Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

morning all. I think the sickness is starting to kick in for me now.

I have told everyone. :rofl: All my family and Phils family know. And they were all over the moon and so happy apart from my nan and Grandad. They are quite old fashioned and i knew they wouldnt be impressed but they have really upset me.

YOU STUPID GIRL (im nearly 25!!!!!) my nan said. Followed by:
WHAT ABOUT SHAE (as if im goign t o abandon my son. he is still loved very much and always will be)

Im sooooo upset. Last night i just didnt feel excited about this pregnancy at all. But done another test this morning (still nly faint lines) and i thought its my life so stuff anyone who has a problem. :shrug:
Sorry for the rant girls.

Old people are crazy, I have not told my nan yet cus I know she will blab but last time I was pregnant her response was 'i've got enough grandchildren' lol she has 7 at the mo and none of them are mine!
ah thats not a very nice thing to hear hun.
I agree though i think with old people they dont think before they speak.

She was the same with my sister who is younger than me and has 3 kids.
My nan only had my mum. She didnt want anymore as my mum was born with 1 hand and she was scared it would happen again, so i think there is slight jealousy that she never had any more. I know that may sound harsh but its the only reason i can think of for her being so mean. :shrug:
My nan only had my mum too, but my nan was one of 12 so no idea why she is so grumpy! Think it's cus she struggles to remember all their names lol she is just so set in her ways, I don't think she will ever come round to our way of life now. But she's cute so I'll forgive her lol
i think my nan will come round, she always does. Plus when she sees the baby how could she stay mad lol.

So how you feeling? Any symptoms yet? I need to call the Drs to get booked in i think? No rush though. xx
Just sore boobs for me at the mo. Feel a bit sickly but only when I smell food! I'm sure it will get worse tho :(

I met my midwife on Wednesday and filled the forms in to get my scan date arranged, it just seams so far away!!
it soon flys. I think the 1st and 3rd Tri go soooo fast. Its the 2nd that seems to last forever.
Are you going to find out the sex? I dont want to but Phil does so looks like ill be forced to :haha: Not much force needed mind :haha:
morning everyone! busy on here since last night!

Darling, glad you got the banner to work eventually! Well done for persevering!

I was thinking this morning maybe "pumpkin bumpkins" would be funny for our group name - but that might be my warped sense of humour. I just checked on the dictionary definition of bumpkins and it is "awkward, unsophisticated people". I wondered if it might be funny to reclaim it and to turn it round to being a positive word to mean that we're filled with pregnancy hormones so we might be a bit unpredictable but you have to forgive us for it because we've got a great excuse! :haha: Otherwise I like "pumpkin bumps" or "pumpkin bumpers".

Also, I've told one of the other managers at my work and my 2 best friends. I will tell my manager next week but she's on leave at the moment. Then I'm not planning on telling anyone else until at least after I've had the first scan. Oh, and my OH knows too!!

Sorry to hear about people's grandparents not being sympathetic. Hopefully they'll come round. I haven't got any grandparents left now so I don't know how they'd react. I'd like to think they would be supportive but they were quite old-fashioned so might not have been so approving to have a child "out of wedlock" :haha:

I'm feeling a lot more positive today, had a good sleep last night and a little snooze on the sofa!! How's everyone else doing today? :hugs:
Neither of us want to know the sex, it will be our first baby so want to keep the surprise till the end. I would def find out on our second, I'm sure it would be easier to plan especialy when you are looking after another littlen too!
Hi leeze, you are lucky. I didn't have a very good sleep at all and so can not drag my sorry but out of bed! Hubby has gone for a jog which makes me feel even lazier lol
morning Leeze, I LOVE Pumpkin Bumpkins :thumbup:

Ah i wish i had your patience 2ndtimelucky. But i cant hold my own water. As much as i want the suprise i think ill have to find out. :haha:
Morning Ladies! When I was twenty, my boyfriend's grandfather walked in on us (because he had a key and didn't bother to knock! They lived next door) and I was very embarrassed and expected him to be too. But the next thing I know he starts shouting at us and then his wife this horrible deranged little old Irish granny burst in shrieking "Where is she? Where is she? I'll kill her! What kind of a dame is she?" My f***wit boyfriend's defence was to tell me to lock myself in the bathroom and shut the door. Believe it or not I did. It was so degrading! I was in a strange country just twenty years old. I was so upset.
And you're right some old people are really nasty and just think they can say what they like without any regard for the consequences but you know what's really cool about nasty old grannies? One day you get to put them in a home!!:haha: So sorry they've upset you both. You should just say.. "You've have your life do you mind if I get on with mine?" I know you won't but it would be nice to say it wouldn't it?? :muaha:

Both names are fab. I'm happy with either.
OMG hun thats bad, i would have been quite scared. :shock:
And your right about the home.
I would say what you suggested but would prob get a cloute round the ear. :haha:
My nan is already in that home lol

God love her, she's crazy but she is still the oricle of our family!!
Just a thought as we're all so lovely what about The Halloween Honeys?
i like that 'halloween honeys'.
Its different. :thumbup:
Yeah we are honeys! Or we could be hunnies! Halloween Hunnies?

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