Bump buddies needed for Halloween babies!

Oh god. Just saw your post about Shana. Life can be so bloody cruel sometimes!!
hi everyone

I'm also suffering from a bout of extreme tiredness so just a very quick hello from me. Also to top it all off my TV and mobile phone have both broken today. What is going on? All feels like a bit much today.

On a more positive note I bought a baby bjorn baby carrier last night on ebay!! Mainly because I think we've pretty much decided we're going to stay in my flat for a couple of months while we get the building work done on the new place so I will likely be having the LO while living in a 1-bed place on the 2nd floor. A good friend of mine recommended the baby bjorn carrier and it means I won't need to be hauling a buggy up 2 flights of stairs. I'm very excited about getting it in the post and adding to my little bag of baby things

So, we've got a couple of scans coming up this week. How are this week's scan mummies doing? xx
Hey ladies, sorry for my lack of participation. I have been busy. We are making our big move this weekend from Florida to Connecticut. So busy trying to get myself organized and begin packing without too much stress. My sister and brother in law are coming tomorrow to stay for the week to help us pack/load/clean. Also busy with other things this week as u may remember i teach preschool and our preK graduation ceremony is Wednesday evening so there's a lot to get ready for that as well.
On another note. We just had our ultrasound this afternoon! I am the happiest mommy-to-be in the world and so excited to announce that we are expecting a little :pink: GIRL! :pink: I could hardly believe it! I wanted a baby girl sooo badly. In the last 19 weeks I convinced myself it would be a boy and looked at cute boy-things and everything to get excited about it. I really had no "intuition" about what it was but over the last week or so I started really feeling like it just HAD to be a girl and I'm so amazed it actually IS!!! :happydance:

:cloud9: We are completely thrilled. She is perfect. Everything is going perfectly so far. She looks great and all screenings have come back in normal ranges. I'm only experiencing some minor occasional discomforts like groin soreness and swelling in legs and my Dr. said all is normal of course. So I really don't have much to report otherwise. I've gained about 7-9 pounds depending on when I weigh myself and how much I've pigged out that day LOL! My belly is definitely showing but it's not quuite to where I'm obviously pregnant to those who don't know me. but everyone I do know admires my lil bump every day!

We decided to wait and tell our family the baby's gender when we arrive up there next week so we can tell them in person since we did not get to announce the pregnancy in person to them. So We're really looking forward to that and they are are soooo anxious to see us and find out!!

So that's about it in a nutshell. I'm so sorry I havn't been participating equally in the thread lately but I'm sure I will have much more time to once we're settled in our new place! I'm glad to skim your posts and see that everyone is doing well and getting exciting news from your ultrasounds!! Angie I'm sure having a boy will be SO exciting and your girls will just LOVE him!! My heart breaks for 9babies. That's just so unfair and cruel of fate :-(

I will update soon, probably when we finally leave the beautiful sunshine state that has been our "home" away from real home for over 5 years! It will be very surreal and bitter-sweet to leave but it's an exciting life change.

:hugs::kiss: XOXO to you all!!!
Awww babylove congratulations! Baby girls are SO special. Good luck on your big move!! That can't be fun
Goodluck with your move babylove and so happy for you that you have your pink bump! Lots of love xxx
Congrats babylove xx

2 pink and 2 blue now how exciting who's next? X
hi guys my next scan is the on the 16th can't wait the paranoid its not all ok is starting to creep in again :( not helped that bump has decided to be less noticeably active and that i brought scales bad move i've lost weight not gained it ... most likely due to the fact that i spent a week being sick, and i was large to start with and since becoming pregnant cut out junk.

I seem to have acquired a house full of baby stuff now it was being stored at my partners mum's because none of his family could wait to buy stuff but it's in the way there so its now all at mine :S

i have brought bottles coz they were a bargin in ebay but have a feeling i got to carried away and don't need quiet so many that said, uni have declined my extenuating circumstances from when I had bleeding and so I may have to return to uni in september :S bump is due october so half way through a semester.

congrats to everyone who has found out sexes so far :) hope everyone is doing well
great to hear from you babylove and that all is looking good with the LO. Congrats for being on team pink too, glad you're thrilled about this. Good luck with the move

Sweet - I know what you mean, it's easy to get an overactive imagination re the LO's developing isn't it? I'll be so pleased when my scan finally comes around - less than 2 weeks to go now for mine and I'm definitely counting the days!! That will be a pain if you have to return to uni - can you appeal their decision?

I think the next scan is on Thursday? Waitress maybe?

Hi girls,

Had my 20 week scan today and all is well with the baby. Had it confirmed that we are expecting a ..... baby! Still not telling anyone - we have decided we really want to keep it to ourselves and surprise everyone when he/she are born. We agreed on a name, ordered our pram and cot and bought some first clothes and a Moses basket. So relieved and can finally feel myself starting to fret a lot less.

The scan and consultant appointment were both totally underwhelming though. I know these people do it all day every day but jeez, make the individual feel special for at least 5 minutes! We were quite shocked at how disinterested they were. "All completely normal, nothing special about you, go away" would be how I would paraphrase it! I'm not asking for a round of applause but hey, a little smile would go a long way to make me think you were actually interested! The consultant was AWFUL. 'You're fit and healthy, not overweight, I have no idea why you've been referred to me". I explained about my RH- and my bicornuate uterus and she said "We'll discuss both of those things when we talk about getting your baby out at 35/6 weeks. Until then you can go back to your midwife" and that was it!:2 minutes tops. :shrug:

We got a nice shot of the baby which I'll try and post tomorrow. Bugger everything else, our baby is well and we are very lucky, and very very happy! :hugs:
Waitress so glad your scan went well and i admire your will power at keeping the secret...will be lovely to suprise everyone when he/she arrives xxx
great to hear your LO is looking fit and healthy, Waitress. Shame the staff didn't have a very good bedside manner! xx
Waitress - awesome!!!! So curious now! Lol.

Babylove congrats!! How lovely that you got exactly what you were hoping for. :)

So whose scans have I missed? Whose having what so far?

Mine is Monday.
Hey Darling how are you hun? YAY for Monday! x

Girl for me and Babylove

Boy for Angie

I cant believe we are all around the 20 week mark...time is flying x
This is getting pretty exciting girls!!!! As soon as I know I'm going to buy some baby clothes! I am realising that as much as I would utterly adore a girl what I should be praying for is a placid child! lol. As in one that doesn't have temper tantrums. Seriously, my son is such a diva! Very metrosexual in his ballet shoes and tutu playing with his digger truck! Never a dull moment in my house.. oh for a dull moment! :dohh:

So how are we all feeling ladies? This last week, I've felt like I've bit hit by a train! Tired is not the right word! I can't go on like this. I feel like the bloody dormouse in Alice in Wonderland! I wouldn't notice if anyone tried to stuff me into a teapot that's for sure. Though I'd like to see them try lol. My bump is rather well-developed! I'm sure I must have been, but I can't remember being this big in my last two. I look like Mr Greedy!!:haha:

Anyway I hope you're all ok and :sleep:
I woke up this morning with a massive sore purple bruise on my right thigh, I've got no idea where it came from!! Anyone had anything similar? I just googled "bruising when pregnant" and apparently it is common to bruise more easily, it's just a bit scary that I have no memory whatsoever of it happening!!!
I hear you on the tiredness, Darling! This week and last week have been really hard. I think part of it is because I've got a lot on at work so when I get home in the evening I really want to make the most of my free time and I haven't been going to bed as early as I should do!! Tut tut. So, it's a bit self-inflicted really. I need to be a bit more sensible though and get back to those early nights!
I bruise easily all the time and im always finding a bruise without any memory of where it has come from!

Its strange as im not severley tired but im not full of beans either..i feel like i should be soooo tired but i just cant because of the other children (does this make sense). I think its all going to catch up with me eventually and im just going to collapse on the sofa for a week! Today im feeling pretty rotten think im coming down with a cold that the rest of the family have already had. Got a really bad headache with it and all stuffy basically feel like poo!

I cant wait for everyone to find out. I was going through Riley's old things last night and i was in tears i cant believe how quickly he has grown. The amount of his stuff that looks literally brand new is unbelievable. Im going to wait for my scan next week to double check its a girl then im going to start putting it on ebay or maybe put it on here. I dont need any newborn vests or sleeping bags or any blankets (ive got three new pink ones and all of riley's cream/white and blue ones). Would have been much easier if id been having a boy x

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