Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Hi Ladies :flower:

And welcome Krissi :hugs: You must be over the moon after 10 years!! A year of trying was bad enough :wacko:

I too would love the pumpkin logo but tried to sort it last night and it wouldn't do it :cry: Can someone tell me how to get it please?

Is anyone else very 'symptomless'? Pretty much all I have is the bloat. I can't believe how normal I feel at the moment x
Darling - you are more than good enough. Your children are very lucky to have someone that cares about everyone the way that you do. The fact that you are worried about losing it with them shows there is no endemic problem!! Anyone would have reacted the same way. Children are clever - they will get it! How old are they both? Lucky kids :hugs:

Krissi - congratulations. That is amazing!

On the house front, this is the 2nd time our sale has fallen through. We haven't lost the house we want to buy yet but its back to the stressful waiting game again. But I am trying to remain calm. We love where we live, just want to move to our "forever" house before the baby is born. If I find out I am having twins next week then there will be some major reaction!!

I am completely the same as Darling - eating whatever I can because of the onset of ms which is BOUND to happen. Isn't it?:winkwink: I have just texted my DH and asked him to get me some Butterkist toffee popcorn. I have been thinking about it all day!

What does everyone drink in the evenings? I need to find a soft drink that feels like a treat. I like Appletiser but I'm worried about the sugar. What do you all drink?

Its so nice to get on here and catch up every day - it makes such a difference sharing it all with people. Thank you! xx
Waitress. Just broke my heart reading your words. I feel so undeserving but I am SO comforted. That really felt like a big hug to read. Thank you honey.
I will have my fingers and toes crossed for you. X
For drinks I have some good suggestions. I like Coke but can't drink a lot of it because I find it too sugary. I have elderflower cordial with still water (or sparkling for an evening treat) I also just bought ginger and lemongrass cordial and it's gorgeous with sparking water and is also very good when you feel nauseous. I would also strongly recommend nettle cordial but you may have to order than online (I can never find it in the supermarket!) For a hot drink (I don't like drinking tea or coffee in the evenings) I bought Bottlegreen spiced berry cordial to which you just add hot water. Also bought Blossom Cottage morello cherry cordial. I haven't tried it yet but I bet it's lovely!
..fingers and toes crossed for a buyer for your house!! Sorry. I'm tired and it's showing lol. X
hi everyone :hi: - just a quick check-in because my OH and I haven't seen each other much the last couple days - he's had busy work stuff on

Darling, those drinks sound lovely!! I think I'll need to check them out!

Waitress, I've been drinking loads of bottled still water, I've had a raging thirst most evenings and have just been drinking loads of water. Otherwise little cartons of smoothies, the ones that are aimed at children!! :haha:

Bernie - I'm not sure how I'm getting through work either - I've been hitting a wall of tiredness around 3-4pm every day and finding it really hard to get through the day. My answer so far has been to eat more, oh yes, another excuse!!

Nat and Krissi - someone else made the pumpkin logo - was it Babylove maybe? I'll have a look and see if I can find the link but I'm not sure how long it works for

Krissi, I agree with Nat - 10 years is a seriously long time. How funny you got your BFP straight away in this relationship, maybe sometimes things do happen for a reason!

Nat - the only symptoms I've got are tiredness and sore boobs (oh and bloat too, and feeling thirsty) - I'm trying to stay positive though!! (although I did do an IC test yesterday morning and it was great to see how dark the line is now and how quickly it came up!!!)

ok - try this for the banner, I cut and paste from one of BabyLove's earlier threads

I'm not 100% sure how to give it to you all since it's a code to make it sparkly, but try this... here is the link to where the code is so you can copy/paste from there... go to this link THEN copy the code in the little box under the photo and paste it in your Sig!
that didn't work - let me try again!!
this is from BabyLove's earlier post too - it's number 77 on this thread - it might be better to go to the post directly and try it from there


You need to CLICK on this link https://www.mybannermaker.com/process...M6MToiMCI7fQ==

Then On that page, COPY the CODE beneath the banner and PASTE it into your SIGNATURE!!
I think since it's free, the banner/code only lasts so long so get it asap!

I hope it works for everyone!!! Oh, and if anyone else clicks on the banner, it links back to THIS thread!! how awesome!
I just tried the banner through BabyLove's most recent post on this - it's post number 148 - but when I do it the baby and pumpkin are missing again. I'd suggest asking BabyLove how she did it - or if she'd mind doing it again!! Sorry I can't be of any more help!
Hey Ladies...
I was hurting much of today... so sore in my back and it only got worse this afternoon. I just FINALLY got home from work and my bum, back, hips, legs, everything is so sore, I had to sit down with my feet up straight away!!

Still no trouble with food for me!! I'm TRYING to eat healthy as I had before the bfp but it's really hard when all I really WANT is comfort food with loads of carbs and calories! LOL I am making sure I get plenty of fruits and veggies though! It's tough right?

Waitress, sorry to hear about some of the things you've got going on! Hubby and I havn't yet owned a house so I have NO idea how much stress you're probably under.
We are however, planning a HUGE move in a few months here!! See, my husband was in the U.S. Navy for 8 years and he was stationed here in Florida for the last 3 years of his service so I came to live with him here and we've been here for 5 years total. In June we are going to move back up north to Connecticut! I'm so excited to live near my family again (we're both from there!) But the idea of such a big move and all the unknown when I'll be about 20 weeks pregnant is a little scary. ughhhh anyway.....

Welcome to the new girls, nice to have you join us! Congrats on your good news!

I see that some of you are looking for the code for our pumpkin logo :winkwink:
Here it is!!! Go to this link then copy and paste the code to your sig. Get it while it's hot though! after a while the link expires!

Always nice catchin up with you girls!!
Thanks Babylove! :thumbup: I've got my pumpkin :happydance::dance::yipee:

Just need to work on the layout of my sig a bit and maybe move things around a bit but will do that another time.

Leeze, I have the thirst too and like you get it in the evening more x
So, I colored my hair, was supposed to be a light golden brown, and it turned black... and I mean jet black.... its never done that before, and I used the exact brand and shade as always, I was just refreshing the color.... SO, needless to say, on top of feeling like a hipo, I now have hideous hair, and I cried for a good 2 hours this morning before refusing to leave the house with DH to grocery shop. He thinks I am wacko, I know he does, but says its ok.

Anyway, welcome to the new girls...
OH MY GOSH!!!!! look at this shirt... I so have to bookmark it cuz its gonna be the 1st one I buy!!!

I love that shirt so cute!!

I cant get the link to work it just comes up with a square but no pumpkin :cry: can someone please help!

I had a bad night last night got myself all worked up as thought symptoms had gone but woke up today to mega sore boobs and feeling a bit sicky, my lovely mum bought be another CB digi with the dates thing on so did that and has gone to 3+ now so over the moon, it was only 2-3 on Monday night so feel thats progress.

Had docs yesterday which I have to say feels like a pointless appointment but I am booked in to see MW 21/03 which feels ageeeeees away lol! I am also hopefully having private scan that day as I am going to have to tell work asap as I only started the job Tuesday and getting time off is very difficult!

How is everyone else?
Angelique you poor thing! I've had so many hair disasters I can't count them all on my hands! I remember reading somewhere that hair colour can be a bit unpredictable because of all the hormones flying around. Whenever I had a 'too dark' disaster my strategy has always been to let it fade a bit then go for a full head of bleach highlights because it strips about 60% of the colour out and the rest just mingles in and it can look really nice. The other thing they did to me once was a 'bleach wash' and that was basically heavily diluted bleach and I think shampoo (but I may have got that bit wrong) and that strips out all the dark but leaves it a horrible colour but then they put another shade over the top. From both experiences the highlights always looked better because even really dark colour fades so much especially if it's light underneath the dye. Poor you! Get yourself to a good hair salon girl! Sending you a big squeeze from the Queen of Dodgy Do's!! :hugs:
Guys I need a slap! I've got into a compete panic about having a third child. Could it just be my hormones? I was emotionally all over the place yesterday.
Very cute t-shirt. I like the ones that say 'Mind The Bump' have you seen those?
Hi Ladies,
Waitress - i hope you find a buyer soon! We also want to move before the baby arrives, but it is proving tricky with the housing market!!

Darling - You really shouldn't worry too much, your kids are lucky to have you and as Waitress said, you are concerned that you got stressed with them so that shows it isn't a problem. Give yourself a break.....being pregnant is hard work!

I am glad i am not the on,y one struggling with work! I feel completly useless at the moment! I am exhausted and feel queasy all day and seem to be very forgetful. All in all that is not the best combination!!

Is anyone else SUPER tired!! I am really struggling to do any exercise, i have managed 2 runs last week and 2 this week but that is it. I really wanted to carry on with some light strength training etc to keep my strength and manage my weight gain as well. So am feeling a little down about that :cry:

Angelique - I have heard that your hair can react differently to things like dye and perms etc when you are pregnant as your hormones etc are going crazy and so your body is reacting differently. Hopefully it will fade down to a colour you are happy with.....big hugs

Anyway, i best go and so some work!! lol!!Hope you are all okay
Guys I need a slap! I've got into a compete panic about having a third child. Could it just be my hormones? I was emotionally all over the place yesterday.

Hey, you are more than entitled to have a panic - you've done it twice before and know what its all about! I think we're all going to get the "what am I doing?" days - for some of us that will come after the "is it really real?" days which is where I am now.

If you think about it, its a HUGE thing we are all doing here - and yes, its natural and yes, its what women are here for and yes, women have been doing it for ages, and yes some women have 14 children (my nana!) but I bet every single woman thinks "Blimey, this is a pretty major deal" at some stage in their pregnancy. I think you are totally entitled to have the odd day where you think "what? or Help!" I'm planning on having loads of them!

I just dropped my car off for a service and normally I get my racing bike and ride back home the 20 miles or so. When i dropped it in this morning I asked them to drive me home and the guy said "have you given up the triathlons then?" To which I replied "no, I'm just having a break", and just because I could and he doesn't know anyone that knows me, I said "I'm pregnant actually". And he said "Er, then you've definitely given up more than triathlon. Your life isn't your own after you have kids". So I asked him how many he had and he said "Me? God no, I don't have any kids". WTF??!! So now I get advice from people who have no idea what they are talking about aswell as those who do?!!

its been a fun old week this week!!
Thanks Waitress! Yeah I think you're right. I think it's my hormones exacerbating my feelings by about 50% and when I think about it, I did panic with Ethan too because obviously my daughter Issy was an only child and whilst I wanted her to have a sibling. I worried so much about taking away from her. She loved him from the day he was born. They squabble a bit but they are really tight.

What would we all do without the pearls of wisdom shared with us by random strangers! Lol. Grrr! Wait until people start touching your bump. Its infuriating. I'm not sure why people think it's ok to touch a woman if she's pregnant! I didn't used to mind other ladies if they asked first. You'll also get a barrage of unsolicited advice. It's all fun, fun, fun!! ;-P

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