Good morning!
Hope J feels better quickly, Sara!
In the midst of unpacking and putting stuff away. It feels really good - like I am getting something done. Until the boys cheerfully undo all of it!

And then I cry and weep and beg them not to touch anymore and to play with the heap of lovely new toys that they got for xmas, but no. They would rather "help".
And we have a roofing crew replacing the roof today. I love that my landlady gets stuff done, but her communication with us on this stuff is brutal. I frequently find strangers wandering around my yard working on various projects. I think she counts our original conversation about any maintenance work as my "notice". Like I said, I'm not complaining that she's doing the work - very grateful that she's good about all that, but if I knew that there was going to be a crew replacing my roof all week, I probably would have planned to be here as little as possible, you know? It's worse when it's interior stuff - I'll get repairmen just showing up to do work when I'm on my way out the door. It's like, have any of you guys ever heard of the modern and wonderful invention known as the phone? That would have saved you the trip and shown me some consideration and courtesy?
Uh oh.
I sound very cranky and bitchy. I should join Tasha and eat grapefruit all day and really get myself in a foul mood!

Actually, I should be doing that. My blubber layer is at a premium right now. No problem surviving an Arctic winter for me.
Tobe has a cold and is very grumpy. Trying to use the magic boob to get him to nap. Then I am going to power clean. Because imposing some order on this chaos will feel very very good!

Hope everyone has a great day!