Simon is sick AGAIN!!!!!
Up from the wee hours tossing his cookies.
Poor little guy.
Anyway, it's a beautiful day out, but I am pretty sure I will be doing epic laundry today, as he puked in his bed, our bed, and all over all sorts of bedding and towels.
Brig - are you usually really regular? I am like clockwork and was starting to get mildly concerned cause I was five days late this time. It's only my second cycle, though, so I figure it might take a few months to settle out. By the way, you know how some of us notice big changes to what is "normal" for our cycles when they resume after birth? Well, after Simon, I found that the three periods I did have were really mild and easy compared to the heavy flow and cramping I used to get.

It's an improvement that seems to have stayed, but I
am having crazy intense ovulation pain. I used to feel a mild twinge. Now it's quite uncomfortable. I can deal, though, if the periods stay mild.
Okay, enough about my uterus!
Hope B's teeth take a little break for you, Lisa!
Have a great day, everyone!
If you need me, I'll be behind the mountain of