Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Hello all! Aw you've all made me smile! I'm glad to be here too! :flower:
I've had a good day, just been to the gym - I changed from one gym to another because my new one has a pool which I really wanted access to, and had my induction this evening. It made me laugh cos I've been training for years with weights, core strength and all sorts, so I really know my way round a gym. The trainer was asking me all these questions about what I knew and eventually decided I really didn't need to be shown how the machines work (shocker!), then I threw a spanner in the works by telling him I'm pregnant - I think the poor kid (he was about 18) thought er can I get in trouble by just letting this woman go off on her own? :haha: I eventually convinced him to leave me be by telling him my doctor is fully on board with my continuing to exercise. Did make me chuckle!
Ooh sex wise, I would love a little girl. I know I'm not supposed to say it but I've always wanted one because I'm really close to my mum and would love that mother/daughter relationship for me. But then I know I would love a little boy at some point too. I have a feeling it'll be a boy, I don't know why though!
You know.... I want another girl SO bad... I have 3 already, and the thought of having a boy scares me SO bad. I really don't know if I can bond with a boy like I can a girl... my 2 girls are so sweet, and we have an amazing relationship, but honestly IDK what to do with a boy. I have several nephews, and I can't seem to get close to any of them but 1. Maybe its different with a son though. I feel horrible for saying this... cuz I just know deep down this baby is gonna be a boy... so I am trying to come to terms with it.

The charts and prediction charts bounce back and forth, 2 have said girl, and 2 have said boy, so heck if I know maybe its one of each!

Speaking of that, my 2 pregnancies were different, with my first, I looked like I swallowed a beach ball, and had no complications at all until delivery, my second baby, she was all in my back, so at 9 months, I looked 4 months, and had trouble walking and had a lot of pain.

This time around I am cramping bad, not something I felt in either of the previous 2, I am also somewhat nauseated if I don't eat soon as I am hungry. I am also already feeling sharp pains in my lower abdomen, like you get at like 5 months when your belly is pulling the muscles... yea, I don't know, but I have always heard that the pregnancies are different for boys and girls. I have also wondered if twins would be a possibility... I was taking Soy to boost my chances and it has been linked to multiples like clomid...

Kinda hope it is twins... then I could be done and would get a 2 for 1 deal lol...
ha ha - I'd love twins too - then no need to stress again about TTC!! Our family would be complete! :haha:
Thats what I was thinking!! Since my girls will be so much older than this baby, then I keep thinking if I have 1, I really need to have 2, so the little one has a close sibling... my baby is turning 8 this month =( sniff sniff lol
Hi everyone

I have been SO tired today. I did my run this morning and walked the dog but have done absolutely NOTHING else!

My midwife finally got in touch and made an appointment to come to my house next week so that is quite exciting. And I got my dates through for my 12 and 20 weeks scan. She asked me on the phone if I've thought about screening for downs etc - "on account of my advance maternal age". I just assumed everyone does the screening for risk and then decides if they want to test further but maybe not?

Does anyone know if you get your risk rating there and then at the 12 week scan or do you have to wait a couple of weeks? I know I can ask her next week but I'm finding it all a bit confusing!

It seems like everywhere I go at the moment there are babies all over the place. I saw a woman in the park today and she had a 6 month old boy. I got chatting to her and it was so embarrassing because I just burst into tears. They were happy tears but I couldn't stop them:blush:!!!

It was nearly as embarrassing as trying to get on my just-washed tightest jeans when I was getting ready in the gym changing rooms after my run. Note to self: all that food you've been eating has to go somewhere!! I'm having a few problems in the toilet department and I look like like a big bloated ball! Sorry if TMI but I needed to share - anyone else got this particular issue? I am at 4 days and counting. Yowsers.

Hope everyone is good!

You poor thing Waitress! You haven't been able to go for four days?
I have been a bit all over the place as well; last week I was constipated, now this week I'm a bit loose and keep going! My body can't seem to make up its mind. I do miss being regular though (yep TMI but I think on this forum the definition of TMI was left behind a long time ago!).
Right there with you guys... my plumbing is all over the charts!!

I also stepped on the scale this morning and had a complete breakdown... I weigh more right now than I have ever weighed, and I feel like a hipo, and its just gonna get worse!!:cry:
Hi ladies. I've had my mother staying for three days and she's just left. Now I can relax.

So strange to read all your comments about gender preference. I've always thought it ridiculous when people say they just want it to be healthy. Especially when you admit you have a preference and people say it. Makes you feel awful for harbouring a desire for one gender over another. I have a girl and a boy and believe me I adore my son but seriously I don't think I could cope with two of him. I dreamt of four magpies the other night. I think I'll probably get a boy but I really, really want another girl!! So I'm going to find out this time (didn't want to know with either of my children but as this is number 3, I feel the need to plan and have some time to adjust to having a boy.

Waitress try Sennacot. It's vile to drink but it works and is safe while pregnant as it's natural senna pods. I know that feeling so well. I had it really badly with both of mine.

I can't believe I have to wait three weeks to see a midwife. "Sigh!" :)
Angelique I've put on 8lbs! Ms symptoms gone for now and if they don't kick in properly soon I'll be labouring in a whale sanctuary!!
Thanks Darling but I am now up to date so to speak! Man, I feel better!

How did it go with your mum? Did you tell her?

We lost the buyer for our house yesterday - pulled out on the day of exchange -
fairly stressful scenario which I seem to be taking in my stride reasonably well. I feel a bit zen-like about it which is not like me at all! So I seem to be getting all upset about things that don't matter and not upset at all about things that do. Go figure!

Oh, and in the gym today a girl I don't really know asked me if i was pregnant. She said: "I noticed you are running and swimming slower, that you haven't had your roots done and that your skin is a bit dodgy. I had all that when I was pregnant with mine". How rude! I didn't want to tell her because it might get round the gym in no time so I just said I've been a bit ill and am taking it easy. I say again, how bloody rude!

How is everyone today?

glad I'm not the only one with "toilet problems!" :haha: - my body can't make up its mind, it seems to go between not being able to go and then suddenly urgently needing to go or an accident might be about to happen!!!

I've also put a few pounds on already. I can't stop eating. But then I love food, so am happy to have a good excuse to eat more!! Normally I eat quite healthily but now I'm treating myself a bit more. Crispy chicken skin from our roast dinner at the weekend never tasted so good. I was a vegetarian for a long time and then in the last few years I haven't eaten skin because it's got lots of fat in it but now I'm loving it!! :haha:

Also I'm wearing a tunic style dress today at work with a long scarf because I'm feeling so bloated!!

Am feeling good today though, it was at this point in my last pregnancy that I had the m/c and I feel so much better/different than last time so I'm feeling pretty optimistic about it now. Still can't help but worry a little bit but am much more hopeful than I have been.
Oh honey really sorry to hear that! What happened?
Can't believe that woman at the gym! How bloody rude indeed! I can't believe her audacity! If you weren't that would be even worse! Lol

Well I am not feeling at all zen-like today. Quite the opposite I have just had what can only be described as a psychotic episode! My son has emptied the plant pot all into his play pen and has been throwing handfuls of soil everywhere! Then my daughters starts vacuuming (it needed a dustpan and brush first as we are talking about a large pot) despite me telling her 3 times not to touch. My behaviour was horrendous. I had to put up with the same from my own mother and I know what it's like. After screaming and ranting and raving for the best part of half an hour. I don't know how to say I'm sorry and that shouting and (having a mega-tantrum) is bad and not desirable behaviour? I just want to go and crawl under a rock. I'm just freaking out now because I don't feel like I'm good enough.
Hi Leeze. I am partial to a bit of crispy chicken skin too! I've been treating myself a bit too much. Anyone would think I was 9 months pregnant the way I'm eating!! Lol

Glad to hear you're feeling confident about this pregnancy. It makes a huge difference. Worrying isn't good for you. You're right to relax and enjoy it. Xx
MY EDD is 30/10 can I please join you girlies xxx
Welcome Krissi :flower: - the more the merrier!

Waitress, I missed your earlier post about your house sale falling through and rude gym woman. Sorry to hear about both of those, it's such a stress house-buying and selling isn't it? We've final got an offer on my OH's flat after over a year, keeping everything crossed this all goes through. I know we've got nearly 8 months to go still but I don't want to be moving house when heavily pregnant. I'd really like to move in about 3-4 months if possible. Great you're feeling zen-like about it, I think I will probably be crying or screaming if our sale falls through. And that woman in the gym, how inappropriate/rude/nosy - what is that all about that she thinks that is ok? Also, if she's had children herself then surely she knows it's quite a personal question to ask a stranger? :growlmad:

Darling, I can picture the scene with you and your 2 little ones. Sounds stressful - I'd say, you're only human and can't be expected to be super-patient Mum at all times, must be difficult going through all the early pregnancy feelings, hormones and worries as well as having 2 little ones to worry about/look after! :hugs: I'm finding it hard enough to look after myself at the moment!! On the food thing, I just love having an excuse to be able to eat as much as I want and not worry about the impact on my expanding waistline of having a few treats!!! I'm looking forward to buying some maternity clothes and seeing an expanding bump! I will probably complain about this later, I'm sure! :haha:
Thanks hun, how can I get the pumpkin pic in my siggy? xx
Thanks Leeze. I very rarely really lose it with them but I just popped my cork today!

Re eating I've been using the excuse that I'm trying to enjoy everything before ms sets in and I don't want to eat anything!! Ahem.. I have to say it's getting old really quickl!
Leeze - Glad you are feeling better about this pregnancy, fingers crossed everything will go smoothly!!

Welcome to the group Krissi - How are you getting on? Is this your first?

Darling - I too have had a bad day so don't feel bad! We have hormones flying all over the place so it is to be expected!

Waitress - What a RUDE RUDE woman!! She has no idea you are pregnant so to say about your roots and skin is awful!!!!
Also sorry to hear about your house sale falling through, what a nightmare! Have you bought somewhere else already?

We are trying to sell our house at the moment so that we can buy somewhere bigger but it is priving difficult!!!

Well i am still very bloated and i get more tired by the minute! Work is so stressful at the moment and so busy i don't know how i'm not falling asleep at my desk!! Things got on top of me today and i ended up stood in the corridor for ten minutes ranting at my work colleaugue (she doesn't know i'm pregnant so obviously just thinks i am losing my mind!!!)
I can't wait for the weekend....only a day and a bit to go!

With the gender question i will be finding out at 20 weeks as i am OCD with planning for things and it would drive me crazy having to get everything in neutral shades etc, but that is just the kind of person i am.
I'm not sure what i'll say if anyone does ask what we would prefer as people are so judgemental about things like that! I OBVIOUSLY want my baby to be healthy and happy, but i would love a girl. But then i know if i have a boy (which i think i will) i'll love him too!

How is everyone?

I am doing good thanks babe yea this is my first had been ttc 10 years failed ivf then left my df and met someone new and fell straight away we weren't even trying lol so bit in shock still. Have docs in 10 mins so sure will feel more real then x
Oh wow Krissi that's wonderful!! Congratulations! You must be over the moon!

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