Calling all April 2017 Testers!! 67 testers and 13 BFPS

Finally back after 3 months! Seriously didn't have a period for that long! This is after a bad batch of tests that were giving me false + making me think I was finally pregnant. SOOOO frustrating, but I think I finally got my LH surge today! 2 equally dark lines on my test :happydance: So hubby and I did the dance. If nothing happens this month I have been referred to a fertility specialist. So if the tests were right I should be testing on the 25th or so.
well, welcome back. Hope this is your luck month!
Back in the TWW again. It feels odd to be back waiting in the same thread again. Though I confess I don't know that I'm holding out much hope for this month, but we'll see.
I just got my BFP today! I wanted to surprise my boyfriend but I got too excited.
Oh LittleBear Congrats! Happy and health 9 months!
Hey cewsbaby, I remember you from 3+ months ago. Glad to hear you are getting things sorted out. FX this cycle will be your lucky cycle and you won't even need your appt!

We have planned to do IUI next cycle, so I find myself hoping the same thing, that we'll somehow get lucky right at the last minute. I won't hold my breath though :/
Hey cewsbaby, I remember you from 3+ months ago. Glad to hear you are getting things sorted out. FX this cycle will be your lucky cycle and you won't even need your appt!

We have planned to do IUI next cycle, so I find myself hoping the same thing, that we'll somehow get lucky right at the last minute. I won't hold my breath though :/

Im hopeful but again I am not holding out a ton of hope that this will be the month. I think what happened with those false + was probably a cyst. I didnt really think of it at the time but they can give those. Oh well. If not, then I will hopefully be pregnant in the next few months. I just dont want to have to go through all the fertility tests again. Its been years since I had them done so I think they will want to redo them all. Ugh! But if it gets me another sweet little baby I am all for it! :winkwink:
Cews every time I see your picture you remind me so much of the woman that runs the TTC naturally facebook group. You two could easily be sisters you look so much alike.
I hope you get your BFP very very soon.
Congrats to those who have gotten their BFPs - AF got me yesterday. On to next month. Good luck ladies xx
Congrats to those with bfp's !!!!

I was hoping y'all could help me out . I finally started bleeding on what I thought was 19 dpo . I just had light brown bleeding / spotting for 6 days . Well I ordered some cheap opk's and decided to try them out since I'm supposed to start progesterone cream after I ovulate. Well I did one at CD 4 and it was positive . I was like ok , this is weird . I took another one that day , same thing. I have taken two each day for 3 days all positive! I have no signs of ovulation , no cm , nothing.... what do y'all think is going on ?
Today is either 14 DPO or 10 DPO. Not entirely sure which at this point. If I o'ed the day after my positive OPK (which would normally make sense) then I should be 14. But my Ava bracelet says I should be 10 DPO. Which would make sense with the CM I was having at the time. At the time I thought it could have been IB, but it was too early even for the earlier o date. This is my first month without clomid in a while so I almost feel like anything is possible, lol. I also haven't temped this cycle. Needed to stop over analyzing every shift during the TWW.

BFN yest at either 13 or 9 DPO. BB's feel a little bigger and started being a little more sensitive in the last day or so, but tenderness often comes with AF, so not reading too much into that. I have also been having AF like cramps and some spotting, which again could go either way. I also keep having extremely vivid dreams. Granted, I often dream during the TWW, but the last couple of nights they have been unusually odd and more vivid. Last night I dreamt I got a BFP. But I also had a nightmare about my brother dying. Seemed so real. And even in the dream I kept saying this can't be real this can't be real, but it took me awhile to wake up, and when I did I was totally freaked.

Determined not to test again until Saturday, which is the latest that AF should arrive. And if I run out of HPT's I am not buying anymore until I have a pressing reason to.
armywife, I don't know. Could the same thing that was causing your false positive pregnancy tests be causing false positive ovulation tests?
May I be added to start testing on 4/22? That is if I am correct on seeing my positive OPK on CD 22 which would make me now 7dpo. This is our first cycle TTC and I am not temping so I'm not 100% sure on O date.
Are FRERs still considered the best/most sensitive HPT? I know there has been questions since they changed the design.
Lucy I also stopped temping (aside from the occasional cycle where I will temp for a week to confirm O). I found it was making me obsessive during the TWW, and made me feel like I was putting in all of this effort and work and was still failing at it all. Not temping has definitely lowered my stress. I see you aren't on clomid this cycle, did you end up Oing without meds? If so that is great news! And it looks like you have an appointment with a specialist coming up? I hope that they will be able to offer tolerable solutions. Thats the thing with infertility, especially with unexplained infertility, its tough to swallow the cost of treatment when they can't find anything wrong.
Hello ladies! TTC#2 here! Not using OPK as my sex drive tells me when I'm ovulating, but will likely be testing the lasf day of April if AF doesn't show by then. I conceived in May last time!
Cews every time I see your picture you remind me so much of the woman that runs the TTC naturally facebook group. You two could easily be sisters you look so much alike.
I hope you get your BFP very very soon.

Lol! Who knows, Could be true though. Im adopted so I have no idea who my relatives are. Even though I wasn't posting I kept jumping on to see if you got your BFP. I keep my fingers crossed for you. :hugs:
Lucy I also stopped temping (aside from the occasional cycle where I will temp for a week to confirm O). I found it was making me obsessive during the TWW, and made me feel like I was putting in all of this effort and work and was still failing at it all. Not temping has definitely lowered my stress. I see you aren't on clomid this cycle, did you end up Oing without meds? If so that is great news! And it looks like you have an appointment with a specialist coming up? I hope that they will be able to offer tolerable solutions. Thats the thing with infertility, especially with unexplained infertility, its tough to swallow the cost of treatment when they can't find anything wrong.

OMG yes. Temping made me crazy obsessive. I am a glutton for info so I loved it in that respect, but during the TWW I was constantly over-analyzing every shift. At my last appt my doc recommended that I stop temping, and at first I was like no way, but the more I thought about it I realized she was right.

Because I wasn't temping I am not 100% sure I ovulated. Basically assuming I did. I got a positive OPK. I also have an Ava bracelet and it says I o'ed, but its date doesn't quite mesh with the OPK, and I can't read the data the same way as BBT, so I am not sure what to think. I am thinking about next cycle temping until confirmed O and then stop.

We haven't actually made an appt with the RE yet. I think we are going to give it one more natural cycle before going that route. Here's hoping we get it on our own!
Aww thanks Cews! That is very sweet.

Wifey- FR tests are very inconsistent. They refuse to state their sensitivity because it can vary so much. They used to be an average of 8-15 miu sensitivity before they changed a few years ago. That is why they were known to be the best for early detection. Now they can range from 8-30 and sometimes higher. I've legit known women who used IC tests and got an almost blazing positive and were just getting a squinter on FR. Some people luck out and still get an early positive but they also are now known for giving false positives as well.
I don't trust them as much as most IC or Clear blue tests.

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