Hi ladies, how are you all?
Ooh Leeze the flat sounds lovely, fingers crossed you can get it! We live in a two storey maisonette which is really nice, but we have no garden and I really miss having one, especially in the summer when it's hot and I'd love to have people round for a barbecue. We'd like to move but we just don't have the money, what with getting married last year and bubs on the way.
I've got loads of work to get on with today and no surprises here, I can't be bothered. I think I've already mentally checked out, isn't that awful? I do what I have to and go through the motions but I'm just not invested anymore. It doesn't help that this thought is constantly reverberating in my head... '9 working weeks left...'
On the topic of movement, I think I might have felt it slightly! On Monday evening I was lying on the sofa and I felt these tiny little 'bubbles'; it did feel like gas but somehow different, and didn't move downwards. I've had it a couple of times now and I'm fairly sure it's bubs, it put the biggest smile on my face!