Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

OHmy they better telll you asap!! I would be livid I got an false positive. how freakin scary. :hugs:
Well we had an amazing experience for our ultrasound! Our rascal of a baby wasn't so cooperative lol. On the FOURTH time the sonographer called us in, the baby had finally decided to turn and show us it's profile!! It was bouncing around and kicking which is SO amazing and surreal that it's happening inside me and I have no idea! And it was even sucking on it's little fingers!! We got lots of pics, she just kept taking them each time we went in so we got both the profile and the face straight-on, 10 pics in all. We're very happy! :happydance: Baby measured at 13 weeks, 1 day!! But I think they keep my due date the same based on my LMP unless there's a very drastic discrepancy, why did they change your due date Darling? Also I didn't ask outright but I think I saw the NT measurement was 1.7, that's good and low right???

For the LIFE of me I can't figure out how to add the photo?? Can anyone help lol?

Darling, I'm glad your scan went well too! I'm sure those bloods were false, my friend in high school actually tested positive for HIV once and it was of course totally a false result.

Nice to see some of you on facebook so far!!
Hi to everyone else, I'm sorry, I'm so exhausted and looking at the computer is hurting my eyess!!!
Babylove thats fantastic news xx I upload photos to photobucket then copy and pastye the IMG link there is a tyhread somewhere on BnB which explains this step by step.

Darling how scary for you sure it will all be fine but this added stress sounds horrendous xx

Nat thinking of you hunni xxx
Waitress, Emma 38, pregnant with no.1. Married. Living in Bucks. Not working, retired (!)

Krissi, 30, pregnant with number 1, with a partner, living in west sussex, I am a book-keeper and an office manager xx

Babylove, 26, married, expecting our first, Jacksonville Florida, pre-kindergarten teacher

Nat0619, Natalie, 36 (OH is 41), expecting our first , living with my wonderful partner (been together 3 years) - both of us are divorced from previous marriages. I work part-time as a Medical Secretary.

Darling, Kara 34 married to my best friend! Been together for 6 years and have two lovely children Isabella (3) and Ethan (2). Lives near Glastonbury, Somerset, England and is a 'domestic goddess' actually more of a demented janitor most of the time! Expecting #3 at Halloween.

Leeze, aged 38, live in London/UK, will be our first baby, work in Health and Social Care.

Berniegroves, Emma (28 - just!) OH is 34, we've been married for 1 year and been together for almost 8 years. We are expecting our first baby. We live in Bristol, England. I work in Human Resources for the NHS.

Pink Sparkle, Jane 29 married two children Megan 9 and Riley 18 months full time stay at home mum, was a legal secretary, expecting baby no3 x

9babies.Shana , I am 24, married to the love of my life for a year now, but been together almost 3 years. I have an 3 1/2 year old daughte,r and an almost 2 year old son!! I am an sahm, still deciding on what I want to do career wise.

Pielette, Vanessa, 28, married to hubby for three months and we've been together for nearly 9 years. I'm a teacher but don't think I'll go back after my maternity leave. Expecting our first little bundle of joy!

Angelique, Angie, married for 11 1/2 years, and have 2 amazing little girls Kaitlyn 10 and Emma 8, they are the joys of my life and I can't wait to bring home #3!! I work as a retail manager in Northern Utah, USA.

Hi all,

Someone asked for the post with all the names on so here you go...

Kara - stay strong. There is no way you can be, so it can't be. This will get sorted out. Sadly, it will take longer than it should and will be emotional in the meantime but just KNOW in yourself this isn't right. I am happy your baby was well - any photos?

Babylove and Krissi - so happy for you too. If I've missed someone out I'm sorry - have messaged Nat separately as I think she may have bowed out of B&B for a while. I feel really bad for her.

The rest of us have to keep ourselves "Up". So I am officially demanding that we all post something to make each other smile today. Here is mine:

Background: bought a new house, having lots of work done before we move in, builders giving me the run around. We still have our old neighbours puppy (getting to the end of the 3 week babysitting stint!). Yesterday the builders arrived at 10am, had a cup of tea, did a bit of work, stopped for another cup of tea at 11.30....you get the picture. I am getting MAD but keen not to upset them as I want them finished and GONE. Come lunchtime they are out on the patio in the sun having sandwiches and one of them starts chatting me up "can't believe your husband would leave you alone with hunky builders" etc to which I replied "when are the hunky ones coming?". I go to make them a cup of tea then hear a shout and look out the window and the puppy has only gone and nicked the guys sandwich and is running round the garden with it. LMAO!! Picture a 6'4 18 stone builder chasing a 13 week old labrador puppy to get his lunch back. Perfect.

Can't wait to read yours!! :hugs:
Things to make ME smile:
I am on holiday where the most stressful thing to think about is what to have for lunch. In 12 days I get to see my beautiful baby again.
I have a lovely boyfriend who has made it very clear he cant wait to see me when I get home.

Something to make you smile hmmmm:
After being on holiday 24 hours I managed to break the front door, break the lock box outside, break the edging off the wall and started driving on the left hand side of the road which I was very proud of until I saw a car coming towards me head on and remembered in Spain they drive on the right. Baby brain and clumsiness in full force!!
Oh my God Darling you've been put through it! When do the results of the next blood test come in? I just don't get how you can get a 'false positive', these people must be absolute idiots and the stress it's putting you through is awful. I hope you're doing ok and managing to put it out of your mind.
Still, glad to hear the scan went well, and for you too babylove! For me with pics I managed to upload it straight from my computer, think it was one of the buttons along the top of the message? Have to 'go advanced' though, rather than quick reply.

By the way, has anyone heard from Angelique lately? I've just realised we haven't heard from her in a while :nope:

Waitress that cracked me up! The mental picture of a builder running around after a Lab puppy trying to get his lunch back is hilarious :haha:

Oh dear on the baby brain Krissi! I have proper baby brain right now but thankfully haven't become clumsier. I'm just doing stupid things like wearing my tights inside out for a day and not noticing. That's not a joke, I've actually done that!

Hmm, something to make me smile; I'm off to Bluewater (mahoosive shopping centre for those who don't know) to buy maternity jeans today! I tried to wear my jeans yesterday but my bump (!) is getting too big for them! :happydance: So going to have a mooch round the shops with my mum for the afternoon, after lunch with a friend. And the weather is lovely!
Oh and I'm wishing the Queen a happy 85th birthday today!
Well we had an amazing experience for our ultrasound! Our rascal of a baby wasn't so cooperative lol. On the FOURTH time the sonographer called us in, the baby had finally decided to turn and show us it's profile!! It was bouncing around and kicking which is SO amazing and surreal that it's happening inside me and I have no idea! And it was even sucking on it's little fingers!! We got lots of pics, she just kept taking them each time we went in so we got both the profile and the face straight-on, 10 pics in all. We're very happy! :happydance: Baby measured at 13 weeks, 1 day!! But I think they keep my due date the same based on my LMP unless there's a very drastic discrepancy, why did they change your due date Darling? Also I didn't ask outright but I think I saw the NT measurement was 1.7, that's good and low right???

For the LIFE of me I can't figure out how to add the photo?? Can anyone help lol?

Darling, I'm glad your scan went well too! I'm sure those bloods were false, my friend in high school actually tested positive for HIV once and it was of course totally a false result.

Nice to see some of you on facebook so far!!
Hi to everyone else, I'm sorry, I'm so exhausted and looking at the computer is hurting my eyess!!!

awww mine measured the same as yours 13 weeks 1 day glad your scan went well my boyf was just as shocked a i was to see it move all the time :) xxx
Sorry girls havent had a chance to read through all the posts having a busy morning, just wanted to quickly say to Darling i recently read a story in Take a Break (or one of those magazines) about a lady who was told she was HIV positive during her pregnancy, it turned out to be false but it said it does happen quite a bit. Like you said you are sure you cant be so do try not to worry too much about it. Sending you big hugs and hope they rush through the next set of results for you to put your mind at rest. Fab news that baby is all well xxx

Babylove - fab news about your scan, look forward to seeing your pictures, i only got two pictures (i only paid for one £5.00!!!) but the nice lady gave us two. Im trying to put a pic up myself without much luck may just try and add it as my avatar.

Will get back on tonight and have a proper catch up.

Lots of love to all you lovely ladies xxx

p.s anyone heard from Angelique recently i havent seen her on here in a while...hope shes ok xxx
I was thinking the same about Angelique and Bernie hope you are OK guys xx

I got two scan pics and they were free!!
loving the pic, Pink Sparkle!!! :baby:

Darling - that is such a nightmare. there's definitely something really weird going on with you and hospital appointments. Sounds like a stress you really don't need right now. When do you get the new results? Like you say if both were negative before and you've both been faithful, not had any blood to blood transfusions etc then it should be negative again - but I can see why this would totally freak you out :hugs:

laughing at the funny good news stories. My funny good news story is that I got measured for a maternity bra this week and I've gone up 2 cup sizes!!! Wahay - these pups are now a DD - and this is at 12 weeks. And, my new bra is actually feeling quite tight around the back - how can this be when it fit me 2 days ago in the shop? They can't be that supersonic that they've grown already in 2 days!! :haha:

After today's work - I'll be finished in 3 hours - I'm off for 11 days!!! woop woop!! :happydance::happydance:
Waitress - love love love your story about builders haha you told them and i hope you gave the pup a treat after hehe! Really did make me laugh out loud! xxx
Hi Ladies :flower:

Just popping back to say thank you so much for all your kind wishes :hugs:

OH and I are coming to terms now with what has happened and are positive about the future :thumbup: I am looking at the positives of this, in that at least I conceived (a few months ago I thought even this would never happen) and also that it seems my body is very good at holding onto a pregnancy!! (there is still no sign of my body miscarrying naturally :wacko:)

I have arranged to go into hospital on Tuesday to start the treatment to induce the miscarriage (subject to my body not suddenly realising itself over this weekend!) Have sorted things with work today so they know my situation and that I won't be in next week.

We plan to try to conceive again immediately, as it seems it can be a good time as fertility may be higher :thumbup: Obviously I will have a lot of worry of this happening again but we have been amazed at how many people have come forward now saying they have been through it and all of them now have healthy children. The majority of them had it happen in their first pregnancy too.

Darling, OH reminded me Tuesday night of the story you told about your friend, about her little girl saying she tried to come a couple of times before. It has given us a lot of comfort and we really do believe that the little soul of our angel will try to come again :hugs: So we will give him/her that chance as soon as possible :thumbup: Thank you so much for that story :hugs:

Best of luck to you all ladies and I will keep popping in to see how you are doing. Would miss you all too much to go away completely :haha:

Hi girls. Love the pics of your babes! I want to get mine here but I'll have to try to figure that out when I get home from work!

Glad everyone seems to be doing well and getting good scans etc. I'm still thinking about our Nat tho, still can't believe it :(

I'm tired today and feeling stressed for some reason. Must be random hormone surges lol.
So I just have to ask, has anyone checked out the "circumcision" debate going on in 2nd Tri????? WOW. It's interesting and getting more and more heated. It's very long but the more recent posts are mostly going back and forth between several of the same people and it's getting intense. Lol I hate being involved in controversy and drama, but I sure enjoy observing it from a distance!!

How are you all today?? Have we all had our 12 week-ish scans now? Anyone else still waiting for theirs?
Nat thanks for coming back to update I have been thinking of you and sending hugs your way xx
Girls thanks heaps for all your support. I'm sure it will be ok it's just not a nice thing to have hanging over us. I'm going on holiday Sat week so hopefully I'll have the all-clear by then and I'll be able to enjoy it. They told me to phone next week for the results. Apparently the antibodies produced in pregnancy can confuse the test and it's quite common to get a false positive. It doesn't make you feel any better though as soon as they say the words 'HIV' and 'positive' your mind just goes into a spin!

Nat so good to hear from you! I admire you enormously for your positive attitude and he or she will come back to you! I'm glad you've been able to draw some comfort from Roma's story.

Emma - I would have paid good money to see the puppy sarnie-swipe!!

Girls your scans all look really good! Hopefully that's a sign we've all been blessed with co-operative babies!! Lol

Hi ladies, sorry I have been away for so long, some contractors dug up lines for the internet, and its been down almost 2 weeks, so I'm using my phone, a few days ago I wrote a long blurb and my phone crashed grrrrr. Anyway I am heartbroken to have read about Nat. I have the same fears, even though I have seen my baby twice now. Idk, Its just a common fear I guess. I never heard of a mmc with my other 2 so I had no fear.

I loved looking at all the baby pics!! So exciting for everyone, I can't wait to see my baby again, can't wait to feel baby move!!

As for me, I have been quiet lately customer I have been soooooooo tired, Saturday I woke up with a sore shoulder and it hurt all weekend, Monday I had to help unload a semi full of freight, and it kept getting worse and worse, finally I had to leave and see a doctor. He diagnosed "one of the more severe muscle spasms he has seen" it was so bad I couldn't take a full breath. But they got it worked out, with ultrasound therapy and heat and massage. Next day it was much better.
On top of that work is not cooperative about baby, and I was informed that if I can't do the freight I can't keep the job.... ugh.

My oldest has been very sick with bronchitis and hubby with a sinus infection. I have been chugging OJ to get the extra vitamin C so I don't get it.

So I have seriously been to tired to function customer off all that.... and even gettting online is too much some days.

Someone suggested Facebook and texting, I would LOVE that... I am angie Higley on there in Utah, if that helps. And pipette I will send you my # to add to the list, or its on my FB for anyone who adds.

Thanks for thinking of me, I have thought of you all and felt guilty for not being on.

Hugs to you all.... and I almost forgot.... Darling, praying for you that its a false positive. How scary!!
Haha sorry guys just reread my post... phone auto corrects me, so where it says customer its supposed to be cuz. Lol
Morning buddies!!

Nat - great to see you on here and glad you guys are feeling positive about the future. One of my colleagues had a m/c at 12 weeks and then got pregnant the following month with her DD. You are meant to be more fertile afterwards. I think if you're feeling emotionally ready then why not go for it. I love the idea that your baby's soul is waiting for the next opportunity to come to you. I hope you've got something nice planned for the bank holiday weekends, I reckon you deserve some pampering or a nice treat of some sort. :hugs::hugs:

Angie - what a tough couple of weeks you've been having. That sucks that your work aren't being co-operative about the baby, but I hope you can find a way to look after yourself and bub in this job or maybe find another one where they are more supportive. :hugs:

Darling - hope you're doing ok and not worrying too much. Not long till your holidays, fingers crossed you get the result next week and it's all ok and they can put your mind at rest. How annoying is it that you can get a false positive from pregnancy - they should at least warn you about that beforehand, I reckon. :hugs:

Babylove - I seem to be going through walls of tiredness again, I think I thought I was past the tiredness and sicky feelings - but I reckon the tiredness is probably here to stay!! I think we've all had the scans now - but we've not heard from Bernie for a while so I hope all is ok with her :hugs:

Hi to everyone else :hi:

I'm feeling pretty happy today because I'm now off work for 11 days. Planning to do lots of sleeping and relaxing!!! We're having a street party on the 29th for the Royal Wedding which will probably be quite a laugh and will be nice to get to know some of the neighbours a bit better - even though I've been here 8 years I only know a few of them.

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