Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

It does seem to roll off the tongue, doesn't it? Our surname is Gordon as well and I think it goes nicely. I'd happily use it in an 'honouring' sense, I think it'd actually be really lovely, but of course just have to make sure that my sister-in-law isn't upset by it.
Ooh I love the name Gabriel! I think it's gorgeous. I think there's less of a chance of it becoming Gabe than there is of Tobias becoming Toby, I think that one is more likely. What do you think?
Hmm unfortunately my sister-in-law finds it too weird so Noah Benjamin is a no-go. Back to the drawing board.
Oh that's a shame hun. But surely its only a middle name its not like you'll be calling him Benjamin.. oh well. One of my best friends had twins and one died at 9 days old and my other friend has a daughter by the same name. I find that incredibly awkward because I can almost feel my friend wince if I mention her name. No mother should endure that!

Re Gabriel I think you have a point there. No-one would call a Tobias 'Tobias' but not everyone would shorten Gabriel.

What about Noah Gabriel? Or Noah Sebastian?

Phonecall just now:

MIL: How are you? How long have you got left? What are you doing my son for his dinner?
Me: 4 and a bit weeks
MIL: I thought it was 4 weeks on Saturday
Me: Yes, around then
MIL: Are you being deliberately evasive?
Me: "What?"
MIL: XXX said they saw you at a wedding at the weekend and you look like you're ready to have the baby now. Are you due sooner and not telling me?
Me: I thought I was supposed to be looking really small and everyone was concerned I wasn't big enough, now I'm about to have it and haven't told anyone? What are you talking about?
MIL: You sound stressed, are you not coping very well?
ME: I'm coping fine thanks, just other people's ridiculous questions I'm finding hard to manage
MIL: There's no need to be rude, it is my grandchild.

Dear Lord, please make her GO AWAY!!!!!!
Oh my goodness what a conversation!! I feel for you!! Were I you, call screening LOL.

Went to the doc.... BP is up again and I gained 11 pounds in a week!!!! I about fainted! So I'm doing a fun 24 hour urine test.... ah what joy. Other than that were doing another liver test and he gave me a perscription for the itching... lets hope it helps.

Pielette I think Noah Benjamin is great, its too bad you can't use it... names are so tough!
Hi everyone

Waitress - your MIL sounds like she's making your pregnancy all about her!! I say screen all calls from now on and get your OH to speak to her instead!! I think you handled it well hon and she needs to get over herself!!! My Mum is great at making things be all about her - she told me recently she doesn't want to know when I go into labour, she only wants to know when the LO has arrived safely because she thinks she'll be too worried and anxious while I'm in labour. Sorry, is it her labour or mine?! Then she said as soon as she knows the LO is here she'll be getting my Dad to drive them both down to see us straight away (complete assumption it would be ok even though they live 5 hours drive away so would need to stay - no discussion about whether we want them to come straight away - although I did say to her I'd rather see how we feel at the time before agreeing to this). Let's all agree to not be pushed around by parents/in-laws - this is OUR special time!!!

Angie - I can understand you wanting the LO to come out sooner rather than later, it sounds like it's really stressing you out honey. But, like Darling says, this is the time when we start to feel them moving round much less because they've got less room. It's good the Doctor is taking it all seriously though and you're getting lots of checks.

Pielette - that's a real shame about your sister-in-law and the name Benjamin. It's very caring and thoughtful of you to decide not to have that name for her sake. What about Noah Elliot, Noah Jeremy, Noah Mitchell? Good luck finding another name!!! We're still completely lost on names - the only 2 we're toying with at the moment are Keelie and Millie - but I'm really not sure about either of them. I still like Elena but my OH has completely gone off that!!

Darling - I like Gabriel and I actually like Gabe too - both really solid names. How's your SPD doing, by the way? I've got almost constant backache at the moment but I don't imagine it's anything like as bad as SPD - mainly I have to really watch my posture.

Krissi - hope you're doing ok honey. you sounded a bit down on FB :hugs:

Leeze Noah Elliot sound very nice! I know all about how hard names are and perhaps its hormones but I'm so sick of people asking what his name is, and acting shocked cuz idk yet.

I'm so glad my mil lives about 30 mi. Away and is very.... hands off... my sister on the other hand.... she is a beast, but hubby's family is cool.

I'm calling it an early night, I'm pretty tired, it was a looooong day, and I wanna get to sleep before hubby comes to bed, as bad as that sounds, he has a cold (he thinks he has pneumonia LOL) and moans all night.... I'm like COME ON!! I've been in pain, sniffly, and very uncomfortable for weeks and you have a cold and keep me awake? LOL I guess I'm just not sympathetic... especially when he wont listen to me about what meds to take (I'm half way through pharmacy tech classes) so I kinda do know what to take for runny noses, and he does something else.

Anyway, as from everything medical.... I feel a bit better about movement since I had my non stress test today, it was picking up movements I couldn't feel at all.... so I wonder if that's happening a lot. I hope so. Doc said today that he thinks by 36 weeks my BP will force him to take the baby since the bottom number is in the upper 90's a lot now, I'm totally fine with 36 weeks, it puts me about October 4th or 5th, and he should be doing well enough to breathe on his own by then.

I did hear something very interesting today.... 1 day in the uterus is equal to 5 days in an incubator... crazy huh... really shows how well our body's really built to grow baby.

Krissi.... I hope things are better for you!
Thanks ladies, we are definitely finding it tough now to decide on a middle name. I think because we both loved Michael and Benjamin, it's hard to find one that we both love as much. I kind of thought about Noah Joshua but I worry that it's too much on the 'a' sound. Grr. Hopefully inspiration will hit before too long!
Oh that's really good Angie, hopefully that's happening more than you're aware of. 1 day in the uterus equals 5 days in the incubator... just wow! We are definitely made for this. You do make me laugh about your OH, the other day I got a bit pissy with Dave cos he was moaning about being tired, I said me too and he said well you don't have to go to work. My response was first of all it's not a bloody competition and secondly, do you have any idea how much work it is growing this baby?! Between the constant peeing, leg cramps, heartburn and basically not being able to get comfy on my sides, proper sleep is a distant dream. Not that I don't understand, of course I appreciate him going to work but don't belittle me! He grovelled for quite a while after that... :haha:
My God Emma that is one irritating MIL! I admire your patience in those responses cos I fear I would have snapped! This is one of those times that I'm grateful that the extent of my interaction with my MIL is restricted to saying hello and goodbye on family outings and that's about it. Leeze I second that! I have a few friends who want me to notify them when I'm in labour, but to be honest I kind of want to keep it to myself apart from Dave and my parents. I don't really want to put out an announcement and then have to deal with loads of them wanting to come round the second he's born. At least I could have a few hours of peace before that happens!
Thank girls - she is a total nightmare. Christmas is going to be horrendous.

Leeze - I think Millie is a beautiful name. I can't even read it or type it without smiling. I think you'll know why if you've read some of my FB posts! My Millie is the only one who keeps me sane sometimes - and she doesn't like the MIL either!

Vanessa, I was actually going to suggest Noah Joshua yesterday. I think it sounds good with your surname. Good luck finding the name, I know its difficult. I don't think I have shared our choices before on this thread but now we are certain I think I can. If we have a girl we are going to call her Flora Maisie and if we have a boy we are going to call him Fletcher Michael. Michael is my Dad's name and he died in '97. I love both names so either way we are ready! We're still not telling anyone else our choices though - in a way I am hoping they have got it wrong and we are having twins and we end up with both!

I am determined to get my hospital bag sorted this weekend - I still haven't done it, it feels like such a big step. And add to that the fact that I am refusing to buy anymore mat clothes and seem to keep wearing the same few outfits all the time, I can't afford to put one or two of the only things that fit me in a bag to just sit there! Is anyone else in the same clothes the whole time?! Especially now its getting colder I am just in leggings, boots, layered tops and a big cardigan. I look like an old pregnant student!

Got some workmen round today fixing doorlocks and a leaking shower so best go get organised. Have a nice day all :hugs:
Ooh forgot to say myself Leeze, I really love the name Millie. It's so cute and pretty!
Thanks Emma, I love your name choices. Flora and Fletcher are really really cute! But also lovely for when s/he is older. I always loved tha name Florence, these old-fashioned names seem to be making a real comeback.
I hear you on the maternity clothes front, I'm not buying anything anymore! I did buy a few maxi dresses a while back but they're not maternity ones so I can wear them afterwards. Other than that I haven't really bought much, just a pair of jeans and some long vest tops (again not maternity, they just work!). I couldn't be bothered to spend a load of money on clothes that will be useless soon enough. So I do wear the same sorts of things constantly!
Our decorator is back today so I'm camped out upstairs again. He's so good though, very very quick and excellent, I'm so pleased we're managing to get it done before Noah arrives.

Just had a text from my friend from work (my fellow pregnant friend!) - she gave birth to her little girl on Tuesday night and has called her Lily Ella. So pleased for them! Don't know if you remember me telling you but it took them about 3 years to get pregnant and they were told it was practically impossible, so it's wonderful that she's finally here!
I have to share the neat experience I had last night!

So my BA y finally moved into a position that I could REALLY feel him kick... he was kicking right along where my c section scar is... well it was starting to hurt a little, so I put my hand down to kinda give counter pressure.... and maybe make him move over just a bit. When I did that he pushed himself against my left side so that I could feel him from his head to his bottom.... well when I ran my hand down his back he stopped kicking... and as long as I rubbed his back he was still, if I stopped he kicked again, it was really kinda neat cuz it was sort of a bonding moment.... he's not born yet, but I already know he likes his back rubbed.... I don't know if any of you Have experienced anything like it, but I had to share cuz I thought it was neat.
Hi Ladies, just a quick update, we are mostly coming home on sunday morning or saturday !! cant wait,., its been a very tough 3 weeks and im so tired, i havent been online for ages !!

hope you are all doing ok and that your pregnancies are just gliding by smoothly... not long left now and your dreams are going to come true !!! xx the moment you hold them in your arms.. its an awesome feeling.. !!

BIG :hugs: to all of you
Hooray - Preethi - that's great news :happydance::happydance: - how wonderful you get to bring Gemma home very soon. I'm so pleased for you. It must be a huge relief and feel very exciting!! Thanks for updating us, honey, and it's no wonder you haven't had a chance to come on here much.

Angie - that's great the Doctor is planning for you to make it to 36 weeks, that sounds like a great time for your LO to come into the world. And how cute you could feel him right from his head to his bottom. I do feel lots of different types of movements but I couldn't really tell you which body part is which most of the time!!

Vanessa - I hadn't picked up on your FB posts re Millie, I don't tend to spend much time on FB these days really - I just have a quick flick through most of the time. I feel like I just want to gush about being pregnant all the time and somehow I'd rather do that on here than on FB!! Is Millie your lovely dog? Re: clothes, I've gone through a few phases during my pregnancy. In the early months I tended to wear baggy tops with leggings or jeans, then I moved on to floaty maternity dresses with leggings and now I've definitely moved into the comfy stage of big baggy trousers with elasticated waists and jersey tops with cardigans!! I bought quite a lot of maternity clothes around 12-14 weeks off ebay - about 4-5 bundles of them - but have tended to wear the same 5-6 things in rotation in 2 month phases if that makes sense! But, I know what you mean about looking like a student - I definitely feel like that at the moment. Plus I got a maternity parka from ebay which reminds me of my student parka days in the early 90s!!

Pielette - that's funny about your OH saying at least you don't have to work!! My OH has started talking about this "year off" I'm about to have as though I'm going to be travelling round the world on a cruise or being a lady of leisure. I keep reminding him that having a newborn baby is like having a 24/7 job, I don't think he really gets it ... he's in for a shock!! And I hear you on the not sleeping properly front - I've started waking up 4-5 times a night again - peeing, having leg cramp, feeling uncomfortable/too hot etc. Growing a baby is amazing but is also really hard work!!

Well, I'm feeling very excited today for 2 reasons! Firstly, I've only got 6 more working days left!! Yippee. The commute to work is really hard now and I'm struggling to focus all day and be a functional working person. Secondly, we complete on the new flat tomorrow so will get the keys tomorrow afternoon!!! We won't move in for about 3-4 months because we want to get all the work done before we move in - but we're going to spend some time there this weekend - and I think it's meant to be sunny on Saturday so we're hoping to sit out in the garden for a couple of hours!!! I can't wait!!!! Have a lovely weekend everyone, speak soon xx:hugs:
Yay for you Leeze!!! How exciting to get your new place!! You should post up some pics so we can share LOL.

Preethi I'm so happy for you! Having her home will likely be so much easier on you! And her!
Leeze, it was me (Emma) not Pielette (Vanessaa!) who has the dog called Millie. We need to get you off work asap!! really excited for you that you get your new house today - have fun running round it like a loony. I don't care how old you are, its what you do when you get a new house, its the law!

Angie, that sounds amazing! I haven't tried anything like that but I am going to now. He's been such a source of worry for you these last few weeks, I'm glad he is giving you some lovely moments aswell, you deserve it!

Preethi, congratulations! Really happy for you that you are bringing Gemma home this weekend - how exciting! Do you have any recent pictures?
That's fantastic Preethi! So glad to hear you get to take your little girl home! I demand lots of piccies of her!
Wow Angie, that's so lovely, how cute that he likes a back rub in the womb! I bet it'll send him to sleep when he's here if you keep doing it :thumbup: Must be lovely to have an experience like that in the midst of all your worry.
Congrats on the new flat Leeze! I would so love to have a garden, can't wait for us to be able to move. Should be in a few months. What work do you have to do to the new place before you move in?

Our decorator has finished painting the lounge and he's putting up our wallpaper today on one wall. It sounds gross but the wallpaper is brown, red and gold and we chose a kind of goldy colour for the paint, which has come out more of a buttery colour - not what I expected at all but actually it looks lovely and I'm really pleased with it! It's so much warmer than what we had before and I'm sure it'll really help with selling the place. Then when the carpet's in it's going to be massively different.
Last night I had a shocking night's sleep. The cat freaked out at the smell of the paint in the lounge - we shut her in the lounge and kitchen (it's all open plan) of a nighttime but she was so scared by it we decided to allow her the run of the flat last night. Massive mistake, cos she can't be trusted to just lay down and sleep! After too long of her whinging and scratching Dave got fed up and shut her downstairs, but our sleep was pretty much ruined. After all that worrying she was fine when we got up. Such a mischief cat.
quick hello - just got back from running round new place!!! celebrated with a sparkling ribena!!! will catch up properly over weekend xxxx
Hi !! yes i do, ive actually sent one pic by email to my friend sarah and she has posted it on her thread, its on the second last page, but i will post some when i go home tomorrow and get some time to come online !

Hope youre all doing well xx
Have a great last month, ladies! It seems like everything is going well.
We're good over here, too!
Birdie nice to hear from you! 22 weeks is fabulous! Congratulations!

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