C-section Mommy Club!


Mom to 2 girls and 4 boys
Sep 29, 2008
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Had a c-section? Going to have a c-section? Join me!

I'm Michele, soon to be mom of 6, and all of them are c-section babies!
Hey Michele! Having a C-section in 3 weeks and 1 day, although I think I might go into labour beforehand :)
I had a section 9 weeks ago tommrrow to my beautiful Kacey. Is was planed due to her being breach. My waters went the night before so she must of been ready. Hello x
Ohhhhh, any pointers on healing rapidly?
Nice to see you again Junebug! (we had a conversation about french lessons and petite pois!)

After a c-section you need to rest a lot to heal but you also need to walk some. Not walk miles but a little bit at a time. Helps get the bowels moving and build up your strength. Drink lots of water! Don't lift anything but baby for a few weeks. Sleep when baby sleeps and stay on top of your pain meds! You might not think you need them but your body does. I was off pain meds in about 10-14 days, I weaned myself off them very slowly.

LitlteBlond, she is such a cutie! How did you recovery go? Are back 100% or are you still taking it easy?
I've had one emergency C-section and 2 planned C-sections. Tubes are now tied and at 41, my family is done.

My first C-section was the hardest to recover from as I had gone through two days of induction and labour hell prior. I didn't start walking around until they finally made me do so on day 3, and even then it was hell. Didn't help that the nurses were giving me pain meds later than I should have had them, and I didn't want to bug them. Took me 3 weeks to finally feel not so much pain.

My planned C-sections were so much better. I was walking around with my babies the very next morning and doing normal stuff at home after the hospital (though I don't advise you!!!).

The best thing I can say is, take those pain meds right on schedule. If you are supposed to have them every 4 hours, make sure you take them. If in the hospital, bug the nurses at that time.

Walking around the sooner the better is good advice too.
Had my c-section March 13, 2009... willing to answer any questions you all have! On here or by PM! I am VERY familiar with infections, so if you have questions about that, you know where to find me!

My advice, lol:

1) take your pain killers on schedule.. BEFORE you "need" them.. or you'll be sorry! Figure out what works for you - the nurses wanted me to alternate Tylenol and Advil, but I was finding after taking the Advil I was having pain really quickly, so I took just the Tylenol. In my hospital, we were given our own medication (tylenol, advil, laxative... and then in my case, antibiotics). The nurses would ask you if you took your medication, but you had a tracking sheet for it, and you were to take it on your own on time. I loved that. Take your laxatives too. But even with those I think it took me like 5 days to have a bowel movement.

2) if you have staples... don't let them take them out for about a week I'd say... I had my daughter Fri @ 1:30pm and had my staples removed Sun @ 8pm. Not nearly long enough, my incision opened by the following Sat... and it put a huge dent in my recovery time. One of the visiting nurses told me to make them let me keep them in and have them out at my doctor's office next time around closer to a week after.

3) get out of bed... it's really painful to switch positions the first few days, ie: going from laying in bed to sitting on the bed to standing up off the bed... but it's so important to get up and walk around!! Use the hospital bed to your advantage, I'd adjust it so I was nearly sitting up supported by the bed, then lower it so my feet could touch the ground easily to get up from bed.

4) I wish I had a Boppy pillow... not sure if it would have helped anything, my daughter took FOREVER to feed the first few days, and it would have been helpful (some extra support) -- I used formula, so can't say if it'd be useful for breastfeeding!

5) probably common sense but don't carry those wretched baby carrier car seat things... difficult to do after a c-section!! Also if you're short, they're just generally annoying, bashing into your legs, etc.

6) though it SUCKS being in the hospital.. stay in as long as you can.. I was desperate to get out of there and I ended up back for an additional 3 nights, the maternity ward is NICE, more nurses/attention, more visitors, etc. If you have to go back and get put on a different ward... it's not nearly as fun.. lonely, no babies, less nurses, less guests!

7) No baths! Not until your incision is well on its way to being healed up!

8) Pick up steri-strips at the store, they come off in the shower.

9) REST. Leave the laundry, cooking, etc for someone else to do, just focus on the adjustment to parenthood & the recovery from MAJOR surgery!!

10) Let people visit on YOUR terms. If your mom is going to be helpful.. let her come, let her help. If your coworkers want to come over and you'll feel like you need to entertain them.. hold off on letting them visit for a couple of weeks!
if you have problems standing in the shower, get a low bar stool and cover it with a garbage bag. make sure it has none slip grip things on the feet and try and find a metal one, not wood.
Hey ladies I had an emergency sectin on dec 27 after going into labour on the 24th and 'failure to progress' yeah they stopped me progressing by laying me flat on my back and stopping me moving so babba remained babck to back and well same old story for hundreds of women.

I was transferred from a birthing centre to hospital and from there on in it was hell. I hated every moment and ended up in theatre at midnight alone with a theatre team who didn't speak to me.

The surgery itself wasn't so bad I guess it was rather easy in fact lay back get shaken around a bit and presto eventually you get told you have a baby by being asked "is IT supposed to be a boy or girl?"

I was lucky and healed very well despite being cut wonky my scar is fading and is a thin line - I wasn't given any painkiller to come home with so only had paracetamol so didn't bother after a couple days as they didn't do anything for the pain what so ever.

I keep trying to look on the bright side - baby is happy and healthy and I still have my lady garden intact but I still HATE everything about his delivery right down to only having 20 minutes with daddy before he was thrown out and the fact I don't remember the morning as I was on morphine (wasn't allowed anything else - I'd had a spinal coz my epi failed) I wasn't even offered skin to skin I had to demand it.

It's weird it wasn't the surgery that bothered me but my treatment by the team doing it they were awful.

I'm going to have a hard time convincing hubby I want a home birth for the next whether he likes it or not - he couldn't bring himself to be in the room when his boy was dragged out of me last time so he gave up his rights to have say in the birth of the next one then lol!
days to have a bowel movement.

7) No baths! Not until your incision is well on its way to being healed up!

This depends on your wound and what they stuck on it - I had one long stitch and a water proof dressing on it - I eventually found out what to do with it after being discharged (hospital gave me NO advice about healing/wound care) and my midwives told me to soak it in the bath and that would have been maybe 3/4 days afterwards to get the dressing off and then so long as the wound wasnt open baths were fine just don't soak for hours.
i had a planned c section with my first because he was breech, think i was very lucky as didnt find it too painful afterwards and healed really fast!

Just found out im pregnant again and am going to request a c-section again i think..
My hubby wants me to book an elective with teh second.

Unless it's an emergency I wouldnt go through that again if you paid me!
i had a c-section. she was facing up with the cord around her neck twice. i went through 10+ hrs of labour before getting the epidural because at that point i had a 95% chance of a c-section. i moved around lots after and only took pain killers for 4 days. i honestly wasnt in a lot of pain. but i pushed myself. i felt guilty not giving birth naturaly. best thing to do is keep it dry and clean.
I felt really guily too...I had counselling for a while. I feel awful knowing that my husband who is awful about hospital stuff has to watch me having a drip/catheter/epi etc and by the time I was sent to theatre couldn't cope and didn't come with me.

I still feel bad that I never got chance to push despite making it to over 9cm. all I wanted was to give birth and all I got was surgery! grr.
im glad in the end she was ok. but it was nothing like what i wanted. like i only got to see her for a few mins then she was taken away from me for over a hour because i was in recovery. i have pictures of everyone getting to see and hold her before i could :(
I asked for him to be taken to Daddy, I wasnt really in the mood to have cuddle after a couple days of labour and being in theatre by myself. I realised that 20/30 mins being stitched up would be the last minutes of rest would be the last I would get for a long time lol. But I wasn't expecting to only get 20 minutes together as a family before hubby was thrown out!

it's odd, everyone has kept telling me give it a few weeks and you won't even remember, everything will feel so much better. Well 4 months on and it doesnt feel better, I still cry most days and feel awful/guilty about his delivery.
Hello ladies,

I had a C-Section 8 weeks ago for fetal distress. We where originally a planned home birth but Abigail had a heart rate of 175 when I was 5cm at which point we where transferred from home into hospital. at 8cm her heart rate went up to 200 and she was delivered by section when I was 9cm. My mum was with us as OH was very anxious and didn't feel he would be of much use.

The section has caused a lot of problems for Abigail. As she was engaged for a long time before birth she has a lot of moulding to her head. This should have been "reset" during a vaginal delivery, but wasn't. This has led to feeding difficulties and a rather unsettled colicky baby. She is seeing an osteopath and is slowly improving.

The section itself was a positive experience, made for the right reasons. The recovery for me and the problems with the baby afterwards have been horrible. I found it torturous if the first couple of days not being able to pick up my own child and care for her.
My hubby wants me to book an elective with teh second.

Unless it's an emergency I wouldnt go through that again if you paid me!

I totally agree.

A planned section is meant to be less traumatic and easier to recover from. Pain wise the contractions where a positive productive pain, whereas the recovery pains afterwards where just painful.

I'm planning a home birth for the second one. With Abigail I went in for a scan in early labour as I was 42wks and they wanted to make sure I was safe to proceed with the labour. What I want next time is a CTG in early labour and transfer back home if its normal.
I want a HB for my 2nd...I dont think hubby will agree...he thinks all births should be elective c-sections rather than all that mess. pain and uncertainty! <facepalm>

I know what you mean about labour pain though, it was productive, I would go through the labour pain again in an instant...I had an epi once I had the bloody drip as I knew it would be difficult as it was unnatural and I had already been in labour for over 24 hours!
Thanks Tash, those are all VERY useful pointers!!!!
Yes Michele, I remembered you but wasn't sure you rememered me :)

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