Easy going Sunday here...went for a family walk with the girls...I had Joni in the moby wrap and Nathan pushed Alia in the stroller...both girls napped during
Then I took Alia to No Frills to get some chicken haha...they have boneless skinless chicken breasts and thighs on sale for almost half price...so I bought about $75 worth
Tonight I'm going to drink my first beer in ten months and watch the superbowl!!!
I came home from work and tom and jasmine had got a littl pot of flowers for me, and then tom cleaned the house and took us to dairy queen. Sounds nice? Totally has an alterior motive
We had our friend over and will be watching the superbowl. Go Eli!!!!!
My day did get better, but obviously the wicked goblins replaced my cheerful Tobe with a seriously beastly baby last night. Holy mother is he cranky!!!
Seriously ready for Tiff's patented Toddler Punt move right now!
We played outside in the yard for awhile, then went to go for a walk to the park, but both boys got very grumpy. I thought they were cold, so threw them in the stroller with all the woolly blankets and when I got them home, Simon was passed out so soundly that he didn't even wake up when I carried him in. I had to check to make sure he was breathing!
So he fell asleep around 3:30. I don't know if I should let him sleep much past 4:30. He obviously needs it, but what will that do to his sleep tonight?
I've boycotted Facebook for the day. I made one little post though, about hockey. I hate football, and I sure don't need to read 357 statuses about it either.
Hockey is where it's at. Give me Lord Stanley's Mug or give me death.
Not football fans in the slightest here, so no superbowl stuff for us. I'll be glad when its over.
P installed a new faucet in our sink as ours had bit the bucket. It was the one lever kind and it wore loose and was leaking. What should have been an hour job turned out to take over a good part of the day. Poor P!
Early night for us tonight for C's appointment tomorrow!
Thanks for the welcome everyone! Tiff-I live in. Ayrshire, about 50 mins south of Glasgow. And thankfully I will miss the superbowl too, seeing as how it doesn't start here till 1230 am...aw what a shame lol!
I like football but since Hannah came along there never seems to be time to sit and watch a full game I doubt we'll watch the entire Superbowl but we might watch some of it.
That was really nice of him Joss
Glad your day got better Sarah! Tough call on the sleep. Hannah no longer naps because if she does (and she would easily nap) she won't go to bed at night which is an issue for me
Ha ha ha no, definitely not you Vickie. The stupid thing was on its last legs for sure. Poor P tried to install a faucet that my parents gave us (my mom updates her stuff regularly ) but it wouldn't work as it had the attachments for a spray and ours doesn't.
I do like our new one though!
They also gave us a chandelier for the dining room (I did mention that my Mom replaces her fixtures often, right? ) so I'm super excited about that too.
Oh and I forgot to mention, Claire peed on the potty!
She took her diaper off and I figured "eh, why not?" and just left it off. She trucked around for a good 45 mins give or take, so I asked her if she needed to pee on the potty. She said no, but the lid to her potty was down so I told her I was going to raise it.
Soon as I did she went on it and sat. She does this a lot so again I didn't think of anything but then I heard "Look, Mama! Look!!!" and sure enough, she had peed!
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