Hey gals!!
Okay - so I had my stretch and sweep this morning and my MW felt things were definitely progressing. I am 2-3 cm dilated (though she stretched it more), cervix is totally soft and 50% effaced (which she thought was as good as it would get pre-labour) and baby's head is firmly engaged. She thought I would have lots of cramping but I haven't had much yet. I lost a wee bit of plug and my back is aching a bit... but otherwise I feel pretty good (with the exception of feeling sleepy).
I had a nap (and may have another) and I'm just hoping things are moving along. She thought I might go into labour tonight based on how favourable my cervix is... if not, I have another stretch and sweep scheduled for Thursday.
If nothing works... (which is unlikely) I will be induced next Weds. However, my MW will come over in the morning, break my water, and try to induce labour at home so we don't have to go in to the hospital.
Please send me your labour dust!! Thanks ladies!!!