Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

ha ha! Darling you make me laugh!!
I also watched One Born Every Minute and also thought 'heck....what have i gotten myself into!!' This is my first and so i am trying to not freak out at the unknown!

Good morning ladies.... Thanks for the reassurance... I am feeling much better about things , emotions got me good last night, you ladies are so sweet, I love this group!!

Ok so, new symptom..... being so exhasted to function, BUT not being able to fall asleep... probably anxiety, but it was close to 3am when I fell asleep, here it is 8am and I have been up for an hour, and I feel like I can fall asleep sitting here, well... more than normal... SO GLAD that I don't have to go to work!! haha, every day I love my decision even more... and some of the ladies I worked with that didn't cause trouble, have called to tell me they miss me. so thats nice, but still not sad I left =)

Anyway, I know many of you are WAY ahead of me timewise, so I hope you are having a wonderful day! Happy sweet peas, and almost sweet peas!!
Angelique you could ring up your old job and say that now you're a lady of leisure you fancy some nice little cakes and place an order! Bet that would ruffle a few feathers hehe!

When I got my bfp I was stoked until about 8pm that evening when I remembered I would have to go through labour again!
I now have red spotting got a private scan this evening. Only had a spot of red blood but had a tiny bit of brown blood on pad earlier. Got backache and generally shitting myself. Saw my GP who reffered me to EPAU...... Monday at 10:30 to say I was not pleased would be an understatement, how the hell would I last til then without being a nervous wreck. So all please keep your fingers crossed for me.
Oh sweetheart your poor thing! Monday? Oh honey. I will be thinking of you and keeping everything crossed. Try not to think the worst. We're all here for you. :hugs: xxxx
Krissi - keeping everything crossed for you huni and sending lots of sticky glue your way xxx

My scan went well, saw lil bean with a heartbeat, they were happy but put me back a week! Never been put back that far before only a day! On way home felt a bit wet down below almost like i had wet myself. When i got home discovered id had a very heavy bleed. Bright red angry blood, soaked through my undies and my jeans. Rang my GP who rang EPU who said they wouldnt have me back too soon and nothing they could do just go to a&e if bleeding gets worse than a normal period. Not happy at all really bloody crap NHS for you. So back to square one...in fact this feels a million times worse as last week only had light bleed of pinkish blood and now this.

Ive never had a miscarriage so dont know what to expect if it is going to happen....sorry to be so pessimistic x

Hope you have all had good days Krissi let us know how you get on hun, be thinking of you xxx
Hi Hun was it an internal scan hopefully it was just the probe irritating the cervix and all will b fine xx

2 more hours til my scan feels like a lifetime! No more bleeding but my back aches but different to normal. Just laying down and hoping for the best but I just have a bad feeling. I have had it since I told work yesterday that this pregnancy will go wrong I know I probably sound silly but it's just an instinct.

Anyway I have been talking to pumpkin and made a promise if he/she hangs on in there I will make sure it never wants for anything so hopefully he is listening to his
Mummy and thinks that's a good deal x will update later xxx
Hi Ladies :flower:

Krissi, sending you lots of luck and :hugs: for later. Really hoping you get the reassurance you need and that your bad feeling is just anxiety playing with your head.

Pink Sparkle, I agree with Krissi, could it be that the internal scan has just irritated the cervix or something? :shrug: Hoping it all calms down for you, you saw little one's heartbeat so seems a coincidence that you then bleed straight after the scan. Seems to point to the probe irritating something. Sending you :hugs: and hope you feel better soon x
I have my fingers crossed for you ladies. I'm sending lots of positive thoughts your way!

No my scan wasnt internal :(

Krissi - best thing to rest and put your feet up...honestly you cant jinx things xxx
Krissi - I have my fingers crossed for you. I hope it goes well this evening

Pink Sparkle - I hope your bleeding has stopped and it was a one -off - keep us posted, am thinking about you.

So I am attaching one of my pictures of not very much but this is our baby at 7 weeks and 1 day. My husband and I DTD twice on the last weekend of January and by the dates it makes conception the night we got drunk and had a kebab - so thats a nice story for the little one to grow up with! I said if its a girl we should call her Donna (Doner - get it?) but DH was horrified. Sorry about the quality of the picture - its a photo of a photo!

I did some reading on my suspected heart shaped uterus and because this is the new non-worrying me (I am keeping my promise Darling!) I haven't allowed myself to get too wound up about some of the possibilities. I did go to the doctor today who said "Oh well, you were never going to be straight forward were you?" and he told me not to think about it till my 12 week scan as there is nothing that can be done and my risks till then are the same as any other. At the 12 week scan they will check and see if it IS shaped that way and likely to impact the baby's growth etc.

For those that don't know babies can find it hard to fully grow in a heart shaped uterus and have to be delivered early, usually by CS as they don't have room to turn and are often breech.

I also watched OBEM last night. If I was in labour and my DH was on his Nintendo (my DH doesn't have one btw!) then I would be delivering in prison because I would KILL HIM!!

I hope everyone else is ok today xx

Leeze - I bought some maternity jeans today. I am determined to stay in skinny jeans as long as possible but don't want the button cutting in to my little blueberry so I caved and bought them. Sooo comfortable!


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Pinksparkle and Krissi I have my fingers crossed for you both. O really hope everything turns out okay.

Hi everyone, I havnt had much to say lately, I'm glad to see that most of you are still doing well!
No changes for me, I'm very excited to be past 6 weeks now! (but still nervous about the next 6!). I'm so glad I have my first appointment at the end of next week(still feels like a lifetime away). I've still got my lovely backache and sometimes entire lower-body ache. And the last few days I've had some nausea cone-and-go but not too bad so far, just queasiness.

Waitress that is wonderful that your scan went well! You must be quite relieved! (at least for now lol). When I have mine next week I'll be 7+4 so I imagine my photo should look similar to that one.
I'm just so anxious to see it safely in there with it's little heart beating! I think I'll be slightly more relaxed after that!
My good friend finds out the sex of her baby this week and I'm so jealous!

On another note I'm getting really sick of work.. On so many levels! I'm just so uncomfortable here! I'm a preschool teacher so I've only got little child-size plastic chairs to sit in all day. My back is worse at work than on the weekends when I'm at home and can get comfortable when I start to ache. Ughh! :wacko:

Well girls that's about all that's going on here. I'll catch up later. And I'll be looking in to check ok Krissi and Pinksparkle!!
Scan was external so couldn't see anything buy my lovely scan man also works at Brighton hospital so has called in a favour and I am on way now for an internal scan xx
Hi ladies! Welcome to the newbies and good luck Krissi :hugs:
I haven't been on in ages, just realised how long it's been! Been ridiculously busy lately with work and going out. So how is everyone doing?
I feel SICK. Bloody awfully sick! It started a couple of days ago and now the nausea seems to be ever-present, especially during the day. I told my personnel officer at work today cos I thought if it starts getting really bad (which I'm fairly positive it will, since it's already unpleasant and getting worse) they need to know and I need some allowances made for me. She was fantastic and said whatever I need is fine, if I need to go home, if I can't manage it's completely understandable and they'll cover me. So that made me feel good. For about 2 minutes and then I felt sick again...
Bleurgh. On the other hand, I suddenly have growing boobs! I've always had small boobs and now this is all rather surreal! Hubby seems delighted with them :haha: I did say he should enjoy it while it lasts though, they won't be hanging around after bubba's born!
Ooh my little bean is now a blueberry!
Hi again girls :flower:

Pielette, so your boobs have grown at 7 weeks eh? Mine haven't changed at all yet so maybe next week :haha: They do have quite a few extra veins though!

Krissi and Pink Sparkle, hope you're both ok :hugs: Krissi, let us know how internal scan goes x
Krissi, and Pink sparkle, I am praying for you both!!!
Just had scan baby in right place and he couldn't c any free fluid he thinks he saw a fetal pole and heartbeat but couldn't get clear circle to do measurement so has put a question mark on dates could only be 5 + but has booked me for another scan next tuesday morning
Hi ladies :hi:

Krissi and Pink Sparkle - I got everything crossed for you both. We read so much about spotting and bleeding being a normal part of pregnancy for so many women but when it happens to us we can't help but worry, can we? And then you get told not to worry, and that's so hard too, isn't it? It's great you're both getting it checked out - I hope you got some big strong arms close by to wrap around you and comfort you - and hopefully those little beans are just nestling in and getting themselves a nice comfy home for the months ahead.

Waitress - lovely to see your scan pic, thanks for sharing

I'm feeling so exhausted today and very vacant in my head. Work is a major drag (nothing in particular, just having to be there!!!). I hate counting the minutes until home time but that's what I'm doing at the moment. I'm definitely having an early night tonight!!

Hi to everyone else - let's get through these next few weeks together :hugs:
Krissi, great news :thumbup: Good that you're having another scan next week too.

I have a question though and sorry if I sound dumb - what is the fetal pole?

Leeze, I'm with you, probably having an early night tonight. Very tired today, first day I've felt like it. Got to be up for work earlier tomorrow too so worth bedding down early I think x

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