Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

:hugs:Oh Krissi I'm so sorry love. What a bloody nightmare! Why do these things always happen when you're heavily pregnant or have just had a baby?! Hang in there doll. When you're holding that baby you get a weird sense of perspective and a really positive sense of all will be ok. I'm so sorry to hear you're in pain. Sending a very gentle powerhug your way. Sometimes change happens for the better at key stages in life like the birth if a child. Maybe Paul will land a better job. I know how stressful moving is but try to imagine yourself in the early hours soothing your baby in your lovely new home. All quiet and peaceful. :cloud9: xxxx
Darling I'm sorry about your experience! Not cool..... I'd suggest booking into bath Honestly. My hospital is about 50 min away as well... its a pain but worth the time for quality care. Your LO may come faster but you know what to watch for so you can leave sooner.

Krissi big hugs to you!!
Thanks Angie. I'm really torn. Its an hour and 5 mins - just don't want to be pushing en route! Lol. X
Oh Kara, what a bloody nightmare. I hate that some medical professionals think they have the right to treat you like that! Bottom line is that it's your body and your labour, and you have the right to any pain relief you want. How dare she talk down to you like that! Please don't let her get to you, she's clearly obsessed with her own stats as you say and doesn't care enough about you to put you first. But that doesn't mean you can't go elsewhere!
Have you spoken to Yeovil? I really think you're better off looking at Yeovil or even Bath, yes these places aren't on your doorstep but as a third timer you will know when things start to crank up a notch and you can jump in the car earlier than you would normally, once you recognise the signs. There is so much to be said for trust in your healthcare providers and you can't stick with a place that is clearly not going to give you the support you need :hugs:
Krissi I'm sorry you're feeling so rubbish! Colds are horrid when they're that bad, especially when heavily pregnant. Sorry to hear Paul's lost his job as well, that's awful flipping timing. Are you feeling any more human yet?
How are you feeling Angie?
I feel the same Leeze, so heavy all the time! My feet hurt constantly, I went to the shops on Saturday and even though I was in my comfiest flat shoes I was still craving a seat. How's the new place looking?

Well I had a nice weekend. Just spent Saturday with my parents and on Sunday I had my baby shower - it was absolutely gorgeous and I feel incredibly spoiled by my friends! Noah is going to be one very well dressed little man. I did request no presents because I just wanted to have a nice girly afternoon with my friends, but they pretty much ignored me. Had such a lovely time, we had afternoon tea and cakes in a really pretty venue, it was fabulous.
But I do feel a bit odd. I've had cramps on and off (feels like period pain) and I think a few Braxton Hicks (I've found it very difficult to identify what it is!). I've also got a lot of kind of 'stingy' pressure down below - sorry for the TMI!
Kara - that does sound hideous. I would suggest going to Bath too, like the others say even though it's a bit further you hopefully will be better at recognising the signs and set off at the right time. Given it's so important that you feel as comfortable as possible, I think you would probably get quite stressed out if you went back to the clinic you went to, having had the experience you had. Sounds like the m/w you saw didn't have a very good beside manner, and would you trust her to be supportive of you at a time when you really need someone to listen and offer support?

Krissi - sorry to hear you're not well and that's such a bummer about Paul's job. He seems to have had a lot of bad luck recently with jobs, I hope something good turns up soon.

Pielette - that sounds like a lovely baby shower. How fab to spend a nice time with friends and get some lovely things for Noah. So, have you thought of a new middle name yet? What about Noah Sebastian - has that been considered, I think it's got a nice sound to it. Our new place is fab, I wish we could move in now - but we need to get the work done before we can move in. We had an architect round today because we need to get planning permission for the work (it's a side extension) and he reckons it will probably take us up till Xmas to get the planning permission sorted - it's then about 6-8 weeks of work so probably Feb-March before we can move in. It's lovely to go over there though and I spent the morning out in the garden today doing some gardening!! Also, my parents are coming to stay tomorrow for 2 days so my OH and I are going to stay at the new place and my parents will stay in our flat. So that will be a little adventure!!

I just had a nosebleed totally out of the blue! I was lying snoozing on the sofa when suddenly it started pouring out of my nose! Has stopped now so panic over. xxx
Pielette glad you had such a lovely shower !!! xxx

Krissi, so sorry about pauls job hun.. he has had a tough time with it lately, FX'D everything works out for you guys soon.. xxx :hugs:

Leeze, how weird about the nose bleed ! so random !
Hi girls,

I hope everyone is doing well today.

Kara, have you made your decision where you're having your baby yet?

Despite assuring myself I wouldn't be one of those obsessive labour-symptom spotters here I am, well and truly in the grips of it. Since I went for my scan last week and was told everything was fine and the baby is 3/5 engaged and looking likely to come early I have been like a bloody guard dog! Bags are packed, house is clean and I am ready and its so frustrating because I know it could well be another 4 weeks or so yet! I am going to drive myself mad with it but I promise I won't bring it to this thread. Well, I'll try my best anyway.:shrug:

I'm off to tidy something that doesn't need tidying. Again.
Emma - lol. Yeah right like we were never going to symptom spot during the tww!

Thanks for all your support girls. Its quite shocking really that anyone like that has any place in the midwifery discipline let alone runs a whole department! Well I spoke to the new district mw (honestly girls I've got to laugh, my mw was due to retire but due to 'illness' took retirement sooner still, the lady hired to cover her has been off sick for a long time and the lady covering her is on annual leave! They must be under so much pressure they get signed off with stress!) who is very nice and I told her the edited versiob of what happened; I left out the fact that I'd broken down seversl times, and she said, "I know exactly who that is because she runs the dept over there and I am really sorry!" So she evidently has a reputation. Anyway, I told her everything and she was disgusted and said she could completely understand why I wouldn't want to have my baby in Taunton anymore. I have to choose and let her know when I see her a week from today but if I go into labour in-between time then its Taunton. She also suggested that my daughter (first born) was probably posterior and thats why the mw in Bath suggested the epidural and nodded at me the way she did. Apparently some women are just more prone to posterior labours than others. So looks like an epidural for me then! Joy. She did day on the upside that subsequent babies usually come much more quickly but that posterior labours are longer so I would probably have plently of time to get to Bath. So confusing! So no.. I'm in limbo! Lol. Yeovil are much more basic but can do epidurals and are closer. Bath are more up together but they're over an hour away. I'm not sure I want to be enduring an hour car journey whilst in labour. Hmmm..

How is everyone else? Angie how are you doing hun?

Krissi how's Paul doing? Anything positive on the horizon?

Pielette very envious of your shower. So glad you enjoyed it. You'll always treasure the memory of it. X
Leeze - i had the flu at xmas and my nose bled really heavily every time i needed to blow it (even gently) it was horrible. That's nasty. Hope that its ok now and you don't get anymore. Xx
Hi girls, had a mw appointment yesterday and a consultant appointment on monday. Just got booked in for 38 weeks when we will determine how baby is positioned and if still breech will be having a c-section at 39 weeks :( although at the hospital they didnt even check for me now which was annoying. Had my mw yesterday who confirmed baby is still breech. I know that she is now anyway, such an uncomfortable bump and really painful high up where her head is digging in under my ribcage and feel like my lungs are being squashed. Im praying that she turns but im being very pessimistic and i dont think she will. Ive looked into having a vaginal breech birth but have decided not for me as puts baby at more risk but is safer for me, however, c-section safer for baby but not me...please everyone keep everything crossed that she turns in time x

Darling sorry your having a tough time atm and what a hard decision you have to make do what you feel is right, is your baby back to back already?

How is everyone else? Waitress i wish i could just get it all over and done with and feel free to talk about possible signs of labour etc its inevitable that we will all be looking out for them xxx
Hope she turns in time for you love.. xxx keeping everything crossed for you.. xxx sorry you are so uncomfortable at the moment, but it will be all worth it in the end xxx
Seriously what's wrong with laying an egg??!!! We could even take it in turms to incubate it?! Lol. Chin up Pink. :hugs:
Hi ladies. How is everyone today?
Really hope bubs turns for you pink. Have you been trying bouncing on a ball, or any of those positions on the spinning babies website? I've heard some of these techniques really can work. Oh these little babies are monkeys before they're even born!
Leeze I randomly had a nosebleed last week as well! It was horrid, I was supposed to be taking Dave to the station but fat chance of that when blood's pouring out of your nose. I haven't had a proper nosebleed in years either. The joys of pregnancy eh?
Well Emma I think sod it, feel free to labour symptom spot! I have to admit I'm doing it myself too. The past few days my Braxton Hicks have kicked up a notch and I'm getting period type cramps, plus a lot of pressure down below. I feel fairly sure he's going to be early, could be totally wrong but my body feels like it's warming up to it. We'll see I suppose!
Hi lovelies

I've just had my parents to visit for 2 days and it's been exhausting!!! Mind you, my Dad was a real star and spent most of yesterday chopping back bushes and cutting down ivy in our new garden. Shame we won't be able to properly enjoy it till we move in and probably not till Spring but it looks great now and hopefully will mean less maintenance next year. It's great being off work though, even though I've been pretty busy this week so far already! Tomorrow I'm definitely going to take it easy and have a day lounging on the sofa!!

I've got to go for a glucose intolerance test on Monday, I think some of you have had this already - my glucose has got really high. It's that test where you have to fast for 12 hours beforehand (eek) and then drink 2 little bottles of lucozade. Also my iron levels are low so I need to start taking iron tablets. On the positive side my white blood cells are back to normal which is good, and the midwife said my baby's head is in the right place in terms of starting to engage. I've got seriously sore feet at the moment, and have started wearing 2 pairs of socks with some big comfy trainers to try to help.

Right, enough about me!!!!

Pielette - sounds like your LO could be getting ready for an early arrival (not that I'm any expert on this!!!)!!! I've been having some period type twinges the last couple of days too, I wondered if these were Braxton Hicks as I've no idea what Braxton Hicks feel like!! I agree with you on the symptom-spotting - I think we should all allow ourselves to do this as much as we need to because we need somewhere to share to help keep ourselves sane!!

Darling, I'm with you on laying an egg! Or maybe even having a little pouch to carry it round it like Kangaroos do - so when we give birth they're really small and it's quick and painless - and then we can safely tuck them away in our pouch until they're big enough to face the world!!! That's good that the district midwife listened to you about your experience - and it is a tough decision you've got to make. It's a shame you can't go and camp out outside Bath hospital - I heard a story about this recently where a man hired a camper van so that they didn't have to be too far from the hospital when his' partner's labour started - not sure that being in the back of a camper van would be that pleasant an experience either though while you wait to get yourself to the point where the hospital will see you.

Pink - sorry to hear she's still breech. Will you get the Doctor to try to turn her? They mentioned at my local hospital that they can do this - but I didn't like the sound of it very much and also apparently even when they're successful the baby can still turn back round again. 4 of my friends have had babies this year and all ended up having to have C-sections, 2 were planned and 2 were emergency. I think really they would have all ideally liked not to have a C-section, but all said afterwards that once they held their baby in their arms that it didn't seem so important anymore. I don't know if that helps at all!

Waitress - I think just let yourself be obsessive about symptom-spotting - you'll probably go crazy otherwise!!!! Are you feeling ready for the LO coming then? Personally, I think I'd like mine to hang on for another 4 weeks or so (I might feel differently in a couple of weeks, I know) - so that I can have a bit of a rest now after finishing work. Sounds like your nesting instinct has kicked in, I'm still waiting for mine!!!

Preethi - how are you doing hon? And how's the lovely Gemma? I hope you're having lots of precious moments together!

Krissi - how are you feeling? Hope you're doing ok?

Angie - you've been a bit quiet the last couple of days...any updates from you? Is it still likely that you'll have your LO in the next week or so?

Just wanted to say I really appreciate you guys and our group - it definitely does help keep me sane xxx :hugs:
Leeze the thought had crossed my mind!! Lol. When I started this thread I'd just hoped for a buddy or two to compare notes with! I never imagined that we'd all go through so much together! Actually there's still a few of you I've not FB'ed yet so I'll have to hunt you down so I can check out all the baby pics! It won't be long! I need to get my butt in gear. I need to move the cot and finish packing my hospital bag.

My mother has been calling. She's 'worried' apparently. She's such a loony. She should be worried that her son is a psycho! Grr! Wish she'd just leave us alone. I don't want to talk to her. I don't want to talk to her. I have nothing nice to say and I don't want to be vindictive. Grr! What to do?!
I second that ladies, I really love this little group and it's funny to think we've never actually met! It's been so lovely getting to know all of you :flower:
I think so too Leeze but who knows, it could just be wishful thinking. I've realised that I've had Braxton Hicks a little for a while, but I just didn't know what they were - whole bump going tight and contorting, if that makes sense? Then it just settles down and the bump goes back to normal.
Oh that glucose intolerance test is supposed to be a bit unpleasant, but I guess needs must! Glad to hear bubs is in the right place though, and that your white blood cells are back to normal.

Oh Kara that all sounds far too stressful for you right now. What's she 'worried' about? Hope I'm not prying too much, but if you want to vent we're all here to listen! :flower:
Pielette - I didn't realise with Braxton Hicks your whole bump contorts! I don't think I've had that then. Although when I was lying on the midwife couch the other day my bump went into a really strange position when I tried to sit up - like it all went right into the centre of my body and looked really weird. Not sure if that was anything then. It is funny that none of us have met yet I tend to talk more to you guys than I do to a lot of my friends "in the real world", and definitely more detail re all the pregnancy stuff.

Kara - sorry to hear your Mum is stressing you out. How honest can you be with her? Can you tell her that at the moment it's really important to focus on you, your family and your pregnancy and it's difficult for you to have to worry about her too - and you need some quiet time at the moment? Easier said than done sometimes, I know. When I tend to have frank conversations with my Mum she normally either goes into major defensive mode or major sensitive mode, although occasionally she will listen (nothing much tends to change though!!).

Ive had a look at spinning babies but i dont hold out much hope of me being able to stand on my head lol and hang my huge beastly body off the sofa or down the stairs (im a big girl) hubby nearly had a heart attack when he watched me do it and told me i MUST not do them when home alone lol! Ive been doing lots of all fours walking up stairs sideways (???) and swaying etc...im sure she was trying to turn last night. Ive spent a few days being down about a possible c-section but im just going to accept it now. Ive experienced natural child birth twice this will be something different! Im not allowing them to try and turn the baby even the consultant said that the success rate is low, baby can go into distress and then you need an emergency c-section, and that she could turn and then just turn back. Im defo not up for a natural breech birth either so just got to hope that she turns if not im gonna have a too posh to push experience lol! My mums tried to cheer me up saying all the rich and famous pay to have them ...bless her trying to make me feel better i think theyre daft lol!

I have read through everyones posts but my god my mind has gone blank!

Laying an egg...it doesnt have to be that hard...what happened to the stork delivering the bundle or even the cabbage patch growing in the garden lol! x

Hope this message finds you all well, i text Krissi yesterday shes having a tough time of it with the move etc but baby had turned (hope krissi doesnt mind me telling you all her news). Im so jealous! xxx
Hi girls,

Glad everyone seems to be ok - give or take the odd mad relative! :wacko:

I had a nice morning shopping with my mum which ended in me crying my eyes out about my baby never getting to meet my Dad (he died in '97) and only having my tosser of a FIL as a grandpa. I had no idea I was so upset about it but we had a good old boo and I feel a lot better.

I've had a great afternoon though - managed to save £1100 on various insurance policies that are up for renewal. I am so chuffed with myself - AND I got to tell Tescos Insurance to "do one". Bloody marvellous.

i've felt a few funny things in my foof today - could be a bit of pressure building on the cervix - definitely felt like something is trying to get out. My mum asked me what I was most worried about and I said "I'm not too worried about pushing an 8 pound human out of my vagina" and she said "Don't use that word Emma, say vajazzle instead". My mother is 65!!!!

I'm actually now most worried about having to have a general and be put to sleep and waking up to see that the whole world has held my baby before me so my DH and I have run through every possible birth permeation to make sure that if I can't be the first to hold our LO then he will be until such times as I can. Sorry to be so morbid but all these things keep flying round my head!

Right, have decided its high time we got some more bump pics shared. Here is my latest from this morning with a comparison. Yowsers! I think I have caught up?!:dohh:


  • 24 weeks bump.jpg
    24 weeks bump.jpg
    33.9 KB · Views: 2
  • 38 weeks.jpg
    38 weeks.jpg
    27.1 KB · Views: 3

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