I hear ya Starry! Congrats on getting into your pre-preg pants!
OH MAN I was going to murder this little kid tonight.

Not Claire, but these little brats at the McDonalds that we brought her to as a treat. It was a different one, but because she had so much fun at the other PlayPlace we decided to bring her out again. Not sure if it was because it was later or whatever from the last time we went but we had to tell this little boy a few times to stop hitting her and shoving her.
It had this small kiddy slide then climbing things going up to the bigger slides. Claire was fine going on the small kiddy one, and then this little shithead (sorry, I'm pissed

) actually jumped down off the platform he was on, ran up to her and shoved her into the slide. I saw RED.
Worse still there were NO parents in there, it wasn't the kind where there's tables and whatnot to sit and eat and watch your kids. So all the parents of these hellions were off around the corner, not even watching their kids. Claire was so distraught we ended up having to leave, which made her wig out more because she hadn't had any time to really play in there.
I was really pissed.

I don't think we'll go back to that one.