Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Hey Girlies! Just a quick hi from me. I am shattered at the moment. So will write properly when I feel more alive. Hope you're all feeling well. Xxx
Krissi, don't stress, I just started feeling baby move "for sure" last week, now its doing gymnastics and I feel it a lot.

I have a ton to say to everyone but I'm just too tired to type....
Ooh big congrats Leeze, fingers crossed for you guys!
We have a rather wonderful potential opportunity coming up. My in-laws have decided to sell their house, buy a smaller one for themselves and split the rest of the money between their four 'kids'. The house is worth rather a lot of money (not going to say the actual figure) and if it happened we would be able to pay our mortgage off :shock: I'm trying not to act like it's going to happen because I don't want to get my hopes up, but it would be the most amazing gift. I would forever be grateful!
Like the other ladies have said krissi, don't worry! My books say between 16-24 weeks for feeling first movements.
In other news, just emailed Wembley Stadium and asked if they can do anything for me when we go to see Take That. I'm pretty much decided that I can't go if they won't, because I can't stand in the standing section and freak out that I'm going to get knocked over every five seconds.
Pielette that truly would be an amazing gift. My dad is forever telling me that when he's gone ill be mortgage free (so nice of him to say but would much rather have my dad!).

I hope the venue can help you out hun, your have to keep us posted, be such a shame if you cant go, i know i would be heartbroken been waiting for them to get back together since i was soooo young my world ended when they split up lol so my dream to see them again as the 'proper' TT! lol (sound like a nutter!)
Being brave and posting bump pic 17+4.

I am massive especially considering I have lost 7lbs during pregnancy!! It is all baby though from back you would not see a thing it all goes out front.

Sorry a rubbish pic but at work!!

That is a fab bump! Im very jelous! Ive never had one like that so early! xxx

I doubt Wembley will be able to help you but we got round the problem by going online and asking for people to swap standing tickets for seated - you'd be surprised at the number of people willing to do it! My cousin just googled "swap TT tickets" and she got lucky -the 3 pregnant girls all got to sit down :winkwink:

I "sat" on Friday and Monday - I am way too scarred from my Oasis experience where some guy peed on my leg to go into the melee at the front anymore. The boys are great from wherever you see them at Wembley - I sat last time they played there on The Circus Tour and had a great time. Try and swap - you'll love it! If you do have to go into the standing area you can stay at the back and to the sides and you shouldn't get squashed at all - we had seats but didn't sit down once so it would be the standing for 2/3 hours that would be the biggest deal I think. Finally, I think I saw about 1,000 pregnant women there last night - we're of the era where all their fans are having babies!

Pink, they play about 5/6 songs off the Progress album so if you're not familiar with that then get listening or you'll have a bit of "down" time. Other than that they do 5 off the Circus album, Robbie does 5 of his, then they do some of their old stuff aswell as the new stuff they have done together. Its BRILLIANT! You'll have a great time.

I've had a lovely enlightening day with my best friend and her 12 week old baby. She sleeps 9 hours a night, never cries and eats every 2 hours. I'll have one like that please!

Krissi - don't worry on the feeling front - I haven't had so much as a flutter yet either and I'm a little bit ahead of you. There is still LOTS of time.

Leeze - what news on the flat?!
Krissi - that is such a cute bump!!

Pielette - that would be fantastic if you get that help from your in-laws, what an amazing present that would be!!!

Waitress - that sounds like a lovely day with your friend - let's all hope for babies that sleep 9 hours a night by 12 weeks!!!

WAHAY for us - our offer got accepted on the flat this morning so we are VERY excited!!!!! Fingers and everything else crossed that this time it all goes smoothly and we've got our new family home to move into by early Sept!!!

Angie - did you get your u/s today (hope ive got the right day?!) Did you find out babys sex..im so excited cant wait to find out what everyone's having.

On a scarier note...was on 3rd tri and a lady gave birth to what she was told was a girl and she was in fact a he. Now tonight on 2nd tri another lady had been told at 16 weeks boy and shes actually having a girl! Im so scared that this has happened with me now. I suppose we dont really know until they arrive x
Pink, my appointment is Thursday, but its my bad cuz I had the dates confused. I so badly wanna know!!!!

Leeze congratulations!!! That's the best news!! And pielette, wow what a gift it would be to pay off your mortgage.

I went shopping for maternity jeans yesterday. Not that I needed them... but my regular jeans tore. So I decided to buy some. I don't have a cute little bump like you have Krissi, I don't have a bump at all, but I am thicker in the middle and was thinking of comfort. I wont show for another couple months.

On a scary not I had a friend deliver her baby at 27 1/2 weeks... he is doing OK, but is in the NICU until his due date in August. He was just over 2 pounds at birth. Can u even imagine!!! Ugh

Anyway, I'm off for a nap
My bump came in at 13 weeks and has just grown and grown but when I had really bad cysts on my ovaries I used to swell up like I was pregnant so I wonder if that's why bump is so prominent now. I still weigh the same though thank god!!

Had a lovely day yesterday with Paul but the house situation is getting us down his landlord is a nightmare and so every few nights we stay at his sisters it's ok now but we can't keep it up :(
Morning ladies! How is everyone?
Ooh that sounds good Emma - was there a specific website she used? I haven't heard anything back from Wembley yet but we'll see, I may also try the actual company I bought the tickets from. It's worth a shot, and if it doesn't come off I'll try the swapping thing.
Congratulations Leeze! That's fabulous!
krissi you look absolutely lovely! What a gorgeous bump! I keep meaning to get hubby to take photos of mine cos it is growing all the time and I have a feeling that time is going to disappear. Keep forgetting though! Maybe I'll get that sorted today. Sorry to hear about the living situation though, that sounds flipping awful :nope:
Wow pink sparkle, that is a bit unnerving! I saw the one in 2nd tri as well. I think the longer you can wait to find out the better because the gender will be even clearer. I do have a peek in 3rd tri every now and then, just curious and I like the birth stories, but it is a little bit scary! Ooh best of luck for tomorrow Angie!

I'm on my half term week so enjoying a week off - I'm off to meet friends for lunch today and another friend after that for coffee.
a quick hello from me because I'm at work - should really be getting on with lots but am finding it hard to focus today!! It's sunny outside and I keep thinking about our new little home-to-be and the little pumpkin on the way!! Can you believe we're all nearly half-way there now too!!

Angie - is your appointment Thursday as in tomorrow? It will come very quickly now, I'm sure!! How lovely and exciting to be finding out so soon. I've got another 2.5 weeks to wait and it feels so long away!!! That is a bit scary about your friend but good to know the little one is doing ok. Must be really hard for Mum not to be able to take him home at the moment - I feel for her on that one

Krissi - what's the situation with Paul's landlord? Are you guys planning on moving before the little one comes along? Sounds stressful, honey

Pink Sparkle - I think the medical staff normally say they're about 80-90% sure of the gender, there's always that little window of doubt. But remember, just because it's happened to someone else doesn't mean it's going to happen to you!! Will you be going for any more scans now - you could always go for a scan around week 28 or so just to reassure yourself?

Pielette - how lovely to be on half-term holiday!! I wish I was off this week!! How great it would be to go and meet a friend for lunch instead of being at work.

catch you all soon :hugs:
Yeah i have my 20 week scan in a couple of weeks and then i have to have a growth scan at 28 weeks because my other two were small. I will be asking at both lol! x
Yep! I go bright and early tomorrow morning, I so hope I can get my ultrasound soon!!! I think I have decided on. Liliana Paige for a girls name finally. And will call her Lily. Then for a boy he will be Peyton Darrin

Crossing my fingers for a girl!!!!!
Good luck Angie, hope you get a u/s. Cant wait to hear how you get on xxx

Sorry this is short and sweet laptop playing up and keeps kicking me off after ive written an essay getting rather annoyed with the thing. Hello to everyone though hope your all good, off to pick up my baby things from mothercare today....cant wait! xxx
Good luck for your scan today Angie xx
Well ladies.... its gonna be baby Peyton... I'm still trying to absorb it. But it will all work out... I'm just so scared of a boy!! I actually just got done crying... hormones I think, I'm not really upset, just shocked cuz I really thought it was a girl. Its just not as fun to shop for boys, and no headbands and bows and flowers. Ugh... I feel like a really bad mom right now

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