Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Morning ladies... ok well more like noon, but you know... I have developed a rotten head cold, ears full, sinuses plugged, sore throat.... So I am using it as an excuse to stay in bed... and drink hot peppermint tea

Waitress congrats on your house! DH and I are hoping to buy one befor the little one is due, but you never know
Hi ladies I'm due on 27th October. Good luck to you all xxxx:baby:
Hi Ladies!
I've been MIA as my PC stopped working after a prolonged power outage and I haven't had time to deal with. I've been reading all your messages via email. Your banter and support of each other has helped this week, read below.

I want to update you on what's been causing the the brown spotting, since many of you were so kind with my mental breakdown about it a couple weekends ago. Objectively, it is interesting. But for us, we're just waiting to see...

I went to the MW for the first time on Wednesday. She said my uterus felt more like a six week uterus (more "lemon" sized- ha). She also said it was left leaning. Somehow, this combined with my light brown off and on discharge made her decide to order a U/S. This sent me into and silent scare. There were no specific reasons, in fact she said, " Since you were worried about ectopic pregnancy," But the order said because of the discharge. At this time I was also informed insurance may not cover. What was I supposed to think now?

DH was out of town. He had tons of questions that I could not answer and was annoyed that the MW had scared me. The U/S was Friday.

I had to basically beg someone to switch class times with me so that I could even get to the appt. I had a complete meltdown at work- I felt like things were so eminently bad, but had no reason, other than MW's lack of explanation. UGH

I'll try to wrap this up... the spotting was caused my a hematoma (a popped up bruise). Basically implantation bleeding that is now swelled up (like if you had a big fall and an egg began growing on your head). The ruling from the professionals is that these typically, "resolve" or go away. So, that's good news. I was told my is fairly large (sigh) but that we'll go back for another U/S in two weeks at 10 weeks. There's no way for us to tell from the spotting if it is reducing in size.

But the GOOD NEWS is that the baby has a heartbeat of 142! And, the measurements were exactly.... ready for it.... 7w4d ! At least I knew when I conceived - ha nursie.

So, we're started our first foray into parenthood with a complication. Not ideal but we're optimistic and honestly were so relieved that there was not a baby related issue.

Thanks again for all your support and sorry this message is so long... A week's worth of thoughts.

Keep our little alien (that's what we call "it") in our thoughts and my bloody bruise! I hope to have good news in a couple weeks and be able to move forward!

Have a good Sunday evening! I am exhausted, how are you feeling?
Good luck with your scan tomorrow Waitress! Will be thinking good baby thoughts for you!

So sad about your friend, Darling.
9babiesgone - so good to hear from you. My husband was only asking after you last night. We're all ok. Sadly, Girlnextdoor miscarried last week. Hoping she's ok as she understandably pulled out of this thread. I heard some very sad news about my friend's sister and went to pieces a little bit last night as I'm quite sensitive anyway and obviously hormonal too but I've got it together this morning. (I look a state though lol). How are you doing honey? We've missed you!

Angelique - thanks hon. Dont worry I'm ok. Just being a bit of a drama queen lol. It just really upset me and I lost the plot and cried myself to sleep. I think some things can really trigger you and that did it to me.

How is everybody this morning?

I had a fantastic family day out at Centre Parcs. Never been before but it was bloody amazing!!

I didnt think anyone remembered me to be honest. I am ok, very emotional lately adn hoping it is bc I am knocked up, can not test till next friday. so a long time from now. at least my mind thinks so.
I am sorry to hear girlnextdoor miscarried, I left the thread also, bc I couldnt deal with all of it at the time. I hope she is ok.

:hugs: glad to hear things are ok, hope your friend is ok, I know how hard it can be to lose an child.
Morning girls! Birdie Dorf so pleased all was OK at scan. Did you hear the heartbeat then or see it? How exciting I had my scan last week and saw it flashing away but sooooo want to hear it. Keep being tempted to buy a doppler but know its early and need to wait a few weeks.

Booking app with mw this avo!!
Hi Girls,

Thanks for all the good wishes on the house - I really need it to happen now - can't fathom the thought of moving if I was any more tired or hungry!

Krissi - be prepared for 100 questions this afternoon. My MW asked me all about the birth history of my parents, my grandparents, all of my aunts and uncles AND then the same on my OH side. My mum has 6 brothers and 5 sisters and my Dad has 5 sisters. I have 52 cousins (good Catholic family!) - every single one of those cousins has had at least one child. Most have 2 or 3. Thats a LOT of births to think about! I didn't even know my OH blood group - is your OH going to be there?

Birdie Dorf - I'm glad your spotting was identified. I've read a lot about those bruises on B&B. I hope you are less worried now.

I bet between the lot of us we will tick off quite a few of the possible pregnancy scenarios as we go through our first scans and appointments. It will just be the nature of knowing so many other pregnant ladies so we best be prepared! I have a bicornuate (heart shaped) uterus which was identified at my 1st scan. And I am rhesus negative. My doctor said its not a big problem, its just not straight forward. Nothing with me ever is!

Finally, yesterday my husband and I (and the dog, naturally) went for a very long walk and had one of those proper talks about the baby and being pregnant etc. We've talked a lot about it but always "what shall we call a boy?" or "Who shall we tell first". Yesterday we had a proper hopes and fears chat and I swear I fell in love with him all over again. He said his biggest fear was that his Mum and Dad would drive me to a point where I didn't want anything to do with them and that would mean he wouldn't either. His biggest hope is that we will be better parents than his. I love my husband!

Have a great day - will update you on the scan later on.
Aww Waitress thats brillient hunni. What time is your scan?

Yes Paul is going with me, he is really good and has come to everything so far.
9Babiesgone - of course we remember you silly! Hope things go well for you honey. You deserve some good luck. Keep us posted won't you?

Birdie - Sorry to hear you've had a stressful time. In my last two pregnancies I've experienced the good, the inexperienced and the downright ugly midwives lol (old schoolers awaiting retirement that harp back to the days when they used to slap the baby's bottom to make it cry if it didn't immediately cry.) So frustrating when they don't communicate properly. I had an epidual with dd and no-one bothered to tell me I couldn't go home until 8pm that evening when they stuck their head round to tell my dh he had to go home! I think sometimes they get do carried away with the 'job' that they forget that the patient has a vested interest in knowing what's happening to them!

Waitress - I know that feeling. You know you've got the right guy when you feel that way and when your baby is born you fall in love with one another to an even deeper level. He will adore you but also revere you because once a man sees his woman give birth to his child it blows his mind! Joe and I did. He was so proud and blown away by the birth and I felt so safe and loved by my best friend who was there every step of the way. I remember so vividly my mouth was so dry my tongue was drying out (like when you're at the dentist! Lol) and I don't know how he knew but he wet a sponge and squeezed the droplets of water into my mouth. It was what I needed to keep going.

Krissi - good luck today honey!
Morning ladies :flower:

Wow, a lot to catch up on from over the weekend :haha:

9Babies, lovely to see you back on here, of course we'd all remember you! Really, really hoping you are expecting another little :baby: soon :thumbup:

Krissi, let us know how midwife appointment goes :thumbup:

Birdiedorf, good news about the scan, all sounds good with :baby: Hoping spotting calms down for you now before your next scan.

Waitress - oh my god on how many questions you got!! I've got my appointment on Friday and haven't prepared at all :wacko: OH and I did have a chat about our family histories yesterday, ie any illnesses etc so covered that. But looks like I'd better ring around both families and find out how all the births went :haha: I'd also better check OH's blood group as not sure I know that!

How is everyone else? I am still feeling fine. Went shopping with my mom on Saturday and admit we had a mooch around Mothercare :happydance: Didn't buy a thing though, absolutely will not do that until I've seen :baby: is fine on a scan. My mom made a confession though that she has already bought a few things - some newborn nappies, 10 little white bibs and a soft toy! x
Hi Nat!
Re mum's purchases - awww!! She most have been really excited to have caved already lol. Bless her!
Well I'm on day three of my headache. It's all centred over my left eye and it's gotten worse today. Paracetamol is just not helping. I'm going to try dabbing lavender oil on my temples in a moment. I feel very nauseous and usually I'm a bit of a foodie. I love good home-cooked food. Im not a fan of junk food but lately i cannot face cooking smells and I am craving sausage and chips with lashings of vinegar!!
She is very excited Darling :haha: It's going to be her and my dad's first grandchild and she's been waiting for this news for years! I was pretty sure she would cave and I couldn't be angry at her - the soft toy is sooo cute too! :haha: It's a multi-coloured zebra that rattles :happydance:

Sorry to hear you're feeling rubbish with your headache :nope: I guess it's hard for you to just rest to try to ease it with having littles one already too x
Darling I had one of those nasty headaches in my eye last night... all evening... its terrible, I made some hot peppermint tea, and layed with my neck on a heating pad, and it helped ease it up... I hope you find something to help.

Nat, a first grandbaby is so special, my oldest daughter is the oldest, and was the only grandbaby for 2 years.... SPOILED!!! my mom bought everything! and once we knew she was a girl, everything you could imagine pink lol. It is so great that your mom is so excited
Thanks girls. I did manage to get a cheeky nap in as my little guy fell asleep after lunch. I was so lucky to get that opportunity. I dont think i could have made it throughout the day. Angelique that's what I should be drinking.. peppermint tea. Good for nausea. X
9Babiesgone - of course we remember you silly! Hope things go well for you honey. You deserve some good luck. Keep us posted won't you?
thanks I will keep ya all posted. I Just hope I have good news to share.

Morning ladies :flower:

Wow, a lot to catch up on from over the weekend :haha:

9Babies, lovely to see you back on here, of course we'd all remember you! Really, really hoping you are expecting another little :baby: soon :thumbup:

Krissi, let us know how midwife appointment goes :thumbup:

Birdiedorf, good news about the scan, all sounds good with :baby: Hoping spotting calms down for you now before your next scan.

Waitress - oh my god on how many questions you got!! I've got my appointment on Friday and haven't prepared at all :wacko: OH and I did have a chat about our family histories yesterday, ie any illnesses etc so covered that. But looks like I'd better ring around both families and find out how all the births went :haha: I'd also better check OH's blood group as not sure I know that!

How is everyone else? I am still feeling fine. Went shopping with my mom on Saturday and admit we had a mooch around Mothercare :happydance: Didn't buy a thing though, absolutely will not do that until I've seen :baby: is fine on a scan. My mom made a confession though that she has already bought a few things - some newborn nappies, 10 little white bibs and a soft toy! x

thanks so so much!!!! I hope I can say I am pregnant soon.
Hi everyone :hi:

Darling - so sorry to hear about your friend's sister - what a sad story. I can see why this would really get to you. And then to have a 3-day headache, that sounds unfair!! have you looked into using lavender oil when pregnant, because I thought I remember reading that it's one of the oils that you should avoid using when pregnant? Might be worth checking out just to be sure?

Waitress - that's great news about the house! My OH and I are trying to sell his place so we can buy a new one together and it's been a total nightmare so far! We've finally got some buyers but it's looking a bit dodgy at the moment. I completely relate to what you're saying about not wanting to be even more sick and tired and to leave it till later on. I've got images of moving when I'm about 8 months pregnant - I've just got a funny feeling about it!!

Nat - how cute that your Mum bought stuff already. I have to admit I've bought a few maternity things now off ebay and asos (in the sale) but I'm justifying them because I'm feeling so bloated still and I can wear them already! Also I had to buy some new knickers today because I've gone up a size already!! It might have something to do with how much I've been eating in the last month too!

Birdie Dorf - that's great you got a reassuring scan and they were able to work out what the spotting is from - hopefully this will be a bit less worrying for you now

Krissi - how did the booking appointment go?

Angelique - sorry to hear you're suffering from a nasty headache too - here's hoping that clears up very soon

My OH and I have both got the week off work this week - it was meant to be a little spring break for us but because we spent money privately getting the HSG a couple months back we spent our holiday fund on that - it was totally worth it though because it got us our BFP!! So this week is a mixture of chilling out and doing some sorting/clearing out/nesting - and we're hopefully going to do some cultural stuff - museums/theatre etc. It's just so nice not to have to get up at 7am. This morning I got up at about 9.40 and it was bliss!!!
9babies - I meant to say hi to you too - sorry!! :hugs: Glad you dropped in to see us. I really hope you get your sticky bean soon - you very much deserve it after 10 m/cs. :hugs:
Well I am experiencing something strange.... for those who have children already, you may know what I am saying when I describe this feeling.... you know when you are like 7 months along, and the baby's foot or head pushes on your cervix?? and there is pressure there, almost like you have to pee... but not quite that feeling? thats the feeling I am having tonight.... its worrying me cuz its def not normal

I have an appointment to have bloodwork done tomorrow, I will ask, but until that its worrying me... I'm gonna go google now
Morning girls!

Angelique i hope you get answers from here or your other thread - sorry I can't help:shrug:

So I had my 2nd scan yesterday. I thought I might leave feeling a bit foolish but not at all - it was definitely worth it! We saw our baby looking much more like a baby and couldn't believe the difference in just 2 weeks. It was wiggling about, kicking its legs and moving the cord around like a skipping rope. Very cute.

Picture attached!

The lady also told me that they can do the Nuchal testing and get results in 24-48 hours. I am seriously considering doing that privately too. I know its all expense but we will be moving that week after my 12 week scan and worrying about the downs risk is going to be another concern in a pretty hectic week!

I hope everyone is doing good today.


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