Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Hi everyone,

I opened my laptop yesterday and read a post on 1st Tri about tips to avoid miscarriage and I nearly gave up on B&B there and then. Intent vs impact is a tricky thing to balance and that thread made me so MAD I knew I had to leave it for a day or so. I note with interest that it has been taken down - hurrah for common sense. Sitting still for too long can cause a miscarriage? Seriously!

I was also banned from the laptop because my MIL sent me an email that made me want to drive 200 miles and slap her. She wrote "I feel completely out of the loop. I imagine your mother is updated but we are here in the dark without any sort of daily update. You are not the only one who is anxious about this baby. Please remember this is our grandchild and given your age it may be our only one". How am I supposed to deal with that? I swear the middle finger gesture was designed for my in-laws. What sort of daily update does she want "I haven't done a pooh today" or "I had a fish finger sandwich for the first time in 15 years". It might be their only grandchild? So freakin' what! Any child is a blessing! I rang her up in the end and told her that her email had upset me, to reassure her that there is no way she could be as anxious as me and if she had wanted a lot of grandchildren then she maybe should have had more kids herself. I have to be very clear with her from the outset that this is our baby. I'm only in my 8th week - what is she going to be like when it's born? Of course my mum is updated - because she iS MY MUM!!!!!

So, apologies for all that. I am also sorry I missed what was going on with some of you. I'm hoping everything is ok for Krissi,Pinksparkle and Girlnextdoor.

Leeze & Bernie - I am looking forward to hearing your scan updates. I hope they go well :hugs:

Oh, I also had my booking appointment with my midwife yesterday - what a lovely lady. She was fabulous, I really enjoyed chatting to her although she asked me some things I wasn't exactly prepared for both in the medical history bit (they need to know all about your OH side aswell) and a couple of "How do you want to give birth?" and "Will you breastfeed" type questions. I thought "Blimey, Im just focused on getting to 12 weeks at the minute!"

Just on the food front, I am also in the savoury, salty, starchy camp. I seem to be really craving something but I'm not sure what it is. Everytime I eat something I think "this is it, this is what I've been after" but once I've eaten it I can't ever imagine eating it again. Like yesterday, I had fish finger sandwiches which i definitely thought I needed but today the thought of them makes me feel sick. The only thing I am eating a lot of is weetabix!

I've now put on 6 pounds since my BFP. And its all gut, believe me!
Krissi - no i dont have a journal, i waffle tooooo much and no one would follow me lol! Id feel like a billy no mates lol!

Waitress - OMG at MIL i would be absolutely fuming! If she wants to know how you are why dont she pick up the phone and call you!!! I have problems with my dad and step mum, step mum loves sending me emails of the same tone..i dont update them about the children enough, i dont get the children to call them enough...errr hello you have a phone too pick it up ffs!!!!! What did your OH say about it? She is going to be a nightmare if shes moaning already! Big hugs to you hun and just DONT let ppl like that upset you, specially while your pregnant....oh god its got me going now thinking of the step mother GRRRRR! lol
Hello ladies. I hope you are all well. What terrible news this morning about the quake and tsunami in japan! It reminds me how precious life is.

Well I'm doing alright pretty much the same (which I'm taking as a good sign) I have my backache and come-and-go mild nausea. Still haven't thrown up thank god I hate that. My bbs are very heavy and sore, particularly at night so I've started sleepin in one of those tops with a built in elastic bra and it's made sleeping a little more comfortable. Bu on that note I slept horribly last night! I kept wakin up and tossing around. It didn't help matters that my neighbors car-alarm went off three times thru the midde of the night!!

Waitress, I too have been wary about the BnB first Tri boards. I saw that "miscarriage tips" post when it was first posted. And usually I've been staying away from those types of controversial topics but I couldn't help replyin to that one. I was just SO shocked and disgusted that someone would be so assuming to think that they have the answers on that topic. And I can't understand how some people are posting these things thinking people won't be offended! I havnt experienced a loss but I can only imagine... And being as worried as I am already! I was certainly guilty of at least half of those "rules" anyway. Ridiculous!! I was pleasantly surprised how quickly it was removed. While I was still on the computer one of the BnB administrators commented on the thread and said that it was one of the worst peices of advice she'd ever seen and offensive and she was going to remove it.
Ughh anyway.

I'm looking forward to hearing somethin from girlnextdoor and I hope its good news!

I'm really sorry to hear about MIL issues and I hope they don't arise for me. Nothing like that so far. I've always gotten along with my inlaws really well. I've known them all since I was 17 lol. My MIL has been very supportive and loving so far (for the last 9years) so let's hope that doesn't change huh! My best friend is going thru HE'LL right now with her mil. She is afraid it's goin to destroy her marriage because her dh is always sticking up for his mom and choosing to beleive her over his wife! Poor thing!

Okay girls, take care. Thank I'd the weekend is almost here!!!!!!
Grrr awful typos!! Sorry gals I'm on my iPhone at work and it likes o change what I try to say!
Wow, Waitress!!! Even I'm fuming about your MIL!! Does she think the world revolves around her? Well done for sticking up for yourself and telling her it like it is. You don't need the stress of having to pander to her needs as well as look after yourself. Oh, and I'm actually wearing my new maternity dress today because my gut is so bloated (and full of carbs!!!). It's a wraparound dress though so it looks ok, it's one I can grow into! It's nice and comfy though! Great to hear about your positive experience with the midwife.

Krissi - I had a little nosy peak in your journal too after what Pink Sparkle said - and I really take my hat off to you. I'd been TTC for 14 months and going more and more crazy by the minute. Well done for persevering!!

Pink Sparkle - wow, that sounds tough with your Step-mum too. I'm a bit worried about how my Mum is going to be when I tell her. I think she will be really excited but she can be quite needy and not always good at considering other people's feelings. I swear there are a lot of people that can't see past the end of their own nose sometimes!!

Babylove - you're so right about how tragic the tsunami is - I was watching footage of it at the hospital today while waiting for my scan. Devastating - and you're right it does remind you about the preciousness and fragility of life. What a nightmare about your neighbour's car alarm!!

Girlnextdoor - thinking of you and hoping it went ok today :hugs:

Bernie - how did your scan go?

Hi to everyone else. Nat, how are you doing today? Any nausea yet?

Darling and Pielette - not seen you around for a while, hope all ok?

So, I went for my scan today. Was nerve-racking but also pretty exciting. I did get to see my little bean, definitely looks like a shrimp!! She said there was a faint heartbeat, and of course this worried me, but she said the heartbeat has to start somewhere and it wasn't a bad sign!! She put my dates back from 6 weeks and 4 days to 5 weeks and 6 days and said that often at the first scan the dates can be out by a week or even 2 weeks so not to worry about that either. Apparently my little pumpkin is 4.5mm long!!! I didn't get a picture of the scan, I guess you only get this at early scans if they're private ones maybe? She said everything looked normal, which is a huge relief. I'm celebrating with something sparkling!! Raspberry and passion fruit sparkling water!!! Lovely. My OH went to get a beer out the fridge and was a bit disappointed that all he had was 0% beer! We were both doing a 3-month no alcohol regime from 1st Jan onwards to try to help get the BFP and he's mostly been sticking to it since I got the BFP too but said he wanted a real beer to celebrate the scan - but didn't have any in the fridge. I think it's hilarious!!! Have a lovely Friday evening everyone xxx
Hi girls. Sorry I've been a bit subdued. I'm still alive and all is well. Been reading all your posts with interest, I'm just having a tough time with nausea so bad I'd prefer to be sick. My stomach is churning. I forgot how gross this feels.

My little ladybug had her first ever ballet class today. She just walked in and danced straight away. We lost a ballet shoe en route, left teddy outside and just as the class ended she went down with a hard slam and I nearly died! She put out her hands to break her fall and they hit the floor so hard that they stung and burned her. Her poor little palms were so hot and oh did she cry! And then a lovely thing happened all the other mothers rushed to her to tell her how amazed they were that this was her first lesson and how well they thought she had done and she smiled through her tears. Then my husband and I had a meeting with her nursery manager and she said, "Well what can I say about Issy? She's wonderful!" So today was a big day for my little girl. I am so incredibly proud of her.

Waitress - re MIL - let your dog have her!! It is incomprehensible how some people can make even the most personal of other people's journeys about them. I'm just disgusted! But you're right if you take any s*#t now you'll only be making a rod for your own back later. Start as you mean to go on and put her in her place so that she is in no doubt whatsoever!
Waitress - re MIL - let your dog have her!!

My dog can't stand her - won't go near her. I told you she was bright :haha:

Lovely story about your little girl, I can't wait to do stuff like that!

Leeze - congrats on your scan!

Darling, so cute about your little girl, mine started at 3 and she hasn't stopped dancing since, now both of my girls are in competetive dance, and I spend more on dance lessons each month than I do on my new car payment... sad, but true... I tell myself every time I make a payment, I am paying for college now, cuz am hoping it leads to a scholarship or 2.

Waitress.... Your MIL sounds like she deserved the setdown... good for you hon

As for me, so far today has by far been my worst day.... the extreme fatique I have been battling, just multiplied itself and I can litterally fall asleep standing, I am yawning now... I also have symptoms of a problem with my appendix, I went to the doc this morning, and she reccomended a colon flush... all natural so its baby safe, and lots of water, and a follow up on monday, but if it gets worse, to go to the ER.

I also changed my appointment with my OB, and changed OB's all together after what I found out about the one I was going to see.... she recently had a malpractice suit filed against her due to a patient losing a baby, that could have been saved.... I don't know the details, but it was enough to scare me away... so I have to wait a bit longer to get in to see the doc, April 2nd, but they will do blood work the 22nd of this month, I don't mind the wait as this doc is supposed to fantastic.

anyway, just thought i would pop in, hope you all are feeling good
Hi Ladies! I felt a little crampy last night but I think it was purely GI related and that I was just thirsty. I've had off and on nausea too, Babylove. Not enough to run to the loo but just like a lurking feeling.

Leeze, thanks for your update. My midwife appt is next week! It sounds like from your experiences, they will at least try to find a heartbeat? DH cant come with me, what info should I gather from him in advance? Any questions you forgot to ask that you wish you would have? I am really excited and know I will feel like we're moving forward when some reassurance from the med professionals.

Ladies, I am beginning to feel like my BB are crazy huge! I wore a tight sweater to work that probably gave me away! What a funny feeling. I am usually a B cup, I think I may need to upgrade my bra in the next couple of weeks.

Have a great weekend!
Hi ladies, I just wanted to let you know that I miscarried last night. I kind of knew on Thursday that the baby didn't seem to be "there" any more. Started bleeding last night and passed it. Thank you all for your support.
Aw - Girlnextdoor - so sorry to hear that. I know how devastating this is. I hope you got some good support around you right now :hugs::hugs: - we're all here for you too
Oh, and Birdie Dorf - my appointment wasn't a midwife appointment - it was at the hospital specifically to have an early scan because I had a m/c the last time. I think at the midwife appointment (although I've never had one) it's more to discuss the pregnancy, what scans you will have later on and if you have thought about options for the birth. Some of the others might be able to tell you more about what to expect from the midwife appointment :hugs:
Hi Everyone,

Girlnextdoor - I am really sorry for your loss. Big hug xx

So how is everyone doing today? I've had my worst day yet. I felt so sick and lethargic all day and finding the right thing to eat is still driving me mad. Today I've had weetabix, a mango smoothie, a bacon roll, 2 rich tea biscuits and chicken salad with a jacket potato with cheddar cheese in it. I also had 2 packets of snack a jacks and I have to say they were the best thing I've eaten! I just can't get going today - I thought i might be through the worst of it by now, I'm thinking it may just be starting! My Dh is currently out walking the dog on a mission to get me a creme egg which is what I reckon i NEED now!

The other thing I've noticed is I now have ZERO patience. I was never going to be a UN ambassador but I used to have the ability to deal with crap/idiots without losing it but these days I am just not tolerating ANYONE or anything. One of my friends is married to a complete womanising arsehole and we all know it but she can't see it. We had a couples night out on Friday - I was obviously "driving" and he went on and on about how boring I was and was really rude to the waiter and cocked up the bill (charging us more) and I told him exactly what I thought of him right there in the curry house. Then I got up and left him and my friend in the restaurant miles from home needing to get a taxi. I had to go otherwise I think I might have completely lost it. My Dh was brilliant though and gave me a big hug. I've never reacted like that before!

I bet everyone else is serene and calm not a wailing banshee like me?!
OMG! You have no idea what a relief it is to know it's not just me! Had the worst nausea for the past few days, so tired and lethargic (really feel I can't be arsed - which isn't me) and I've been so snappy and quite nasty at times because I just Wang to be left alone and kids aren't good at leaving you alone. And smells are just killing me now! Yeugh!!
I'm sorry you're feeling icky too - its horrible isn't it? If I could BE sick I think it would be better but I can't. I feel sick and yet I can't stop eating.

DH brought me back 3 creme eggs. Nice wife would say "Thank you honey". Me: "I ONLY ASKED FOR ONE YOU IDIOT!!!"

Please don't let him leave me!
Hi Ladies,

GirlNextDoor -I am truly so sorry that you are going through this. We are here for any support we can offer.

Waitress - My MIL is also a nightmare which is why we haven't told her yet! I agree with Darling....you should let your Dog have her :) As long as DH is on your side i think that is all that matters. Hopefully she will back off!
And i too have no patience! I am snapping at everything (blew up at my Dad last week which i have never done before!!) and the smallest things are annoying me now!! I hope this doesn't last for the next 7 months as i'll have no friends left!!

Leeze - wasn't the scan amazing! So strange and exciting to see the little one!! Glad yours went well.

So our scan was on Friday and it was AMAZING!! Baby was instantly visable and is currently measuring 11.4mm. She dated me at 7weeks and 2 days. But i think i am 8 weeks as i know when i ovulated, but am not too bothered at this stage.
We could see the heartbeat and it was 161 beats per minute which was amazing to listen too!! So strong and fast!! We were given two pictures but i need to scan them into the computer still. Once i do i will post it!
I have my midwife appointment on Tuesday and am nervous about having blood taken as they always have problems.

On the symptom side i am feeling sick a lot and have gone off about 90% of food. I also have the same as Waitress where i love something one day and then can't stomach it the next day! So annoying!!
My boobs are massive and my back has started to hurt during the night. Apart from that i am more tired than i knew was possible.
My friend has assured me the second trimester gets better!

How are all you ladies?

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