Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

I wanna feel my baby kicking!!! Make it hurry up!!!

On a different note I seem to have a very noticeable bump today!! Like I could balance a pint glass on it kinda bump!! I can't stop rubbing it!!
Had midwife today and heard heartbeat it was amazing I recorded it on my phone I can't stop listening to it!!
Ooh what a good idea!

Well ladies for those of us wishing to find out the sex only 4 more weeks to wait!!
Time is going ao much quicker now!! The first 12 were like a lifetime but now we can relax a little it flies by!!!
Hey everyone, ive missed you all and hope you are all well.

Had a fab holiday shame to come home as ive had a nightmare since. Received some awfully upsetting news about a close family friend losing her baby at 39 weeks pregnant. Dont know exactly what happened just that she'd had the baby but the baby had died. They are such a lovely family im heartbroken for them.

Got no heating as the boiler is up the creek and no hot water. Thankfully we have a shower run from the electric but im having to fill up pots to wash up! grrrr!!! Also our dog has been a nightmare keeps growling at the kids never ever done it before so now trying to sort that problem out or have to get rid of him.

On the pregnancy front im great, have days when i look pregnant then days when i dont which is strange. Feeling some movement now and then. I seem to feel baby more when i have a full bladder tbh. Still in my pre-pregnancy clothes although maternity are much more comfy so i lived in them on hols. Four weeks and two days until my scan. Im really looking forward to it and hoping to find out but keep it secret between me and hubby and of course this thread. Maybe be should lock it so our secrets stay secret? can you do that? I have the mw on thursday so looking forward to that and hopefully hearing babies heartbeat. Im stupidly feeling a bit nervous about it as i really dont feel pregnant at all atm.
Record the heartbeat on your phone hunni I did and love listening back to it xx
Ooh krissi what a fab idea, I must do that! My supposed '16' week appointment is next week when I'll actually be 18 weeks, but I couldn't get an appointment until then. I can't wait to hear bubs' heartbeat, I'm so excited! My hubby managed to get the time off to come with me too so he's delighted.
Oh pink sparkle what awful news, that's absolutely devastating. I can't imagine how much pain they're in. Best wishes to them, although I don't know them it really does strike a chord.
Glad you had a nice holiday - we plan on doing that too, finding out the gender and keeping it secret from everyone in our lives, apart from this thread of course! A few people are begging us to change our minds and tell all, but I think we'll be stubborn and not budge.
How pregnant is everyone looking? The world can pretty much tell with me now!
im desperately trying to persuade hubby for a private sexing scan, can get an appointment for saturday! keep your fingers crossed for me! Im really trying hard not sure if its working though x
Guess what ladies?!!? I tested positive. Glad to see you are doing well. Send me good thoughts, I want this one to stick around!

Looks like you are doing well, I am so glad. Beautiful u/s pics!
YAY congrats Birdie! Brill news x

Hows is Shana doing? have read through but cant remember seeing anything from her? x
IM soooooooo excited got a private scan booked for saturday...hubby came round and rang me from work and told me to book...with one condition...im not allowed to tell anyone! My god so glad i have you all to tell...i dont know how im going to keep my big mouth shut! x
No me neither. We haven't heard from Emma either (Waitress).

Haha! Good for you hun! Yeah you know you can blab to us! Hehe! How exciting!
I hope they are both doing well.

I have completely gone against everything i said a few weeks ago..the best bit i love is that i havent been thinking about it and its been booked pretty spontaneously. I think with the sad news i received and theres been more bad news around us all recently (wont go into it on here) just want to do something nice. I just hope its worth the money. I cant believe i will know babys sex on saturday afternoon! Cant wait to see it as well, although its not a 4d scan we do get a 4d peek, which will be something ive never done before.
Hi everyone

Pink Sparkle - that's really sad news about your friend - what a really really hideous thing to happen. I can understand why it would affect you so much. Good for you for booking a scan for this weekend - what a lovely treat. Sometimes I think we've just got to do what feels right in the moment and be spontaneous - and when awful things happen it can change our perspective on things :hugs:

Birdie - that's great news about your BFP. Wishing you a very sticky bean and lots of joy and happiness ahead. So glad you came back to tell us - and you know you're always welcome here :hugs:

I was wondering about Shana too - she's not been here for a while - I hope all is ok with her

that's a good point about Waitress too - where is she?

Has anyone had any scary dreams about being pregnant - I dreamt a couple of nights ago that I gave birth to this ugly rat creature - it was really horrible and had these big claw-like hands and I kept thinking in my dream that I needed to bond with it and not let anyone see how disgusted I was with it. Really freaked me out. Felt very real.
Birdie - oh wow congratulations! I'm so pleased for you!

Ew Leeze that's a horrible dream! I've only had one dream so far about labour and the baby, and it was simply that I gave birth to a lovely little girl. Other than that I'm just having very odd dreams, quite surreal. Last night I dreamt that my mum lost all her shoes when I was just about to drive her to the airport. Very weird...
That's lovely pink sparkle, can't wait to hear what you're having! I'm so eager to find out now. But I do have the appointment with the midwife to look forward to on Tuesday.
Our inspection seems to have gone well (touch wood!). They've judged that the school has made good progress in all areas but one which was judged satisfactory. We're waiting on the full written report but it seems we're out of the woods - thank God!
Hi Ladies :flower:

just checking in on all of you!

CONGRATS Birdie! Wonderful news, I hope everything goes really well for you!! Keep us posted!!

We havn't heard from a few of us in a while (Shana and Waitress?) Hope everyone is doing really well!

Leeze: I can't recall many of my dreams, I don't think I have had any significant ones or strange ones that I remember. I DID dream about eating one of my favorite childhood breakfast cereals (honey smacks!) and then just HAD to buy it when we went shopping and DH didn't believe me that it was because I had dreamed about it! LOL

Pink Sparkle: I am SO sorry about your friend and her baby. How devastating. Things just don't make sense sometimes, I'm sure it makes you worry. I am glad you're getting a nice early scan this weekend! lucky you!!

I REALLY can't wait to have my "20-week" scan (but I'll be 19w) and find out what I have in there!!!!!!! I am also anxious to feel some movement!! I keep pressing around gently hoping to notice a flutter or poke or something but so far I don't think I have felt anything. At least not anything that I noticed as 100% baby!!

Krissi wasn't hearing the heartbeat wonderful!! I had the idea too to record the sound on my phone especially since DH couldn't make it to that appointment but we only heard it for a short time before my shy little babe kept trying to hide lol

I also had sad news from a friend last week. She is 20 weeks and went for her scan last week and found out that her baby has a life threatening birth defect. Called congenital diaphragmatical hernia where the baby's diaphragm has a hole in it or doesn't form at all. This allows for abdominal organs to drift up into the chest and impair development of the lungs. So it's one of those things that they don't know how severe the situation could be yet because it depends on how much this interferes with the lung development and how much trouble it will cause with breathing and other functions. What really knocked me over is that it's "bad" enough to begin with that they wanted to discuss "termination" with her. She is adamant she will not terminate but just the fact that they raised the subject is frightening. I'm so devastated for her, but still hopeful :-/
It's hard when something like that happens to a friend. I am torn between feeling absolutely devastated and feeling slightly relieved that it isn't me. But then that makes me feel guilty because it can happen to anyone. Just so no one here goes panicking, that particular condition only occurs in 1 of every 2500 babies.

So enough sad talk. I'm doing well... trying to keep really active (as I'd always been) but may have overdone it when I went swimming with DH this past weekend and did lots of breaststroke laps in the pool. I hadn't been swimming like that in a VERY long time and may have pulled or irritated some muscles. My groin hurts like the sore feeling after sitting on a bicycle seat for a very very long ride! I panicked a little as you can see in my thread on 2nd Tri "did I cause SPD" lol. I don't think it is SPD (at least I hope not) because it's not as painful as the descriptions but I'm hoping it goes away soon!!!!

Well girls, I hope everyone else checks in with us soon who we havn't heard from in a while. Take care!
I am hoping that "no news is good news" since we haven't heard from them.... I also think that with the time of year, and the warmer weather We are all out enjoying it and not spending time on the computer. I HOPE that's the case!!!

So I have been feeling some movement, but not kicks.... more like I can feel the baby in there, and know when it turns over or makes a large movement, but rarely do I feel definite kicks. Today I haven't felt much and its had me worried.... but I'm trying not to stress.

As for dreams, mine are off the charts weird!!! And keeping me from really resting at night. Hubby told me this morning that I've been tossing and turning all night lately.

Anyway I'm off to bed... hope everyone is doing well!!
Getting so fed up of my laptop keeps jumping and losing my message! Bloody thing grrr!

SO here i go again!

Happy Birthday Darling, hope you have had a lovely day and been spoilt! xxx

Angie - im with you on the 'no news is good news', i know what you mean to about the movements you feel. I feel the same kind of movements (as if bbaby is turning and no real kicks). I bet baby has moved more into your back and thats probably why baby has been quiet today.

Baby love so sorry to hear about your friends baby. Will be hoping and praying for them, they sound like they are being very strong and optimistic. Im also glad to hear that you are doing well, try not to over do it! xxx

So i had my 16 week mw appointment today and met my community mw as she didnt do my booking in appointment. She was lovely but spent the whole time talking about herself! I was like err hello im the pregnant one were supposed to be talking about me and my baby!!! I hope that shes not like it at my next appointment as i will have to say something, i literally couldnt get a word in. I hardly heard babys heartbeat because she was non stop nattering about HERSELF!

I wonder how Nat is doing? I hope she is ok x

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