Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

some pics of gemma, today as we were leaving home , the other one is after she got her first bath in the hospital today and one of her on my chest from yesterday x:cloud9:


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Omg!!!! She's GORGEOUS!!!!!!! I am reduced to mush! Hope you're recovering well honey. :) xxx
Preethi - she is so beautiful and precious. How lovely that it's time to take her home. You can truly start your new lives together now!!! :hugs:

Emma - that's funny I got you and Vanessa mixed up. You're right, I do need to finish work soon - my brain has become like putty. I nearly walked out of a shop today without paying for a something because it was hanging off my arm!! The best bit was that I'd just paid for the other things I'd bought and hadn't realised!

Birdie - great to hear from you and fabulous to hear all is going well.

Pielette - well done for getting all that decorating done, it sounds lovely. We're planning to get a side extension built on our new place and make an open-plan kitchen/living room - otherwise there isn't really enough space. It will be quite a lot of work but basically by doing this we've been able to afford somewhere in an area we probably couldn't afford otherwise.

So, I'm now at the point where a lot of my LO's movements look and feel like an alien moving around inside me. Very cute and also quite funny to see. I'm exhausted today, we've spent the day trying to sort stuff at the new place. The previous owners had left quite a lot of crap in the shed, plus the kitchen and bathroom were quite dirty - even though we won't be living there till probably the new year we want to make it nice enough that we can stay the odd night there before the building work starts.

How's everyone's weekend going? xx
Oh she's perfect! And soooo tiny! That carseat pic really shows how little.... her face is just so sweet I wanna kiss those cheeks! Lol
I'm so happy for you!
Thanks ladies, last night was so horrible, our first night.. she was crying all the time and her feeding times were off. im so knackered and starting to feel upset.. shes all over the place and my hormones are not helping. ! i slept through her crying as i couldnt hear her this morning, i was in such deep sleep that i couldnt hear dh feeding her, changing her, or her crying, its so weird.

i recovered really well from my c section to be honest, i started having contractions and wasnt supposed to go into natural labour as she was breech and small, although painful, i stood up the next day and was walking by the third day, i would choose a section again ! as i couldnt bear the contractions !!
aw, sweetie. It's bound to be a really emotional time - try not to give yourself a hard time about it if you can. I bet you're exhausted too! I know from other new mums that it can take a little while to get babies into established feeding routines and that it's all really tiring and overwhelming at first. Great that your OH is getting stuck in too - I guess he must have thought you needed your rest! xxx
yeah he is equally knackered actually.. im trying to tell myself that i dont have the baby blues.. ! its overwhelming as i had no responsibility of her for over 3 weeks and now its full on ! its really tough, ill have to see how it goes over the next week xxx
I bet you'll feel much better in a week!! Just remember to take care of yourself and grab naps whenever you can xx
The first night is always the hardest. You described my first night home with my oldest daughter. It was so hard.... can your mom come give you a nap break? That is what my mom did and it helped a ton. Next night will be easier..... you are all adjusting to a new routine and a new place.
Preethi she is gorgeous, absolutely adorable! I'm sure you must be so overwhelmed but don't doubt yourself, it WILL get easier and smoother, it's just going to take a little getting used to. Just try to get naps in whenever Gemma naps, you have to make sure you get as much rest as possible.
Thank you so much ladies, thats what ive been doing ! napping when she is.. xx

unfortunately my mum is out of town but dh is with me until saturday, so hes taken a whole week off.. my mum comes back tomorrow so im sure she will be able to help me out when dh goes back to work xx

hopefully gemma will get used to the place by then and i wont feel so tired !
Aww hunni it will take time so don't be hard on yourself xxx

had mw today she is still breech so at mw next week if she still hasn't turned i will be booked for a scan and they will try and turn her if not will be booked for a c section at 39 weeks.
Preethi - I think it's good to remind yourself that most new mums feel overwhelmed at first! Also, having a preemie baby I guess that means her stomach is even smaller than full-term babies so she won't be able to take as much in at each feed and I imagine it will be even more exhausting because she'll need feeds more frequently? Is that right? The midwife at the antenatal class I went to on Saturday said that new-born babies have stomachs the size of a little marble - so very small!!!

Krissi - sorry to hear your LO is still breech, but how exciting that you might get to know the day she comes beforehand. And only 4 weeks away!!!! WOWEE!!

I've got really sore feet today, anyone else getting this? I feel like I've been on a 5 mile hike wearing the wrong shoes!! On a more positive note we've ordered our cot and a changing table. This means we've got most of the big stuff (or it's on order) - we need to get the car seat next weekend and hopefully the buggy will be the weekend after. It's getting so close now!! And, I've only got 4 more working days left!!!! :happydance::happydance:

How's everyone else doing? :hugs:
Thanks Leeze ! i know i should remind myself oftenxx

Krissi, hope she turns real soon so that you dont have to have the section !!! xxx
Oh bloody hell! I have hemorrhoids now! Lol. Seriously?!

oh no - another one of those perils of pregnancy that don't get talked about much. hope they're not too painful xx
Its just typical! I'm one of those weirdos that only goes every couple of days and goes no problem but now I have hemorroids.. I need to go twice a day! Grr! I can't wait to feel normal again. I want to take deep breaths and sleep on my tummy! :-(

How are we all feeling tonight?
I feel awful i am so tired of being sick every day!

As pumpkin us breech her kicks are right in my girly bits and it really hurts, i feel awful keep moaning but i had really got my hopes up she may some early and unless she turns that isn't going to happen!

Still on a positive note this time next week i will be in my new home!!
Aw poor you Krissi! That's rotten for you. I hope she turns for you. That said I get that poking in my lady bits. Its hands so don't lose heart she may turn yet. Girls are co-operative! ;-)) xxx

Well i have my 36 wk check at the birthing clinic on Friday and I am praying that my little guy has turned (he is currently LOP - left side posterior) I have gathered from some ladies on here that their b2b labours were fine but mine was horrendous and if this chap doesn't go into an anterior position for labour I will be transferring to the main maternity unit for an epidural. I know how a baby coming out of my body b2b feels for me and I swore I would never put myself through that again. I had a tens machine, homeopathy and I didn't experience any relief between contractions - it was constant. I am baffled by just how many ladies had posterior babies and said it wasn't much different to any other labour. I think I must just be a funny shape. Please girls keep your fingers and toes crossed. I know its not the end of the world if I can't have a water birth but I couldn't have one for my home birth last time (various reasons including lack of enough hot water and space) and as this is going to be my last baby, I had set my heart on a water birth at the birthing clinic. I didn't honestly think I'd be posterior twice! Grrr! Are boys awkward or what??? Lol.
Oh Kara really hope he plays ball and moves soon. He still has enough time to do it so don't lose hope! Have you tried bouncing on a ball, or all fours? I hear conflicting things about back to back labours as well, but most people have said it was very unpleasant. Fingers crossed he'll have moved!
Hope your little one moves as well Krissi. I do hear funny stories though, how women give up hope, get their c-section booked and then baby moves - fingers crossed!
Hooray for 4 working days left Leeze! :happydance: Bet you can't wait!

Well I too am suffering from the haemmorhoid hell :growlmad: It was a lot better, and then courtesy of a restaurant on Saturday night I got a slight touch of food poisoning and BAM! Return of the haemmorhoid, and he brought friends this time... eurgh. So sick of it too Kara! And desperate to sleep on my tummy. The other day I was walking past a clothes shop and spotted some really pretty bits in the window and I thought to myself... wow I can't wait to have my body back and wear nice clothes again!
On the upside, our decorating is now finished :happydance: It looks fantastic, I'm so pleased with it and glad we got someone in to do it cos we'd have just done a crap job which would have taken ages. Our new carpet is going in tomorrow morning and I can't wait to see it, our old one is absolutely awful.
Today I've got to nip into town to get a couple of bits for our homebirth, I realised with a shock this morning that I'm only a week away from full term... yikes!

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