Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Leeze hope you get the house situation sorted real soon so you can start concentrating on bump and baby things! Have a great weekend away and enjoy the break from it all x

Pielette - hope your feeling better soon huni, ive had dd off school today and ds under the weather too. They do both have a rotten cold too but its just been getting worse all week. Dd has such a nasty cough with it whereas lil man's nose could be running for England!

Angie - How did the carnival go? Hope it went well, i wish schools over here done fun stuff like that.

Im doing good was feeling a bit under the weather the last few days but feel much better today, the housework and family stuff was really stressing me out to the point i even had a panic attack. I havent had one for about three years but i was ok and didnt let it take over. OH now worried that im going to get bad with them again but im not i know i got it under control. Hes been so wonderful since and helped me get the house sorted etc. Im a lucky lady i got him! x
Just took advantage of the special offer on at mothercare. I went there last week and they didnt have the sizes in anything i wanted. So just got it all online and to save paying the £5.00 delivery i have selected in store collection at no extra cost. Cant wait to collect it all...ive gone a little pink mad! Have got a steriliser too and a bottle brush and some lil bottles as got the bigger ones from asda in the sale the other day. Now just gotta tell hubby ive been spending more money lol! x
oh the special offer is for every £100.00 you spend you get £20.00 off. I just got loads for £80.00!
Ooh what did you buy pink sparkle? Fill us in! Shall have to check out mothercare myself, we haven't bought anything yet (with the exception of the two hats we bought to stave off the need to go crazy lol!).
I'm still struggling, off work again today. Really hoping it doesn't ruin my weekend, I'm supposed to go to a friend's birthday meal tomorrow night and out for my mum's birthday on Sunday.
AWw hope your feeling better soon, just make sure you get plenty of rest...lay on the sofa and relax for the day xxx
A few of the things i got...sorry must be driving you all mad...but so excited!

hope this works





Theres more but ill be here all day and im going on so much already! lol x
Too right pink sparkle, my bum will not be leaving the sofa! :haha: I'm keeping myself amused by researching pushchairs and think I know which one I want, a Mamas and Papas Sola which has great reviews. Just asked for any mummies' opinions in 2nd tri.
Aw your purchases are too cute! Love the spot dungarees :flower: I can't wait to be able to buy clothes, bring on 10th June for my scan!
hi guys sorry i disappeared internet has only just been put back on a month after we moved so much for it being easy...

Bump is doing well more than can be said for me ligament pain and stomach bugs are not a good combo but seem to be feeling a little better today just so tired.

hope everyone is well.
Hi ladies, I've been running around crazy here, just crazy!!! The carnival was a hit, even though it wasn't what we were promised, kids had fun and parents seemed happy.

My little dog Gracie is recovering very well and is starting to run around the house and be her happy self again. She wont eat her hard kibble anymore so I am buying soft canned dog food, she went almost 5 days without eating. But she chowed down the food I gave her today... so glad.

As for me, I'm just exhausted. So glad school is out now and I don't have to organize anything else for a couple months. I'm just worn out. I see the doctor on Tuesday and hopefully I can set up my ultrasound and find out the sex of baby... I wanna buy!!!!!!

I'm off to take a nap now
Angie so glad she's eating now. See.. she wants to know the sex too! Lol. Have a good rest now hun. You're going to need all the rest you can get. Xxx
Hi everyone,

I hope everyone is ok and I really hope Angie's dog is doing better.:flower:

I went to see Take That on Friday night for their first show and have been in a daze ever since - it was absolutely fantastic but I was soooooo tired on Saturday, only slightly better yesterday and am only starting to feel human again today. And the killer is that tonight I get to do it all again for my cousins hen do. I know, Take That x 2 is just plain greedy but I LOVE them! There is a big night of clubbing planned afterwards so who knows what state I'll be in tomorrow!

I don't have much else to report really. Still not really feeling anything other than a few twinges and the only symptom I've got is extreme fatigue. I've even been struggling to do my exercise which if you remember was my "job" for a while there so not making it to the gym means I am severely knackered! I think moving house and getting the builders finished and sorting everything out has finally caught up with me!

I have my 20 week scan next week on Tuesday 7th and have had a consultant appointment come through for the following Friday so it will be a big baby week for me next week. My DH and I are even going to start buying stuff after the 20 week scan. I am so behind compared to some girls - there is one girl on 2nd tri who got her BFP the same week as me and she has posted pictures of her finished nursery complete with clothes, bottles, baths, prams, moses baskets etc - jeez, I have some work to do!

Happy bank holiday!
Hey Waitress, soooo lucky Take That x2! Im going to see them on the 27th and i cant wait i will have to pick your brains about what they sing. Does Robbie sings Angels and do they do much of their old stuff?

I went to my brothers wedding in london and then stayed at my sisters on saturday night in London. Stayed up until about 2am and then was up at 8 with ds...still feel so bad..i feel like im hung over which is just so strange as i didnt touch a drop of alcohol! Hope you have a great night tonight and hope you manage to catch up with some of your sleep after! Yay for next week and all your baby appointments will be lovely x
Good morning everyone!!

Pink Sparkle - I LOVE those baby outfits you've got from mothercare. They are so very very cute!!!

Pielette - I hope you feel better soon, honey

Angie - great to hear that Gracie is doing better. Isn't it funny how sometimes they only like certain food? I swear my cat goes on hunger strike sometimes when I give him cheaper food and as soon as I buy more expensive stuff he's suddenly better!!

Sweet - nice to see you on here again, I hope you're feeling settled in to your new place

Waitress - 2 nights out with the Take That boys - how much fun?! I went to see them a few years back but obviously Robbie wasn't there so even though it was great I'm guessing this tour would be even better. No wonder you're tired with all the moving and house stuff. How lovely to have your scan next week

Hi Darling - how are you?

I've been visiting my parents for the weekend and I definitely want to blame them for the fact that I've now started buying baby stuff!!! We went out shopping together and my Mum wanted to buy the baby a couple of outfits - we got them from a big Boots store - they've actually got quite a nice range and it was buy one get one half price. So, because we don't know the gender she got them in neutral colours - one is white and beige and the other is orange and green. Plus some very cute little socks too!!! So this got me started and we ended up going to some charity shops in the afternoon and I bought some babygrows and little t-shirts etc all for 50p each - they look like they're in nearly new condition. So I've given them all a good wash and they're hanging up right now to dry. They look so very very cute hanging up and it's making me feel very excited!! I also got a couple of toys. Now we just need a new place and a nursery to put them in!!! We're going to see another flat this morning and are hoping this is going to be "the one" - it's in a great location and has a good size garden. I'm trying not to get too worried but time is definitely ticking along now and I'm thinking that we're not going to be able to avoid moving when I'm either very heavily pregnant or have a new-born baby. But, I guess we'll have to manage and it will be worth it in the end!!!!

have a lovely day everyone, it's great that it's a Bank Holiday today in the UK and we get an extra day off work!!

Catch up soon xxx :hugs:
Am I the only one who is not sure if they have felt baby moving? I had a few bubbles but to be honest it was not what I was expecting felt like those bubbles you get if you are hungry and then it stopped. I am in panic mode now!!
Hi everyone! How are you all?
Ooh Waitress, I'm off to see Take That in July as well, I'm so excited! I've never seen them before and I was so pleased when we managed to get tickets. We're in the standing bit though so I think I might ring the venue and ask if they can do anything for us since I'll be around 6 months then - eek!
Really glad Gracie is doing much better Angie, it's so scary when they get ill.
Good luck with the flat viewing Leeze! I keep sniffing around what's on the market cos I would so love to move.

krissi - that sounds exactly like what I felt a couple of weeks ago, and as time has gone on the bubbles have become stronger 'pops' if you know what I mean? I'm pretty positive it's baby!

As for me, I'm gradually starting to feel better thankfully but it's taking some time. But we went out for a day trip to Cambridge yesterday for my mum's birthday which was lovely, and Mum and Dad decided to buy the baby an activity gym - first gift bubs has got! Well pretty much the only thing bubs has got with the exception of the hats I bought a couple of weeks ago. We have decided on our travel system though. Hubby wants to wait until 24 weeks before we buy anything big, which I kind of understand but I'm desperate to go shopping mad!

Oh, and I also got offered a seat on the bus yesterday - was so happy!
Am I the only one who is not sure if they have felt baby moving? I had a few bubbles but to be honest it was not what I was expecting felt like those bubbles you get if you are hungry and then it stopped. I am in panic mode now!!

I don't think I've felt baby moving either. I've had a few little twinges but I think these are more like ligament pain than bubbles or flutters. A few other people I know said it was more like 20 weeks when they felt it with their first so I'm trying really hard not to worry!!! xxx
Pielette - an activity gym for the baby sounds fab, what a good way to help those muscles develop! You should be able to get on the accessible viewing platform for the concert if you contact the venue in advance - I'd definitely advise it if possible so you're not worrying about being bumped into constantly. Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better

We loved the flat this morning and are going to put an offer in tomorrow. Finally, we've got somewhere we both agree on. I actually think it will be worth the wait if we get it because it's a lovely little flat and in a great area too. And the owner told us today that her and her OH are happy to move out and rent somewhere if they haven't found anywhere within our timescales. It's still going to be quite tight but we're going to ask if they would be out by early September - this would give us a couple of weeks to do a little bit of work to it and then we'd be in by mid-September hopefully. So, I'm now hoping this baby stays tight until 1st November to give us time to settle in!!! xxx
Leeze - Congrats on finding 'the one'! You must be so happy ...fingers crossed that it all goes smoothly! x

Leeze and Pielette - yay baby shopping! Im going to try and not to buy now until after 20 week scan only a few weeks to go though give the hubby time to save up lol!

Krissi - please try not to worry hun, honestly in my first two pregnancies i didnt feel any movement until around 20 weeks, it all depends on where your lil pumpkin is laying could be more towards your back etc. Sometimes i can feel some movement but then because ive had a hectic weekend ive hardly noticed. Last night when i was in bed i tried to really concentrate to feel lo moving but couldnt. Sorry if tmi then me and hubby dtd and afterwards lo was moving lots. Felt quite bad...ooops woke the baby up lol. I have to lay really still and really focus on my tummy. If your really really worried though maybe see if your mw would squeeze you in just for a bit of reassurance.

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