Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Oh my gosh, I feel your pain... I have been the biggest WITCH, all I wanna do is sleep, and if the phone rings while I am sleeping.... heaven help us both! Hubby thinks I need to "get up and move around" which of course caused a huge fight, with me saying he is calling me fat, and all I wanna do is sleep, can't he see that I don't have the energy to go out and walk? UGH, so he got all mad and said he is just trying to help, and I said making me feel like a cow DOES NOT HELP! Even though in hind sight, he never said anything about exercising, just getting out of bed..... I feel a little bad, and now he is at work, and I can't apologize till morning...
Oops! Oh dear. I hear you Angelique! Lol. :hugs: Well that sounds exactly like me. Somewhere I know I'm being an absolute cow but I stubbornly carry on anyway. My children are bearing the brunt though because they keep on, "Can I have this?" and "Can you get me that?" Grrr! :growlmad: I'm like something from Nanny McPhee! I have stubbornly stuck to the sofa for dear life the last few days lol. Ugh! I hope it passes quickly, I honestly couldn't bear another 5 weeks of this!

Well not much to report really. I can't be bothered! I'm tired! I feel sick! And I'm a grumpy cow! :-(

How's everyone else?

Perhaps we can change the name of this thread to 'Psycho Mummies' or something!? Gaaah! Save me from myself!!!! :dohh:
OK girlies I know I shouldnt have tested again but freaking out right now as the line on the test is lighter than before!! It came up straight away and no squinting required but I am freaking out!!
Krissi honey. Found this:-

Is a Lighter Colored Home Pregnancy Test Line a Sign of Miscarriage?
Question: Is a Lighter Colored Home Pregnancy Test Line a Sign of Miscarriage?
Home pregnancy test lines show up -- or don't -- based on the detection of the hormone hCG in your urine. When hCG is present, the test will return a positive result for pregnancy, and when hCG is not present, the test comes back negative. Given that hCG levels increase exponentially during early pregnancy, doesn't that mean the pregnancy test line should get darker and darker if the pregnancy is normal?

In actuality, things are not that simple. Although a home pregnancy test line would probably be darker when the urine has a higher concentration of hCG, taking multiple home pregnancy tests to check the color of the line is simply not a reliable method of monitoring development of early pregnancy. Blood is the far more reliable body fluid for monitoring hCG levels.

The reason is that blood maintains a fairly steady composition at all times, thus making it easier to monitor changes in chemicals such as hCG. In contrast, the concentration of urine will fluctuate heavily throughout the day based on how much fluid you drink, how frequently you use the restroom, and other factors. Less concentrated urine means a lighter colored home pregnancy test line.

Even though you will likely pass more hCG in your urine during the course of a day as the pregnancy progresses and your levels increase, this does not mean a home pregnancy test would necessarily reveal a darker line. A person in early pregnancy who takes a test with very concentrated urine could theoretically have a darker colored home pregnancy test line than someone in later pregnancy who tests after drinking multiple gallons of water.

In contrast, the levels of hCG in your blood would not be affected by external factors, and thus quantitative hCG blood tests over a period of days are far more reliable for monitoring hCG levels.

If you are feeling anxious about miscarriage or having any symptoms, don't waste money buying multiple home pregnancy tests (and if you can't fight the temptation, don't waste time worrying about light-colored pregnancy test lines). Instead, speak to a practitioner about finding some other form of reassurance that your pregnancy is progressing as it should, such as a blood test.


Bastian, Lori A., Kavita Nanda, Vic Hasselblad, and David Simel, "Diagnostic Efficiency of Home Pregnancy Tests." Archives of Family Medicine Sept 1998. Accessed 23 Jul 2008.p
Thank you so much Darling, your posts are always so reassuring xx

Roll on tomorrows scan!!
Not long now honey. Just try and keep your head above water today. Xx
Hi Ladies :flower:

Hoping Girlnextdoor is ok :hugs:

Krissi, I still have one test in my cupboard! But I won't take it now for this reason. The last one I took was last Monday and it was really dark, so mine had got progressively darker with each one up to then. But I have since read that the lines can get fainter and have seen ladies freaking out about this but then things have been fine. A lady I speak to on here said your hormones do level out and can give fainter results. Please don't worry, just relax today and look forward to your scan tomorrow :thumbup:

I am still trying to relax about my huge lack of symptoms :wacko: I am finding I am getting a bit more tired the last few days so maybe that is now coming in a bit. But this is pretty much all I have, along with the always-there bloat and gas :blush: I can't wait to get to next Friday (25th) to see my midwife for the first time x
I have my 12 week scan date!! 14/04/11 about 12 hours before I fly to Spain phew at least its before I go!!
That's fab Krissi, how exciting :happydance:

I can't wait to get a scan date x
very quick hello from me as I'm about to collapse from exhaustion!! 9 hours sleep a night is clearly not enough!!!

I've just changed my ticker to the date that the nurse at the scan told me, and that got me thinking that maybe that's why some of us feel our symptoms aren't there as much as others - because it's possible our dates could be out a little bit?

I'm feeling quite sicky on and off most of the day at the moment but find that Ritz crackers help and ginger cordial (or 7-up!) - also there's bad smells everywhere I go at the moment that are not good for me!!

Krissi - good luck tomorrow :hugs:
So ladies, has anyone heard of Chia seeds? I have a friend who is a labor and delivery nurse who emailed me about this.... take a look at the article


I am all for looking into something thats supposed to make me more alert, aid digestion, and help my baby's brain and eyes develop better, and help ward off gestational diabetes. I am gonna ask my doctor about them.... If you just google chia seeds, you will find a TON of info out there, they are supposed to be better than flax seeds nutrition wise. let me know what you think
Krissi good luck today!

Angelique that's really interesting. I've never actually heard of them before but I'll definitely be looking into them. Thank you for posting.

Leeze I know I'm avoiding the fridge and the washing up for that same reason. I had sea bass last night that dh cooked for me. Such a clean taste and so healthy perfect pregnancy food but the smell in the kitchen this morning is making me feel sick. (Didn't load the dishwasher last night). I am finding the Ginger cordial helps with mild nausea but not when it's really bad.

So how is everyone today?
Yipppee just got back from scan and saw pumpkins hear flickering away!!! They put me at 6+5 but lmp says 7+2 and going from the date they gave me at last scan I would be 6+1 today very confusing but they said to leave dates as they are for now!! So happy and thanks for the support girls xxx
Krissi that's fabulous! Would absolutely love to see my little bean.
However, there's no doubt at all that there's one in there. Sorry I haven't been on in a while ladies, I feel absolutely rotten. The past couple of days I've been off work because I am literally finding it hard to move without needing to throw up. Luckily work are really understanding and have said whatever I need is absolutely fine, their first priority is me and the baby. Which makes me feel slightly less guilty!
Eating is now a lot harder. Right at the beginning I was hungrier, now I can only take little bites of things and the stomach rolls, I have to take it very very slowly. I really hope it doesn't last after 12 weeks, normally I absolutely love my food.
And I am so hormonal. I have cried at the news for the past week (which is understandable given what's happening in Japan), but it's also over stories about dogs and people getting burgled. I have also cried over dead animals on the side of the road and the other morning when the news on the radio confirmed that the Beckhams are having a baby girl, I cried again! Hubby thinks I'm hilarious and swears he's going to remember that one and tease me about it when bubba's here.
How is everyone else doing? I'm so so sorry for your loss Girlnextdoor.
I'm avoiding First Tri a little with all these miscarriage threads; let's face it, there's precious little any of us can do to avoid it. If it's going to happen, it's going to happen, but I'm not going to worry about it because I'd be losing that special time I have with my little bean. If I am going to lose him/her, at least I can look back and think, 'I made the most of the little time we had together.'
Krissi - brilliant news! Don't worry too much about the dates - I think they all even out in the end. So happy for you:hugs:

Hey Darling - sorry you're still feeling bad. My queasiness is coming and going but it hasn't affected my appetite. I am still eating A LOT. I can't stop and its bothering me. I've gone right off fish which I used to eat a lot of so I feel like I'm just eating really unhealthily. The thing thats bothering me most is my lack of motivation _ i just can't get going at all. I'm still running and swimming but I'm just "doing" it. Every other minute of the day I'm just sitting down or sleeping!

As you know, we are trying to sell our house but something weird has happened with me and my head. Everytime I try and look at the house we want to buy, or I speak to the estate agents about selling this house, I feel sick. I can't look at sofas or anything I was excited about before without feeling ill. Its the strangest thing. Its like I'm connecting moving with being sick and I can't focus on it because of that.

Other than that I get the odd little pull in my lower tummy and a few little pains in one side from time to time but nothing else - just a growing tummy!

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