Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Shana don't be ridiculous! Of course we don't mind! We want to know!!! Lol. Just keep trying honey. It's all you can do. You may very well get a positive tomorrow. How's the new car? Are you loving your independence or what? :)

Fimo mines at 2.30pm. I have some good advice for you I wish I'd been given. I was told to drink one and a half to two pints of water an hour before my scan with both children. With my first (dd) I was on time going in but they put a trainee on me and it took forever so much so it really hurt my bladder for ages after I'd emptied it. With my second (ds) I was kept waiting for an hour and I was almost in tears because I couldn't hold it. That meant my U/S was rushed before I had an accident and it took away from the whole experience. This time.. different hospital they have asked that I drink half a pint of water 1 hour before! Grrr! So your bladder just has to be a bit full not full to the point of bursting! So in answer to your question half a pint an hour before and if you're kept waiting you won't end up in a right state like I did! Lol
Good luck!!
we had to return the car, loan didnt go t hru, the bank and the dealership couldnt agree on how to process the loan, so we have our old car back. : (

but I hope i get a positive opk tomorrow! hopefully!
Shana - is this your first cycle on clomid - I think it can cause you to O late? Hopefully you get that lovely positive OPK soon? :hugs:

Darling - I'm loving the sound of those pecan blondies!!! Mmm mmm! My nausea is definitely easing off too - although there's still bad smells everywhere I go that are not good for my stomach - and I'm still feeling exhausted a lot of the time!!!
actually clomid, makes you ovulate earlier than you usually do! that is what my doctor told me anyways! and thanks!
this is my 2nd cycle on clomid.
Hello girls :hi:

Fimo, my scan letter says to drink a pint of fluid an hour before the scan. But I am planning to start sipping from the pint an hour before and drink it gradually, rather than all in one go, probably drinking the final half pint or so actually on the way to the hospital! I'm just concerned if we are kept waiting a bit and I am really uncomfortable :wacko:

I had a very 'feeling pregnant' day yesterday, pretty tired and lots of aches and pains around hips and the sides of lower tummy, think everything had a bit of a 'stretching' day :haha: Pretty sore boobs on and off over the past week or so too. Felt better today, not so tired and just the occasional ache.

Can any of you ladies feel your womb at all yet if you press on your tum? On occasion I feel like I can feel something very low down, just above pubic bone, it feels hard and kind of a bit 'spongy' :wacko: It only seems to be when I'm standing up though, it disappears when I lie down. I am keen to start feeling something or get a bit of a proper bump now :haha:

9Babies, hope you get that positive OPK very soon :thumbup: Really hope this is your month to get a sticky bean.

Happy weekend ladies :hugs:
thanks nat!! hope your scan goes well and you get to see your beautiful little bean!
I had half a pint an hour before and the scanner said my bladder was full!!
wahay for feeling pregnant, Nat!!! :happydance: I've been feeling quite sick again today which I managed to relieve by eating some chicken, potato wedges and dip - yum. I haven't really had the feeling of being able to feel my womb, but I'm definitely getting a more rounded tum and my boobs suddenly feel quite voluptuous!!!

What's everyone up to this weekend? We're having a quiet and lazy one - DVDs and ice cream later. Yum. I love the fact that I've got a much more laid back attitude to food now - normally I'd rarely eat ice cream because I'd be worried about putting on too much weight - now I'm like, "Bring it on!!"

Shana - did you get your positive OPK yet? xx
hi girls nice to see you are all well!!! I hope everyone has a nice weekend planned. We don't really have any plans for the weekend although we should try to be productive and clean... we are WAY behind on the laundry!! :nope:

I need a little emotional vent ladies and I can't really talk to anyone else about it, it feels too personal, and I don't want to start a thread and get all kinds of unwanted replies so I hope you don't mind me needing a little advice here?

I'm noticing that over the last few days I have been feeling sort of sad and mopey and emotional... :sad1: I haven't had a good cry yet, but I can really feel that it's coming on soon. It's very silly I know, but I've been feeling really insecure lately with my hubby. There's no "real" reason for it, I'm just torturing myself. We haven't been intimate very often lately and it hasn't bothered me at all honestly, but I guess just this week it hit me that it actually might bother him. He hasn't mentioned everything of course and tbh I'm not sure that he would speak up. I'm just feeling insecure with the idea that I may not "satisfy" him enough. This is TMI and REALLY embarrassing but i think you girls will understand, recently I found evidence of his engagement in umm "self pleasure"... and that doesn't bother me honestly, I'm not stupid, I knew that he did that occasionally, but the part that has been eating at me is wondering WHERE he is finding pleasure because I hate the idea of pornography. really I HATE it. I know many women don't have a problem with it and that's fine, but it's just always bothered me. I'm a little conservative in the area of intimacy and maybe old fashioned because I've always felt like I should be the only woman to give my husband THAT-kind of pleasure, and I don't like the idea of him enjoying looking at other women and getting his pleasure from them, it really bothers me. It doesn't help knowing that my body is already changing and I don't feel very sexy so it's doing a number on my confidence. I'm torturing myself with the thought of my husband and porn and going back and forth wondering if I should ask him if he looks at it or not because wondering is driving me crazy but I am afraid of his answer being yes.
I just don't know what to do. I don't know how to shake this insecure feeling and it's weighing on me and bothering me greatly. He has no idea and probably feels like I'm being distant which I'm sure only makes it worse. And yes, I KNOW I sound like pathetically insecure and I hate it because I honestly haven't felt this way in years!!! We've been together for 9 years and I haven't felt insecure since the early years of our dating.

So anyway, if you managed to read all the way through that, thanks, I don't even know what I'm looking for people to tell me, I just don't know how to get rid of this feeling, I'm not usually a sad person :shrug:

Thanks girls I hope you have a FABULOUS weekend!!!!
Hey I hear you honey. You know when I get PMS I can be really unreasonable, over-emotional and I'll yell at dh. Knowing that it's PMS and there isn't really a 'real' issue doesn't stop me venting. Sometimes I even know I'm out of line but I seem to be unable to pull the plug on my emotions. Pregnancy is a lot like like PMS. Hormones can really play havoc with your emotional harmony. Perhaps he just thinks his advances will be spurned given that you're pregnant and you have a lot of not nice symptoms to put up with. In a weird male way he could be being very respectful and considerate. As for porn.. that's just the nature of the beast! Venus and Mars girl! Perhaps you just need a bit of what he's keeping all to himself hehe! A good heart to heart and a cuddle works wonders!
Hugs. Xxx
aw - babylove - feel free to share here. I think it's totally understandable to have these feelings you've got. But, firstly remember you've been together for 9 years and are having a baby together - how amazing is that? Personally, my OH and I haven't been sexually intimate since I got the BFP - even though I've said to him a few times we could do "other stuff" - to be honest, I haven't really been in the mood for it - although the last couple of days am starting to feel like myself again - so maybe, just maybe!!! Anyway, I've approached it a few times with my OH - just saying something like "I know we haven't really been intimate lately, I hope you're not feeling neglected by me at the moment but I'm just not feeling that sexy". He said to me that he's fine with it and he cares most about me and the baby being ok. I know he probably does miss it and I could initiate "other stuff" - but because we've spoken about it I do feel a bit better about it. I don't know if my OH is pleasuring himself, but I guess I would like to think that he's thinking about me if he is!!!! On the porn issue, I hope mine isn't looking at it - but if he is then I would like to think I would reassure myself that these women aren't real to him, but I am. I'd say talk to him if you can, even if it's not to ask him directly about the porn issue but just to say to him you're feeling a bit insecure and hope he's not feeling neglected etc - if you feel you'd find it really difficult to deal with if he said he had been watching it. Or could you suggest that he "pleasure himself" when you're there - maybe you could wear something sexy? That might reassure you that it's you he's thinking of!!
Hi girls,

I feel so out of it having not been on for early a week! I have read myself up to date and hope everyone is doing well.

Babylove, I really feel for you. Feeling so emotional means its so hard for us to keep things in perspective. You must talk to him - any conversation can't be as bad as leaving yourself to worry? He loves you but he's a man - he just won't have any idea how you are feeling or what you are wondering or worrying about. He maybe even feels bad himself for masturbating and not telling you. Please talk to him and if he tells you he is using porn then decide together what you do next. If it upsets you, tell him but then let him explain why he wants to use it. You'll sort this and then you'll both feel better. I bet ya!!

So last week was horrendous for me - I had a private scan after my NHS one in the hopes of getting my results back early so I wouldn't be stressing before the move. That plan DID NOT work! The clinic lost my results then the woman who was supposed to communicate with me went on holiday with my results sitting on her email. On Friday as I was watching the removal man pull away from my house I finally got through to someone who could tell me my risk factor for downs etc is 1:330 which is low risk and I just burst into tears. I still feel quite bad for just how relieved I was. According to my age the risk is 1:190 but the nuchal measurement, bloods and other factors like health and weight all improved it so PHEW!! If I'm honest it still doesn't sound that low a risk to me but thats how they class it so thats what I'm taking!

So now we are homeless for a couple of weeks while we have work done on our new house - could be an interesting fortnight at close quarters with my mum :dohh:!!!

Hope everyone is well - and good luck for all the scans this week.
Emma that's appalling! Glad the risk turned out to be low though. My mother stays over once a fortnight. I'd end up killing her if I saw her any mote than that. We're a bit chalk and cheese. Lol.

My pregnant friend is visiting from Dublin tomorrow and it will be the first time I've seen her since her bfp and I'm really looking forward to seeing her and jumping up and down and screaming a lot lol!

Scan on Wed. I've been as cool as a cucumber so far but I am now finding my thoughts drifting. Lol. Hmm.. Is there actually a baby in there? I got my bfp at 13dpo and tested positive again two days later at 15dpo but I haven't tested since. I'm not really worried. Just idle thoughts that's all.

How is everybody feeling now? I'm definitely feeling better now. Still very tired though.
wahay for feeling pregnant, Nat!!! :happydance: I've been feeling quite sick again today which I managed to relieve by eating some chicken, potato wedges and dip - yum. I haven't really had the feeling of being able to feel my womb, but I'm definitely getting a more rounded tum and my boobs suddenly feel quite voluptuous!!!

What's everyone up to this weekend? We're having a quiet and lazy one - DVDs and ice cream later. Yum. I love the fact that I've got a much more laid back attitude to food now - normally I'd rarely eat ice cream because I'd be worried about putting on too much weight - now I'm like, "Bring it on!!"

Shana - did you get your positive OPK yet? xx

nope not today either. :cry:
Hi Ladies :flower:

Hope everyone is feeling ok and has had a good weekend :thumbup:

Shana, sorry you haven't had your positive OPK yet, hoping it comes for you soon.

Darling, I am same as you as scan approaches. I have been anxious whether all is ok all through First Tri, think this is due to me not having many symptoms, it being my first pregnancy so all is unknown and also what happened to my best friend with her missed miscarriage a few weeks ago :wacko: I just have this fear of going to the scan on Tuesday and them saying something like "why are you here? There's nothing there!" Or somethind else horrid :nope: I took about 15 HPTs up to about 8 weeks preg and then made myself stop taking them!

I've been feeling very tired today. Definitely had more tiredness over the past couple of weeks. Up to pee twice last night too and very achy hips and knees during the night :wacko: On the lookout for my :baby: bump :haha:

Babylove, so sorry to hear you're feeling insecure :hugs: I completely understand your thoughts, I myself wonder how my OH is feeling re intimacy. We have still been DTD but not as regular as usual, we sometimes go a good couple of weeks now between sessions :blush: I don't know whether he is 'self pleasuring' at all :shrug: I have never rejected it when he has initiated so it is that he is initiating less, so I think he is just being careful and thinking I don't want it as much (which is true really). I must admit I haven't initiated anything once I don't think since :bfp: I agree with the other ladies hun, think it's probably best to talk to him if you are worried.

Enjoy what's left of the weekend ladies x
Just popping on quickly to say good luck to all of you with scans this week x miss you all xx
babylove hope your feeling a bit better now hun, porn doesnt bother me but i can understand why it does bother some women. Without going into too much detail i dont think men necessarily need to look at porn to 'get themselves going', does hubby know how you feel about porn because im pretty sure that if he does he wouldnt do anything like that as he wouldnt want to upset you specially when your feeling vulnerable. We havent been intimate very much at all i cant be bothered im so tired.

Krissi - hope your having a lovely time x

Darling - hope you and your friend have a lovely time together lots of baby talk i would imagine! x

9babies - hope you get your positive opk real soon hun, i didnt get a positive the month i conceived?! I must have done something wrong although i followed the instructions to the t! x

Waitress - glad you got a low risk result and good luck with your mum for two weeks im going away with my mum for four nights (dreading it!!!).

Leeze - good luck for tomorrow will be thinking of you as i go for mine x

Im so tired but cant sleep im getting so worried ...silly i know....just cant help it could literally sit here and cry and im worrying that much i feel physically sick. im just so scared that i have had a mmc. Sorry to be so negative but cant talk to anyone else realy hubby spent the day watching football and drinking so went to bed early as drank too much (thanks for the support dickhead!) haha that made me feel better lol.
Hi everyone! How are you all doing? We've been away at our friends for the weekend, we did go to kiddicare and I LOVED it! Didn't buy anything (hubby's still reluctant this early) but got to look around at all the furniture sets. There was the most gorgeous white set, it was a bit 'vintage'. It was the last one in the shop and was marked down from £2206 to £1000 - no word of a lie! Hubby said it was too girly - he reckoned if we had a boy it'd turn him gay. To which I said I couldn't care less, in fact if he was gay he'd probably be very caring and look after his mother :haha:

Ah babylove - I really think you should talk to your hubby too. I know I've been so full of all sorts of emotions and needed to get them all out before they drove me crazy. We haven't been 'intimate' much since the BFP either; we DTD once a couple of weeks ago (which was my freak out over a bit of light bleeding afterwards) but I really hadn't been feeling well enough. But I know with absolute certainty that our men love us very much and understand that we need a bit of time. I'm willing to bet that he would completely reassure you if you were to open up about how you're feeling. I have to say that I feel more intimate and even closer to my hubby than ever, just because we're talking more and sharing what we're going through. The sex will come back and there's no need to worry about when. As for the porn, I think you can only be honest with him. We all have our own opinions on it but if it's bothering you you should talk to him about it.

Emma what a nightmare with those results, but very glad to hear you got a low risk result! I'm still waiting on mine, they said two weeks from the scan date so about a week to go.

Leeze and pink sparkle - thinking of you today! Really hope the scans go well. I know how you're feeling pink sparkle, I was so nervous before mine. The relief afterwards is amazing and you'll be so glad to be over that milestone.

Any news on a positive OPK Shana? It is true that sometimes it doesn't work for some ladies, I don't think they ever properly worked for me.

Ooh Nat, yay for the feeling pregnant! I am starting to get a proper little bump, people are starting to notice. I think it's because I've always been very petite and my stomach is normally pretty flat (it's my thighs that are the problem :haha:). But hubby is loving it, keeps running his hand over my belly :flower:
Hi Ladies :flower:

Hope everyone has had a good weekend :thumbup:

Pink Sparkle and Leeze, best of luck for your scans today :thumbup: Will keep checking on here for your updates. Pink Sparkle, I am totally with you on the fear of mmc, that is my big fear too and I am going to be sooo nervous for scan tomorrow. But we have to try our best to stay positive hun and remember that the odds are in our favour of all being ok :thumbup:

Pielette, I'm jealous of your bump :haha: I want one! I am not that petite though, had actually put a little bit of weight on in the month or two before getting my :bfp: so there is probably a bit of room in there for little one to hide for a while :haha: I am sure I can sometimes feel something a bit hard and spongy just above my pubic bone when I'm standing up, am hoping this is my womb!

hi everyone

very quick update as I'm at work so this is going to be a pretty selfish post - sorry!!

Happy to say the scan was an amazing experience and everything looks as it should be. There's a real little baby in there with arms and legs and everything!!! I had a little cry, it was just incredible. Got some cute pics too and will try to post later this eve but if not then definitely tomorrow

Pink Sparkle - hope all went well with yours - it's a pretty stressful time isn't it, as well as being very exciting too!!

hugs to you all :hugs::hugs:

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