Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

I'm just finding these early weeks so scary :wacko: I feel fine and know I should just enjoy this (we took a long time to conceive and I should be feeling delighted that I am at last pregnant!) But it's all these statistics about mc :nope:

Your little boy is gorgeous by the way, so cute :thumbup:
thanks hun.
It took me 3 years to get pregnant with Shae and i know how you feel about all the statistic ect. I worried myself sick in the early stages. I worried so much about every twinge, every cramp. They thought i was having an eptopic due to how server my cramping was which didnt help.
I didnt enjoy my pregnancy cause i worried so much, so this time im not worrying at all. Easier said then done i know but try not to worry too much and just enjoy :thumbup:
Good morning, ladies!!! I am way behind and need to catch up. OMG, I am so bloated. I look 4 months pregnant. I still weigh the same, so it isn't because I gained. It was so bizarre because it literally happened yesterday. Just the day before I was reading about some of the ladies complaining about bloat and thinking I wasn't really bloated much. Then, BAM. I am so bloated. Seriously, I think people will suspect I am pregnant. I really look it :cry:
Wow, 3 years Laura. I bet he is so precious isn't he? And how strange that this time you have fallen preg so quickly :wacko: We took 12 months of ttc but had a year of using no protection prior to that too.

Girlnextdoor, this bloat thing seems to be very common. I've had it since the start, think I will worry now if it goes down, find it kind of reassuring now :haha: I've had to buy a few more clothes (leggings, elasticated waist jeans) so I've got things that are comfortable!

Very precious Nat, he is my mirical baby. I used clomid for a month but it didnt work, then i fell pregnant with him naturally.

Im not sure about bloat with me, i never got rid of my bump to begin with :haha:
Sounds like clomid maybe triggered something. You must be very proud, he's certainly a beautiful little boy :thumbup:
Very very proud. Thanks hun.


Has anyone seen this? It proved correct with my son and oping it will again as its saying girl for me. You have to use the age you were when you conceived.
It won't let me click on the links to work out my chinese age and lunar month :nope:

Will try again later. I have done something like this before though and it predicted me a girl x
if you click on the link i have posted and scroll down there should be a chart. Just use your actual age instead of chinese and lunar.
just to add the links dont work for me either. :dohh:
Laura, how awesome it must have felt to get that little guy after 3 years of trying! I would have been a nervous wreck too. I am trying very hard to be relaxed about this one. The first few days I was so scared that I would miscarry again, but I am feeling more relaxed now. I'm pretty sure once I get my first scan goes well I will relax much more.

Nat, trying a year would be frustrating too. How exciting that you got your sweet baby in there now! I cant wait to find out what we are all having. I feel like this one is a girl, but a boy would be great too. Do you guys have strong feelings on the gender yet?
So, I just had someone ask me if we were going to have any more. I kept wondering, do I look pregnant? Crap. I have gotten this question many times, but not as much now that my son is older. I hope this bloat goes down soon.
thanks hun, im sorry to hear you have MC previously. Im sure this little one will stay put :thumbup:
Well at first i thought girl, but as time is passing im strongly thinking boy. As this one is going to be our last im praying girl so i have one of each, but honestly, im so blessed to not have just 1 but 2 babies im over the moon no matter what the sex.

Morning girls! Talking about the hoped-for sex of baby is such an intersecting topic! I've asked many friends during their pregnancys which they prefer and most of the time we hear "i just want it to be healthy". My secret thought to that has always been "well DUHH!!" lol but really, OBVIOUSLY the number one most important thing to hope for is the babies health but I think it's ok to wish for a certain gender! And I think most people do have a preference even if they keep it secret.

I myself have always wanted a baby girl! I just see myself being a more natural mother with a daughter, I have a hard time picturing myself with a son. Maybe this is because my parents only had 3 girls!? But if it turns out to be a little boy I'm sure I will get used to the idea and I will love my baby no matter what.
This is actually why I want to find out the sex, I have wanted a daughter for so long that if it were a boy, I think I will need some adjustment time to start loving the idea of having a boy and I'd rather have that preparation time before baby comes to get excited and buy him special things. :shrug:
baby love: when i was pregnant with my son, i desperatly wanted a girl and when we had the gender scan it was a HUGE shock (not dispapointment just shock) but im glad i had that time to adjust and now i cant imagine life without him. He is my little angel.
Your right though i think everyone has a preference.

I've asked many friends during their pregnancys which they prefer and most of the time we hear "i just want it to be healthy". My secret thought to that has always been "well DUHH!!" lol but really, OBVIOUSLY the number one most important thing to hope for is the babies health but I think it's ok to wish for a certain gender! And I think most people do have a preference even if they keep it secret. QUOTE]

I completly agree with this!!! I have always thought it a strange response as obviously everyone wants their baby to be healthy!!!

I would like a girl, i think this is because my relationship with my Mum is so bad that i would like a daughter so that i could experience a good mother/daughter relationship.....if that makes sense.
Although i know i will love this baby whether it is a boy or a girl! I have a feeling that it is a boy, i don't know why.

I have my midwife appointment on the 15th March! Yikes! Am so excited!!!
I have a private scan booked for 11th as i just need to see that there is a teeny tiny baby in there!
My doctor has told me i am a week further ahead than i thought i was, but i am still not convinced as i know when i ovulated due to the OPK's i was using. So i am just going to wait until the scan and see what they say.

I am feeling totally paranoid about MC and also about pretty much everything you can imagine!! I am a natural worrier! But i am trying really hard to chill out and enjoy the pregnancy.....but that is hard!

Has anybody bought anything yet? DH and i went to look at baby stuff at the weekend to get an idea of costs and we bought two cuddly toys that we couldn't resist!!!

Hi everyone

Interesting discussion about gender! I would actually prefer a girl but I've got a funny feeling it will be a boy!! Also, when I looked at my age and month on the Chinese chart that Laura posted it also says boy! That's funny. I'd be happy to have a boy but would really love one of each (or 2 girls!!) so that's why I'd prefer a girl first - I'm not keen on the idea of 2 boys really - maybe I'm worried about being ganged up on!! :haha: But we were TTC for 14 months too, and had a m/c last year and I'm 38 so really at the moment I'm focusing on getting through the next few weeks! Mostly I'm enjoying being pregnant but I think I will enjoy it more in 2nd tri! I'm also finding it hard to concentrate and keep totally drifting off when I'm at work!!!
Hi again girls

I've always thought I'd have a boy first, always have for years. Can just see myself more as a mother of a boy than a girl. But now I'm actually pregnant I have no strong feeling either way yet :shrug: I always thought I would have a feeling of one sex or the other immediately but no :nope:

Leeze, I'm very much like you in that I am just focusing on getting through these early weeks. Parents keep asking me things like "so will you find out the sex when you can?", "Will you go back to work after you've had the baby?" etc. I just keep replying "I really am not thinking that far ahead at the moment, I just want to get to 12 weeks!" I am also trying to discourage parents from telling others (they're dying to!!) and from buying things!! It is great they are excited, I just wish I could join their excitement but I'm more nervous at the moment :wacko:

I don't mind either was if its a boy or a girl. I have two girls so I guess I girl would be easier... but then I do want a boy too ....
As long as she/ he is healthy that's all that matters to me...
I'm so excited after trying for a year and no luck and it finally happened...

Oh yeah do u girls like my new Signature I made...? I love working with Photoshop...

Can I join you? I'm not sure of my EDD cause had an mc on 4th of feb, then got blood results from doctor 3 weeks later saying I was pregnant. This will be my 5th and last as i'm being sterlised straight after the birth, i'm excitied but very worried as my other kids was all born premature due to bleeding and abruption.

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