Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Preethi its not easy but you're already winning the battle by sleeping when she sleeps. I was idiotic with Issy. Despite being given this advice I used to use the time that she was sleeping to get housework done and I was always strung out and shattered. With no.2 you don't get the chance unless you're lucky enough to get them both to sleep simultaneously.

I had colic when I was a baby for five months and in all my baby pics I look like a lobster from screaming. My mother tried a few drops of peppermint oil in my milk (she cojldn't breastfeed) and it sorted it overnight. I wonder if drinking peppermint tea would help her? You drinking peppermint tea not Gemma! Lol

Perhaps gripe water?

Give her a little cuddle from me. Poor little lamb. :) xx
Wow Angie, you're definitely being put through it! As Kara says, it is thankfully you who's suffering (although that sounds awful!) and you know your little man will be ok. Glad to hear your doctor is so on the ball, and it won't be long till you meet your little guy! How are you feeling today?
Poor little Gemma, colic is not much fun for anyone. I did hear a tip (not sure if it works or not since I haven't been in this position yet!) but have you thought about trying something called cranial osteopathy Preethi? It's a really gentle form of osteopathy which manipulates the bones and muscles, supposed to be fab for babies who suffer from colic and helps them to sleep as well. Might be worth looking into? It's something I've also had throughout my pregnancy and it's really helped with all sorts of little niggles.
Two days to go Leeze, fantastic! :thumbup: I have to admit, I thought I'd be bored silly being at home but there's been lots of things to occupy myself with. I can't believe how close we all are to the finish line now.
That all sounds a bit odd Emma, when's your scan? Maybe bubs is shifting into a weird position, s/he still has time to move into the right one though.

Well our lounge and hallway are finally done, we had our new carpet put in yesterday in the lounge and bubs' room. It looks amazing, I'm so so pleased with it. It's like walking on fluffy clouds :haha: The lounge is now so nice that my eye is forever drawn to the curtains, which just aren't right. So we'll be changing those as soon as poss. It also means that we can now set up Noah's furniture in his room, which I'm excited about!
I've got a midwife visit this morning, just a usual check-up, but she comes to the flat now which is nice. Later on I'm going to nip into town for a few last minute bits, and I also realised that Noah doesn't really have many toys yet, so may go check out the toy shop :happydance:
Hope everyone's doing well today!
Darling, i have actually heard of gripewater and ive bought infacol drops but haent started anything as she is premature and i want t5o ask the doctor on her one week appointment on saturday before i do anything..xxxx thanks for the site love. gemma is on formula as per doctors instruction, she only gets one feed of breastmilk per day , shes on formula so that she can gain weight, so not sure if peppermint will help, but hey i love peppermint tea, so i could drink it anyway ! xx

Leeze, i have not heard of cranial osteopathy, will definetely look into it !! xxx thanks hun
omg pielette , look at my baby brain !! it was you who mentioned the cranial osteopathy and i wrote to leeze lol ... im definetey not getting any sleep if i cant even read a post right !
Hi everyone sorry i have been absent for so long...just lots going on cba to get into it all.

Angie so sorry your having such a hard time hun, i hope that they deliver you sooner rather than later now so that you can get your health back on track, thinking of you xxx

Preethi - dd had colic and ds had colic and reflux, what bottles are you using? Have you heard of dr browns anti-colic bottles? lots of ppl swear by them. I used them with ds and they did seem to help although i didnt think they were as wonderful as the reviews. Gemma is absolutely beautiful such lovely pictures.

I had another growth scan today, they are no longer worried at all about the babys growth as she has now found her own line and seems to be following it. However, baby is now breach so i have a hospital appointment for monday to discuss options available. Hopefully she will turn im not getting anxious or worried not much point what will be will be.

Krissi - when is your appointment re breach? xxx
I hae midwife on moday but its a different one to who I saw this monday so praying she doesnt say something different. The midwife i saw said that if baby is still breech on Monday tey would book me for a scan and ten try and turn but she was sill breech weds when I had hospital for this sickness.

Fell down stairs yesterday and really hurt my back and elbow, I am such an idiot!! I am also a bit concerned that I was really sck last night and i was just mouthfuls of blood but then stopped, no pain or anything do you think I should call midwife or just leave it til Monday or see if happens again.
I'm not altogether surprised that you're suffering from baby-brain Preethi! To be fair I feel like I've had baby-brain for about 4 months! :haha:
Lovely to hear from you pink, great to hear that bubs is now on a steady growth line. Shame about the breech situation though, fingers crossed for some turning!

Krissi I'd get a doctor's appointment or call the midwife, you shouldn't be vomiting blood. If nothing else for your own peace of mind. Sounds like maybe you gave your body a bit of a jolt when you fell, it can't hurt to get it checked out. Hope you're not too sore hun :hugs:

Well I have an appointment with my osteopath this morning, then going to go into town to buy a couple of pressies. I get to go meet my friend's little girl next week, born on 20th September, I'm so excited! I was thinking I might get her a couple of toys, since everyone seems to buy clothes it might make a change.
I've got my baby shower on Sunday and I'm really looking forward to it! I specifically requested no presents, because I didn't want people to think that was all I wanted. In truth what I wanted was a lovely girly afternoon with my closest friends and my mum before bubs arrives. But no doubt they've ignored me, we shall see.
Krissi - get on the phone to doc or mw at once like pielette said you should not be vomiting blood! Hope everythings ok keep us posted (text mex)

Pielette - hope your baby shower goes well sound like great fun x

Im struggling with this heat giving me headaches and feel sick (moan moan moan lol) Roll on four weeks time!

Anyone having any signs of labour? xxx
Any word krissi? Did you call? Is baby still acting normal?
Sheesh I'm a worrier!

I'm not feeling so hot today, kinda blah with a headache and slight abdominal pain. If it gets worse I will be making a trip to the hospital since that what doc said to do. For now I'm going back to bed

Seems like most everyone is doing well besides the 3rd tri impatience. I'm there too... and even though this will be my shortest pregnancy, it feels like the longest.

I will check back later.... but if I'm not around, I may be having a baby FX.
pink, they tried dr browns on her at the nicu, she never drank from it,we are on the philips avent anti colic bottles, but to be honest i dont think any of them actually work ! im going for her one week appointment tomorrow so will ask the doc about infacol drops, they seem to be really famous.

Pink,yay for baby growing well, you mustve been worried xx ! glad youre out of that bubble now.

Krissi, hun are you ok\? i would check with the MW just in case .. please keep us updated and hope you feel better soon xxx

Piellete, enjoy your baby shower !!!!! xxxxxx

Angie, fx'd you dont have to suffer soon and that your gorgeous baby arrives xxx
I changed ds's milk to cow and gate comfort, supposed to be easier to digest than normal milk and its recommended for colic and reflux babies...it did defo help maybe you have a milk you could change to once she gets a bit bigger.

God yeah any news from Krissi - im going to text her now so if i hear before it gets too late i will let you all know x
Blimey anyone heard from Krissi yet? Hope you're ok love.

Well too emotionally drained to go into details but I won't be having my waterbirth at the birthing clinic because the mw who ran the show upset me so much that I broke down in tears and have been crying all day. (Hormones partly responsible). Its all ok with baby but I am more in the dark now than I was before I went in. I don't know where I'm having my baby and had a bit of light brown discharge earlier which seems to have gone away but had me worried about labour and my bag isn't packed and I'm not ready to go. Really shitty day! But glad to find out now rather than when I'm in labour. She was the natural childbirth KGB!!! Sorry probably not making much sense atm. I'm drained. I need to sleep.

Vanessa hope you enjoyed your shower! Xx
Awwww darling I'm sorry! What happened? Why can't you have your water birth? I'm sorry you had a bad day... hopefully tomorrow will be better.
I heard from Krissi last night had already logged off here though, she had spoken to her mw who said that it could have been a reaction to the meds but that she was to keep an eye on the situation and go back on monday. Will text again today and see how she is and let you all know if she doesnt get on on here herself, id imagine shes really busy with preparing for the move on monday x

Darling - hope your feeling a bit better today x

Angie - how are you today? x
just dropping by to see how everyone is. we've got a really busy weekend of buying car seats, curtains, tidying out garden, entertaining the MIL - and trying to get things sorted in new place. Was great finishing work but also hard to let go.

Krissi - hope you're feeling better hon, sounds like a nasty thing to go through

Darling - sorry you didn't have good experience with midwife, hope you can find an alternative plan for birth that suits you. Can you ask for a different m/w?

Pink - lovely to hear from you, sorry to hear bub is breech

Preethi - I don't know much about collic and different milk etc, hopefully you've got some good advice from some of the others!!

Angie - hang on in there hon, not long to go now!

Hi to everyone else, catch up properly soon xxx
Hi ladies just a quick update.... went to l&d as per docs orders if there was more pain.... on call doc called it gallstones and after a few hours gave lortab and sent me home.

I'm feeling very frustrated and tired... nauseated and just all over sick and run down. I'm gonna try to rest and hope I feel better.
Oh Kara , im so sorry you wont be having the water birth you desired so much.. these mw's i tell you !! they do your head in at times ! i hope you make a decision soon .. at the end of the day, youve got to be comfortable and happy with the place you give birth in xxx i hope it all works out for you..

I hope krissi is ok, thanks for updating pink xxx
Leeze glad youve had a very prodcutive busy day !!xx

Angie , im so sorry you feel so run down hun xx i hope you feel better soon and that bubs arrives soonxx

Pink, hope bubs turns soon for you xxxx

Pink, we are using similac neosure as it is special formula made for premature babies with low birth weight, so i cant switch to any formula i like .. xxx

although doctor has prescribed infant gaviscon, and its not available in dubai, so im trying to get some sent over from the uk or us.. i hope that helps, im giving her infacol at the moment, to help with colic if she has any.. but doctor said its more likely to be reflux and gaviscon will help..

we had her one week appointment yesterday and she put on 200gms in 4 days and is 2.25 kg now so im pretty chuffed with that xx
Angie - sending you a big hug - you've had so many ups and downs recently. Good the Doctor is continuing to keep an eye on you and always best to get checked out. I hope you can get some rest today :hugs:

Preethi - that's great that Gemma has put that weight on!! Well done you and well done Gemma!!! How are you feeling now, is it a bit less overwhelming now? :hugs:

I hope everyone else has a lovely day. it's really hot here again and we're going over to collect the MIL to show her our new place (and maybe even sit in the garden for a bit!!!). My OH has just gone to collect a changing unit we got from ebay - and we got our car seat yesterday too. We're just waiting for the cot to arrive and then I think we've got all the main things!!! Now just need to wait for baby!!!

So, is everyone feeling really heavy now? I've noticed a difference even in the last few days, it's a struggle to get in and out of the car at the moment. Also my feet really hurt by the end of the day, I need to keep sitting down as much as possible. Oh, and I keep getting a horrible pain in my right shoulder. I googled this and it seems that a lot of women get this towards the end of their pregnancy - something to do with bubs pushing on a nerve in the back which is connected to the shoulder. Can't complain too much though, I feel really lucky that so far I've had no major complaints. Only a few weeks to go now!!!! :happydance:
Thanks ladies. I am trying hard to keep my head straight. I am so tempted to book into Bath where dd was born but they are an hour away. My other options are Yeovil (closest at 1/2 hr away) but I need to ask if they offer epi's (I just want to know its available as lo looks like coming out b2b again) and to ask if they having a birthing pool in case he's playing ball on labour day. I cant believe how passive-aggressive she was with me. Its amazing but her idea of the 'empowerment of women' was substantially different from mine. She maintained that the administration of an epidural is the mw's decision not the patient and actually said if she thought I was doing well and didn't need it who was I to question her judgement? Did I think they didn't know their jobs?? Syntocinon would only be administered if I'd tried without success to push the placenta out for at least an hour (You have to give it a chance!!) And that I'm basically being 'selfish' (she avoided the word 'selfish' but thats what she was saying) by excluding my baby. This is a team effort and I'm talking as though its just me who has to do this! I should be including baby and asking him to find a nice anterior position or better still the easiest position for him to come out! I haven't spoken to my mother since my birthday in May and I could have done with a little kindness as I was already feeling vulnerable. I got so fed up with justifying myself to her that in the end I said that she talked about the empowerment of women but that so far all I had heard was what I couldn't have. I was very clear that I was looking for a natural birth (hence I booked into a natural birthing clinic! Duh!) but that I didn't want to suffer like I did at home with Ethan and that if that turned out to be the case that I want to be able to choose to transfer for an epidural as I was under the impression that was my choice (subject to availability naturally) and that I made that clear when I booked into the clinic and was told that was fine. She talked about her reputation and that of the clinic and told me about their stats - only 17% refered to the main hospital maternity ward (1 min walk across the car park) and I thought omg you bloody cow! This is about your stats! I walked in and the first thing she said after I explained my reasons for choosing the clinic as a sort of halfway house (which is how it is advertised) was "This is your third? Why aren't you having another home birth?!!"

Sorry to drone on. I was so devastated I didn't stop crying. I broke down in Primark and M&S (so didn't get what I needed and didn't get a nursing bra) and had to suffer the humiliation of being heavily pregnant and limping back to the car balling my eyes eyes with onlookers staring in horror.

So.. since then Joe pointed out that nothing's gone right in that hospital, first it was the HIV scare and they couldn't be bothered to let me know and then got snotty about it, the sonographer was funny about the scan pics so I never got my 20 wk scan pic. It got me thinking he's right. Maybe this is not meant!

Taunton is 50 mins away. Bath is an hour and 5 mins. But as a third timer he could come quickly. I'd love another home birth with a birthing pool but I'm due in just over 3 weeks, I'm fairly skint and baby already looks like he's posterior.. what should I do? I'll call Yeovil first and see what they say otherwise should I risk another 15 mins in the car for peace of mind and book into Bath?

Sorry to be all me, me, me! I'm so lost at the moment!
Thanks for the concern girls have had a nightmare few days i woke Saturday to the worlds worst cold and Paul lost his job Friday. i have been coughing sick much i feel like i have broken ribs my chest hurts so badly. still a hit wobbly but no more blood so i am reassured by that. i have nct, midwife and move tomorrow so praying cold is better by then!

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