Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Girls I just drank the Ginger and lemongrass cordial with still water and I don't feel sick anymore!! People always say ginger biscuits. I've never found that helps. Probably not enough ginger! Try it I really think it works!!
Birdie, I think you are fine, but maybe you could call your doc to ease your mind a bit?

I'm feeling a bit nervous as well because I feel like my symptoms are not as strong as last week either. The only one that has increased is tiredness. But, I don't feel much nausea any more and I was having it before.
Oh a cordial is a concentrated drink that you dilute to taste with water.
ah, gotcha. they had a lot of these in the netherlands, but i don't think we have them here in the states (or at least not at the usual grocery store).

I am nervous because I just have NO symptoms! Except bloat and the odd little stretching pains, but these are very few and far between now. Which is good I guess as lots of pain would freak me out more I know :wacko: The only other thing I've got is noticing I am a bit more thirsty than usual, particularly in the evenings. I have NO nausea, NO tiredness, NO sore boobs.

This is why so far I have taken 9 HPTs :haha: Luckily so far they've got darker every time. I just need the reassurance because I feel so normal! x
Hi ladies,

Just got caught up and agree with the rest of the girls - Angelique: well done for standing up for yourself and quitting that job!!:thumbup:

I hope this isn't going to embarrass anyone but I'm in a bit of a pickle and could do with some help.

A little bit of background:

I'm 38 and fell pregnant on practically our first cycle of trying. (I didn't know my O date in January so was merrily trying and had missed it!) Feb = bingo. This came as a huge shock to my husband and I - we just assumed it would take us ages and maybe even £££'s. So after getting pregnant so quickly I am now really scared something will go wrong. Like Girlnextdoor I am drawn to the First Tri mc threads and have got myself into a bit of a state about it all. To cut a long story short, I am worried. About everything.

And so to sex. We've known I am pregnant for 3 weeks now and haven't DTD or anything resembling that (!) for that length of time. I am under no pressure from DH but I feel like....like I am scared to. Incase something happens. I know it is irrational and I am only missing out but I still can't bring myself to do it. Dream about it, and think about it, yes. But actually do it? I just don't think I can.

I'm not worried my husband will leave me (he's gone longer than 3 weeks before, HA!) and I'm not worried I'm turning into some neurotic mess but I have always had this thing about sex that if your heart isn't in it, then don't do it.

Do you think I'm weird? Is anyone else thinking anything remotely similar? Did anyone have this before with previous pregnancies? My other friend who is pregnant and a few weeks ahead of me says they are it like rabbits & she's never had such great orgasms and yet I'm still not even remotely interested.

My husband "gets it" - I have the loveliest most patient gorgeous man in the world sitting opposite me on the other sofa but I really want to snap out of it. I'm just not sure I can?

Sorry to drone on about something you might not be comfortable talking about!:blush:
I don't think about it. I don't expect it to happen and if it does there won't be anything I can do about it anyway, so I just don't think about it. /QUOTE]

Sorry, me again. I know this is where I need to get my head to and this is going to be my goal for next week. I'll keep you posted!
Waitress I have the same fears over dtd at the mo although we have done it quite a bit since finding out but after I feel awful that it could have done damage so dh and I are just very gentle but I think if u don't feel comfortable then don't do it. I have to admit if I had my way I would wait for a while but seems to just happen lol but then dh and I haven't been together long at all so I guess it is different.

I have to say I avoid the mc threads I am on knocker watch every hour as it is anni think if I look I will b a wreck x

I am nervous because I just have NO symptoms! Except bloat and the odd little stretching pains, but these are very few and far between now. Which is good I guess as lots of pain would freak me out more I know :wacko: The only other thing I've got is noticing I am a bit more thirsty than usual, particularly in the evenings. I have NO nausea, NO tiredness, NO sore boobs.

This is why so far I have taken 9 HPTs :haha: Luckily so far they've got darker every time. I just need the reassurance because I feel so normal! x

Nat, with my 2 prior pregnancies, that were completely normal, I had NO symptoms... and I mean none... and I guess I was just blessed. this time, I don't know if I feel them because I am watching for them, or because I am older now, or what, but a lack of symptoms is a blessing to you, and really nothing to worry about. Don't stress yourself out worrying about lack of symptoms, many women don't have a clue they are even pregnant this early because of lack of symptoms.

Right then you lot! [Sargeant Major's voice] Listen up! I've had to get out of bed to write this because my bloody phone's gone flat! And I can't sleep knowing you're all worried!

No more First Tri threads unless absolutely clear that they have absolutely nothing to do with miscarriage. It is tragic and every one of us can sympathise with everyone of them but the more you read those threads, the more that worry becomes engrained, the more that worry becomes engrained, the more your mind will naturally wander to that thought, and the more your mind naturally wanders to that thought, the more similar thoughts you will attract. In other words, that one simple worrying thought becomes your point of attraction and from there negative thoughts will multiply.

No more obsessing over what you ate, the love you made, whether there is a dark enough line on your hpt's or anything else you might have done because nothing you can do will have an immediate effect on whether or not that little bean sticks. The little bean sticks because its time to and I think we're all here together at this particular point in time to share this journey. Miscarriage, in my humble opinion, is nature's way; your bodies way of rejecting what isn't right, whether it hasn't implanted properly or something else is wrong. Its awfully sad and we've all been there but its just your bodies way of dealing with it.

I believe that everything happens for a reason, even if we can't always define a logical explanation for it. One day your beautiful babies will be all grown up and have left home and you will think fondly back to this time; the start of your beautiful journey (and if we mums know anything its that this is a journey!) and you want to remember how deliriously happy you felt, those fabulous women on that forum not obsessing over every little twinge!! (Yes you know who you are ;-D)
So come on girls, relax, sit back and take a deep breath! Its going to be one hell of a ride! And it starts now!

Big love to all of you. Now Waitress, get off your arse and go make love to your husband!! ;-P xxxxx
Right then you lot! [Sargeant Major's voice] Listen up! I've had to get out of bed to write this because my bloody phone's gone flat! And I can't sleep knowing you're all worried!

No more First Tri threads unless absolutely clear that they have absolutely nothing to do with miscarriage. It is tragic and every one of us can sympathise with everyone of them but the more you read those threads, the more that worry becomes engrained, the more that worry becomes engrained, the more your mind will naturally wander to that thought, and the more your mind naturally wanders to that thought, the more similar thoughts you will attract. In other words, that one simple worrying thought becomes your point of attraction and from there negative thoughts will multiply.

No more obsessing over what you ate, the love you made, whether there is a dark enough line on your hpt's or anything else you might have done because nothing you can do will have an immediate effect on whether or not that little bean sticks. The little bean sticks because its time to and I think we're all here together at this particular point in time to share this journey. Miscarriage, in my humble opinion, is nature's way; your bodies way of rejecting what isn't right, whether it hasn't implanted properly or something else is wrong. Its awfully sad and we've all been there but its just your bodies way of dealing with it.

I believe that everything happens for a reason, even if we can't always define a logical explanation for it. One day your beautiful babies will be all grown up and have left home and you will think fondly back to this time; the start of your beautiful journey (and if we mums know anything its that this is a journey!) and you want to remember how deliriously happy you felt, those fabulous women on that forum not obsessing over every little twinge!! (Yes you know who you are ;-D)
So come on girls, relax, sit back and take a deep breath! Its going to be one hell of a ride! And it starts now!

Big love to all of you. Now Waitress, get off your arse and go make love to your husband!! ;-P xxxxx

Ma'am YES Ma'am! :flower:
Haha - Darling, whilst I do like your no-nonsense approach and I think on the whole it's good advice... I do also relate to what Waitresss is saying. My OH and I haven't DTD since we found out about the BFP either. I haven't been in the mood, I think a lot of this is to do with having big spots on my face and chest, and also feeling bloated, but I know some of it is psychological as well in relation to worrying it might hurt something. Even though I've read lots of stuff that says sex is safe and you should ease off it any bleeding comes, I guess for me because of what I went through with the m/c, I want to avoid any bleeding coming at all costs. I've said to my OH that I'm happy to do "other stuff" that doesn't involve actual sex - and he said he's fine with waiting for a while - in fact he said something like "It's quite good to have a rest" - that's representative of the fact that I was like a woman possessed in terms of getting him to BD every 2 days for most months out of the last 14!!!! :haha:

Re the ginger cordial thing, I bought some yesterday and I think I put too much cordial in because the ginger in it blew my head off! For those of you that can't get the cordial, I reckon if you grated a tiny bit of ginger (with a small-holed grater) into a bit of fruit juice or water then you might get the same effect? :hugs:
Leeze. You only need the teeniest amount. It is very strong. My husband made me some last night and put too much cordial in and I have to say I went and put another half glass of water in to dilute it. As for grated Ginger in juice.. maybe. It would have to be more of a paste I would imagine. :)

If you don't fancy dtd then it's quite understandable given all the hormones flying around. All I'm saying is that sex is safe when pregnant so if you fancy some go get it! X
oh, re the ginger thing - I think it would work best if you had a blender and put some grated in there with some juice too - a bit like a smoothie - I've done this before and it worked ok - apple juice with a bit of ginger in is quite nice!
The moody 1st trimester blues have encroached on the BnB forums.
SOrry you got a mega dose of it P!
Nice to see you again, Dr M!! :hi: - how's it going with you?
Thanks everyone! I literally felt like I was crazy yesterday. I was reading those pregnancy books. Information overload. I hid them for awhile!

Now, let's have some fun! I just hosted a baby shower today and heard a great news story about how someone got away from a mugger by spraying breast milk! Did anyone catch that story on the news?
Thanks everyone! I literally felt like I was crazy yesterday. I was reading those pregnancy books. Information overload. I hid them for awhile!

Now, let's have some fun! I just hosted a baby shower today and heard a great news story about how someone got away from a mugger by spraying breast milk! Did anyone catch that story on the news?

I didn't hear about that, but that's hilarious!!! :haha:

I know what you mean about information overload and what I've found is you can quite often get confused if you read too much!! The main thing I've been reading about the last couple of days is about pregnancy acne and finding out that it might last the whole of my pregnancy!!!!
oh, re the ginger thing - I think it would work best if you had a blender and put some grated in there with some juice too - a bit like a smoothie - I've done this before and it worked ok - apple juice with a bit of ginger in is quite nice!

Ooh that sounds lovely! I could really get into juicing.

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