I'm gonna have to give birth in the psych Ward some days!!
Hi girls,

Just got caught up after being away for the weekend at a wedding down south. Man that was hard work! I felt physically fine but all the "you're not very big" comments did my head in - especially when I feel so huge! I actually got sat next to a girl I was at uni with years ago who is now a midwife and we had a good natter about everything. Towards the end of the night I was getting tired and then suddenly my left eye started flickering and got a bright light in it and I felt "out of myself" - it was totally weird. She told me it was my blood pressure and I got my husband and we left. The minute I was out of there it went. :shrug:

Glad to hear most of us are doing ok. Sorry you had a bad couple of days Krissi and Angie, I just read your reduced movement thread so I hope your doctor can reassure you today. :hugs: Has anyone heard anything else back from Preethi?

I veer from being happily pregnant and content in sitting out the next 5 weeks to praying that the baby will come bang on 37 weeks which for me is a week on Friday! In the mornings I am usually very serene, and by teatime I want it out!

Bit of drama at NCT last night - it was the breastfeeding class and the teacher (different one) was absolutely hopeless. We all fell about laughing with our pretend babies (mine had makeup on) and the coach just couldn't engage us at all. Then she spent 2 hours talking about the pitfalls and the issues associated with breastfeeding. At the end she said "any questions?" and I said "Aren't you supposed to be telling us why this is a good thing?' and she was like "Oops, I missed that bit out". Random! At least I had a good laugh.
Hi Kara,

I wrote the normal teacher an email - it was a real shambles. I'm not fussed about the money but none of the other girls are even considering breast feeding now which I think is a shame - this teacher was completely rubbish! I'm still going to do my best to crack it - its just a shame she missed the opportunity to engage the other girls.

How is your SPD? Are you coping ok? I sooooooo wish I knew when the baby was coming, the not knowing is the hardest part!
That's appalling. Those women may make decisions based on that course. My regular NHS classes were brilliant and covered everything! I would be livid. Sounds like the previous teacher had much more idea.

I'm housebound. My husband's new band is playing a gig on Saturday night (first gig) and he's trying to get a babysitter and I just don't think I can but its his first gig and I should be there but I worry if I can't get a seat. Otherwise ok. Not in pain except when I walk more than the length of a room lol. Not long now. The inability to breathe freely at night, which I'm sure we all have, and the heartburn bothers me far more.

Haha! I hear you! I've been Googling 'third baby early' and re-familiarising myself with potential early indicators of labour lol. Its 5 weeks away!! What am I like?? I've jyst had enough now. I want to walk around and breathe deep breaths and not be up all night weeing! (Five times last night!) Alas, we are all in it together!! Lol

hi everyone

very quick hello as I'm exhausted - had really full on day at work then had 2-hour antenatal class and have just finished dinner - need to chill out for a bit with OH then go to bed. sorry to hear about the various aches, pains, worries and NCT class disasters. :hugs:

I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself because I had the flu jab yesterday and not only is my arm really sore but I've had a nasty sore throat and bad cough all day today. The sore arm bit also kept me awake lots last night because it's my left arm and I'm trying to sleep on my left side.

I've got a girlie night planned tomorrow with early dinner at wagamamas (yum) and then cinema. Just hit me that these types of evenings won't be happening for quite a while once the LO comes!

Can't believe we're all nearly there now!!!! So much to do still

Right, off to bed now xx

Hi ladies..... is anyone else just SO ready to be done!? I hate to complain cuz of all the women who can't seem to have children, but man I'm so over this misery! I want my body back! I'm craving a run, and to be active, and I can't cuz I can barely walk across the hall to pee! Grrrrr!

Sorry for the rant.... I'm Just having a day... I go to the doc tomorrow and I feel so selfish cuz I just want him to admit me and deliver this baby! The constant fear of stillbirth is always in my mind, and since his movement has decreased so drastically I'm a wreck. I'd rather have him out now, and have him constantly watched, than the increasing chances of losing him. Since Sunday my itching has increases with a vengeance, I'm raw and bleeding and feel like I'm one of those people who thinks there are bugs crawling on them.... I can't describe it except it feels like I'm covered head to toe in mosquito bites.... only NOTHING is there! No bites, bumps or rashes... just badly abused skin now.

Ugh I'm ranting again.... sorry... honestly the worst is the fear... Bubs doesn't move unless I provoke him 90% of the time, so doc and I are gonna chat about it tomorrow. He's great, and I'm sure he will want a scan, and stress test and more blood... and hopefully I will get a date so I know when it will be over and I finally get to hold him! The part that makes It all worth it!

OK I'm gonna try to sleep.... sorry again for the whining.
Angie - honey remember that your little guy's movements are bound to decrease now as he doesn't have the room to move around in there anymore. They tell you to expect that. As long as he is moving and you can provoke a reaction he's ok. That's normal from hereon in. Try not to worry honey. We all understand how you're feeling. We've just all reached that stage where we're all uncomfortably big, mobility is greatly restricted and we have a list of complaints as long as our arms, heartburn, itching, difficulty breathing, fatigue, peeing every five minutes and to top it off all we hear is our moany old selves complaining about it all the time! Lol. Never mind feeling guilty for being fed up girl! Its completely understandable and you have kids to look after as well. Its tough so cut yourself some slack. We're on the home run now sweetie so hang in there.. we'll get there soon. :hugs:
Leeze :hugs: hope your arm feels better soon hun. This stage is the hardest but remember there is an end in sight.. I can hear my skinny jeans calling!!!! ;-)

Enjoy your girly night. Cinema becomes a luxury after you have kids! Lol. I went to see Harry Potter first cinema trip in four years! Not suggesting you will have to wait that ling though lol. Enjoy. X
Hi everyone. How are you all?
Sorry to hear the flu jab affected you a bit Leeze. I actually haven't had an invite to get one which kind of surprised me, although I kind of decided not to bother if I was invited, simply because it isn't long till I'm not pregnant anymore... I hope!
Emma that's rubbish about the breastfeeding class. It's so weird, these people seem to either encourage breast or bottle and don't ever touch on the pros and cons of the other. Wouldn't it be better to let us all make an informed choice? I've been doing a bit of research on breastfeeding and I really hope I can make it work for me and bubs.
You poor thing Angie, I can't imagine how you must be feeling these days. The itching must be driving you crazy, it annoys me enough as it is cos I'm a bit itchy too, although nowhere near what you're experiencing. As Kara says, I know we should all be expecting less movement these days and I'm sure your little guy is fine, they've been keeping a very close eye on you. But it doesn't stop the worrying. Thinking of you :hugs:
Kara, your husband is playing in a band? Very cool! What kind of music? Hope you can manage to make it there. I hear you on the heartburn, for me it's like a constant burning in my throat at the minute and it's so unpleasant.

We've had a real stroke of luck. Last week I had a decorator come round to give us a quote on doing the lounge, hallway, up the stairs and the landing. He did my parents' place so I know how good he is. Unfortunately he said he's not available for another 5 weeks, which obviously was not going to work, especially with a planned home birth! But on Monday he rang me to say he'd had a cancellation and was free from Wednesday for a week, and did we want him? We're delighted! So he's starting this morning, he's downstairs as I'm typing and I'm camped out upstairs. We're waiting on the carpet shop to let us know when our carpet is in, that should be very soon, so we're getting there.
Had the midwife round yesterday to assess the flat for our home birth and it's all systems go. She also did my ante-natal check while she was here, and every ante-natal check is going to be at my home from now on. Noah is still helpfully head down which I'm very relieved about.
We've almost made a decision on his middle name now - we're thinking of Noah Benjamin. The only thing that might change that (cos we both really like it) is a situation with my sister-in-law. My 8 year old nephew Joe was actually one of a twin, and my sister-in-law lost the other twin very late in the pregnancy. Dave thinks that he was named Benjamin but can't remember for sure, so he's going to check with her today. She may not mind at all, or think it's nice, but we'd better check either way and if it upsets her obviously we won't use it.
Hi hun - its heavy rock. I liked Noah Benjamin as soon as I heard it. It just works. Some names sound so disjointed, pretentious and frankly quite ridiculous. Noah Benjamin sounds lovely and... Oooh braxton hicks! Sorry.. what was I saying? Oh and rolls nicely off the tongue. Can Benjamin as a middle name not be honouring him? Or would that put you off? I'm still utterly stumped on names. Joe likes Tobias and Gabriel (not keen on 'Toby' 'Tobes' or 'Gabe' though).

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