Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Thanks hon. I've never been sick in pregnancy but sometimes I wished I could be. Hope it gets milder in subsequent pregnancies! Good night, sweet dreams. Xxx
Whitney, that seems pretty early for a scan too so at least you get an early peak!!! Will they do another one at 12 weeks then?

I haven't been to discuss my appointment schedule etc. but as far as I know from my friend's and one who used my same OBGYN I SHOULD be getting a scan at "8wks", "12wks" and "20wks" at least. I think this is somewhat the norm around here but it also depends on how good your health insurance is (and complications of course) Will you also get a 12 week scan Girlnextdoor?

How about everyone else? What will your Scan-Schedule be? I know it's probably a little bit different in the UK vs the US because we have different healthcare systems.

Also, Girl:, I have to agree with you! I have a hard time staying positive when reading the 1st Tri boards. Almost half of the threads are announcements of miscarriages. While my heart completely goes out to them as I can imagine the pain... it is hard for me to read (but still do).
I need to try to censor myself so I am not in a constant state of worry so much!

It's hard because I love coming on here and talking to you girls and reading some of the threads that are fun and supportive and comparing symptoms etc. But it's disheartening to be reminded constantly of the threat of complications as well. :sad1:
Thanks guys.... I washed my hair with dish soap, and it lightened a lot, so its more of a dark brown than a black..... its manageable for now, hopefully it will fade more tomorrow.

So Darling, I totally know what you are feeling when you say hormones made you freak out.... I totally quit my job today.... LOST IT..... and let me say, its been building up for weeks..... I work with all women, and women (no offense) can be the WORST, mean, backstabbing people on the planet!! and I worked in a corner of my little bakery, I minded my own business, and didn't talk to many except pertaining to work.... call me antisocial, but I hate drama.... and today I got accused of spreading rumors around the store, and talking crap about management, and not doing my job....

COMPLETE shock to me, since I never talk to anyone about work but my hubby... at home... I recently had my hours cut.... we all did, but I got cut from 40 hours to 24-30, and then told I am not doing my job.... So anyway, I cried, and am still very hurt, and when the store director, who so often has told me how great of a job I do, came and got in my face for confronting the manager who said all this crap.... I decided I was done...

So now not only am I an exhausted emotional wreck today, I am pregnant and have no job. UGH

BUT now I can sleep in!! I am thinking of finding some daycare kids to watch =)

Anyway... that was my day... hope everyone else had a better one
angelique, that sucks! i'm sorry they were treating you like that. you will find another job :hugs:
Morning ladies :flower:

I'm happy to report that I had an amazing 8 hours sleep last night and have woken up with 4 big hormonal spots on my face!! 2 on my nose, and 2 on my forehead!! Also, I did another IC cheapy test this morning and the line is very dark now, and came up at the same time as the control line so I'm very excited!!!

Girlnextdoor, I think it's difficult to read much into one HCG reading because if the levels are a bit lower than the Doc thinks for where he thinks you should be then maybe it's just that you implanted a few days later than you thought. The way I understand it is that you have to do another test 2 days later and your levels should double. And the range of the levels at each point for different women can be huge. There's sites you can look this up on but I don't think yours is lower than the scale for the point you're at. Great that you're getting an early scan to check things out. I've got an early scan next Friday because I had a m/c the last time. I know what you mean about the 1st tri boards and lots of people miscarrying. I just keep trying to remind myself that there's at least an 80% chance that I won't miscarry, and that's pretty high. Also, once we get to 6 weeks the chances of having a m/c are lower, and then at 8 weeks there's only a 5% chance of m/c, and at 12 weeks a 1% chance. So, I'm focusing on getting to my scan next Friday then getting to 8 weeks. Fingers crossed for us all :hugs:

Angelique - that sucks about losing your job, but good for you for sticking up for yourself!! Maybe these pregnancy hormones are good for helping you to not take any crap!!! Fingers crossed that you get some nice daycare kids and it works out better for you and you can be happy to see the back of that job!!! :hugs:

Babylove - I think in the UK we normally get scans at 12 weeks and 20 weeks, but sometimes we can get an earlier scan if there's been complications before. Great that you've got a scan booked for 2 weeks time. From what I've read it's best to get scans for after 7 weeks and hopefully you will be able to hear the heartbeat!! How amazing is that?! :hugs:

Darling, I started feeling a bit sick yesterday morning, kinda travel sick. Luckily it eased off through the day. I think partly it was linked to not sleeping very well the night before. I'm feeling ok this morning (apart from my massive spots that make me look like a teenager!!) :hugs:

I just found out one of my TTC buddies got a BFP yesterday. Am really excited for her :happydance: - it's funny how friendships develop on here, isn't it? I already feel like you guys are important to me!! thanks for being there. It's great to be going through this with you all :hugs:
I've avoided it too for the very same reason. I like trying to help the ttc'ers that pop up in First Tri occasionally. Everything else just seems to be mc's or feared mc's and everybody seems to be freaking out. I don't think about it. I don't expect it to happen and if it does there won't be anything I can do about it anyway, so I just don't think about it. Everyone's different. I've been very lucky. I miscarried with my first ever pregnancy quite late (years ago now I was 21 at the time) but compared to a lot of women I've been very lucky.
I also avoid it because a lot of the women seem quite emotionally unstable. I like peeking in at First Tri to see how they're all getting on. I still think of 9babies and hope she is ok.
OMG Angelique!!! That's bloody appalling!! B*#tards!! :growlmad: Oh honey what a blow! You poor love! Well for what it's worth I think things happen for a reason and that job would probably have been hell for you being pregnant as well. Sounds like a horrible place to work with all that bitchiness! Child-minding could be a plan though might be a bit of a stress as you progress but it's going to be s darn sight better than working with a bunch of back-stabbers! I love women but at their worst you're right, we can be monsters. Sending you a great big bear hug! :hugs:
So sorry angelique sending big hugs xxx
Oh poop!!! Just spent ages writing a message and I've just accidentally deleted it!! Oh KNICKERS!!!!! Sorry. Ahem.. had to get that out. Grrr!
Ladies: I've been absent. I've had a horrible cold (yuck) all week. Now I am recovered. Your funny messages have been a highlight of the week! It is hard to have this big secret and no one to talk to about it!

I am feeling like the hormones have "lifted" a bit... Like my breasts aren't has heavy/sore. The hunger is still there, as is the frequent urination. I have occasional and slight dizziness. I've also had some light brown discharge (I wouldnt call it spotting) like a tiny bit for a couple days.

I guess I'm just looking to you for some support because I feel so clueless and helpless. My mother had horrible MS with her pregnancies, so looking to her experience is not much help. Should I be freaked about the random discharge? I can't find any literature to help me feel OK with the fact that symptoms are changing and the discharge is there...
I'm guessing the doubt is normal for a first pregnancy?

Sorry to be downer, I am super excited to be connected to you all. It is just that at the moment can't shake the scared feeling. And DH is no help.
Thanks, Leeze. I should get my new set of blood results on Tuesday, so all I can do is hope they have gone up a lot. That is nice that you will have an early scan too. It will be nice to be able to put our minds at ease!

How far along were you when you miscarried? I was 5w5d, so I'm super excited to be passing that point!
Hi Ladies, how are we doing today? :hi:

Angelique: I am so sorry about your job and I TOTALLY know where you are coming from. I too work with ALL women and that can be very stressful at times. Recently I experienced some work drama also. I happend to have a conversation with someone I don't usually speak to at work and I mentioned something that I didn't like that my management was implementing... well she went right off and told my boss what I'd said!! I didn't get in trouble but REALLY? Women are so petty that they'll betray a fellow coworker like that, for no reason!! UGH, like I said, I understand. And I really hope you find something else soon, I'm sure it'll all work out for you!

GIRLS, the nausea has set in for me! :cry: I noticed a day or two ago that I was getting a little queezy on an empty stomach. But now since last night, that queeziness has come and not gone away even when I eat. I have managed not to vomit so far, but I hate this nauseous feeling! I'm glad it's a weekend because I'd be miserable at work right now, I don't know how I'm going to get through the week if this gets any worse than it is!! yuck!

On another note, I called my obgyn yesterday, I just wanted some reassurance that my soreness symptom was normal because i was just sooo achey. Well there was no one who could answer my questions... apparently the nurse leaves at 3pm and doesn't return any calls until Monday. And no one else was available besides the receptionist and she was no help. When I told her I'd been pretty achey for two weeks since i found out I was pregnant she said "You probably shouldn't have waited so long to call!" Ummm thanks, way to make me panic.
But anyway I then made several phone calls to my friends and got the reassurance I needed that they experienced the same thing. So I'm not worried about that anymore.

So what is new with the rest of you girls? :flower:
Girlnextdoor - I was 5 weeks 4 days the last time, so like you, I'm feeling better just having got passed that point too!! :happydance: Also, I started spotting at 5 weeks, like regular spotting that lasted 4 days until it was obvious the m/c was coming.

Birdie Dorf - a bit of spotting is really common early on in pregnancy. You should only worry if it becomes heavy bleeding or is accompanied by painful cramping (I know it's easy to say not to worry, but absolutely try your best not to worry!). :hugs: Also, if it's brown that's normally a good sign too - it's when it's bright red that it's more likely to signify something to worry about

Darling, I think you're right. I'm going to stay away from the m/c threads in
1st tri. I can't help anyone and it doesn't help me to be reminded of it! Given my huge (and I mean HUGE) spots on my face, I'm feeling reassured that things are progressing ok with my pregnancy!!! And a bit of feeling nauseous this afternoon too!!

I just put a few bids on some cheap maternity clothes on ebay!! I can't help myself! Also, I've got so much bloating at the moment I already look like I've got a bump so I could do with hiding it a bit!!! :haha:
Hi babylove :hi: - our posts crossed then!!

Sorry to hear about your work situation too, I hate it when colleagues pull that kind of crap!

As far as I understand having aches and cramps is normal and part of your body adapting and uterus expanding etc! Glad you got that reassurance :hugs:
Hooray! We both made it past our mc days!!! :happydance:

I was very bloated a few days ago. I cut out some of the salty foods and that seems to have helped quite a lot! I am surprised how much, actually. I am normally a sweet lover, but since pg I have been craving the salty stuff. I did eat really badly last night and today though, so I'm betting I will be bloated again :haha:

In the beginning I was responding to all the mc threads, but I just feel like I need to stay away for a while. It is just making me way too nervous and every time I read one of the stories it reminds me of mine and makes me upset again.
Oh, and I had spotting for a few days before the mc too. When I saw the OB yesterday he asked me if I was having any spotting and I told him NO!!! :happydance:
Birdie Dorf - brown is old blood so could be just the embryo getting burying itself deeper into the lining of the womb put nicely.. it's getting all snuggled up! Do not worry! It's all good. :)

I feel really sick. It's definitely worse at night.

Well I cried off my girls night tonight because I just feel so sick and because I'm not ready to share my news yet. One of my friends is a sweetheart, so thoughtful but I don't think she could keep a secret if her life depended on it! I can just imagine her saying "don't tell anyone else but..."

Oh girls you will love second trimester. You feel great. You've got a proper bump. You don't need to wee all the time and you look fab. First trimester sucks! I hate feeling this nauseous! Sorry need to moan.. my children fell asleep in the car on the way home and my husband tucked them both into their beds and now they are both awake!! And have power-napped! Grrrrrrrrrr! Why do they do this? Gaaaah!!!!
OMG Angelique!!! That's bloody appalling!! B*#tards!! :growlmad: Oh honey what a blow! You poor love! Well for what it's worth I think things happen for a reason and that job would probably have been hell for you being pregnant as well. Sounds like a horrible place to work with all that bitchiness! Child-minding could be a plan though might be a bit of a stress as you progress but it's going to be s darn sight better than working with a bunch of back-stabbers! I love women but at their worst you're right, we can be monsters. Sending you a great big bear hug! :hugs:

Thanks Darling, I am not nearly as emotional today, and am actually quite relieved to not have to go there... I didn't realize how negative it was getting... I hope to find some kids soon... maybe even a baby.... since now that I am expecting, my baby hunger has gone through the roof lol

Thanks to everyone for being so supportive!!
Thanks Babylove, thats exactly the kind of things that were happening, and more.. anyway, on to a new chapter!!

I have softball today, no, I am not playing lol, though I wish I could, I coach, and I love it, I coach my 2 girls and today is the tryouts where we coaches get to pick the teams... the season starts the first of april, and I am so excited for it!! it means spring is coming and I will get to be outside!! and not cooped up waiting for the snow to melt!!!

Love you ladies!! Thanks for making me feel so much better!!
Thanks for the assurance, Ladies! Blame insecurity on mood swings, perhaps.

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