Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Oh 9babies, I'm so pleased for you! Massive congratulations!
I just turned off the forum to watch a film and then thought I must check in and see if there's any news... and there was! Yay! :happydance:
Loving the good news and positivity in our thread ladies!
How are you all? I'm still really struggling with sickness, really desperate to get to 12 weeks and *fingers crossed* have it calm down. But I managed to stay up late last night (11 haha!) to watch a film with hubby - considering I rarely make it to half 9 I was pleased with myself! It probably helped that I really got into the film, it was really good. Recommend The Town :thumbup:
Really anxious to see my little one as well, waiting 12 weeks is such a long time!
Morning everyone!

Big congrats to 9babies - that's fantastic news!!! :flower: And a new car too - double whammy congratulations!!! :haha: Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months, hon. You very much deserve it! :hugs:

I've been feeling really sick this morning - had to have a lie down after breakfast!! I'm feeling very lazy at the moment after my week off work and not looking forward to going back on Monday. I think maternity leave should start at 8 weeks not 36 weeks or whatever crazy week it is!!!
BTW - I was just checking out 1st tri boards and somehow seems a different energy on there today. More fun and supportive. Or maybe I was just picking the threads that looked that way!!! Have a lovely weekend everyone xx :hugs:
yOU too Leeze and everyone have a great weekend!!

I am so excited to have a opportunity for a new car!!
Hi girls,

Sounds like everyone is in good spirits this weekend - a new BFP in the group is good for that!

This week has been MANIC for me with all the house move stuff going on but I am all caught up now and still so very happy about 9babies news. Exciting times!

As you know, I've been having my worries about a few things and whilst I am managing to deal with all that I have a new concern which may sound ridiculous to some but I promise you, its really bugging me. Its mainly one for the girls who have given birth before....and its basically about the smells that go with childbirth!

I have got one of those heightened senses of smell and certain things make me heave. I am up to speed with the bodily functions that might occur when I am pushing but obviously blood smells bad too and I was just wondering if it is a big deal or am I worrying about nothing? My big fear is that my baby will smell a certain way when they put he/she on me and I'll be sick - I really don't want that to happen.

I only started thinking about this after OBEM on Monday when the girl said her baby "smells bad" when she was put on her.

There is no way I'd start a thread on this out there in the BandB "ether" - I don't need to be told I'm selfish and its only a bit of poo and its not the baby's fault etc. I know all that. I am just one of those people that can deal with things if I know about them - unexpected things throw me off a bit!

So does it smell bad or is it not an issue?!

I'm sure I'll have plenty more stupid questions over the next few months!!

Thanks in advance!
Wow did someone on OBEM say that? I must have missed that!
I think you'll be far too involved with the process and the fact that you're finally looking at your baby to even notice the smells. I'd be very surprised if we even notice! But then I suppose I haven't given birth before, so we'd need someone else who's been through it to tell us!
I have a very heightened sense of smell and dont remember ever feeling grossed out, when my babies came out!!! I dont think you will either!! :hugs:
Wow did someone on OBEM say that? I must have missed that!
I think you'll be far too involved with the process and the fact that you're finally looking at your baby to even notice the smells. I'd be very surprised if we even notice! But then I suppose I haven't given birth before, so we'd need someone else who's been through it to tell us!

Hi Pilette,

i know, I was thinking that too - but she noticed (it was the young girl with the dodgy teeth) and it made me wonder!
Ah that one. Those two were a bit odd though. Their circumstances made me a little bit unhappy - no fixed home, no jobs etc. Then when baby came out he said, 'Oh I guess his nails are yellow cos we both smoke'. Great...
Hi Ladies, happy weekend!
I'm so glad to find everyone in good spirits this weekend!

9babies your news is absolutely FABULOUS!! a big congratulations!!!! And a new car i'm enormously jealous!!! you must be over the moon and back!!

I'm doing fine, pretty much the same! UNFORTUNATELY my DH's birthday dinner at our favorite restaurant didn't go exactly as I'd hoped! :wacko: I was looking forward to it ALL week!!! I think I did myself in because I really didn't eat enough during the day, my appetite was a little low. So by the time we were leaving for dinner I had a headache and in turn that was making me a little queasy so at the restaurant I was doomed. It's a Japanese Hibachi place where they cook on the stove right at the table and all the smoke and steam and fumes coming off the stove into my face intensified my headache and nausea.

So I had approximately 5 bites of my rice and then just got more and more nauseous as more and more food got piled on my plate. I ate hardly anything and felt yuck! After dinner even I was only able to eat a few crackers and water. I had gotten myself to that point of having such an empty tummy that I was too queasy to eat! GRRR :growlmad:

Luckily I brought all my food home and I wasn't sure I'd be able to eat it today but I just had some and lived through it LOL.

I'm sure the rest of my weekend will be better! It's soooo hot here!! in the upper 80s all weekend!! too bad I don't have any fab plans lol

Have a great weekend girls!! :flower:
Massive massive congratulations to 9babies...so so happy for you and great news about the car too!

Babylove i am so jelous that you have such lovely weather, we have had a nice week and today its freezing again was hoping to do something nice with the hubby and children too...nevamind!

I never noticed any horrible smells when i gave birth and i definately dont think the babies smelt funny either, I defo have a heightened sense of smell and its gets stronger when im pregnant too. Sorry if tmi but i did have very bad wind in the early stages of labour but tbh i laughed that off and the window was open lol. I really dont think that you have anything to worry about. I know that over here you can ask them to clean off your baby before they put it to your chest, i have never asked that but i dont think its selfish of a woman to ask that they do that either its all down to personal choice.

I havent seen the UK v US thread and im really quite sad that they have struck up that debate, i love being able to talk to pregnant ladies from the US, thats what i love about the net, we would never we talking otherwise and would have to have divides put up between us all. Im pretty sure there are positives and negatives of both systems and that unless you have been through them both you cant really judge and even then its only your opinion. Sorry im going on now!

Hope everyone is well and enjoying the weekend xxx
Hon that girl was - how to put it politely? Not the sharpest? There are smells BUT a) they mostly come from your body (sorry to be graphic but bodily fluids, placenta etc) not baby, b) you will have worked so hard (it's not called labour for nothing) that you won't be in that frame of mind to care about smells, c) you won't be sensitive to smells and feeling sick all the time by then, and d) you are very intelligent not some low vibe teenager and this is your baby.. you will be overwhelmed and happy like you've never encountered! I promise you!
I love my october women!!! YOu all are making me smile each and every day and I thank you for that. just ate adn still hungry.
Thanks everyone - I know you're all right and there will be other things on my mind. I think I'll still need to know what I MIGHT smell though - if I know I can deal with it. I might sound obsessive but I assure you, its a real problem - like a reflex thing. I've puked in places you don't want to know about!


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