Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Last time I spent about a week on my ball it was just so comfy to sit on. I did during labour too. Didn't move baby but I'll be having another crack at it! :)

Though I didn't have the greatest experience during my home birth (b2b labour, a gormless mw and no birthing pool) I would still heartily recommend home-birthing. There is just no substitute for lying in your own bed to recover with your new baby and getting into your own bath. Its just fantastic!! The only reason I'm not doing it again is because I had a bad experience labouring and I just want to be in a position to get an epidural if necessary. The only advice I would offer, if I may be so bold, is to be flexible and don't hold rigidly to the idea of a home-birth. Have a bag packed just in case and if at all possible have a birthing pool at home. I've heard this can really take the sting out of it.

Yes full term by the end of this week? Is anyone going to try bringing on labour? My friend (she has 4 kids) swears by pineapple. She says it gets your bowels moving and that helps speed things up.

I so hear you on the hemorroids front!! Lol. It really is dreadful isn't it? My husband still falls about laughing when I mention them because I got them after dd was born and I bought some hemorroid cream called Anusol. Which i still maintain is pronounced 'anu-sol' not 'anus-ol'' - men!!
Forgot to say thats great about the new decor. I'm quite envious! :) xx
Thanks Kara, yes I have to admit the thought of going upstairs to my own bed afterwards with bubs next to me in his Moses basket is just heavenly! And leaving other people to clear up :haha: I am going to be packing a transfer bag in case, I do hope I won't have to use it but if it happens it happens. I'm thinking of sorting myself out with a box for all the homebirth stuff and to have the transfer bag ready to go if need be. I do feel really positive about it all though :flower: We've got our pool and plan to do a bit of a dry run with it in the next few days, so we know what we're doing when the time comes.

I wasn't planning on trying to induce labour to be honest - I think we're all better off if we're relaxed, rather than getting the hump because the pineapple/curry/sex isn't working! Just seems like a load of old wives' tales to me. Has anyone heard of other mums who have had some success?

Oh I've got the old anusol as well - that did crack me up about how to pronounce it! :haha:
Hi Girls,

Hope you're all well. Sorry about the piles etc - haven't had the pleasure yet myself but I am ruling nothing out! I saw your FB post Krissi - I hope she turns for you.

Preethi - Gemma is totally gorgeous and you're doing great - you hang in there. You'll be telling us how to get through the early days in a few weeks

I've been lying low for a few days trying to get in a better frame of mind. I think I am finally fed up. I haven't got anything to be particularly peeved about so I feel bad saying it but I think I am ready to meet this baby and be done with being pregnant. If one more person says to me "Hasn't it flown by?"...the answer is "NO it bleeding hasn't!!"

A girl in my NCT group had her baby at 32 weeks on Saturday and he was almost 6 pounds then my cousin had hers 16 days overdue yesterday and she was 10 pounds. Talk about different horses for courses! Right now I would take any pain that was coming to me if I knew when it was coming - I am SOOOO impatient!

That said I am not going to be eating any curry or pineapple. Both make my bowels react badly and given I have a pathological fear of crapping in labour I won't be doing anything along those lines! I won't be having any sex either. My bump is so hard and tight I reckon I would bounce my DH off it - and hes a big guy! I'm just going to keep walking and swimming - to maintain fitness more than anything and I'll sit on my ball but only because my back doesn't hurt when I do that. I'm with you Vanessa, if I try lots of things and they don't work I'll just get even madder so I'm going to try and go with the flow. Ha!

I read WiscoGirl's birth story today - I haven't always seen eye to eye with her posts but her story is pretty enviable - have a read!

I am putting the moses basket in our room tomorrow (dog sleeps in there so want to get her used to it) and I will also be pushing the pram down our lane with the dog on the lead over the next couple of weeks. I know I will look like a mad woman but hey ho, needs must!

Right, I'm off to kill a few wasps. Got to get rid of this frustration somehow and they are driving me nuts!
I am so with you on the not having flown by I want to slap every person that says it to me and this last bit definately drags the most!!
Well I do. One of my best friends has 4 children and swears by pineapple (for getting your bm's going! Haha!) and raspberry leaf tea capsules and sex! I would think sex and pineapple would be the most reliable as your uterine muscles contract when you orgasm and pineapple erm.. clears the path.. Lol. I think there is a huge element of your body being ready enough for the little push to help but as for actually inducing labour I can't say as I've never tried before.

You'll have fun giving the birthing pool a trial run! Sounds like you have it covered ;-) xx
My particular irritation is with people who say 'only' "Only 4 wks that's nothing!" Huh! Oh really?? Grrr!!!
Hi ladies, had an interesting day yesterday... woke up at 3am with the worst headache I can imagine, Really nasty and nothing would take it away, I tried ice, tylenol, heat, a shower, complete dark.... nothing. So I called the doctor and my doc is out of the office on Monday so the other doc suggested I go to l&d to be checked out since I was having blurred vission and dizziness, my BP was 157/106. So I went, I'm now thinking of switching hospitals cuz I'm irked.

I went in and was asked why I was there cuz I wasn't in labor, explained and was sent to a room to wait, then a nurse came in gave me a gown and told me to wear it and so I got all ready and they hooked me up to a machine that kept beeping because it didn't work right, so I kept paging cuz it was so loud. They got annoyed and finally after 45 min came and adjusted it. The nurse asked me to leave a urine sample, and I did and soon as she saw that it was dark, she decided I was dehydrated and That's what was wrong..... end of story, at this point I explained noooo I have OC which causes dark urine... she just shrugged and left. An hour later the lab came in and took blood and messed up the monitor to beep again... and close to an hour later the nurse comes varying into my room and demands "Do you drink alcohol?!?!" I'm like what? No! Stupid woman I'm pregnant! Then she asks me well then how much tylenol do you take. And I explained that I never take it and that morning was the first time in 3 months that I had. Then without explaining why she asked so rudely she turned to leave.... I said wait! Is it because of my liver? And she said yes your enzymes are at more than 3x normal..... so I said well I tried to explain that to you earlier, and that MY doctor is watching that very close. So she left and explained that to the on call doc on the phone, who was going to keep me overnight....

I'm now on "strict bedrest" till I see my doctor, which thankfully is tomorrow, where I let him know how crappy I was treated and that I may wanna switch to my other hospital option.

Anyway headache has eased and I feel fine this morning. So that's good.
Whoa!! That's inexcusably rude. Not a good attitude to take in a L&D ward! Good for you. I would definitely want to change after that!
Dear lord Angie, how dare they treat you so badly! You've been carefully monitored for weeks because of issues with your liver, it's ridiculous that when you don't feel right the hospital just try and brush you off.
Does your doctor know that you were in the hospital? I take it you're at home now?
Personally I think it might be an idea to switch hospitals, if that's how they treat pregnant women with potentially unsafe symptoms. Clearly they couldn't care less.
Very glad to hear you feel better now :hugs:
I agree and why did they not check your notes/pregnancy history before treating you?? They should have known all this before treating you Angie!
I know.... it makes me sooooooo mad! The on call doctor has access to everyone's charts, I know because she was able to look up my 24 hour urine test. She didn't bother to read farther. As far as I know my doc wasn't informed so when I go tomorrow I will be letting him know.

It gets me so angry that I told the check in nurse about my liver and the nurse in the room, and they both brushed it off like I didn't say anything at all.

This is when hormones kicking in is bad LOL. They had my mom so mad too... she went with me and was like ummmm hello! So it wasn't just me. I for sure am going to see about switching hospitals. I don't want to be treated like that when it REALLY counts.
Oh my.... for some reason I'm having anxiety about going to the doc tomorrow! My BP tonight is too high and I'm dizzy, and then with the experience of yesterday, and the strict bedrest, I'm kinda scared I'm gonna hear times up... today is the day.... don't get me wrong, I want him out... but the closer I get the more scared I get.... am I making any sense at all LOL.

I need some answers tomorrow.... if not a section date.
Oh Angie, I think its perfectly understandable that you feel that way and for what its worth I think you're handling it really well. The wait to see the doc is bound to put you on edge but once you see him I'm sure you'll get some answers and you'll feel much better about it. On a much smaller scale, I am nervous about Friday. I want to hear that my baby has moved to an anterior position or is very likely to do so before labour. I think its anxiety that's the worse thing sometimes and the not knowing.

Blimey that thread has deteriorated! The one about discharge and I think you commented on it too, sounded like her plug was going. They're all having a go over there now! For goodness sake! Lol

I'm scared to post any new threads for fear of offending someone about something! :)
Uh oh I'm gonna have to go look. Some of these moms to be I swear!
Hi Girls,

I hope all goes ok at the doctors today Angie - keep us posted.

Weird day today: woke up with my bump almost at a diagonal. Could feel and see it moving and got some kicks but it looked really odd. Even my belly button which has been out for weeks was indented. I had my midwife appt booked anyway so off I went.

Suffice to say it was a bit different to normal. She ummed and "awwed" a lot and basically said she was 'puzzled' by how the baby is lying, couldn't feel where any of it was supposed to be and then told me I was measuring the same as I was 2 weeks ago - so 2 weeks behind effectively. She has arranged for me to have a presentation scan first thing tomorrow. The heartbeat was fine and I have felt the baby move all day but I've got a weird sense about it all. I knew when I woke up something felt different and I've felt odd all day - sort of "off". The baby's movements have been really different - like frenetic and forceful.

So, at least I get to see my baby tomorrow and hopefully will have peace of mind. I'll keep you posted.

Hope everyone else is well
hi everyone

I'm soooo tired today. Want to sleep for a week. Work crazy in terms of trying to get things finished/handed over. Can't wait till Friday at 5.30 when I can say goodbye to work for 12 months.

Sounds like there's quite a lot going on for us all at the moment.

Angie -that treatment you got at the hospital is appalling, hope it all goes ok at your Doctor's appointment.

Krissi - sorry to hear you're feeling sick again, hon

Darling - that posterior delivery sounds awful, I truly hope your LO turns - but if not it sounds like an epidural is a good idea

Waitress - glad you're getting a scan tomorrow, I wonder if your baby is starting to move into head-down position and that's why you're measuring differently? I definitely feel like my bump has changed shape since yesterday, mine is much lower and more centred. Also my LO has been kicking and moving much more yesterday and today than ever before. I'm hoping it's all a good sign, and hope the same for you. good to get checked out, just to be sure

Pielette - good luck with getting everything ready for the home birth. Have you seen this video - my colleague who gave me the hypnobirthing sessions showed it to me - https://www.divineintentions.co.uk/hypnobirthing_movie.asp
- looks amazing and very inspirational!!

It doesn't surprise me to hear there's more threads where people are having a go - I've tried to stay away from any threads like that recently. Saying that, I might just have to have a nosey because I can't help myself...
Update on me....

Doc is very concerned about my health... not only do I have cholestasis of pregnancy, and HELLP syndrome, I'm showing signs of fatty liver grrrrr. He's also checking my kidneys today and I'm repeating the 24 hour urine test. He basically told me I wont be pregnant past next week for sure, and I may not be pregnant this weekend. I've developed tenderness and radiating dull pain under my right rib and that's my liver. If I get it again where it hurts pretty bad he said go immediately to the hospital and tell them to call him.

That said. I had a biophysical profile done where they do a scan and test 5 different areas I can't remember all. Its fluid, "breathing" or diagram usage, muscle tone.... blood flow and one other thing. Each is scored 0 for poor or 2 for normal. And baby got 8 out of 10 which they said was good, what he was worried about was the diaphragm and breathing. Baby is measuring 1 day off due date so just about perfect.... so he is doing well... it me that's not, and I'm very glad he is OK.

I'm stressed but feel a lot better since I see he is OK and nothing seems wrong with him. My health.... yea, I'm worried but I can't seem to wrap my head around thinking of myself. He did say that if he wasn't only 35 weeks we would deliver today.

I'm very VERY grateful that this doctor is very good, and very experienced, and I feel very comfortable with his judgement. He is really weighing the risk factors closely.


Pielette, I hope all is well with you and your baby, its so fun to see the scans cuz they are so real now. Hopefully baby is just trying g to get comfy.

Leeze how exciting! Only 2 days left now? I bet you are very ready!!
Angie you're really going through it aren't you love? Hang in there. While its not nice to hear those things, like you say its you that's suffering. Your little guy is doing well and after his birth your body will begin to repair itself. Just hang in there. You've come so far! Your doctor sounds brilliant and really on the ball. We're here to support you in the meantime. We'll all be rooting for you! I think it must be so hard for especially at this stage when we're so tired and uncomfortable anyway. Keep your chin up. It'll all be ok.

Leeze - it was lovely afterwards though because as soon as he was born the pain immediately stopped like the flick of a switch and (for the sake of anyone reading this worrying about a back to back labour) I've been genuinely surprised to find that not all b2b labours are like mine, in fact I've only heard one other woman describe it the same way where the pain didn't stop between contractions. I'd still chicken out and go for an epi if I'm in that position again though! Lol. Well.. not long now Leeze!!! You can just wear your dressing gown until labour starts!! Lol xxx

Emma - sounds like transverse/oblique position so its a good sign that your little person is making it's way head first! Keep us posted on the scan. Good luck hun. Thinking of you. Xx

Krissi how are you doing doll?

Preethi how's that gorgeous little girl of yours? She's such a pretty little thing! You're so blessed! X
Thanks for asking darling, shes doing ok, shes got some colic and reflux so im not enjoying it at the moment, been grabbing sleep wherever i can as im so shattered, thats why ive not been able to come online much, im really tired all the time,

i know all of you have so much going on, ive not been able to read most of the posts, by the time, i skim read, she needs my attention ..

Angie, i am so sorry you are going through all of this, it must be so tough. your baby is doing well, so im sure he will be fine, it will be worth it, although it sounds silly, i know youre going to be ok. how exciting youre going to have your section soon as per your doctor, you will be the next one to announce !! xxxx

Darlin, Leeze, Krissi, Waitress,(hope your scan goes ok tomorrow xx) pielette,

hope all of you are doing ok, sorry im not able to read through all your posts completely, but :hugs: to all of you, and those of you in pain, i hope you feel better soon xxxx will post when i get some time, first week is tough !

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