Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Hi everyone

Shana - what a star you are to go through all of those tests - I hope you get some answers from this that help you the next time round. I know how devastating it is to experience one m/c - I can't imagine what it's like to experience 10 or possibly 11 :hugs:

Angie - sounds like you're going through a rough time of it with feeling depressed. Did you get this with either of your other 2 pregnancies? I'm wondering if it's something that will pass when your hormones will hopefully settle down in the next 2 or 3 weeks or so? That's what I keep telling myself because I'm really struggling myself right now with getting through each day. I keep reminding myself that hopefully I will feel better in a few weeks but at the moment I hate getting out of bed, I really resent being at work and much as my OH is a sweetheart I'm also struggling to be my loving self around him. I've never had depression though, so I've nothing really to compare this with and I'm holding on to the thought that it's temporary - I can really see how it could worry you that it might not shift if you've experienced depression before. Like the others say, maybe it's worth discussing with the Doctor to see what support you can get? :hugs:

Love and hugs to all :hugs:
thank you so so much!!!
how are you?

Shana I'm so sorry for what you're going through, really pleased to hear they're doing all those tests for you though. Fingers crossed it gives you some answers and a way to proceed. Massive hugs :hugs:
How cute is your daughter Angie?! That made me smile so much when I read that!
How is everyone? I'm doing ok, hubby's cooking me sausage and mash for dinner tonight, which for the first time in a long time I feel like I can eat quite happily! Think I'm starting to feel much more myself.

thank you deary!! how are you doing?
I'm ok thanks Shana! Thoroughly shattered right now and could do with a lot more sleep. But I've got a nice two week holiday coming up in precisely three days so not long to go.
How have you been feeling?

God I can't be dealing with work at the minute either Leeze, I have zero patience. Which isn't good when I'm a teacher...
I am feeling ok. just took my cramp bark, and it helped ease the cramping a lot!

so now off ot make some tea, but silly husband didnt leave an lighter home, so I can light the propane. yep our stoves run off propane. lol we live in a different time period I swear.

I hope you get some rest soon. I Know how it is to run off so little and then be completely drained. :hugs:
Hi everyone

Shana - what a star you are to go through all of those tests - I hope you get some answers from this that help you the next time round. I know how devastating it is to experience one m/c - I can't imagine what it's like to experience 10 or possibly 11 :hugs:

Angie - sounds like you're going through a rough time of it with feeling depressed. Did you get this with either of your other 2 pregnancies? I'm wondering if it's something that will pass when your hormones will hopefully settle down in the next 2 or 3 weeks or so? That's what I keep telling myself because I'm really struggling myself right now with getting through each day. I keep reminding myself that hopefully I will feel better in a few weeks but at the moment I hate getting out of bed, I really resent being at work and much as my OH is a sweetheart I'm also struggling to be my loving self around him. I've never had depression though, so I've nothing really to compare this with and I'm holding on to the thought that it's temporary - I can really see how it could worry you that it might not shift if you've experienced depression before. Like the others say, maybe it's worth discussing with the Doctor to see what support you can get? :hugs:

Love and hugs to all :hugs:
thank you so so much!!!
how are you?

Shana I'm so sorry for what you're going through, really pleased to hear they're doing all those tests for you though. Fingers crossed it gives you some answers and a way to proceed. Massive hugs :hugs:
How cute is your daughter Angie?! That made me smile so much when I read that!
How is everyone? I'm doing ok, hubby's cooking me sausage and mash for dinner tonight, which for the first time in a long time I feel like I can eat quite happily! Think I'm starting to feel much more myself.

thank you deary!! how are you doing?

Hi everyone, I just worked a 13 hour day, and I think I am going to DIE!!!! I'm so sore and tired!! And the hunger!!!! wow!

Leeze, I am struggling with the depression, its not something I experienced before during pregnancy, which is why I thought it so strange. IDK, I hope its just hormones... What you describe sounds EXACTLY like me though.

Pilette thanks, thats sweet of you, my daughter is 10 and has the sweetest, most loving spirit of any kid I have ever met, and I'm so proud of her for how wonderful she is.

Shanna any news? How are you feeling?

I feel so disconnected because I have worked so much, and as bad as I hate to think it, I may not make it too long at this job, its just SO physical.

Anyway, hubby just brought home salty chips and salsa, and I am gonna go raid them!!!!! Hope everyone is doing good
Morning girls.

Shana - How are you today hunni xx

Angelique - so sorry about the depression hopefully once the progesterone stops surging it may settle your hormones a little xx

I am OK everyone is driving me nuts at the moment I am such a moody cow!! I could quite happily strangle Paul 99% of the time!!
My moods have been terrible too and im also so cold and unloving toward dh, i just cant help it and i know im doing it and that he dont deserve it, hopefully it will pass soon.

My sickness seems to have settled a bit although i think i found the trigger...milk! If i have cereal in the mornings (i have craved coco pops since i got bfp) i tend to feel awful for the rest of the day. So avoiding milk as much as possible although do have the odd cup of decaff tea or coffee but have just been having a tiny drop of milk in it.

less than two weeks now until my scan ...cant wait and nervous all at the same time. Kids break up on friday for the easter holidays cant wait to not have to do the school run! yay roll on friday.
Morning girls,
Shana - do hope you're alright. Thinking of you. X
Leeze and Angelique - sorry to hear you guys have been feeling low. I have big-time guilt going on. I feel guilty for bringing another child into the world, and quite worried that I won't be able to cope. My son is going through major temper tantrums which I never experienced with dd and it has me cr*#ping myself that I'm going to have another boy and then feeling guilty for that! I think the combination of hormones, ongoing fatigue and the omnipresent shadow of such a huge responsibility looming around the corner presents the ideal conditions for feelings of depression to rear it's ugly head. Hang in there. X :hugs:

I've been so tired I don't know what the hell I'm doing! Yesterday I went and left my son in his buggy in the hall at my friend's house! After ten minutes she asked "Is Ethan alright in the buggy by himself?" I nearly died. God what's next a supermarket car park??! I suppose I should pat myself on the back for remembering to bring him and not leaving him at home!:dohh:

Now I've lost my credit card! Oh God I just want to sleep!
Darling - so sorry that your feeling down too, i know how you feel with the worry of coping with another, i feel exactly the same, i can just about cope with Riley atm so the thought of adding a newborn to the mix is so frightening - im sure that we will be just fine though hun. Ive warned hubby dont expect things to be perfect, the housework etc etc will all have to take a back seat when i have two babies to care for at home all day as well as juggling the school run with megan ...eeek!

I was over at my mums the other day and a lot of family members arrived, we were all natterring away and all of a sudden i thought omg wheres Riley, he had taken himself off into the front room and i had to admit i completely forgot he was there with me. Dont beat yourself up about it and he must have been just fine in the pushchair as he would have called out for you or started crying.

Hope you manage to catch up on some sleep and feel better soon. I have been up since 4am today Riley decided it was time to get up i feel awful hes already had a sleep and i didnt have a chance to nod off with him so this afternoon will be testing!!!
Hi Ladies :flower:

Sorry to hear some of you girls are feeling down, hoping it's just hormones for you all and you all start to feel better very soon :thumbup:

I am ok but have definitely been more tired the past week or two. Finding I go up to bed earlier at night now. I'm having such restless sleep though now every night - getting up to pee twice a night last couple of nights, pins and needles in hands, achy hips and bizarre dreams :wacko: Didn't get up until 10am this morning! :haha: Did the same on Monday (I work part-time and don't work Mondays and Wednesdays).

Counting down to scan, less than 2 weeks now :happydance: Will be so nervous on the day though :wacko:
Darling - so sorry that your feeling down too, i know how you feel with the worry of coping with another, i feel exactly the same, i can just about cope with Riley atm so the thought of adding a newborn to the mix is so frightening - im sure that we will be just fine though hun. Ive warned hubby dont expect things to be perfect, the housework etc etc will all have to take a back seat when i have two babies to care for at home all day as well as juggling the school run with megan ...eeek!

I was over at my mums the other day and a lot of family members arrived, we were all natterring away and all of a sudden i thought omg wheres Riley, he had taken himself off into the front room and i had to admit i completely forgot he was there with me. Dont beat yourself up about it and he must have been just fine in the pushchair as he would have called out for you or started crying.

Hope you manage to catch up on some sleep and feel better soon. I have been up since 4am today Riley decided it was time to get up i feel awful hes already had a sleep and i didnt have a chance to nod off with him so this afternoon will be testing!!!

Thanks honey. Yeah I think you're right. We'll cope because we'll have to! Lol. Glad it's not just me. Ooh credit card found! Left in shop! Duh!
Nat - yes me too. I'm finding the ms seems to be easing off slightly but the fatigue and the peeing all the time has gone into overdrive! I need to start getting to bed earlier!
MS had faded for me but started up again yesterday in full force but only for a couple of hours around this time of day and before bed. Peeing is driving me mad I am up at least twice in night. The veins on my boobs have faded to :( but they still hurt like mad. I am still asleep before 10pm every night and walking to far exhausts me (think I am just lazy!!) The headaches have started again today so I am a moody mare so apologies for the long list of complaints, I promised I never would after waiting for so long for this to happen but I guess we are all allowed off days!!

Thank God for BnB is all I can say or I think my RL friends would have all legged it by now!!
Krissi you're only human and pregnancy bites sometimes. :) hope you'll feel better soon. X
I am ok ladies. Just trying to get up the energy to do what needs to be done today.
I dont know why I wanted results today, I knew it would take an week or two, but I hoped, no call! silly me.

Hope you feel better ladies, sounds like a lot of you are having a very tough time. and I am sending big time :hugs:
Wow - does sound like a lot of us are going through similar feelings and moods at the moment!! Thanks everyone for sharing because you're helping me to feel sane (or at least in good company with my temporary insanity!! :haha:)

I've definitely got "pregnancy brain" at the moment and keep doing really stupid things like putting things in the fridge that should be in the cupboard and vice versa. Darling, Pink Sparkle, Angelique and Shana (and anyone else with small children) - I really admire you that you're looking after children and going through all this too. Shana, I'm guessing it's particularly hard for you given all the emotional ups and downs of the last few months.

Work seems to be throwing up loads of crap at me at the moment too and I sway between getting a bit stressed by it and then not actually giving a shit about it at all - neither of which are very helpful!!!

Nat - I'm having quite restless sleep at the moment too and really vivid dreams - the last couple of nights I've been dreaming about work-related scenarios or problems getting to work and then when I wake up I feel like I've been to work for half a day already!!

Although, I had a moment this morning on the way to work that really helped me. I was struggling through lots of moody people in central London and feeling a bit sorry for myself and how tired I am and how moody I feel etc - then I thought to myself that actually the emotional rollercoaster of TTC is equally hard (in different ways) and actually just reminded myself that I'm lucky to be pregnant and moody and not TTC and moody. Oh no, I've just realised I sound like my Mum again!!!! Anyway, it did alter my perspective on things a little!
Leeze be prepared! When you have children you get possessed by your mother! It's like they just come and speak without your permission! It's really scary! Lol
Leeze be prepared! When you have children you get possessed by your mother! It's like they just come and speak without your permission! It's really scary! Lol

:rofl::rofl: - you made me seriously laugh out loud on that one

I'm convinced at the moment that I'll be able to handle my children's emotions and be with them when they're sad/scared/angry etc etc - the truth probably is that as soon as I see them upset I'll probably want to try to make it better too.
Yes indeedy! If they hurt you want to take the hurt away. But they can also make you want to throttle them too sometimes! Lol. Sometimes my little guy is so cute I could eat him and other times when he's having a temper tantrum and I'm yelling at him, I swear I turn into my mother and no offence mum but OMG it's my worst nightmare come true!!
Possessed by our mothers - wow there's a scary thought! :rofl: That made me chuckle!
Sorry to hear a few people are feeling down, I'm especially moody at work right now, mainly because I couldn't really care less. Oh I go through the motions but my heart's not in it. I've pretty much decided that I'll be stopping work in July at the end of the school year, because I don't want to be going back for a month and handing all my classes over to someone else. Too much disruption for the classes, and if I go back after my year off I'll then start the academic year which is better for me. But that's all up in the air right now.
I've just had a very nutritious and exotic dinner of cheese on toast followed by a jam tart. Culinary bliss :haha: Just didn't really fancy anything.
Oh Leeze I'm such an idiot right now, I really don't remember much anymore!
Pink sparkle and Darling - I think that is a very normal feeling to have when you're pregnant with another! My best friends worried themselves silly that they wouldn't be able to love the second one as much as the first, or have enough energy for both of them. Both needless worries! But I think that the fact that you have that worry actually shows how capable you are, because you wouldn't worry if you didn't care :flower:

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