Holy crap, 3 already?? Where did the time go? I hope you guys have a blast! If you want a break from watching the kids like a hawk, we're only 2 hours away and we're pretty kid proofed. What's available is totally ok for them to play with (minus under the sink, I've just trained her to not go in there unless she's throwing garbage away).
Have fun tomorrow!!

I hope the next few weeks fly by!
Tasha, we need to take down ours too, we came back and it's dead and Amira has so much new stuff we need the extra room lol
Wendy bring him to me, I'll free up those arms!
Didn't catch much else. I should be on more because Peter got me a thinkpad and holy crap is it a thing of beauty! I can use it on its own or hook it up to the keyboard thingamajig and use it more like a laptop (which I'm doing right now).
I also finally used skype with my best friend a little bit ago. Love it!
I hope you girls are doing awesome!