Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

I get highlights and currently look like I last had them done in 1997. My hair is SHOCKING! Think heroin addict/Shirley off Eastenders (only longer). I am sticking to no colour in the first trimester - my 12 week scan is on April 11th, my full head of highlights is happening on the 12th!
Hi bernie - how are you? xx

Hi, I am good thanks. I sent you a message on facebook at the weekend with a lot more detail in......i can really waffle when i get going! :)
How are you? Is hubby back from his trip yet?

Hello ladies! I also missed all the drama earlier.....i feel out of the loop!

I think B&B is a good forum but i do think some people ruin it slightly.

How are all you ladies?

Hi Bernie.

Hi newbies! Welcome! :))

As I understand it highlights are better than all over colour because there isn't direct contact with skin. But all colour is absorbed by the body through the hair shaft. No evidence to suggest it causes any harm to the fetus but advice is to avoid all colour in the first trimester. Oh I look so damn hot right now with my 3 inch dark roots!! Oh why, oh why didn't I get them done before?? Lol. We could be the bad hair day gang! Lol

There's an apology thread?? I missed this! Did they apologise to her or did she apologise to them?
She apologised. Drama over!

Bernie- for some reason I missed your message! Bloomin' pregnant brain. I'll reply today xx
Lol waitress and darling you crack me up imagining your 2inch roots lol. But who knows, some might see it as some sort of fashion statement. It always drove me nuts that Carrie Bradshaw had dark roots always showing and she was on a tv show!! Ick!

I was blonde as a child and my hair got progressively darker with age. In high school I started getting highlights so by the time I was 25 I was quite blonde again. Then last fall after hubby and I had gone on our last vacation "before baby" (a glorious cruise!!!!) umm anyway:.. OH I remember what I was saying. We started ttc and I had an urge to get rid of my processed blonde hair and see how I liked brunette so I did! And I'm glad I did because now I can go through these 9 months (and probably longer) without worrying about my roots! :)

Anyway, since I don't have roots and dont actually need color I will skip that part this time! If my hair is looking super dull I'll just wait till 2nd Tri to get it glazed (yep like a donut). :wacko:
Hi ladies! Now first things first, how do I delete that bloomin' thread? Just searching now but for some reason can't find any way to do it. I'm a little bit sick of people judging me as well for not caring enough about my friends to put up with it. I was tempted to reply again but thought that would just keep the flipping thing going, some other smartarse will pipe up again. Despite the fact that I've been a rock for my best friend who lost her dad last year, and do nothing but care for my friends, apparently I'm not loving enough to accept their talking about their dogs. It was a small vent, for God's sake! Some of these women are so bloody judgmental!
Blood pressure settling... :rofl:
How are you all? Welcome to the newbies! I've had a fairly uneventful day, told my boss that I'm pregnant though and he was really happy for me. Said I just need to keep him informed on how I'm doing and if I suffer any morning sickness. He's keeping it a secret, I don't want it spread around the school before 12 weeks.
Doh, just found out I have to ask someone to delete it for me. Duly done, hopefully it won't be long.
Hi everyone :hi:

I'm intrigued now to find the Aunty thread, I might just have to have a little look over there!!! To be honest, I am quite surprised about the difference between 1st tri threads and TTC threads. I've been on this forum since Sept or so and have only ever seen threads that get personal and attacking in the last week or so on 1st tri forum!! I don't really get it. I wonder, like Darling said, is it some kind of competitive element? Seems like a lot of judging without knowing people's position. I'm trying to stop myself from getting involved because I like the idea of peace and harmony at the moment...but this might well change!!!

I've read different things about using hair dye when preg, I think it's less harmful if you use semi-permanent and if you don't do it regularly

I've been eating all day today again, I'm starting to look like I'm about 4 months pregnant already!! I bought a floaty cardigan today to wear for work because I have got a seriously bloated stomach!! Feeling exhausted again and even managed to get an early night last night and about 7.5 hours sleep but still feel like I've been at a 48 hour party and am paying for it now!!

Welcome to newbies!! :flower:
Me too Leeze, I'm feeling shattered! And I'm having seriously odd and vivid dreams. Last night I dreamt I was running through mountainous forests being chased by about four vampires who wanted to turn me into one; it was so vivid! I was begging them to let me be human and they said they would give me five minutes to get used to the idea. I woke up thinking what the hell?!
Then there was the dream where I was bouncing giant oranges off the top of trees into lakes. Er...
:rofl: Pielette, your dreams have just made me giggle! I love dreams, find them fascinating. I always wonder what the meaning of them is :shrug:

How is everyone? I've still not got too many symptoms. Had a bit of backache earlier today, boobs a bit more tender again after days of doing nothing and some twinges. But no real tiredness and no nausea yet :thumbup: Close family (parents and siblings) all know now and are very excited! I've got docs appointment tomorrow so hoping that I may find out when my first midwife appointment will be.

Have all you ladies got midwife appointments sorted? x
Good evening ladies!
Leeze, that's such a good point about the difference between ttc and first tri. I know it sounds silly but it occurred to me whilst reading your comments that they're both B&B! It's quite crazy here at times, whilst ttc was all about support. Pielette I know I couldn't believe they were having a pop at you as well. Great that it's going to be deleted.
I would like to be chased by sexy vampires through a forest!! Preferably ones that look like Edward Cullen!!! :-D
Don't let them get to you... you know what you meant, and how it was meant, and if a few people want to take it out of context... well let their emotions run away with them....

We are glad you are here =)
Hooray for this group - good to know we've got emotionally balanced bump buddies that can put things in perspective - ok we will all probably have crazy hormone surges at different points and that's ok too :hugs:

Nat, the main symptom I've been having is extreme tiredness in the afternoons and evenings. Also a tiny bit of a nauseous feeling if I haven't eaten for a couple of hours (or is that psychological because I like eating?!!), and my boobs have started feeling a bit heavier and tender in the last couple of days. I think we should try to enjoy this bit because 6 weeks is when the symptoms are meant to really kick in (although even for some women they get less than others then too). If you're anything like me then you're keen to get more symptoms, but I can bet as soon as any serious ms hits us we're gonna be wishing it away!!! :haha:

I haven't been to the Doctors yet so haven't got my midwife appointment booked in yet. I'm going to go next week. Mainly I've waited this time because last time I went as soon as I got the BFP and then I had a m/c the following week. I then got 2 letters about my midwife appointment, a phone call from the midwife to confirm it and a text from the surgery to confirm it. This is after I'd phoned to cancel the appointment - so for me, this was kind of like a superstitious thing this time that I wanted to wait until 6 weeks before going to the Doctor. I've got a scan booked in for next Friday though, with the EPU because when I had the m/c last year they told me to book directly with them the next time for an early scan. So, I'm really looking forward to this and seeing this as the next big milestone! I wish really that the next 6.5 weeks would rush by and we could all be celebrating that 12 week important milestone!! :hugs:
Morning ladies,
I am also feeling shattered so can sympathise with you there! I never seem to be able to get enough sleep! Doesn't help that i have to get up at 3am every night to pee!!!
Apart from that i have been feeling queasy for most of the day and have gone off a lot of the foods i used to eat. I really wanted to eat healthy as i am overweight and wanted to manage my weight gain, but unfortunately all i am craving is chips!! Chips, McDonalds and junk food generally! Feeling a bit stressed about this as my weight is already a concern for me. Oh well.
Apart from that i am really excited about the whole pregnancy, this is my first and so is a whole new experience.

I agree about the difference between TTC and 1st Tri forums, TTC was always very supportive and understanding and i don't think i ever saw anyone attacked on there. But this forum is very different and people seem very judgemental. Do you think it is pregnancy hormones sending women off the edge??
Pielette - Glad you're getting your thread deleted as it isn't fair how some people reacted to your post, talk about over-reaction! You are totally right to come on here and vent about whatever you want to! I also don't understand how someone could compare having a pet and having a child, as they are clearly very different. Anyway i'll stop there as don't want to start that up again.

Anyway, i'm glad i found this post as you all seem like lovely understanding level-headed ladies!
Hope you are all good and our jellybeans are progressing well
Morning all,

Bernie, i think im feeling pretty much the same as you but i promise it just get better. When it gets the 2nd Tri you have much more energy. :thumbup:
Had my Drs appointment yesterday. When i told him im pregnant he looked at me as if it was a bad thing as my son is so young. But i said it was planned just didnt expect it to happen this quick. Then he perked up a little and said congrates.
I have my 1st MW appointment on the 28th. Seems so far away.

:hugs:Angelique thank you for your kind words. They are really appreciated.
Let's put it this way. I hope it's just their hormones. Otherwise they're a good argument against vigilantism. Paediatricians everywhere would be in fear for their lives! :haha:

My main symptom at the moment just seems to be a total lack of motivation. I've got loads of housework to get on with but I can't be bothered. :coffee:
Laura is that your son in the pic? He's a cutie!!! :)
Thank darlin. Yeah i took that this morning. He is like Phil Mitchel. :haha: a right little bruiser. :haha:
Hi Ladies :flower:

Just seen doc. Midwife appointment not until Friday 1st April! All booked up in March as midwives are only there Friday mornings. This seems so long away and 12 week scan seems a lifetime :wacko:

Hi Nat. I have mine on the 28th March and it seems like its never going to come. lol.

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