Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Mine is the 21st so a busy week for booking appointments yay us!! xx
Hi everyone :hi:

I'm feeling very dodgy this afternoon!! Feeling sick, tired and also got an icky stomach where I keep having to run to the toilet. Have got to work late tonight too. Counting the minutes!

Great news about all those lovely appointments coming up, and Krissi - glad to hear your work are being supportive!!

So scared just went to loo and had a tiny amount of brown blood when I went to the loo and my back hurts. Not sure if I had back pain before i noticed it in cm or my mind id making it worse if you know what I mean. Called my doc who was lovely but said if anymore over night otr any pain call in the morning and she will refer me for a scan tomorrow. But no sex for 2 weeks now.

Has anyone else had this and it been OK?
Honey, these are all the bits I've found relating to brown spotting in early pregnancy:-

Spotting brown blood is an indication of old, dry blood that is for some reason in the cervix. The most common reason is if you have sexual intercourse and irritation of the cervix causes a little tear. Not enough that it comes flowing out, but like when you urinate or you wipe, you might see it on the tissue. Unless you are passing bright red blood and clots, brown spotting is pretty harmless.

If you are pregnant and you notice you have a brown discharge, do not panic. Many people experience this during pregnancy.

Brown discharge (pregnancy spotting)

Brown discharge or pregnancy spotting can either be a perfectly normal sign that you are pregnant, or it can be an indication of something that is very serious. That is why even if brown discharge in early pregnancy is common; you should make a point to tell your doctor about it every time it occurs. Note that when you see brown discharge, it may just be an indication that you have an implantation bleeding. This may not occur for all pregnant women, implantation bleeding is very normal as it only indicates that a fertilized egg has been implanted in your uterus.

Brown discharge can be normal

Other than implantation bleeding, brown discharge in early pregnancy can also be considered as normal if it only indicates that your body is releasing old blood that was left in your cervix. This may be due to a tear caused by cervical irritations or an active sexual intercourse.

Brown spotting may be harmless

When you see brown discharge, you should not panic. It does not mean that you are experiencing a miscarriage. Unless red blood flows out with clots and tissue, brown spotting may be harmless. If your spotting comes with severe cramping, cervical and pelvic pain, and/or contractions, then you ought to consider going to the nearest maternal clinic or to a hospital right away.

Observe the frequency of the discharge

Usually, when spotting occurs in as early as five or seven weeks of the pregnancy, the doctor would advise you to observe the frequency of the discharge, the shade or its color, and other symptoms that goes with it. To detect if a miscarriage happens, the doctor will ask you to have your HCG levels checked. If your HCG levels continue to increase, then chances are, your baby is perfectly okay and you can opt for an ultrasound or an internal scan to verify its fetal development.
Brown discharge in early pregnancy is not an unusual occurrence. Though many women worry it could be a signal of a pregnancy-related problem, there are several normal reasons why this may occur.
Many women worry about spotting during pregnancy.
About Brown Discharge in Early Pregnancy
Any type of spotting or discharge should be mentioned to your physician, but brown discharge in early pregnancy can have several causes. One of the most common reasons for spotting is implantation.

Though not all women may notice implantation bleeding, others may have some discharge for a few hours when the fertilized egg embeds in the uterus wall. This spotting can be brown, red, or pink, and is sometimes the very first sign a woman has that she is pregnant. Implantation bleeding is most likely to occur during the first two weeks after conception occurs.
Other brown discharge in early pregnancy that occurs is simply related to the growth and stretching of the uterus and the surrounding tissue. As the uterus changes size and shape to accommodate the growing embryo, some light bleeding can occur. Since this bleeding occurs slowly and is not part of an active blood flow, the blood is often light brown by the time it exits the body.
Spotting as a Sign of Complication
Sometimes, brown discharge in early pregnancy can be the sign that a pregnancy is in trouble. If the spotting continues for several days, increases in heaviness, or turns red, a doctor should be consulted right away.
I've just been looking at various forums and as you'd expect a lot of women have been asking the same question and a lot of them have had it and have gone on to have healthy pregnancies and healthy babies. Just hang in there and try not to think the worst. You'll just have to keep an eye on it. At least your doctors on the ball. Thinking of you and sending you lots of love and light. :hugs:
Krissi - I just had my scan and was told to expect some brown blood at some point on account of the shape of my womb. It might be the same for you? I hope everything is ok.

So girls, just got back from my scan and I have one tiny healthy baby which is exactly the right size and in exactly the right place. We saw and heard a strong heartbeat and my 6'2' northern husband was in tears bless him. I was intent on searching for another but there is just the one!

She couldn't see my ovaries but I'm not too worried about that and she told me I have a heart shaped womb which means the baby is growing on one side and the other side may bleed from time to time as it doesn't know whats going on in the other side. She said it could be like brown spotting or period bleeding but shouldn't affect my pregnancy.

I've got 6 photos of not very much but I don't need them - I can't explain what happiness and relief I feel tonight! :hugs::happydance::cloud9:

The whole scan was a lovely experience. Best £95 I've spent in a long time! I think I'll be back there before long to check on how things are progressing.

So I am no more or less pregnant than I was this morning but I am a heck of a lot happpier. Thanks for bearing with me!

Waitress - your scan sounds lovely, so pleased for you that everything is well, ahh bless your hubby, my hubby a big softy when it comes to pregnancy and babies too! Bet its lovely to have that peace of mind.

Krissi - do try not to worry, i know easier said than done though x Ive got an early scan tomorrow morning because of bleeding last week. The midwife called me last week aswell and said that if the scan goes well she will come out to see me on Wednesday morning as she will be on annual leave for a few weeks and wants to see me herself. Said to let her know if she doesnt need to come out anymore too! Im optimistic atm although im sure ill be nervous in the morning.

Ive had a few hours off from feeling sick but i can feel it creeping back in....gonna have a quick shower get me pj's on and watch one born every minute...love it! xxx
:hugs: So happy for you! I know that feeling! lol
Now you can revel in that glorious feeling! Xx
Thank you so much darling that really helped u r a star xxx
Oh - Waitress, that is a lovely story - so pleased for you! :thumbup:

Krissi - like Darling says - brown spotting is really common (I had it last week too and then it stopped and hopefully everything is ok now) - one of the women on another thread had it for about 4-5 days and she's been checked out and everything is ok. Good to get it checked out though. Fingers crossed :hugs:

Darling - that's so thoughtful of you to post all that info about brown spotting :hugs:

Pink Sparkle - good luck with the scan tomorrow, I hope it goes well :hugs:

I am so exhausted this evening, it's been a really full-on day. Definitely an early night for me!!
Well all seems ok at the moment thanks for all the support I would be a wreck without u all xx no more spotting but I have put a pad on just in case and have told db no sex for a while which he was from impressed with but that's tough. I am hoping that was the cause as we dtd quite a bit since finding out (sorry for tmi)
Krissi, hope all goes perfectly for you, I am sure all is well...

Darling, thanks for all the info on spotting....

Ok ladies...... Please tell me this is normal....

Even before my pregnancy for MONTHS I have had lots of problems with pain in my hip area, that radiated down into my butt. I have been told it is either from my sciatic nerve, or from when I fractured my spine... no biggie, I take motrin and deal with it... but now that I am pregnant, i have the same pain, occasionally, surprisingly not as often, but still do, but I don't take Motrin, I just deal.... well I have been getting these tugging feelings in my ovaries area, like it feels when I ovulate, idk if you guys feel it or not, but I have since I was a teenager. anyway, it lasts anywhere from minutes to a hour or 2, and is very sporadic, never constant, and I have no bleeding or anything like that....


I am starting to freak cuz I started reading about tubal pregnancies.... I have none of the things that increase the risks, like endometriosis, or PID, or surgeries, but I don't like this feeling that something could be wrong, and I can't find when it is most commonly diagnosed, or anything like that.... Other than these few twinges (which I hope is my body and hormones stretching things) I have few symptoms besides milk cravings and extreme fatique...

Please tell me my pregnant brain is inventing things.... or should I call and bug the doc? I don't wanna call unless I have to.... but I dont' know!!!!
Didnt want to read and run babe, I am so niave at all this I have no advice to offer but just wanted to send massive hugs and I hope one of the other girls is more helpful xxx

No more spotting this morning and tested again and still saying 3+ so reassured for now xx
Angelique, I am all about asking the professionals - EVERYTHING! You're obviously worried and the worst they can do (which would be the best result for you) is to tell you there is nothing connected and to stop worrying. If there IS a reason for concern then at least you've highlighted it early.

So I would go and see your doctor - you've got a little baby to support for the next 7 months - we need that back and pelvis working well! At the very least it will put your mind at ease.

I hope it all goes well - keep us posted.

Angelique first things first.. :hugs:

My mother had Sciatica and that's exactly as she described it. That's nasty. Have you considered looking into alternative remedies? Not all but I'm sure there's a fair few things you could try that are safe to take in pregnancy.

Re the pulling in your ovaries.. I had the same tugging pulling feeling behind my belly button and it was my 'tap on the shoulder' that made me test for pregnancy. Other than that my symptoms were practically non-existent, but I recognised that feeling from being pregnant (only I previously experienced it much later on). The fact you've been reading about tubal pregnancies is obviously going to effect you and I think you're more likely to find it's just your body gearing up to do it all over again. I think everything happens faster in subsequent pregnancies because your body has done it before.

If you're in any doubt whatsoever, call your doctor hon. Xxx
Krissi that is good news! So glad to hear you're ok. I think if it wasn't you'd still be experiencing it and it would just get heavier and heavier . I'm relieved to hear it's stopped. :hugs:
Good morning everyone! It is a good morning here. It's bitterly cold but the sky is blue and I dont feel sick in the mornings!! Happy daisies! Just watching Postman Pat with my children, then it's off to nursery!
Waitress - So pleased your scan went well!! I really want to see the photos!!
Yes me too!!! I watched 'One Born Every Minute' for the first time last night and I realised just how much this just hasn't sunk in yet! I remembered labour and thought 'Oh heck! Not that ol' chesnut again!' [Groan]

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