Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Pielette so sorry little one is making you so sick heres hoping it will pass very soon x

Welcome pippypepper!!

Lol Waitress perhaps baby is saying it doesn't like that house xx
Hehehe!!! If you vomit on MIL you'll know it's good judgement!
Lol. If you can get the dog to wee on her foot as well I think you could really make some progress!! ;-D
Lol. If you can get the dog to wee on her foot as well I think you could really make some progress!! ;-D

The bloody woman has emailed me again today. Pick up the phone woman!!! She rang my DH last night, didn't ask to speak to me but asked him 49 questions about me and then has emailed me this morning to ask me the exact same things. My husband is so tolerant of her it drives me mad. But then, I married a tolerant man for a reason I suppose :winkwink:
I would explain to him that your hormones are playing havoc with you at the moment and you're worried you're going to lose the plot with her! If he doesn't kick her into touch now it will just get worse and by the time little one arrives you'll be ready with a nervous twitch, a maniacal grin and a shovel!!! Lol. In the meantime get your dog practicing it's aim! I'm getting cross for you! Just who the hell does she think she is? The Queen? Grrr!

Pielette you poor thing. I have suffered with nausea so bad I've wished for sickness to bring some relief but in all seriousness it must be worse for you. Thinking of you honey. Its not forever. :)
Aw thanks ladies. Don't get me wrong, I'll put up with anything for this pregnancy, but I am thinking roll on 12 weeks! My mum's bringing me over some ginger sweets in a bit to see if they help. Fingers crossed!
Waitress, your MIL sounds like a right pain! My mum often texts me to ask how I'm doing but she's my mum at the end of the day. I'd be irritated with my MIL saying she felt 'left out'. There's no way in hell I'd be ringing her and saying did you know I had bad heartburn this morning? I mean come on!
The thing is, if we had a close relationship in the past it would be a lot easier but she has never given a toss about me before so trying to be best buddies now I'm pregnant just isn't going to work.

I know she'll be my baby's grandma and all of the stuff that goes with that but I will never be close to her because of how indifferent she has been to me for the last 9 years. She can't just "love" me now I'm pregnant, it doesn't work like that. She has been critical of my choices (to work rather than have kids) and pretty spiteful in her comments about how I've chosen to spend the money I've earned but that hasn't stopped her coming on nice holidays with us or overstaying her welcome at our home. I have bitten my tongue previously but I'm just not going to do it anymore. I knew when I got married it wasn't going to be great (they kicked up a stink about us not getting married in a church and threatened not to come) but my husband is amazing (especially as his parents are such a bloody nightmare) and I thought I could handle it. Now I can see it is likely to get worse.

Thanks for letting me share about it - I'm trying not to moan but its nice to have some form of outlet. It does upset me that things aren't great but now I have a baby to focus on and I am not letting my in laws ruin it for me by making it about them. Right now it seems to be the biggest issue I've got so life isn't so bad! :flower:
Hi Ladies :flower:

Krissi, brilliant news about the scan :thumbup: Will be interesting to see if they change dates again at your 12 week scan.

Waitress, sorry to hear about all your MIL woes :wacko: I'm pretty lucky in that respect I think, OH's mum is pretty good, leaves us to it most of the time. And this is despite her living just down the road from us :wacko: I do have a slight concern about this when :baby: arrives, I just hope she's not going to be popping in all the time. Particularly as my mum and dad live about 30 mins drive away, I want to ensure my parents see as much of :baby: as OH's do.

Sorry to hear some of you ladies are feeling rotten. I've still had hardly any nausea to speak of, maybe a few short spells of slight waves over the past few days, but they soon pass. I have found I have gone off some foods though and am partial to others (cheese lately - yum!) I am starting to feel more tired now though, finding I am getting tired earlier at night and am shattered now after work today. Has anyone else got a stuffy nose?? I've had one on and off for several days now. Thought I had a cold over the weekend but it's coming and going so not sure it is one :shrug:

Krissi, so cool about your scan, I so badly wanna see mine!! Honestly I wanna know if there is just 1 in there.... starting to wonder.... I haven't been super sick or anything like that, but Waitress, I know what you mean about the total lack of motivation.... all I wanna do is sleep.... and during the day thats all great and dandy, but at night, even though I am so exhausted it hurts, I can not fall asleep. I have been forcing myself to NOT take naps, and to go walking but its not helping, its just making it worse. I used to take melatonin at night, but I went off it when I got my BFP

sigh.... I feel for you ladies with the nausea, I have never thrown up in my life, that I can remember, but I do know what the nauseated feeling feels like and its bad.
Hi everyone

Krissi - that's fantastic news about your scan :happydance: - I had my dates put back too by 5 days - apparently it's often out by about a week when you go for the scan. I guess it's partly to do with when you ovulated but also how long it takes to implant, maybe? I know I O'd about CD17 so that would easily put me back 3 days from the LMP. So, I'm now officially due on 5th November (Bonfire night in the UK)!!

Pielette - sorry to hear you're feeling so rough. That sounds hideous. I've been feeling a bit sick but mostly around bad smells - and I'm also really exhausted from about 3pm onwards most days and am finding it really hard to get up in the mornings. I'm eating a lot though, no problems there really! Although am generally drawn to kiddie food at the moment - chicken nuggets, chips, ketchup, crisps, cheese, crackers, little fromage frais pots, little smoothie cartons - my OH is laughing at me a lot about this as normally I'm pretty healthy.

Phew - that's about as much as I can manage - need to go for a lie down now!!!! :haha:

Hi everyone else, chat soon :hugs:
Hi ladies, thanks for all your concerns. I really appreciate it. The shock wore off for me yesterday and grieving hit full force. I'm going to pull out of this thread now because it is too difficult for me at this time. I wish you all H&H 9 months and look forward to being back in the first tri soon.
Understand completely. Wishing you all the love and light in the world sweetheart! Blessings. Xxx
Girlnextdoor sending you love and hugs xx
Morning ladies! I'm feeling particularly smug this morning! I was up for a lot of the night with my little guy who had a high fever (bizarrely now gone and no other symptoms!) and couldn't go back to sleep. My little girl was really excited this morning about staying for lunch at nursery (so couldn't get out of that!) so I had to drag my sorry arse out of bed to take her to nursery and I took my little guy to the park in spite of exhaustion and nausea! Sigh! I am Supermommy! (Well for this morning at least!) Now chilling out on the sofa with a cup of Ovaltine and a hot cross bun! No psycho mommies here!!
I would so love a day on the sofa ooohh and the hot cross bun sounds good too!!

Had a rubbish evening yesterday and fell out with DB who asked me to cook a meal and for it to be ready for 7pm, he came back at 6:50 and said he had to pop out again and would be 20 mins, cue meltdown for having to keep dinner warm!

Maybe a bit OTT but I then asked him to run me a bath as had to nip to shop which he forgot to do so all in all was a total moody cow last night. Hoping for a btter night tonight although I was looking forward to a quiet one and had totally forgotten we were going to his sisters for dinner... doh!!!
Honestly I so know what that's like. Roll on second trimester and we'll all feel normal again (but can still blame everything on pregnancy at will :haha:) I'm spending a lot of time trying to wriggle out of commitments because I just don't want to have to do anything in the evenings especially when I don't know how I'm going to feel. Another reason why second trimester is better is that most people know you're pregnant so expect less of you socially. X
Hi ladies! How is everyone?
I dragged myself into work again and honestly, thought I wasn't going to make it to the end of the day! I was so grateful to get through my last lesson. I'm so irritable right now as well, I've got very little patience with the kids. Sometimes I'm having to actually tell myself to take a deep breath before answering... otherwise I bite their heads off. But honestly, stop with the stupid questions!
I'm so sick of feeling sick. I've got anti-sickness bands now so I'm wearing those pretty much constantly, they're a bit weird though and quite thick, I thought they'd be thin. Had to take my cardigan off cos I was too hot at work and I did wonder if anybody spotted them and thought eh? Still, couldn't really care less if anyone works it out.
Darling, congrats on being a super chilled mum! Mmm hot cross buns... Actually that's a thought that doesn't turn my stomach. Something to consider!

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