Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Well ladies, I told the fam today.... Mom already knew but I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers and we had a fam dinner, and my sister noticed I didn't have wine..... so I ended up fessing up, we are all very excited, since its been a few years since we have had a tiny baby... anyway, I am relieved to have it out in the open.... mom can't wait for it, it will be her 8th grandbaby....

oh and I was thinking... semi dangerous I know.... but on my hubbies side of the fam... there 7 grandbabies, all are girls.... and I know the gender is determined by the male sperm.... I wonder if his side has a predisposition to girls
Hi girls,

I hope everyone is doing well today. I am now a blueberry which is nice but I am really looking forward to getting to raspberry status. I love raspberries!

Darling - I hear ya! And I will be that non-worrying person at about 7pm this evening - providing today's early scan at 6.30pm gives me some good news. Am I allowed to be anxious today? I promise I will be better tomorrow! Right on cue for my scan, every single symptom apart from fatigue and spots seems to have left me :nope:

Leeze - my skin is so bad that random strangers are asking me if I'm pregnant! My skin is really dry aswell - I need to moisturise at least 4 times during the day to avoid snake-status!

I'm going to try and keep myself busy today - will keep you posted on how it goes tonight. If anyone had time to cross some fingers for me I'd be grateful!
Good luck today Waitress, how exciting but I have to say I will be as nervous as hell to when I have mine next week!!

I am telling work this morning because they are planning on scaking people to make room for me and talking about moving all furniture which I will not be doing up flights of stairs and I have to say I am petrified, I woke up so early today and just burst into tears. I have only known these people 4 days and I hate the thought that they might have a go at me! I am not usually so wimpy and its a very personal thing to tell strangers. Part of me hopes they tell me to go home but I so need the money but this job is costing me a fortune in petrol which would have been fine if not preg but I keep thinking thats £40 a week I could be putting towards other things.

Anyway wish me luck, I am going to tell them as soon as they come in so its done.
Ooh Waitress thats really exciting!! Good luck honey!!! I will be keeping fingers, toes and anything else I can cross, crossed for you. Will be thinking of you. Xxxx

To the nosey parkers, I think you should say "no I'm not pregnant! I've just always suffered with my skin! But thanks!" Im always surprised by the cheek of strangers. I would never even ask "when is it due?" unless you could see its any moment now.. even then I would tread carefully. I used to be incensed by people touching my bump without asking.

I seem to be having evening sickness! I'm alright until Teatime.

Angelique I told my family this weekend too and they took it really well, in fact MIL said to her mum, "See I was right!" it's really nice to have it out in the open. I still haven't told many people as I don't want it in the public domain yet, but it feels good to speak freely around family.

Re pre-disposition towards girls. I think it's entirely possible. A little girl would be lovely wouldn't it?

Well, have a great day ladies! Waitress will be thinking of you!:hugs:
Girls I am exactly 6 weeks today (and feel sick during the day.. hmmm!?) so this is the start of week 7. Anyway thought you guys would like to see this too:-

7 Mar 2011 - 13 Mar 2011

Your Body
Even if you're not telling anyone you're pregnant yet, your baby's certainly telling you. Not in so many words but in so many pregnancy symptoms. Like that nagging pregnancy nausea that follows you around day and night, or all that excess saliva pooling in your mouth (am I drooling ?). And then there's that other early pregnancy sign you certainly can't miss (especially when you struggle to button your blouse): those changes in your breasts (are these really mine?).

Your breasts are likely swelling to proportions you never imagined possible (some women have grown a full cup size at this stage) and are becoming uncomfortably tender, tingly, and achy — mostly because of the increased amounts of that hormone duo, estrogen and progesterone. Fat is also building up in your breasts, and blood flow to the area is increasing. Your nipples may be sticking out a little more than usual — and though they may look good enough to touch (better than ever, perhaps), they're so sensitive and tender, you'd probably prefer that they weren't. The areola, the dark area around the nipple, has already gotten darker and larger — and will continue to grow and deepen in color over the months to come. On a less attractive note, you'll also notice little goose-bump-like spots on the areola. These bumps, called Montgomery tubercles, are sweat glands that supply lubrication to the areola. And in case you're wondering why all these changes are taking place, here's your answer: They're getting your breasts ready to feed your baby in about 33 weeks.

Your Baby
How does your baby grow? Pretty fast, actually. Your baby's length is approximately a quarter of an inch — the size of a blueberry. Sounds pretty tiny still? Consider this for a little perspective: Your baby is 10,000 times bigger now than it was at conception a month ago.

The biggest fetal growth this week is your baby's head (the better to store all those smarts in), with new brain cells being generated at the rate of 100 cells per minute. How's that for a budding genius?

And talking about buds, your baby is going out on a limb this week as his or her arm and leg buds begin to sprout and grow longer (and stronger), dividing into hand, arm, and shoulder segments — and leg, knee, and foot segments (though the limb buds look more like paddles than hands or feet at this early stage).

Also forming this week are your baby's mouth and tongue. And although your embryo is just one month old, it's already gone through three sets of kidneys. The ones in place now are the permanent set and are poised to begin their important work of waste management. In about a week, your baby will start producing urine. Lucky for you, there's no need for diapers (yet). As your baby matures inside you, much of that urine will be excreted into the amniotic fluid, swallowed again by your baby, and then excreted again in a continuous cycle.
Thanks Darling I love reading things like that!! I am 6 + 1 so spot on for me xx
Darling thanks for posting that stuff - how exciting - I love the fact that their little faces are growing right now too!!! :happydance:

Good luck Waitress with the scan :thumbup: - I reckon you're allowed a bit of anxiety, fingers crossed you get a good clear picture! I've got mine on Friday - am feeling a bit anxious too but also very much looking forward to it

Krissi - good luck with your work situation today :thumbup:

My spots on my forehead today look like mosquito bites - I woke up in the night because one of them was so sore! Oh, and my skin is really oily at the moment. Yuk, definitely got some teenager stuff going on!!

Angelique - definitely sounds like there's a good chance of you having a girl!!! I read somewhere that one way of guessing how likely you are to have one gender or the other is around the baby's father's siblings eg if your OH has 1 brother and 2 sisters then you have a 50% chance of a boy/girl - not sure how accurate this is
Hi everyone sorry not been on here for days, missed sooo much and i have tried to have a little read through so that i could be part of the conversation.

Angelique - so sorry about your job, women can be so nasty, good on you though for telling them where to get off.

Darling, what a lovely post, how is your sickness now? I have started to feel sick all day everyday and its just awful. I started last Friday and before that i had a constant bad taste in my mouth. Im find it a bit strange that im suffering this time round as sickness wasnt a problem in my previous pregnancies and I've had a boy and girl...fingers crossed its NOT twins!!!

In terms of sex preference, I honestly dont mind either way. Obviously i want the baby to be healthy, but my son will have just turned 2 when this baby arrives so would be nice to have a boy for him so that have eachother to play with and would hope that they would grow up close. Having a boy would also save us a fortune as I kept everything from ds so i wouldnt really need to buy anything although i would still buy some new things. On the otherhand it would be nice to have another girl. DD is nearly 10 so its been a long time since we had a baby girl to look after....i would love to shop for girls clothes etc etc. DD would love to have a little sister despite the age gap too so would be nice for her. I have absolutely no idea what sex the baby will be and I would like a suprise as i found out with both before. But dh is adamant that we find out...so we will see.

Chinese sex prediction predicts a boy..it was right when i had my son but predicted a boy when i had my daughter.

I have an early scan tomorrow...im not to worried ...but we will see xxx
Must apologise for my spelling and punctuation! I am aware that there are a few teachers on here lol! Honestly I can spell and Im not thick just try to get everything written as quickly as possible and dont pay as much attention as I should X
Well I told work!! It went soooo well and I feel so much happier now!! They have said I can have time off for all my appointments and if the need arises I can work from home a few days and can work from home when pumpkin arrives!! I love my boss!!

Scan all confirmed now too for Tues 15/03 at 7:15pm!!
Glad telling your boss went well they do sound lovely!!!

Is anyone else suffering with sickness??? Sorry to moan but feeling really low about it now...i just cant function! Poor ds being left to his own devises! I cant believe how horrible this is :'(
Yes I have had awful sickness, it tends to be worse in the afternoons. Most the time I am not actually sick but just feel sick and dizzy which for me is usually worse as actually being sick gives me a reprieve if only for a little while.

I have cut out all caffiene totally now and eaten more carbs and it has helped a little, as has eating a little and often.
Krissi, thats great that your boss was so great!! You are lucky, at the job I just quit they roll their eyes and talk about you. I am jealous lol.

As for sickness, I am happy to say I have had none, except headaches... and I mean killer headaches, and exhaustion to match, but I will take that over nausea

Hope you ladies feel better,,,,

Darling what a lovely post thank you for sharing!!
I have to say I was very surprised about work. I have two bosses but ones is the owner and he is lovely so I told him and asked him to tell the other, I think if I had to tell the mean boss it would have been a totally different story!!
Oh Krissi that's amazing!! I was never offered anything like that when I went part-time. In fact my boss said he couldn't manage with a part-time PA (clearly he'd never heard of job-sharing!) and tried to put pressure on me to stay full-time in the end I was effectively demoted and the lady who worked under me got my job and made life difficult by rubbing my nose in it - something I never did to her) but I would have killed to have had the chance of a work-from-home job! What a dream outcome! Congrats honey! You must be thrilled to bits! See what I mean about things happening for a reason? :))
I have cut out the caffeine and Im mainly eating carbs not really helping atm..fingers crossed we all feel better soon x

I was working when I was pregnant with ds my firm were lovely about it, I didnt go back after having him but i still keep in touch with my ex-boss. I worked as a legal secretary, my plan is to retrain when this one arrives thinking of becoming a teaching assistant so that i get holidays off with the children, childcare would cost a fortune for three!
Hi Ladies :flower:

I've just had some good news this afternoon - my midwife appointment has now been brought forward by a week to Friday 25th April :happydance: Plus she is now coming to see me at home, which is good (will be nice to chat to her in familiar surroundings).

It is ideal too as I have that day already booked off work :thumbup: I'm really pleased and can't wait to have my first appointment with her. She sounded really nice on the phone x

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