I am feeling MUCH better! Thanks for all the well wishes!
And advice! I have been popping probiotics, eating bananas and yogurt, guzzling pepto and just fervently praying to the gods of all things intestinal, and I think I'm through the worst of it. whew.
My husband is possibly just starting the whole thing. We'll see. He's showing a lot of the early symptoms, but he's pretty strong. Maybe he'll be fine.
Took Simon to the Zoo today to let husband get some rest (Tobe was napping). We had a wonderful time watching the meerkats hunt and eat crickets. Simon was quite enthralled.

And I am feeling like I might just possibly whip up some fabulous desert tomorrow. Don't know why, exactly, but I just feel like there should be a fancy homemade cake or pudding in our house right now. Maybe just celebrating that I actually feel like eating again?
It turns out that my Zoo hours for Feb were pretty minimal. Sigh. Disappointing. I totally appreciate that there just aren't that many hours right now and am very grateful for what I have been offered. It's more just for my own mental health that I would like more work.
I have been reading like a fiend lately. I plowed through 11 books in Jan and am currently engrossed in The Tiger by John Vaillant. So good! Non-fiction and hard to put down!
Wendy - I jump on here when I'm BFing (I find that it's quite comfy if I have Tobe tucked into me on the nursing pillow), or while Simon is playing and Tobe is napping.