Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Awww Waitress that is too cute hun!!!

Booking appointment was pretty boring to be honest a lot of form filling and information on which hospital I will give birth in.

She has given me my prescription exemption form and a load of bits to read.

Got to go to hospital for bloods as they dont do them at the surgery so hoping to do that today.

So now 3.5 weeks til anything happens!! I keep thinking I have only known I am pregnant for 3.5 weeks and that seems ages ago so it will be a long wait to make sure all is OK. Not sure if I will last!! Need to try and find things to make the days pass!!
Waitress!!! OMG!! It's clearly a fetus! It doesn't look like a beany anymore does it?

Angelique - don't forget your body has done this before. Although it feels like the same sensation it's probably just stretching. I had a tugging feeling behind my belly button before I got my bfp. In my last two pregnancies I didn't feel anything there until the second Tri. I'm sure it's just stretching and getting ready for baby honey. Try not to worry. I know we've both done this before but you forget so much. You get all kinds of funny twinges during pregnancy and you're bound to feel more this time around because your body can stretch more easily this time round. Mention it to your midwife anyway but try not to worry hon.

Leeze -Yes a few drops of lavender on the temple points is perfectly safe. How are you feeling? X
morning everyone!

Waitress, that is an amazing scan pic!! I'm so tempted to go and get another one done myself.

Angelique - good luck today, like Darling says it's probably nothing, but you can't help but worry, can you? I had a bit of CM the other day that looked a bit darker when I wiped and I was holding it up to the light in lots of different angles. I think it's just being over-cautious but it's so natural to feel like that too!!

Darling, that's great about lavender oil because I thought I'd read it wasn't a good idea to use - maybe it's more that you shouldn't have a 30 min massage using it but it's ok to use a couple of drops

I'm really tired today and felt like I had a terrible hangover this morning - really sluggish, churning stomach, tender eyes ... somehow being off work this week has made me realise even more how difficult it is being at work and feeling so tired. I'm starting to realise it's hard work being pregnant!! Well worth it, but hard work all the same!!! :haha:
Leeze never a truer word said! It is hard. It really takes it out of you. Ive done less in the last week than i would normally do in a couple of hours. My get up and go got up and left! I cannot bear the kitchen in particular the oven and the fridge (hmm.. maybe there's a message there somewhere? Maybe 'someone' needs to clean them? (someone being anyone other than me!) No you're quite right you have to be as careful with natural remedies as you do with synthetics in pregnancy. Like essential oils you have to be careful with some homeopathic remedies too. Although I had a homeopathy kit during my homebirth with ds which I gave away to the friend of a friend (thinking I would never need it again) who didn't even thank me. Grr!

I feel horribly sick today and I know what you mean about your stomach churning. Sorry if tmi but I feel like I have loads of stomach acid bubbling and burning my stomach and producing lots of trapped gases. Sometimes when I think I'm going to burp it's acid reflux. Horrible. It's so bad I may have to buy some Gaviscon and force it down... yeugh! What a thought! Ugh! Roll on second tri!
I wish my body would make up its mind whether it is going to make me sick or hungry today I have been throwing up wondering what to eat as soon as I stop being sick!!
Ugh! That's nasty! You poor thing! I had a mug of ovaltine made purely with milk because I thought it might settle my stomache. It worked for about 30 mins then my stomach started churning again. I'm so fed up with it. I love my food and the joy of eating has just gone at the moment. The other day I wanted sausages and chips and vinegar now the idea makes me urge! Today I'm think maybe spaghetti with a simple tomato sauce. I hope it passes for all of us soon. X
I know I have decided I am not trying any of my fave foods as the thought of hating them makes me want to cry!!
Funny you should say that. I seem to find all my usual foods really unappealing.
I do most of them its textures of food that set me off but smells are the worst!!
Ugh I'm getting so annoyed at some of the women on this forum who seem to only want to create controversy and judge others! It's the same people over and over too! There is a happy little thread on first Tri called "what did you/or will you buy first?" and ladies are sharing their excitement talking about what they've purchased or plan on purchasing in a bit. I chimed in saying that I probably won't buy anything till 12wks or so but I'm already looking at good deals on furniture etc. Anyway, someone comes in and says how shocked she is that people are buying things SO early and even 12wks is "extremely" early and she feels that people are only buying things so early to "fi an emotional void". I'm sorry but WTF!?? How rude and judgemental!!!!! :growlmad:

Sorry about the little rant! But I'm sick of seeing things like that. I really don't like being involved in any controversy but I'm having a hard time not responding to her! I thought maybe if I wrote you gals about it I wouldn't need to but I'm not so sure!! I may still have to say something to her! Grrrr. Who ARE these people that just want to judge others and squash their happiness!
I would say something hun but then I am a moody hormonal cow right now. If we want to enjoy every second of our pregnancys and not dwell on what ifs then that is our right and if they dont like it then dont post. I say you tell her hun xx
Oh ffs! What is it with these people?! It just sounds like her intention is to pick a fight. Why would she say something like that? I'm off to have a look now lol. Xxx
Ok. I've read it. First impression is that she's a nasty peice of work either that or her hormones are making her act like a total b*#ch! Second impression is that they are all justifying themselves to her. She's got plenty of savings and her OH has a good job. Lucky girl but I distinctly get the impression that she's judging the others for having babies when they aren't as fortunate as she is. Good thing she's not in politics huh?
Totally agree Darling. Whoop de bloody do she is so well off but money isn't everything!!
Absolutely right. How very crass to boast about how much money you have anyway. My dh and I have always struggled but our children have never gone without. They are very loved and we are a tight family.
Yeah I find that very rude, and I am not even pregnant, or not that I Know of. LOL

MY family we live off one income, and it isnt much, but my kids are happy and healthy. and loved. You dont need much to make a family, just the essentials. and My kids are not without.
Exactly hun it makes me so angry when people try and sound superior as they have money. My mum struggled with me and my brother as a single mum and yes we had fish fingers and chips for dinner a few times, but she was always there to tuck us in, teach us and we always did things even if only trips to beach and parks. You don;'t have to have money to be a good and more importnatly loving parent. If this was FB I would so be disliking her posts lol!!

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