Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

thanks pink sparkles!!

i am sorry they did that to you Darling. Ihave had doctors do that to me, when i was pregnant with my son. IT is the most annoying and rude thing.

I Hope they reschedule you for this week!!!
Leeze - Aw congratulations! That is absolutely fantastic news! Oh how lovely. You'll have just enough time to unpack and settle in a bit before your beautiful bouncy baby makes you a little family!!! That's so exciting! A garden flat? That sounds lovely! So happy for you hun. So sorry to hear you're feeling it too. I think it's safe to say the old pregnancy has really kicked in now hasn't it? I'm so fed up with headaches, churning stomaches and not knowing which foods will repulse me today! I can't wait to feel normal again. As for getting up in the morning.. aarrgh!

Thanks for your kind words re sick midwife.. grrrr! Its all self, self, self with some people isn't it?!! ;-)
Leeze - brill news about the new flat...how exciting new house new baby! x

If we have a girl were going to have to think about moving to a four bed as the age gap would be too big between dd and new baby 10 years to be precise! i know that ds can share for a few years even if we have a girl but not for too long! we have also decided that if it is a boy and we can stay put in this house we will give the boys our big bedroom and we will have the smallest...we will literally have a double bed in the room and that it is...open the door and jump on the bed! lol

Darling - hope you get another appointment soon! x

Ive been put off the name Darcey now...silly girl on only way is essex has called her pig mr darcey ..im most annoyed! x
Well, today I have my first Dr appointment..... I hope to talk her into a scan, if for nothing else than to put my mind at ease.... I'm not feeling very pregnant lately if that makes any sense and its scaring me, along with all the stupid aches and pains... Needless to say I am nervous!!

So I have braces, on my teeth, cuz I have a lovely gap in my front teeth I want closed, and I went for an appointment today, and ended up having to reschedule cuz they couldn't do the needed xray, cuz I am not out of the 1st trimester..... its a shame too, I was very excited cuz it means I would have been going into my final treatments, now its postponed..... sigh.... but the safety of baby is more important!!
Evening ladies :flower:

Hope everyone is ok.

Leeze, fab news about the flat hun :thumbup:

Darling, what a pain about your appointment! :nope: Hope you get a new date for it very soon.

I've had a busy day today. Not at work. Went to see one of my friends this morning and told her our news, she's very excited and filled up with tears :hugs: Then had a service with family to bury the ashes of my uncle who died before Christmas, his little casket was put in the grave with my grandad (his dad). Was a lovely little service and the weather was really nice for us :thumbup: We all then went for a nice lunch and I then stayed with mom and dad for a cup of tea afterwards.



I am over the moon happy right now!! I had my first appointment this afternoon and I got to see my baby!!! Little beans heartbeat is going nice and strong!!

SO much stress and worry is relieved now!!

measuring perfectly for 8 weeks!! I couldn't be happier!! I will post a pic and give details of the scan in a bit hubby is rushing me out the door!!
Fantastic hunni xxx did you hear or see the hearbeat? So happy for you xxx
Nat - so sorry to hear you lost your uncle. Glad the service went well and the weather was kind. Sounds like you all gave him a good send-off.

Angelique - that's awesome hun. I'm so happy for you. Now you can relax and enjoy feeling like crap! Lol. Seriously, glad it's put your mind at ease. Seems like a lifetime until my scan. Haven't got a date yet.

Good morning Krissi!

Girls I feel sick! Getting fed up with it. Can't wait until second Tri when it all goes away. Come on mrs placenta - do your thang!!!
I am so with you on the sickness thing. When I was in LTTC I used to get so angry with people moaning about ms and said I would be so grateful for it but seriously when you are clinging to the loo for most the day it is soooo not fun. Being sick is actually a relief its the constant hungover feeling that gets me and the am I going to be or aren't I.

Things at work are a little unsure at the moment so will find out in next few weeks if I will still have a job!! Stress and tiredness make ms worse for me so trying to keep calm.

Morning Darling!!
Morning ladies :flower:

I need to update my siggy with you all, will do this today :thumbup:

Angelique, fantastic news about the scan :thumbup:

I am debating again whether to get an early scan for my peace of mind :shrug: I will speak to midwife about things first tomorrow though. My reasons are that I don't have many symptoms, just mild ones (I'm hoping I'm just lucky!) and also something that happened to my best friend in New Zealand last week. She thought she was 9 weeks preg, had a scan and the :baby: had died at 6 weeks :cry: Her body has only just miscarried it after a whole month! This freaked me out last week, I calmed down a bit then but have spoken to her on the phone this morning and am freaking a bit again :wacko: She is ok now, is just relieved she has finally lost it and they are going to try again so hopefully all will be good for her next time :thumbup: It's just horrid hearing stories like that.

I am trying not to worry ladies but it's hard :nope: Pregnancy is all just a big unknown to me as this is my first.

Krissi, what is happening at your work then? Sorry if I've missed you explaining this earlier in the thread! x
Nat I'm not surprised it upset you. That's dreadful. Your poor friend. If it's going to put your mind at ease then it's definitely worth having a private scan. What's £100 compared to your piece of mind? :hugs:

Krissi sorry to hear about work. That's the last thing you need. Try and keep positive. Worst case scenario you get made redundant and you'll be able to claim 'Maternity Allowance'. Try to keep positive you and your baby are most important. You'll be just fine whatever happens. I'm a great believer that life shifts to facilitate big events in your life, and nine times out of ten you end up in a stronger position than you could have ever expected.:thumbup:
Hi Ladies,
Haven't been on here for a while. I hope you are all okay.

Krissi - sorry to hear about your job. The current financial climate makes work places very tricky doesn't it.

Nat - I would defo have an early scan as it will give you some peace of mind.

I saw that thread last night about what everyone was buying for their babies! I can't believe some people are so small minded!!!! And some people are just plain RUDE!
It made me mad!!!!

Hi everyone

Nat - I agree with the others, I think it's a small price to pay to give you peace of mind for the next few weeks. Sorry to hear about your uncle, that's a lovely thing to bury him with his Dad.

Krissi - that sucks that you might not have a job soon. Would there be other options for you to apply for other jobs or reduce your hours or anything like that? It's so hard not to worry about things, isn't it?

Angelique - great you got to see the baby - how wonderful!!

Darling - I'm with you in wanting to hurry to 2nd trimester! I want to feel the lovely warm glowing phase!!!

My situation at work at the moment isn't 100% stable - because I work in Health and Social Care and all of the cuts that are going on at the moment - although my job isn't government funded basically there's so much more competition at the moment for funding for services - my post is funded at the moment until the end of August and I don't know what will happen after that. My OH said not to worry and we would manage on his salary if we had to. My worry though is with buying a new home and with all the baby-related expenses that it would be really difficult. But, I guess you adapt and your priorities change and somehow you manage. Already in the last few weeks we've hardly gone out socialising and have been trying to cut back on spending. I bought a big bundle of maternity clothes on ebay the other day - 11 items for £26 - and 10 of them are really lovely and fit perfectly. At the moment I'm thinking I will generally buy maternity stuff off ebay or in the sales - and only splash out if it's a really special occasion.

How's everyone's eating going? I haven't been too bad the last week or so - have been eating lots of pasta and cheese sauces and drinking smoothies made with fresh fruit to make sure I get lots of vitamins in me. Today I just can't decide what I can face. The idea of most things is making my stomach churn!!
Hi girls! You are all so great!!
@So happy for your wonderful scan Angelique!! Its so amazing to see that!!!
@I'm jealous of you ladies who are getting ready to move into your new homes! We will be moving too but not for a few months yet and we actually don't have a place lined up as of now!!:( I'm a little nervous!
@Nat: I would probably pay for a scan if I were u also. I'm sure everyhing's fine, I just can't imagine waiting so long!! Yikes! Good luck!

Girls I am really wishing I had another scan coming up sonnet also because I am not feeling very pregnant. It's strange, I expected the m.s. To get maybe a tiny bit worse around this time and it hasn't. It's still only very seldom I just get a little queasy, no vomiting or anything. My back soreness is mostly gone as well aside from a slight ache some days in the evening. I'm pretty fatigued I guess but I guess I thought my symptoms would be more obvious between 7-10weeks, not less. :wacko:

Not that I want to be terribly sick, I just don't have alot of symptoms right
now to reassure me that everything is progressing! I thought I would be so relaxed after seeing the ultrasound at 8 weeks. Now little ing things are still worrying me. I am recognizin that alot of my wiry stems from reading the worries of others on the firs Tri threads. I know I saw my baby and saw it's little heart flickering away. But some girls have been told what the heartrate was at 8weeks or even heard it! I just hope it's not a bad sign that my OB only showed it to me on the screen. I just still am so worried that something could go wrong between that u/s and my next one. There are irks on first Tri who saw a heartbeat and then mc and were told the babe died right after their reassuring u/s.

Sorry ladies I KNOW I just need to stop worrying and be positive! I hope i didn't bring anyone down with me! Lol. Come OOOONN april 12th!!!!!
Omg you probably can't even make out what I said with all those typos!! I hate typing on my iPhone! WHY would I change "girls" to "irks" that's not even close!!! UGH! Sorry!
Irks! :haha::rofl:

Babylove, you've now got me wondering whether an early scan is a good idea at all :shrug: As it sounds like, even though you see :baby:, it doesn't stop the worrying :nope: I am going to wait to speak to my midwife tomorrow and see what she thinks. I am going to explain what happened to my friend and that my concern is also my lack of symptoms and see what she says. I am currently missing my second period around about now and have never, ever in my life missed once so I know something is going on in there :haha: I just keep reminding myself of that and feeling my big, bloated belly and looking at the veins in my boobies :blush: to reassure myself! :wacko:

If I did have an early scan also I'd want OH to come too and he would need to get the time off work (as probably would I of course). Will speak to midwife and see what she thinks. Do you girls know if it would be an internal or external scan at around 9 weeks or so?

Ladies who have done this before - is First Tri always this full of anxiety?? x
Changed my siggy ladies, hope I haven't forgotten anyone :shrug: Do let me know if I have?

Agree we need to change the 'Halloween' name though so I've just put that for now x
It would be external at 8 weeks babe xx
Nat I'm really just being silly. Seeing the baby and it's heartbeat really is very amazing and reassuring! PLUS I beleive someone said that once you've seen baby with a beating heart the mc risk goes down to like 1 or 2% so VERY LOW!! It's just hard reading the first Tri boards since it's a constant reminder that the worries are never really "over". But I should really stop being a baby about it, I'm sure everythin is going to be fine for most or all of us!! And I have those crazy blue veins on my bbs too!! And they've gotten SO swollen and heavy! Lol. I just have these moments of doubt and worry but I try to remind myself that everything is fine.

Oh, and I'm quite happy that my sickness isn't bad because I'm so excited to go to our favorite Japanese hibachi restaurant tomorrow night for my DH's birthday dinner!! YUM!!
ONE DAY ONE DAY ONE DAY!! can you tell I am super anxious for tomorrow

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