Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

That makes me sound a so much better mother than I really am but I love it! Lol. Thanks honey. Oh yeah! That's the other curse of motherhood. Feelings of inadequacy because my two best mommy friend's are saints! No seriously they really are! Despite assurances by both of them to the contrary they are both 'supermums'. I am the more human, fallible kind as opposed to the celestial sort. Oh! I wish I was better endowed with patience. God only knows how I'll cope with a crying baby in the mix. I think breastfeeding over housework lol and a sling. I swear I will be baby-wearing from the word go this time around! Lol
That makes me sound a so much better mother than I really am but I love it! Lol. Thanks honey. Oh yeah! That's the other curse of motherhood. Feelings of inadequacy because my two best mommy friend's are saints! No seriously they really are! Despite assurances by both of them to the contrary they are both 'supermums'. I am the more human, fallible kind as opposed to the celestial sort. Oh! I wish I was better endowed with patience. God only knows how I'll cope with a crying baby in the mix. I think breastfeeding over housework lol and a sling. I swear I will be baby-wearing from the word go this time around! Lol

I reckon, though, that it's good to show your kids that you're human and not be super-Mum the whole time - otherwise you give your children a false idea about what people are like and then they get constantly let down by all the people they meet who have all their little quirks and foibles!! Good to show children it's ok to experience a whole range of emotions, I reckon!!!

Pielette - that sounds like a great idea to stop working in July. I have to admit to feeling a bit envious of you for that!!! I'm ready to stop working now!!!!! Shame there's bills to be paid though!!!
On the subject of breast feeding - who will be breast feeding and who will be opting for bottle. I tried with both dd and ds and neither took to it. DS did for the first 24 hours but the just would not latch on and literally screamed all night. Had to send the hubby out early on the sunday morning to find formula (luckily i had bottles and steriliser ready). It really really hurt that he wouldnt and i was a mess for days because i was so disapointed. I spoke with my mw who was so lovely about it. She said that for some babies they want quantity not quality and that obviously wasnt enough for him. Taking her advice i expressed as much as i could over the next couple of weeks (which was only a couple of onzes here and there). So ive already been thinking hard this time...do i try again and get really upset again (as i feel destined to fail at it again) or just forget about the whole bf idea?! My new midwife has told me there is a new breast feeding support worker who runs a clinic locally...i will maybe go and see her as apparently a lady who had three previous children and failed to 'get the hang of it' is now successfully bf her fourth baby!

Sorry this is so long! xxx
:hugs:Leeze - I think you have a point. I never thought about it that way before. Thanks.
Pink Sparkle - My intention at the moment is to have a go at breast-feeding but I also can see the benefit in using formula (mainly that I would assume it's easier for someone else to do the feed sometimes!!). I've heard from quite a few people that it's hard to do but I think I will have a go. Sorry to hear you felt hurt by your previous experience - sounds like a great idea to go see a worker about it - hopefully they've got some good ideas. I was thinking about trying to find somewhere you can get support - I think that a lot of areas have children's centres that offer support to parents of 0-5s and that this is the sort of thing they would offer support with.

Darling - take it from someone whose parents didn't like to show negative emotions most of the time (and would then occasionally take it out on each other in a passive aggressive kinda way instead) - I think it's definitely good to teach your children that we experience lots of ups and downs and it's perfectly normal!!!!
Thanks Leeze. My mother used to go psycho at me especially during the menopause. On occasions where I've lost my temper and yelled, I remind myself of how I felt growing up confronted by this rage and I feel totally overwhelmed by shame and frustration but I make it a rule not to hit so I guess there are just times where you want to scream so you do lol. Some people don't get that way. Some people just have endless patience. My feeble excuse is I don't have grandparents to take the children out for the day and give me a break. But hey ho. I wanted children. My mum comes every fortnight and stays over but she's 75 and not exactly in good physical shape for her age. My MIL is only 50 and is a major league hypercondriac. She only comes to visit once a month for 4 hours. Sorry I seem to be moaning a lot tonight.

Can I just ask is anyone else experiencing menstrual style cramps? I did around the time I got my bfp but I haven't for ages and the last few days I feel like I've got my period.
Oh darling im a screamer! Im terrible especially with Megan, we argue rotten sometimes and then i feel so awful for it. I dont smack either i wish i had more patience but quite simply i dont so i shout ...quite a lot! Hope she will forgive me when shes older.

I havent kept track of when my periods would be due. But i have had cramping and period pain like tummy/back ache.
@Pink Sparkle - you know, I think you make the right choice not to smack, but your patience has it's limitations in spite your best intentions to be more patient, you're just doing the best you can. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to iron out all those little character flaws we dislike about ourselves like impatience or having a moan about our MILs hehehe!!
hello girls :)

Sorry I've been absent, I don't have much going on so not much to report. So I'm just checking in on you all! I'm sorry some of you are not feeling so well and having trouble with moods and all that mess. I'm sure it will get better :flower:
9babies I have been thinking about you and I'm so sorry you're having to go through hard times again! I really hope the tests they're running can give you some answers and bring some relief!

I have actually been feeling pretty good lately. Hardly any nausea, none actually in the last two days. My only symptoms are my heavy, swollen, veiny HUGE boobs, and some serious fatigue! I am so so so so tired! It doesn't help that I have not been sleeping well at all lately. Just constantly uncomfortable and tossing around and waking up.
I've been a little surprised and slightly disturbed at my short list of symptoms but I guess I should just count myself as lucky for now? I don't think I've had any mood issues like some of you, although I'm a little more emotional and will cry at the sad tv commercials and movie previews! lol my DH thinks it's rather funny and when there's some sort of touching thing on tv he looks at me and says "that's so sad" to see if I will cry (with a big smile on his face by the way) ohhh he's really funny alright! Luckily he has been treating me quite nicely in every other way though, he hasn't given me a hard time about being tired or lazy or anything else and he always checks about what I want to eat first before suggesting anything.

So I have my next appointment on the 12th... I am really looking forward to it but starting to have the same old worries that I did before that they will tell me something is wrong etc. But I'm also not even sure if I will get an ultrasound at this one so I'm worrying about that as well. I hope they at LEAST let me hear the heartbeat on the doppler so I know he/she is still doing alright in there!

Darling and Pink Sparkle, I see you've been talking about patience... I teach pre-Kindergarten, I have a class of 10 5-year olds.... BOY is my fuse short lately!! LOL It's definitely hard some days. :wacko:

Someone asked about breastfeeding.... I intend to try and I really hope it goes as well as possible. For both reasons that it's very good for baby and also because it's free! Formula is SO expensive!! yikes! I HOPE that if breastfeeding doesn't work for some reason then at least I will express/pump for as long as I can. My best friend had great luck with breastfeeding and did it for nearly a year and she was also a big fan of pumping and did that alot as well to make it easier to leave the house and let others feed her LO and baby had no trouble with taking both breast and bottle. I hope to have the same kind of luck!!

GOOD NEWS? We're all in the double digits now!!!! (at least I think all/most of us are!) :happydance:

My plan is to breastfeed for the first 6 weeks after that I think it will probably be formula as I will need to go back to work a few days a week. If the breastfeeding doesnt work out I won't be beating myself up about it though, I know some of the ladies on BnB are very adamant breast is best and I am sure it is but it isn't for everyone so will go with what keeps pumpkin and I happy.

1 week today til scan day and holiday so excited!!!
Hi Ladies :flower:

Hope everyone is ok :thumbup: I'm fine, still feeling amazingly normal. Having a few pokes and twinges the past couple of days but only very mild and I'm taking a bit of reassurance from them as hopefully it means things are growing and stretching as they should be :haha:

Had a bit of a better night's sleep last night, managed until 6am to need to pee :haha: It's usually around 4am! More weird dreams though :wacko:

On the subject of breastfeeding, I am thinking of giving it a go. But, same as Krissi, if it doesn't seem to be working I am not going to be pressured to keep trying for ages and will switch to formula if needs be. I have a couple of friends who tried it and didn't produce enough for :baby: and had to switch to formula so I know it doesn't work for everyone.

Krissi, where are you going on holiday? x
Hello ladies! How is everyone?
I'm good, starting to feel much better in myself now. Not long till my scan on Tuesday and I absolutely cannot wait, it's the first time I'll see my little bean! And one more day till my hols so I'm in a pretty good mood at the minute :thumbup:
Ah pink sparkle - on the subject of breastfeeding, I'm going to give it a go but I'm planning on doing it for a short period of time. My concern is that babies often seem to get too tired cos it's quite hard work for them, so they fall asleep and then need feeding a lot more cos they're not taking as much. But we shall see. For me this is all conjecture though, I may well try it and it'll go so well I might want to continue! Think I'll play it by ear.
Ooh Krissi where are you off to?
All you ladies going off on "holiday" (vacation to me lol). WHERE are you going!????
I'm very jealous! Actually DH and I are discussing taking a little trip (a cruise) but we're trying to decide if we have the appropriate finances especially since we've got to plan for our big move in a couple months!!! But I'm DYING to go away!!! One last official vacation before we are a family of 3!!!
What do you all think? What would you do? How worth it would a trip be to you at this point?
Oh I would love a holiday! I've got my holiday from school but we aren't going anywhere and don't have anything planned for the summer. A friend of my Dad's has an apartment in Turkey so I asked him to find out if it's available at any point in August. We just can't afford to spend much so unless it's someone doing something cheap for us it won't happen. But would absolutely love to lay in the sun - plus a little bump!
We have a 4 day break to Scotland already booked for mid-September, is one of those holidays you get from The Sun newspaper with the tokens, where you pick 5 weeks in the year and 5 holiday parks and get given one. We were given our latest week in the year but it was before I got preg so didn't know I would end up being only around 6 weeks away from due date! Still hoping to be able to go though :thumbup:
oh no - I just wrote a long message and then somehow deleted it!!!!
I'm too tired to write it all again - quick summary version

- i've been a bit crampy too today so I'm glad others are feeling this too!!!!

- I'm hoping my OH and I will go away for a couple of days at the end of this month maybe to a hotel in the UK with a spa - that's what I need - some relaxation and pampering!!!!

- almost at the weekend - and then it will be only 1 week left till my scan. I'm hoping I might have caught up a bit with the dates since the early scan - that maybe my little one has had a growth spurt in the last few weeks - otherwise I'm lagging behind everyone a bit at the moment because they put my dates back by 5 days at the early scan!!

Goodnight everyone - chat soon xx :hugs:
Hi ladies!!

So I had my appointment with my new doctor today.... HA, let me tell you, he looks like he should be in a soap opera on TV!! He is only 45 and a VERY good looking man, I was like OMG, how do I let him do all the exams they do??? awkward lol! Anyway, they were transfering all my records over to this doc so I didn't have to have a physical again when I had it 2 weeks ago.

So he listened to my concerns, took my history and all that fun stuff, and said, "so should we see if we can hear baby?" and pulled out his little machine. he did warn me that at 10 weeks it was iffy to find the heartbeat, and of course he didn't and I must have looked upset because he said, no worries, I am going to send you down to Ultrasound to find the heartbeat so you feel better about it. Which I thought was very nice. SO..... I got to see my beanie baby again today!! I was thrilled to see a lovely little flicker, and a slightly wiggling baby! The heartbeat is strong at 175 BPM, which they said was normal!

I was so excited to get a scan cuz I didn't expect one until 20 weeks. so I am pretty happy now :happydance:
Aw! Angelique! Awesome when you hear the heartbeat isn't it? Re the doc - so he's not going to give you a thorough physical then? Unlucky!
Lol ;-P
oh no - I just wrote a long message and then somehow deleted it!!!!
I'm too tired to write it all again - quick summary version

- i've been a bit crampy too today so I'm glad others are feeling this too!!!!

- I'm hoping my OH and I will go away for a couple of days at the end of this month maybe to a hotel in the UK with a spa - that's what I need - some relaxation and pampering!!!!

- almost at the weekend - and then it will be only 1 week left till my scan. I'm hoping I might have caught up a bit with the dates since the early scan - that maybe my little one has had a growth spurt in the last few weeks - otherwise I'm lagging behind everyone a bit at the moment because they put my dates back by 5 days at the early scan!!

Goodnight everyone - chat soon xx :hugs:

Leeze I've done that. After writing my autobiography! Soo annoying!
Dishy doc hehe i saw one once when i was pregnant with megan...he had to do an internal....i was most embarassed!

Holidays/vacations! Yay i cant wait ive got four weeks and four days until we head down to Cornwall for a week. Then in July we have a holiday through The Sun newspaper too and are going to Devon for four nights. We havent been abroad for about four years! We had a honeymoon planned but had to cancel because we bought a house the month before the wedding and just couldnt afford to do it all. We postponed it to the year after and then i fell pregnant with Riley and i would have been around 30 weeks and my consultant advised me against flying abroad as Megan was early and i was on bed rest from 25 weeks with her. We have just had holidays in the UK for the last few years...there are some lovely places to visit and some beautiful beaches the only downside is you just cant guarantee the weather here in blighty.

A few ppl have commented that my tum is starting to sprout out a bit...im like 'nah im just fat'!

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