Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

I think the foetal pole is what they call the baby at this stage - before it becomes the foetus?

My scan report said "1 live foetal pole, heartbeat seen and heard".

I think thats right!
Hey Waitress,(any anyone else!) I hope you don't mind me asking you a personal question. I just have to know how you have the time and energy to work out twice a day!! Do you work full time as well?? I used to really enjoy working out. I used to go to the gym for classes like zumba and aerobics 3-5 times a week as well as running outdoors with my husband 2-5 miles on other day. I always said that I wanted to be an active and fit pregnant woman and not gain more weight than needed, but since I've gotten my bfp I haven't felt like doing anything at all!! and it's only gotten worse. I work 8-9 hours a day and I'm not comfortable while there because I'm a preschool teacher so I'm either standing alot or sitting in hard child-size chairs. By the time my work-day ends, I am sore, achey, and tired and just want to sit and relax.

I don't know how to get back into being more active!!!
oh, oops I just meant to put that above post in the thread on First Tri talking about exercise while pregnant.... didn't realize I was still in this thread!? sorry. LOL At least you're on this thread also Waitress :flower:
I don't work anymore - I sold my business and became a full time triathlete a year ago. Plan was to get fit and healthy and then try for a baby - and here I am!

I have no idea how anyone who works even part time or looks after children let alone has a fulltime job and then a house to run has any energy to do exercise! I do it regularly because that has been my "job" for so long. But I pretty much rest up the rest of the time. I can't concentrate on anything I'm so tired all the time!

If you're working full time I take my hat off to you. If you're working AND exercising, you're superwoman!

The fetal pole is a thickening on the margin of the yolk sac of a fetus during pregnancy. It is usually identified at 6.5 weeks with abdominal ultrasound imaging, and 6 weeks with vaginal ultrasound imaging. However it is quite normal for the fetal pole to not be visible until about 9 weeks. The fetal pole may be seen at 2–4 mm crown-rump length (CRL), and heart motion is often detected when it is seen. In the embryo, the heartbeat is seen as a regular flutter, which should be first evident at 5 mm CRL. If the embryo is less than 5 mm CRL, it is possible for it to be healthy without showing a heartbeat, though a follow up study in 5–7 days will almost always demonstrate the heartbeat.
Thanks Waitress! I would LOVE to be superwoman! But right now I'm just not :) But I'm just glad I'm making it through working for now and not out due to sickness and I hope that doesn't happen at all. I had a friend who had to miss alot of work with her all-day MS! I can't afford to do that right now, especially since I won't be working for the last few months of my pregnancy after we move across the country!
Well we made it through the night!!

I am going to leave my ticker as it is for now as although he said measurement looked more like 5+1 he said he couldnt get womb to play ball and get a nice circle so measurements would be off and he thinks I am more than that as he is pretty sure he saw the heartbeat and possible fetal pole which he said he wouldnt expect to see at 5+1
so will leave ticker until next scan and adjust.

So tired today, yesterday was such a long and stressful day. Woke this morning to my boobs not feeling as sore..... cue more panic lol! They still hurt to the touch but not that stinging I usually have but once I calmed down I remembered I had a morning before when they werent as sore and I did spend most of yesterday lying down so I am sure gravity plays a part in the pain. Still felt sick this morning so I am reassured and pad was clear so will see what happens once been wandering around for a bit. (Also no cramping).

I cant believe how fantastic they were at Brighton hospital compared to Haywards Heath who told me to wait until next week, they couldnt believe they said to wait as I had an eptopic pregnancy 12 years ago and my tube is blocked, they said is was ridiculous to tell me to wait. Anyway the importnat thing was I was seen and he said I am to be scanned next week for reassurance and not because he suspects problems so I am happy with that. And thanks to Clinic Nine who got me in at Brighton so at least the £95 spent on a scan where I couldnt see anyhting wasnt a waste as I did get the scan eventually.

I did have to keep shouting at my mum and Paul though as the room with the internal scanner was wierdly set up and they both stood near the not so nice view end until I refused to let them scan me til they both moved up head end, scan man thought this was very funny but at least it lightened the mood.

Not sure what I am doing today, I am supposed to be on a double shift (8:30 til 9pm) but work have been fab and said last night not to worry about today so I have asked whether I can still come in but leave it til mid morning as I am just shattered and I personally want to make sure all is Ok when I have been moving around before I take myself off for a 30 min car drive.

Thank you so much for all the reassurance and hugs yesterday girls xxx
great you're feeling a bit better today Krissi, and I'm glad you had a more positive experience at the Brighton hospital

Babylove - I'm still doing a little bit of exercise, but all I can manage is swimming for about half an hour at a time.

Angelique - Interesting info about the foetal pole. I've got my scan this Friday (should be 6 weeks and 4 days) so let's see what they say!

Waitress - I'm finding it really difficult to concentrate on anything too. Everything is such a struggle

Nat - I slept for 9 hours last night and am still feeling absolutely exhausted today. I've decided for the next few weeks I'm going to make a real effort to get a good night's sleep every night (9-10 hours). Normally I manage on about 7 and then catch up at the weekend but my body is telling me there is no way I can do that! Am feeing quite icky today - not quite sick but very out of sorts! Trying to stay positive and push through it
Hi Everyone,
Krissi - Am so glad you are feeling better. I hope the scan next week goes well and can put your mind at rest.

BabyLove - I am overweight but did exercsie on a regular basis before BFP. But now i am soooo tired! I work-full time also and by the time i get home i am in a zombie like state! I managed to go for one run last week (20 minutes) and this week i have been twice but am paying for it as i have never felt so tired!!

Waitress - I'm glad the scan went well, as you say try not to worry about things you can't control and wait to see what is said at your 12 week scan.
Oh and i agree that the husband on OBEM would have been dead if he was with me! I was shouting at him on the TV (yes my hormones are all over the place!) as i thought he was terrible!!

I too am feeing very SICK! It is getting worse everyday!!! At the moment i haven't actually been sick, but i think my body may be building up to that as i really do feel awful all day long! I am just about hanging in there at work, but if this carries on i'll have to take some time off which i really don't want to do!
My boobs have also grown (they were already 34GG!!!) so are massive and are quite tender! I was almost in tears in M&S when trying on maternity bras as they are all so unattractive in my sizes. I feel like i'm an old woman! And they give me no shape at all so i am feeling a bit down about that.

Does anyone else have raging hormones??? The smallest thing is sending me over the edge into pure anger or into tears!! Whats worse is only hubby and one work friend know so everyone else just thinks i am crazy!!

How is everyone feeling?

I have a scan on Friday which i am excited about but also very nervous.

Hope everyone is okay
Hi ladies how are we today? I'm alright, although I was woken In the middle of the night by my back feeling cramped :-/ I hope all this back stuff doesn't mean that I will have back troubles my whole Pregnancy.

Ok so I need to have a tiny vent for a moment and I hope you all don't think Im nuts. As I mentioned when discussing gender I have ALWAYS wanted a girl. I long for a baby girl and I feel like I know how to be a great mommy to a daughter. (yes I will love a boy as well and adapt to the idea don't worry!) so anyway in the last 4 years I have seen 7 of my friends have babies. Out of my friends, they've ALL had girls, yes, my 7 friends had SEVEN girls. The most recent one just found out today that hers will be a girl. While I'm happy for my friend I can't help the feeling that I'm going to be the one that breaks the cycle and end up with a boy. Wouldn't that just be ironic! It just seems like so many girls being born just within the people I know, it has to start evening out somewhere right?! Ok little vent over, thanks for listening, please don't think I am shallow and pathetic. :shrug:
Hi Ladies :flower:

Hope everyone is well today.

I've had a bit more of a 'gripey crampy' day today, which freaked me out a bit earlier :wacko: Just had a lot of little crampy twinges but actually think it may have been wind :blush: I seem to be suffering a fair bit with this!

Can I just ask ladies, how come so many of you are having early scans? I understand having them after having spotting etc but there seem to be a lot of ladies on First Tri having scans before the usual 12 weeks. My doc said I wouldn't get this unless I had any problems (and obviously I'd prefer not to have any problems anyway!) Are you all booking them privately? x
Even before spotting hunni decided on a private scan mainly ad I am going to Spain at about 12 weeks so wanted to know all ok first mine cost £95 xxx
Babylove - I don't think that's a crazy or shallow thought. It sounds like you really want a girl (I'd definitely prefer a girl too) - and you're looking for signs around you about this. I guess thinking logically, the fact that your friends all had girls wouldn't really have any influence on what gender you have, but I can see why you would think that you would be the only one to have a boy (natural worry). All the children in my family are boys - there's 5 of them - this convinces me I'll probably have a boy too - but I guess we really won't know until later on!! Ideally I'd like one of each but that's off in the future. At the moment I'm mostly focused on getting through each week!!!!

Nat - I'm having an early scan because I had a m/c the last time. I think I would pay to have one privately otherwise because the thought of waiting nearly 6 weeks longer to have a scan feels like way too long! I'm still occasionally getting cramps and I had one yesterday that felt similar to an AF cramp and really freaked me out. But, I'm trying to keep myself calm and remind myself that this is all normal!! Apparently a lot of women feel like AF is about to come for a significant part of the pregnancy, and cramping a lot early on is pretty normal (unless very painful or with heavy bleeding). I've had quite a lot of wind too (from both ends!!!)

Bernie - I've been feeling pretty sick today and was totally off my lunch. It was a homemade chicken casserole and I just couldn't face it. The chicken tasted really rubbery and chewy and the vegetables all slimy. I ended up going to the shop and buying a little snack pack with crackers, ham and cheese in. This was lovely and went down very well!! I'm definitely feeling the hormones, I pretty much isolated myself at work today because I couldn't cope with being around other people. I'm looking forward to getting past 12 weeks and telling everyone at work so they understand a bit better!!

Oh, and I bought a maternity dress off ebay that arrived yesterday - and I tried it on. It was a lovely experience!!! I've still got serious bloating so when I put it on I had a definite bump.
How stupid was I not to see the thread had moved, I thought it had been locked..doh!

Hope everyone is still doing ok.
Babylove, I am exactly the same way, I have 2 girls now, and can't see myself with a boy.... I just can't see it... and it scares me so bad!! I know I will love him if this baby is a boy, but I have the same feelings you do.... all the babies on my hubbies side are girls, and my house is filled with pink and princesses, and dance class and softball.... where would a boy fit??

anyway, its perfectly natural... I think a lot of us have those emotions and strong feelings about gender....

on another note, I have been thinking about boy and girl names for my little one..... I already know if its a boy he will be Peyton Darrin (after DH, its a family thing to have dads 1st name as middle name for the 1st boy)
and if its a girl, I just really don't know, I am thinking of Lilly, or Maymie(family name) with a middle name of Paige.... or I really like the name Aribella, or Erienne.... any suggestions would be lovely
When I had my son, I was in shock because he was a 'he' and I was thrown into panic. I couldn't bear to be without him. He is so cuddly and loving. A real handful but I wouldn't swap him for all the tea in China!
I agree with you darling about boys being so loving!

I have a girl and a boy...it has been much easier having a boy than a girl, he has always slept better, been very relaxed and generally a much happier baby than my daughter, she was just very hard work from day one. Obviously i love them both and wouldnt change either of them for the world but my daughter is daddys lil princess and son is defo a mummys boy so loving and cuddly but saying that he is only 18 months so ive got the naughtiness to come! My mum says they are easier babies but harder work growing up...time will tell! xxx

Angelique - i love American names unfortunately the hubby not to keen. I love Aubrey,Brianne, Macey ooo i could probably go on and on. I love Brody for a boy too x
Evening ladies :flower:

Did anyone watch '23 week babies - the price of life' just on bbc2?

Very, very sad in parts but then lovely to see one little baby make it and go home :thumbup:
Angelique: My sister's name is Ariane, similar to the one you like.

Feeling tightness today, no sicky feeling today (had it yesterday).

This pregnant lady at the gym kept staring at me, do you think she knew my secret :)

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