Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Hi everyone,

Its been a while.

I won't dwell on all that has happened over the last couple of weeks but here it is in its relative brief state:

I had a bad bleed, clots and everything and was convinced that I was losing my baby. Went to hospital, got sent to the delivery suite, they talked to me over the INTERCOM (!) and told me I was too late for EPU and too early for them but "Good Luck". I went to A&E and the doctor couldn't find a heartbeat on the doppler and they sent me home. I told them I was RH- and needed an anti D but he said it "wouldn't matter". The next day I booked a private scan and my husband and I couldn't believe it when we saw our 16 week old baby flipping around. We also found out what we are having!

The next day the hospital rang me and told me to go back in straight away. I was admitted and they did all sorts of tests (including the old "tin-opener" as I call it, you know, that smear test thing) and administered the anti D that they should have given me 48 hours earlier. They tried for the heartbeat on the doppler but no joy so I got another scan and the baby was fine. Then they asked me to write a statement about my treatment on the Saturday at central delivery and A&E - the doctor who let me go untreated and without knowing if my baby is ok was suspended as was the nurse who talked to me through the intercom.

2 days after that I had my midwife appointment and she had a registrar with her and they told me that was because of "my treatment so far and due to my high risk pregnancy". WTF? 17 weeks and no one has told me I'm high risk!?? Apparently due to being rhesus negative and having a bicornuate uterus I have to be consultant led from here. Fair enough but it would have been nice to know! Anyway, more tests, blood urine, cervical tin opener again and decided to change hospitals as I'd lost confidence in the one I was supposed to be going to.

And so to Monday of this week when I get a call from my doctor telling me in between my first cervical smear and my second I had developed an infection "most likely caught in the hospital" and had to be put on antibiotics because this particular bacterial infection can cause "premature labour". Knowing I got something from that tin opener is grossing me out beyond belief.

So I am now well and truly lacking in confidence about ANY of my care. The way they just ring you up and call you back in or tell you that the infection caught at their behest might cause you to lose your baby - Jesus!

In amongst all of this we have moved in to our new home finally and yesterday the builders left so I feel like I'm getting my life back to normal. And last night we had internet restored so here I am!

Sorry I missed your birthday Kara. Glad everyone else is well. Hope we hear from Shana soon!

Oh, and we aren't telling anyone what we are having - decided that before our scan!
Waitress that's awful I am so sorry you have been treated so poorly x so glad bubs is ok x do we get to know what you are having or is it secret? Xxx
Thanks Krissi!

Given our current run of pregnancy luck it wouldn't surprise me if the gender was identified wrongly so I think I'll definitely keep schtum till my 20 week scan! :flower:
OMFG!!! That is one of the most appalling things I've ever heard! I think you should seek legal advice and see if you can bring a civil action against them for negligence. This is simply appalling! How disgusting!! No bloody wonder you're grossed out! You must be livid! I cannot how express how shocked and repulsed I feel by the way you've been treated! Look into private midwife care. Its bound to be expensive but if you can bring an action against the healthcare trust you may be able to balance your books in future. That's outrageous. You could probably sell your story to a national newspaper to pay for a private midwife too. I'm sure the media would be very interested to know how they treat pregnant women in your healthcare trust area! Grr!

Everyone else, I will catch up with you all, I'm having 'mother issues' at the moment! Jeez! Drama, drama, drama!!!
just a quick one from me as I'm at work

Waitress - I'm really angry about how you were treated. :growlmad: That is completely appalling. All that additional stress to put you through and to be so rude and inconsiderate as to speak to you through the intercom. I'm glad action was taken against them because they shouldn't be allowed to treat people like that. I'm glad you've changed hospital and it's good that they're now going to be giving you consultant support - hopefully this will mean you get better support now

Happy belated birthday Kara - good luck with your mother issues, my advice on that one would be to expect less then if you get more you'll be pleasantly surprised!!

Pink Sparkle - your midwife sounds pretty unprofessional too - this is your moment and you deserve for it to be all about you and not her!! Where do they get these people from? I think it's nice when they're friendly but not when they make it all about them!

Babylove - that is really sad about your friend. Good for her to make the decision not to terminate - it sounds like they don't know how serious the condition is and hopefully it will be something that they can treat later on. I've started swimming again this week, I'm going to try to go 2-3 times a week so I can get my arms and legs stronger for labour!!!

We're going to see another flat tomorrow with a bigger garden - wish us luck that this will be our perfect little family home!!! xxx
oh - I meant to say too - I was in touch with Nat a little while back and she was doing ok - feeling quite optimistic about things xx
Oh my God Emma, I am so shocked and appalled by the way you've been treated, and what you've been through! Firstly very very glad to hear that bubs is ok, do they have any idea what caused the bleed? But my God that was appalling what they put you through and I'm not surprised you've lost confidence in them. At least they've done something about it and suspended the complete heartless idiots who dealt with you in the first place. It beggars belief sometimes how insensitive these people can be, when they chose to look after others in the first place. :growlmad: But so so glad to hear you're ok.

Kara - happy belated birthday! Really sorry it wasn't on time, I've barely been online lately. Did you have a nice day? And I hope you got well and truly spoilt!

Oh Leeze, glad to hear Nat's doing ok! Fingers crossed on the flat front.

As for me, I'm ok. Went shopping today for some maternity wear, I wanted some comfy dresses I could wear for work and casual stuff, but could I find anything? Nope. The selection was absolutely bloody awful. So I've come home and done some online shopping, managed to buy myself 6 dresses which should do me for the summer. I've spent more than I wanted to but to be fair I rarely buy myself anything and as I said, they should carry me through the summer.

How is everyone else doing?
Oh my god I am so uncomfortable tonight I feel soooo pregnant and frumpy!!
Hi everyone,

Waitress i am appalled by the way you were treated. So glad bubs is doing well though and glad to hear that the staff involved have been susupende. Big hugs to you hun you have really been through it lately x

Leeze its good to hear that Nat is doing well do give her our love and very best wishes when you speak to her again x

Had my private scan today worth every penny, get treated so well, had a 4d peek aswell but will be keeping the pics to myself because baby is still so young and looks abit like an alien (an alien i love and adore though lol). We found out babys sex and i was shocked that i even shed a lil tear.

Im so happy to say im team :pink: We are both over the moon!

Hope you ladies are all well x
Wow.... I'm speachless.... waitress I'm so sorry you had to go through that. But very glad to hear baby is doing well, and That you were not losing your little one!!
I am RH- as well, but I don't get a shot until 28 weeks and then again at delivery.

And Pink!!!! I'm so excited and jealous!!! Baby girls are so sweet and special. I want one sooooooooooo bad I can't even describe how bad. I have a guess that this little acrobat I'm carrying is a girl... but I could be dead wrong.... if so... well, I will adjust, boys just scare me. If you had met my nephews, you would understand LOL.

Anyway, as for me I'm SUPER sunburned even after wearing sunscreen, I'm almost to the point of tears my scalp is so badly burnt. I just took tylenol hoping it would help.

Talk to you ladies soon!
Angie im a little nervous about having a girl...its been 10 years! If you are having a blue bump i bet you will be just fine and he will be so loving because he will have a wonderful mum and two beautiful big sisters who will all dote on him! Sorry to hear about your sunburn, im pretty good with the suntan lotion when the suns out i smother us all in it because i hate sunburn but saying that i bet
...sorry pressed the wrong button...

I was going to say i bet your hot weather is a lot hotter than the weather we get over here so probably much easier to get caught out! Really hope you feel better soon big hugs x
Pink fab news congrats so that's one girl for team pumpkin I wonder how many boys and girls we have between us!!

Angie sorry about the sunburn xx
Big congrats on your pink bump pink sparkle! :happydance: I'm very envious I have to admit, I'd love a pink bump too, have a feeling this one is blue though! The instinct is making me contemplate it more though and I do realise that either way I'll be over the moon!
Ooh Angie sunburn is horrid, sorry to hear you're really suffering. Hope it eases off soon!
We should add a list to the front page and topic title on girls/boys!
pielette great idea about the bump colours page.

Im off shopping im not going to go mad i will be happy with a few pink babygros but will love love love officially looking at pink stuff! x
hi everyone!

Pink Sparkle - that is so very exciting to find out you're having a girl!! I'd love a girl too but I'm definitely going to be happy either way and I'm still convinced mine is going to be a boy. Have fun shopping for pink things! Have you had a look on ebay - you can get bundles of baby clothes really cheaply? I know it's nice to get some new things but I think I'm going to get a lot of them second hand to start with because they go through them so quickly. I've been having fun looking at the pink and blue bundles on ebay and dreaming about the day I can buy them!!!

Angie - sorry to hear about your sunburn, I hope you can rest up a bit until it gets better

We went to see the flat yesterday, was absolutely beautiful but the asking price is a bit out of out reach really and the woman selling it told us she is looking for the asking price. So, we're back scouring all the estate agents websites again! It's so tiring - and I want a nursery to get excited about!!!!!


When you're selling you ALWAYS say you want the asking price. Go back with an offer of what you can afford - they can always say no! Good luck!

Congratulations on having a girl Pink Sparkle - its lovely that you are getting what you wanted! :flower:

Latest MIL trauma. She has been knitting...and she showed me 7 different outfits all in white as she doesn't know the sex. And I wouldn't put my baby, or anyone's baby in any of them whether they were staying in or going out. They are just not "me". She told me she was knitting a blanket for the pram (that, I could take) but she has made outfits, complete with bonnets and ribbon instead. And then she told me she was "gifting" me my OH"s "leaving hospital" shawl. Which, for the record, is 41 years old. I explained that the baby will be leaving the hospital in a car seat but she wasn't having it. Don't get me wrong, I know she is excited and I feel bad that I don't like these "gifts" but this is OUR baby and I don't want to dress them like something from the 1950's!! I asked her really politely not to knit anymore but she will. Then she told me that I don't look pregnant "just that you've put on weight" - er, thanks very much!! This is completely correct but I don't need to hear it!

I have put on 11 pounds now but it looks like way more. I have no bump just a bit of a lower tummy "roll" and big boobs. And I haven't felt the baby move at all - no fluttering, no kicking, just the odd little twinge low down that I've been getting for a while. 2 more weeks till our next scan. Jeez, this pregnancy stuff is hard!

Hope everyone else is doing ok. Dinner at MY mums now - I find family Sundays particularly stressful. I think I will be walking the dog for a LONG time this afternoon......not for the first time, Thank God for the dog!

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